void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other) { if (!hasAuthority) { return; } if (dead) { return; } if (other.tag == Tags.item) { if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControlNumber, Tags.fire) && equiped == null) { Holdable h = other.GetComponent <Holdable>(); if (!h.IsEquiped) { equiped = h; CmdEquip(other.gameObject); } } } else if (other.tag == Tags.upgrade) { if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControlNumber, Tags.fire)) { CmdPickupUpgrade(other.gameObject); } } }
protected new void Start() { base.Start(); Background.SetBackgroundColor(Color.black); _textStyle = new GUIStyle(); _textStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; _textStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; _puzzle = gameObject.AddComponent <LightsOutScript>(); _previousInput = mainmenu.Escape; mainmenu.Escape = new InputStruct(KeyCode.Escape); _puzzle.Open(); (_solver = gameObject.AddComponent <LightsOutSolver>()).enabled = false; int keypressed = MyInputs.GetNumberPressed(Input.GetKey); if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.P)) { keypressed += 10; } else if (keypressed < 2) { keypressed = 10; } //Debug.Log(keypressed); _puzzle.CreateBoard(keypressed, keypressed, Color.red, Color.green); LightsOutScript.ActiveDdebug = true; LightsOutScript.Square.EdgeSizeRatio = 50f / 1920f; }
void Move() { float x = MyInputs.GetAxis(playerControlNumber, Tags.horizontal); float y = MyInputs.GetAxis(playerControlNumber, Tags.vertical); if (x > 0) { yRot = 0; } else if (x < 0) { yRot = 180; } if (y > 0.7) { zRot = 90; } else if (y < -0.7) { zRot = -90; } else { zRot = 0; } carryTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, yRot, zRot); spriteTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, yRot, 0); rigid.velocity = new Vector2(x * speed, rigid.velocity.y); }
void Update() { if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(0, Tags.escape)) { Application.Quit(); } }
public void Initialize() { playerInput = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerInput> (); if (playerInput) { mInput = playerInput.GetActions <MyInputs> (); } }
void Start() { playerInput = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerInput> (); if (playerInput) { mInput = playerInput.GetActions <MyInputs> (); } selectableGroup = Pools.sharedInstance.core.GetGroup(CoreMatcher.Selectable); }
public void Initialize() { playerInput = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerInput> (); if (playerInput) { mInput = playerInput.GetActions <MyInputs> (); } var groundLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"); groundMask = 1 << groundLayer; }
void Jumping() { if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControlNumber, Tags.jump) && jumpsLeft > 0) { if (jumping && !(Time.time - timeWhenLeftGround < maxTimeForFreeAirJump))//they have been in the air for a while { jumpsLeft--; } //jumpsLeft--; whenever you leave the ground a jump is removed automatically rigid.velocity = new Vector2(rigid.velocity.x, jumpSpeed); } }
void Update() { float y = MyInputs.GetAxisRaw(playerControllerNumber, Tags.vertical); if (!falling && y < -0.85 && previousYValue > -0.75) { StartCoroutine(FallThroughFloor()); } if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControllerNumber, Tags.jump)) { } previousYValue = y; }
public void End() { _player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerBaseControl>(); MyInputs.InputsOff(); _player.MoveComponent.StartFromScratchNewEndpos(_startingRoom.Position); if (_blackImage.color.a != 0f) { var temp = _blackImage.color; temp.a = 0f; _blackImage.color = temp; } _blackImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); _blackImage.DOFade(1.1f, 1.1f).onComplete = MoveToStart; }
protected new void Awake() { base.Awake(); AddcomponentOnDestroy = x => x.AddComponent <mainmenu>(); if (hub == null) { hub = FindObjectOfType <Room>(); } if (hub == null) { Background.SetBackgroundColor(Background.YellowishColor); Room.DoorType = "move"; hub = Floor.CreateSingleRoom(gameObject, 70f, 50f, new bool[] { false, false, true }); } //Background.CreateBackgroundSquare(new Rect(hub.Position, hub.Size), Background.GreenishColor); SetPlayer(() => BasicLib.InitializePlayer(1000f, hub.SouthSideCentre, MyColorLib.teams[MyColorLib.green], SceneChanger.SwitchToMenu)); MyInputs.InputsOff(); MyCameraLib.SetCameraFollow(playerTr, CameraScript._REGULAR_ORTHOGRAPHIC_SIZE); var trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); BoxCollider2D boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(Room.DoorWidth, 2f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideOuter + new Vector3(0f, -boxColl.size.y / 2f); trig.AddAction(SceneChanger.SwitchToMenu); trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(Room.DoorWidth, 1f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideInner + new Vector3(0f, boxColl.size.y / 2f); trig.AddAction(hub.OpenSouthDoor); trig.Once = false; trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(hub.Width, 3f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideInner + new Vector3(0f, boxColl.size.y / 2f + 2f); trig.AddAction(hub.CloseSouthDoor); trig.Once = false; trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(10f, 10f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideCentre; trig.AddAction(() => playerMoveComponent.StartFromScratchNewEndpos(hub.ProportionalPosition(0f, -0.75f))); }
void Attacking() { if (equiped != null) { if (MyInputs.GetButton(playerControlNumber, Tags.fire)) { CmdFire(); } if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControlNumber, Tags.Throw)) { CmdThrow(); equiped = null; } else if (MyInputs.GetButtonDown(playerControlNumber, Tags.drop)) { CmdDrop(); equiped = null; } } }
private void InputsOn() => MyInputs.InputsOn();