Exemple #1
    // Default Method
    public override void Init()
        if (_TitleLabel != null)
            _TitleLabel.text = StringTableManager.GetData(3494);

        _GuildSearchButton.SetLabel(StringTableManager.GetData(6750));   // 6750	길드 검색

        if (_MyGuild == null)
            _MyGuild = UIResourceMgr.CreatePrefab <MyGuild>(BUNDLELIST.PREFABS_UI_GUILD, transform, "MyGuild");

        if (_GuildList == null)
            _GuildList = UIResourceMgr.CreatePrefab <GuildList>(BUNDLELIST.PREFABS_UI_GUILD, transform, "GuildList");

        if (m_GuildDelegationPopupWindow == null)
            m_GuildDelegationPopupWindow = UIResourceMgr.CreatePrefab <GuildDelegation>(BUNDLELIST.PREFABS_UI_GUILD, transform, "GuildDelegation");

        m_iGuildDelegateCountGold = (int)CDATA_FIXED_CONSTANTS.Get(DATA_FIXED_CONSTANTS._enConstant.Guild_Delegate_Count_Gold).Value;

Exemple #2
        static void Main()
            //Lets create a few gamers
            Gamer gamer = new Gamer(new GamerInfo {
                Name = "Ivan", LastName = "Ivanov", Age = 18, Country = "Russia", Gender = "male"
            Gamer gamer2 = new Gamer(new GamerInfo {
                Name = "Jill", LastName = "Anderson", Age = 25, Country = "USA", Gender = "female"

            Console.WriteLine("Gamers {0} and {1} were created.", gamer.PersonalInfo.Name, gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Lets create our guild
            MyGuild guild = MyGuild.CreateNewMyGuild("SomeGuild", gamer);

            Console.WriteLine("Guild {0} with {1} as it's master was created.", guild.GuildInfo.GuildName, gamer.PersonalInfo.Name);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Check if this unrelated player belongs to guild (spoiler: he doesn't)

            Console.WriteLine("Player {0} is not yet in {1}.", gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name, guild.GuildInfo.GuildName);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Lets try and add unrelated player
            bool result = guild.TryAddMembers(gamer2);

            Console.WriteLine("We tried to add {0} to the guild, but he's not invited yet, so the result was {1}.", gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name, result);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Here goes logic to decide whether is player worthy enough, to be invited to join the guild
            Func <Gamer, bool> worthinessChecker = (x) => true;

            //Lets try to invite our player now, preliminarily checking he's worthiness
            result = guild.TryInviteNewMembers(worthinessChecker, gamer2);

            Console.WriteLine("We tried to invite {0} to the guild, and the result was {1}.", gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name, result);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Now we can add him
            result = guild.TryAddMembers(gamer2);

            Console.WriteLine("Now we can add {0} to the guild, aren't we? {1}.", gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name, result);

            Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------");

            //Lets check if he belongs now
            result = guild.CheckIfBelongToGuild(gamer2);

            Console.WriteLine("And finally {0} belongs to the guild! Am I right? {1}.", gamer2.PersonalInfo.Name, result);

Exemple #3
    // Method
    public void Init(_stGuildAttendanceAck stAck, MyGuild myGuild)
        _MyGuild = myGuild;

        for (int i = 0; i < _GuildGoddnessBuffLabelList.Count; ++i)
            _GuildGoddnessBuffLabelList[i].text = string.Empty;

        _GuildTributeKindLabel.text = string.Empty;

        // 6904    여신의 신전에서 우편함으로 봉헌 감사 선물을 전달했습니다.
        _ContextLabel.text = StringTableManager.GetData(6904);

        // 6311	아무 곳이나 터치하시면 이전 화면으로 돌아갑니다.
        _CloseAreaButtonLabel.text = StringTableManager.GetData(6311);

        DATA_GUILD_MAIN GuildMainData = CDATA_GUILD_MAIN.Get(stAck.kResultGuildLevel);

        if (GuildMainData == null)
            return;     // error
        DATA_GUILD_TRIBUTE._enTributeEnum TributeEnum = stAck.kGuildTributeKind;
        DATA_GUILD_TRIBUTE GuildTributeData           = CDATA_GUILD_TRIBUTE.Get(TributeEnum);

        if (GuildTributeData == null)
            return;     // error
        // 여신 이미지 셋팅.

            if (GuildTributeData.enTributeEnum.ToString().IndexOf("free", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
            else if (GuildTributeData.enTributeEnum.ToString().IndexOf("good", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
            else if (GuildTributeData.enTributeEnum.ToString().IndexOf("extra", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)

        _GuildTributeKindLabel.text = string.Format(StringTableManager.GetData(GuildTributeData.iBuffTitle), GuildMainData.iGuildLv);

        int   iLabelCount = 0;
        float Percent     = 0.0f;

        if (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Gold > 0)
            Percent = (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Gold * 100);
            _GuildGoddnessBuffLabelList[iLabelCount].text = string.Format(StringTableManager.GetData(6890), Percent.ToString("F2"));

        if (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Pexp > 0)
            Percent = (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Pexp * 100);
            _GuildGoddnessBuffLabelList[iLabelCount].text = string.Format(StringTableManager.GetData(6891), Percent.ToString("F2"));

        if (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Cexp > 0)
            Percent = (GuildTributeData.fbuff_Cexp * 100);
            _GuildGoddnessBuffLabelList[iLabelCount].text = string.Format(StringTableManager.GetData(6892), Percent.ToString("F2"));
Exemple #4
 public MyGuildTests()
     _testGuild = MyGuild.CreateNewMyGuild("TestGuild", new Gamer(new GamerInfo {
         Name = "Ivan", LastName = "Ivanov", Age = 18, Country = "Russia", Gender = "male"