Exemple #1
 public MyNotification(String notificationText, MyGuiScreenGamePlayType LifeArea, float scale,
                       MyGuiFont font,
                       MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner = null, bool showConfirmMessage = false,
                       object[] textFormatArguments = null)
     : this(0, notificationText, LifeArea, scale, font, textAlign, disapearTimeMs, owner, showConfirmMessage, textFormatArguments)
Exemple #2
            private MyNotification(int notificationTextId, string notificationString, MyGuiScreenGamePlayType LifeArea, float scale,
                                   MyGuiFont font,
                                   MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner, bool showConfirmMessage = false,
                                   object[] textFormatArguments = null)
                Owner                = owner;
                m_originalText       = notificationString;
                m_notificationText   = notificationString;
                m_notificationTextID = (int)notificationTextId;
                m_isTextDirty        = false;

                // always false:
                m_isDisappeared = false;

                m_actualScale     = scale;
                m_actualFont      = font;
                m_actualTextAlign = textAlign;

                m_textFormatArguments = textFormatArguments;

                // timing:
                m_disappearTimeMs = disapearTimeMs;
                m_aliveTime       = 0;

                // life space;
                m_lifeSpace = LifeArea;

                // show standart message?
                m_showConfirmMessage = showConfirmMessage;
Exemple #3
 public MyMessageBoxConfiguration(MyTexture2D texture, Vector4 textColor, Vector4 backgroundColor, Vector4 buttonColor, Vector4 rotatingWheelColor, Vector4 interferenceVideoColor, MyGuiFont font, MyTexture2D buttonTexture)
     Texture                = texture;
     TextColor              = textColor;
     BackgroundColor        = backgroundColor;
     ButtonColor            = buttonColor;
     RotatingWheelColor     = rotatingWheelColor;
     InterferenceVideoColor = interferenceVideoColor;
     Font          = font;
     ButtonTexture = buttonTexture;
Exemple #4
 public MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark(MyMwcVector3Int sector, string name, MyMissionID?missionID, Color color, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture)
     Sector           = sector;
     Name             = name;
     Color            = color;
     Texture          = texture;
     Importance       = 1;
     DrawVerticalLine = true;
     MissionID        = missionID;
     Font             = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();
Exemple #5
        //  IMPORTANT: This class isn't initialized by constructor, but by Start() because it's supposed to be used in memory pool
        public void Start(MyGuiFont font, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum alignement)
            Font       = font;
            Position   = position;
            Color      = color;
            Scale      = scale;
            Alignement = alignement;

            //  Clear current text
Exemple #6
 public void Display(object[] parameters)
     if (Text != null)
         MyGuiFont font = GetFontDelegate();
         MyHudNotification.MyNotification notification = new MyHudNotification.MyNotification(Text.Value, font, 5000, null, parameters);
     if (SoundCue != null)
Exemple #7
        // initialize:
        public static void LoadContent()

            m_usedFont = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();
            if (m_screenNotifications == null)
                int allScreensCount = (int)MyGuiScreenGamePlayType.ALL_SCREEN_COUNT;
                m_screenNotifications = new MyScreenNotifications[allScreensCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < allScreensCount; ++i)
                    m_screenNotifications[i] = new MyScreenNotifications();
            m_fogColor   = MyGuiConstants.SELECT_AMMO_TIP_BACKGROUND_FADE_COLOR;
            m_fogColor.A = (byte)(m_fogColor.A * 0.85f);

Exemple #8
 public MyNotification(MyTextsWrapperEnum notificationText, MyGuiFont font, MyEntity owner = null)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, DONT_DISAPEAR, owner)
Exemple #9
 public MyNotification(string notificationText, MyGuiFont font, int disapearTimeMs, MyEntity owner = null, object[] textFormatArguments = null)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, disapearTimeMs, owner, false, textFormatArguments)
Exemple #10
 public MyNotification(string notificationText, MyGuiFont font, MyEntity owner = null, bool showConfirmMessage = false)
     : this(notificationText, GetCurrentScreen(), 1.0f, font, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, DONT_DISAPEAR, owner)
     m_showConfirmMessage = showConfirmMessage;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance with text's color
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Warning text</param>
 /// <param name="textFont">Text's font</param>
 public MyHudTextWarning(StringBuilder text, MyGuiFont textFont)
     Text     = text;
     TextFont = textFont;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance with text's font
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Warning text</param>
 /// <param name="textFont">Text's font</param>
 public MyHudTextWarning(MyTextsWrapperEnum text, MyGuiFont textFont)
     : this(MyTextsWrapper.Get(text), textFont)
Exemple #13
        protected void AddLabel(StringBuilder text, Vector4 color, float scale, List <MyGuiControlBase> controlGroup = null, MyGuiFont font = null)
            MyGuiControlLabel label = new MyGuiControlLabel(this, m_currentPosition, null, text, color, MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_SCALE * MyGuiConstants.DEBUG_LABEL_TEXT_SCALE * scale * m_scale,
                                                            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER, font);
            float labelWidth = label.GetTextSize().Size.X + 0.02f;

            m_maxWidth = Math.Max(m_maxWidth, labelWidth);

            m_currentPosition.Y += 0.04f * m_scale;

            if (controlGroup != null)