private void MainPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (obj == null)


            image = new Bitmap(e.ClipRectangle.Width, e.ClipRectangle.Height);

            provider = new BitmapProvider(image);
            graphics = new MyGraphics(provider);

            int Width  = e.ClipRectangle.Width;
            int Height = e.ClipRectangle.Height;

            Vec3f zero = new Vec3f(0, 0, 0);

            Vec3f ligth = new Vec3f(
                ((float)e.ClipRectangle.Width / 2 - x) / (Width / 2),
                (y - (float)e.ClipRectangle.Height / 2) / (Height / 2),

            ligth = zero - ligth;


            //graphics.DrawLine(new Vec2i(200, 200), new Vec2i(x, y), Color.White);
            graphics.DrawObject(obj, Color.White, ligth, c);
            graphics.DrawLight(ligth, Width / 2);
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0);
Exemple #2
        public void PrintViewClient()
            SystemConfig config = FT.Commons.Cache.StaticCacheManager.GetConfig <SystemConfig>();
            Code39       code39 = new Code39();

            code39.WidthCU    = 2;
            code39.LineHeight = 20;
                this.Draw11String(name, new Point(config.LeftPoint + 5, config.TopPoint));
                SizeF titleSize = MyGraphics.MeasureString("1", code39.titleFont);
                code39.Height = code39.topHeight + code39.LineHeight + (int)titleSize.Height;//定义图片高度
                Bitmap map  = code39.CreateBarCode(this.idcard);
                string path = Application.StartupPath + "/tempcode39.jpg";
                ImageHelper.SaveCoderPic(map, path);
                Image imagetest2 = Image.FromFile(path);
                Image imagetmp2  = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imagetest2);

                MyGraphics.DrawImage(imagetmp2, config.LeftPoint, config.TopPoint + 20);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #3
        private void CreateBox(int X, int Y, int boxSize, bool Value)
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            if (Value)
                myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);

            Graphics MyGraphics;

            MyGraphics = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
            MyGraphics.FillRectangle(myBrush, new Rectangle(X * boxSize, Y * boxSize, boxSize, boxSize));

             * PictureBox PB = new PictureBox();
             * Point PositionPoint = new Point(200 + (X * boxSize), 200 + (Y * boxSize));
             * PB.Height = boxSize;
             * PB.Width = boxSize;
             * PB.Location = PositionPoint;
             * if (Value == true)
             * {
             *  PB.BackColor = Color.Black;
             * }
             * this.Controls.Add(PB);*/
 protected void PrintF5()
     this.Draw15String(comp.NickName, new Point(100, 100));
     this.Draw15String(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), new Point(100, 150));
     MyGraphics.DrawImage(this.GetQRImage(vehicle.OthDimension), new Rectangle(new Point(100, 200), new Size(150, 150)));
     //this.Draw10String("printf5", new Point(100, 100));
        public void ShowImages(double zoom)
            Miniatura    z;
            Bitmap       newBitmap;
            Graphics     MyGraphics;
            Rectangle    MyRectan;
            ImageList    newImageList = new ImageList();
            ListViewItem listViewItem;

            newImageList.ColorDepth       = System.Windows.Forms.ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
            newImageList.Tag              = "100%";
            newImageList.TransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            newImageList.ImageSize        = new Size((int)(zoom * this.defaultImageSize), (int)(zoom * this.defaultImageSize));

            int maxSize = newImageList.ImageSize.Width;
            int scaledH, scaledW, posX, posY;

            for (int i = 0; i < miniatury.Count; i++)
                z          = miniatury[i];
                newBitmap  = new Bitmap(maxSize, maxSize);
                MyGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap);

                if (z.Bitmap.Height > z.Bitmap.Width)
                    scaledH = maxSize;
                    scaledW = (int)Math.Round((double)(z.Bitmap.Width * scaledH) / z.Bitmap.Height);
                    posX    = (maxSize - scaledW) / 2;
                    posY    = 0;
                    scaledW = maxSize;
                    scaledH = (int)Math.Round((double)(z.Bitmap.Height * scaledW) / z.Bitmap.Width);
                    posX    = 0;
                    posY    = (maxSize - scaledH) / 2;

                MyRectan = new Rectangle(posX, posY, scaledW, scaledH);
                using (Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.LightGray))
                    MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, maxSize - 1, maxSize - 1);
                MyGraphics.DrawImage(z.Bitmap, MyRectan);
                newBitmap.Tag = new MiniaturaTag(z.tag.Path);
                listViewItem            = this.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(z.tag.Filename));
                listViewItem.ImageIndex = i;

            // Create an new ImageList for the ListView control
            this.LargeImageList = newImageList;

            // Update the ListView control
Exemple #6
        private void PrintSelfPhoto()
            string filename = this.GetFileName(Student.IdCardType, Student.IdCard);

            if (filename.Length > 0 && File.Exists(filename))
                //MyGraphics.DrawImage(this.picture, new RectangleF(647, 175, 137, 168));
                MyGraphics.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(filename), new RectangleF(653, 175, 130, 160));
Exemple #7
        public void ShowImages()
            Zdjecie      z;
            Bitmap       newBitmap;
            Graphics     MyGraphics;
            Rectangle    MyRectan;
            ImageList    newImageList = new ImageList();
            ListViewItem listViewItem;

            int maxSize = LargeImageList.ImageSize.Width;
            int scaledH, scaledW, posX, posY;


            for (int i = 0; i < miniatury.Count; i++)
                z          = (Zdjecie)miniatury[i];
                newBitmap  = new Bitmap(maxSize, maxSize);
                MyGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap);

                if (z.Miniatura.Height > z.Miniatura.Width)
                    scaledH = maxSize;
                    scaledW = (int)Math.Round((double)(z.Miniatura.Width * scaledH) / z.Miniatura.Height);
                    posX    = (maxSize - scaledW) / 2;
                    posY    = 0;
                    scaledW = maxSize;
                    scaledH = (int)Math.Round((double)(z.Miniatura.Height * scaledW) / z.Miniatura.Width);
                    posX    = 0;
                    posY    = (maxSize - scaledH) / 2;

                MyRectan = new Rectangle(posX, posY, scaledW, scaledH);
                using (Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.LightGray))
                    MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, maxSize - 1, maxSize - 1);
                MyGraphics.DrawImage(z.Miniatura, MyRectan);
                newBitmap.Tag = z;
                listViewItem            = this.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(z.NazwaPliku));
                listViewItem.ImageIndex = i;

            // Update the ListView control
        public void RepaintBitmap()
            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(Bitmap))
                Pen        thick_pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
                Brush      brush     = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
                Font       drawFont  = new Font("Arial", 18);
                SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Purple);

                if (CheckIntersections() == true)
                    thick_pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);

                //Test MyDrawing
                MyGraphics myGraphics = new MyGraphics(Bitmap);

                foreach (var edge in State.CurrentPolygon.Edges)
                    myGraphics.MyDrawLine(thick_pen, edge.ends.left.vPoint, edge.ends.right.vPoint);
                    Point edgeMiddle = edge.EdgeMiddle;

                    foreach (var edgeRestriction in edge.Restrictions)
                        gr.DrawString(edgeRestriction.ToString(), drawFont, drawBrush, edgeMiddle.X - 20, edgeMiddle.Y);

                if (State.Mode == Mode.Draw && State.MousePosition != null)
                    myGraphics.MyDrawLine(thick_pen, State.PrevVertex.vPoint, State.MousePosition.Value);
                    State.MousePosition = null;

                foreach (Vertex v in State.CurrentPolygon.Vertices)
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, v.Rectangle);

Exemple #9
        protected void PrintF3()
            F3PrinterConfig config = AllPrinterConfig.GetPrinterConfig().F3Config;

            //this.Draw13String(Fm.Windows.Forms.CompanyInfoForm.Info.NickName, new System.Drawing.Point(610, 75));
            this.DrawTitle(new System.Drawing.Point(610, 75));
            int height = (config.Down - config.Up) * PixelUnit + 150;
            int width  = (config.Right - config.Left) * PixelUnit + 150;
            int sep    = 36;

            this.Draw15String(Student.Name, new Point(width, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.Sex, new Point(width + 170, height));
            this.Draw15String(Convert.ToDateTime(Student.Birthday).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), new Point(width + 300, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.Nation, new Point(width + 550, height));
            height += sep;
            this.Draw15String(Student.IdCardType, new Point(width, height));

            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;

            for (int i = 0; i < Student.IdCard.Length; i++)
                MyGraphics.DrawString(Student.IdCard[i].ToString(), body15Font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(width + 216 + 22 * i, height - 6, 22, 35), stringFormat);
                //MyGraphics.DrawString(idCard[i].ToString(), body9Font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(445 + 19 * i , height - 6, 19, 35), stringFormat);
                // MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 332 + 17 * i + (i / 2) * 1, height - 7, 17, 36);+ (i / 2) * 1
                // this.Draw15String(idCard[i].ToString(), new Point(334 + i * tempIdSep, height));
            height += sep + 10;
            this.Draw15String(Student.NewCarType, new Point(width + 150, height));
            if (config.PrintProfile && student.LearnType == "增驾")
                this.Draw15String(Student.Profile, new Point(width + 300, height));

            height += sep;
            this.Draw15String(Student.Mobile, new Point(width + 300, height));
            Font check = new Font("宋体", 20);

            this.DrawStringHor("√", check, new Point(width + 93, height + sep));//MyGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(Image.FromFile(Gou), new Point(width + 63, height));
Exemple #10
        private void PrintApply()
            ApplyPrinterConfig config = AllPrinterConfig.GetPrinterConfig().ApplyConfig;
            int height = (config.Down - config.Up) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit + 140;
            //int sep = 35;
            int sep = 31;
            // int width = 132;
            int width = (config.Right - config.Left) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit + 90;

            //MyGraphics.DrawImage(this.GetQRImage(this.GetQRString()),new Point(620,860));
            if (Student.LearnType == "初学")
                if (config.Allow2Dimension)
                    string path = Application.StartupPath + "/temp.jpg";
                    //string path = Application.StartupPath + "/tempcode39.jpg";
                    log.Debug("要打印人的姓名:" + Student.Name);
                    log.Debug("要打印人的身份证号码:" + Student.IdCard);
                    log.Debug("要打印人的二维条码信息为:" + Student.Dimension);
                    ImageHelper.SaveCoderPic(this.GetQRImage(Student.Dimension), path);
                    // MyGraphics.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(path), new Rectangle(new Point(516 + width, 720 + height), new Size(150, 150)));
                    Image imagetest = Image.FromFile(path);

                    Image imagetmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imagetest);

                    MyGraphics.DrawImage(imagetest, new Rectangle(new Point(356 + width, 790 + height), new Size(130, 130)));
            DateTime regDate = System.DateTime.Now;

            if (config.PrintApplyDate)
                this.Draw10String(regDate.Year + "   " + regDate.Month + "  " + regDate.Day, new Point(width + 567, height + 920));

            //MyGraphics.DrawImage(this.GetQRImage(this.GetQRString()), new Point(320, 460));
            //MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 600, 10, 680, 30);
            //this.DrawStringHor("驾校简称:" + Fm.Windows.Forms.CompanyInfoForm.Info.NickName,  new Point(605, 55));
            // this.Draw11String("驾校简称:" + Fm.Windows.Forms.CompanyInfoForm.Info.NickName, new Point(605,55));
            CompanyInfo comp = StaticCacheManager.GetConfig <CompanyInfo>();

            this.DrawStringHor("驾校:" + comp.NickName, new Font("黑体", 15), new Point(480 + width - config.NameLeft * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit, height - 120 + config.NameDown * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit));
            // 画出身份证明号码的一维条码

            Code39 code39 = new Code39();

            code39.WidthCU    = 2;
            code39.LineHeight = 20;
                SizeF titleSize = MyGraphics.MeasureString("1", code39.titleFont);
                code39.Height = code39.topHeight + code39.LineHeight + (int)titleSize.Height;//定义图片高度
                Bitmap map  = code39.CreateBarCode(Student.IdCard);
                string path = Application.StartupPath + "/tempcode39.jpg";
                ImageHelper.SaveCoderPic(map, path);
                Image imagetest2 = Image.FromFile(path);
                Image imagetmp2  = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imagetest2);

                MyGraphics.DrawImage(imagetmp2, new RectangleF(width - 40, height - 46, 240, 30));
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (config.PrintProfile && Student.LearnType != "初学")
                this.Draw15String(Student.Profile, new Point(width + 555, height - 34));//+75

            this.Draw15String(Student.Name, new Point(width, height));//+75
            this.Draw15String(Student.Sex, new Point(319 + width, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.Birthday, new Point(width + 436, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.Nation, new Point(606 + width, height));

            height += sep - 2;
            if (Student.IdCardType.Length < IdCardTypeMaxLen)
                this.Draw15String(Student.IdCardType, new Point(width, height + 5));
                this.Draw9String(Student.IdCardType, new Point(width, height + 5));

            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            for (int i = 0; i < Student.IdCard.Length; i++)
                //MyGraphics.DrawString(idCard[i].ToString(), body11Font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(332 + 17 * i+(i/2)*1, height - 7, 17, 35), stringFormat);

                MyGraphics.DrawString(Student.IdCard[i].ToString(), body15Font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(width + 165 + 22 * i + (i / 6) * 1, height - 7, 22, 35), stringFormat);
                // MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 332 + 17 * i + (i / 2) * 1, height - 7, 17, 36);
                // this.Draw11String(idCard[i].ToString(), new Point(334 + i * tempIdSep, height));

            height += sep - 3;

            if (Student.TempId != null && Student.TempId != string.Empty)
                this.Draw15String("暂住证", new Point(width, height + 5));

                for (int i = 0; i < Student.TempId.Length; i++)
                    MyGraphics.DrawString(Student.TempId[i].ToString(), body15Font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(width + 165 + 21 * i + (i / 2) * 1, height - 5, 21, 35), stringFormat);
            height += sep + 5;
            //string connadd = this.GetConnAddress();
            // string connadd = Student.RegAddress;
            string connadd = Student.ConnAddress;

            if (connadd.Length < ConnAddressMaxLen)
                this.Draw15String(connadd, new Point(width, height));
                this.Draw12String(connadd, new Point(width, height));
            //this.Draw15String(Student.RegAddress, new Point(width, height));

            height += sep + 5;
            this.Draw15String(Student.Phone, new Point(width, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.Description, new Point(410 + 100, height));

            height += sep + 6;
            this.Draw15String(Student.Mobile, new Point(width, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.PostCode, new Point(410 + 100, height));

            height += sep + 10;
            //this.Draw11String(this.allowCar, new Point(470, height));
            this.Draw15String(Student.NewCarType, new Point(width + 170 + (config.CarRight - config.CarLeft) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit, (config.CarDown - config.CarUp) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit + height + 50));
            Font check = new Font("宋体", 20);

            if (Student.LearnType == "初学")
                // this.Draw11String("√", new Point(width+18, height+2));
                this.DrawStringHor("√", check, new Point(width - 58 + (config.GouDown - config.GouUp) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit, height - 5 + (config.GouRight - config.GouLeft) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit));
                //this.Draw11String("√", new Point(width+18, height+sep-1));
                this.DrawStringHor("√", check, new Point(width - 58 + (config.GouDown - config.GouUp) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit, height + sep - 6 + (config.GouRight - config.GouLeft) * BaseStudentPrinter.PixelUnit));
                //this.Draw15String(Student.OldCarType, new Point(568 + width, height));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Metoda dodajaca miniature katalogu do wyswietlenia
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">Katalog do wyswietlenia</param>
        public void DodajKatalog(Katalog k)
            string       podpis;
            int          maxSize = Config.RozmiarMiniatury;
            int          pos;
            Bitmap       newBitmap, tempDir;
            Graphics     MyGraphics;
            Rectangle    MyRectan;
            int          scaledD;
            ListViewItem listViewItem;

            newBitmap  = new Bitmap(maxSize, maxSize);
            MyGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap);

            scaledD = Config.RozmiarMiniatury / 2;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.LightGray))
                MyGraphics.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, maxSize - 1, maxSize - 1);

            if (k.CzyDoGory == true)
                if (katalog_do_gory.Width > scaledD)
                    tempDir = (Bitmap)katalog_do_gory.GetThumbnailImage(scaledD, scaledD, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback), System.IntPtr.Zero);
                    pos     = (maxSize - scaledD) / 2;
                    tempDir = katalog_do_gory;
                    scaledD = katalog_do_gory.Width;
                listViewItem = new ListViewItem("..");
                if (katalog.Width > scaledD)
                    tempDir = (Bitmap)katalog.GetThumbnailImage(scaledD, scaledD, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback), System.IntPtr.Zero);
                    tempDir = katalog;
                    scaledD = katalog.Width;
                podpis = k.Path.Substring(k.Path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                if (podpis.Equals(""))
                    podpis = k.Path;
                listViewItem = new ListViewItem(podpis);
            pos      = (maxSize - scaledD) / 2;
            MyRectan = new Rectangle(pos, pos, scaledD, scaledD);
            MyGraphics.DrawImage(tempDir, MyRectan);
            listViewItem.ImageIndex = LargeImageList.Images.Count - 1;
            listViewItem.Tag        = WidokMiniatur.listViewTag.katalog;