private void ShowControls() { int yStart = 10 + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer; LinkedList <Vector2> turn = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Arrow keys or A:D to rotate"); LinkedList <Vector2> thrust = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "W:Space:Up Arrow to thrust"); LinkedList <Vector2> pause = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "P:ESC to pause"); Vector2 turnPosition = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Arrow keys or A:D to rotate", false).X, yStart); Vector2 thrustPosition = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("W:Space:Up Arrow to thrust", false).X, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 pausePosition = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("P:ESC to pause", false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in turn) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + turnPosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in thrust) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + thrustPosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in pause) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + pausePosition, Color.White); } }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Splash Screen"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Splash Screen", true); if (GlobalValues.ValuesInitialized) { if (spriteBatch != null) { spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(myImage, new Vector2(0, 0)); spriteBatch.End(); } if (pb != null) { pb.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineList); DrawLander(); DrawLanderRocket(); DisplayKeys(); pb.End(); } else { pb = GlobalValues.PrimitiveBatch; } } }
private void ShowConfirmationOptions() { float yStart = (GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 5)); LinkedList <Vector2> areYouSure = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Are you sure you want to delete {mapNames[oldSelectedItem - 1]}"); LinkedList <Vector2> yesOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Yes"); LinkedList <Vector2> noOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "No"); Vector2 areYouSurePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos($"Are you sure you want to delete {mapNames[oldSelectedItem - 1]}", false).X, yStart); Vector2 yesOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Yes", false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 5)); Vector2 noOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("No", false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 6)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in areYouSure) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + areYouSurePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in yesOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + yesOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in noOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + noOptionPos, Color.White); } List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2>() { yesOptionPos, noOptionPos }; ShowSelectedIcon(positions); }
private void ShowKeys() { LinkedList <Vector2> display = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Press ESC to return to Main Menu"); Vector2 displayPos = GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Press ESC to return to Main Menu", false) + new Vector2(0, 325); foreach (Vector2 v2 in display) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + displayPos, Color.White); } }
private void ShowTitle() { LinkedList <Vector2> title = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Lunar Lander"); Vector2 titlePosition = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Lunar Lander", false).X, 10); foreach (Vector2 v2 in title) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + titlePosition, Color.White); } }
private void DisplayKeys() { LinkedList <Vector2> display = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Press Space to continue or wait {5 - elapsedTime.Seconds} seconds"); Vector2 displayPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Press Space to continue or wait 5 seconds", false).X, 270); foreach (Vector2 v2 in display) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + displayPos, Color.Red); } }
private void ShowMenuOptions() { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Main Menu"); LinkedList <Vector2> playOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Play"); LinkedList <Vector2> optionsOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Options"); LinkedList <Vector2> creatorOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Map Creator"); LinkedList <Vector2> creditsOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Credits"); LinkedList <Vector2> exitOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Exit"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Main Menu", true).X, 100); Vector2 playOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Play", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 optionsOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Options", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); Vector2 creatorOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Map Creator", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 creditsOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Credits", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 exitOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Exit", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 3)); List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2>() { playOptionPos, optionsOptionPos, creatorOptionPos, creditsOptionPos, exitOptionPos }; ShowSelectedIcon(positions); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in playOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + playOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in optionsOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + optionsOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in creatorOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + creatorOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in creditsOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + creditsOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in exitOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + exitOptionPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowGUIWords() { int xLeftSide = 10; int xRightSide = 1000; int yStart = 20; LinkedList <Vector2> score = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Score"); LinkedList <Vector2> time = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Time"); LinkedList <Vector2> fuel = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Fuel"); LinkedList <Vector2> rotation = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Rotation"); LinkedList <Vector2> xVelocity = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "X Velocity"); LinkedList <Vector2> yVelocity = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Y Velocity"); Vector2 scorePosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart); Vector2 timePosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 fuelPosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 rotationPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart); Vector2 xVelocityPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 yVelocityPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in score) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + scorePosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in time) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + timePosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in fuel) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + fuelPosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in xVelocity) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + xVelocityPosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in rotation) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + rotationPosition, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in yVelocity) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + yVelocityPosition, Color.White); } }
private void ShowControls() { float yStart = 500; LinkedList <Vector2> leave = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Press escape to return to options screen."); Vector2 leavePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Press escape to return to options screen.", false).X, yStart); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in leave) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + leavePos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowMenuOptions() { float yStart = (GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Map Manager"); LinkedList <Vector2> mainMenuOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Main Menu"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Map Manager", true).X, 100); Vector2 mainMenuOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Main Menu", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 3)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in mainMenuOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + mainMenuOptionPos, Color.White); } LinkedList <Vector2> option = new LinkedList <Vector2>(); Vector2 optionPos = new Vector2(); List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2>() { mainMenuOptionPos }; int mapNum = 0; foreach (string map in mapNames) { option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, map); optionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos(map, false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * mapNum)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + optionPos, Color.White); } positions.Add(optionPos); mapNum++; } ShowSelectedIcon(positions); }
private void ShowMenuOptions() { float xPos = GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.X - ("Restart".Length * (GlobalValues.FontScaleSize * 2)); float yStart = GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y; LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Pause"); LinkedList <Vector2> continueOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Continue"); LinkedList <Vector2> restartOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Restart"); LinkedList <Vector2> mainMenuOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Main Menu"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Pause", true).X, 100); Vector2 continueOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Continue", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 restartOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Restart", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); Vector2 mainMenuOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Main Menu", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2>() { continueOptionPos, restartOptionPos, mainMenuOptionPos }; ShowSelectedIcon(positions); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in continueOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + continueOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in restartOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + restartOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in mainMenuOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + mainMenuOptionPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowMenu() { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Volume"); LinkedList <Vector2> currentVolume = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, (volume * 100).ToString()); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Volume", true).X, 100); Vector2 currentVolumePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos((volume * 100).ToString(), false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in currentVolume) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + currentVolumePos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowMenu() { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Resolution"); LinkedList <Vector2> notImplemented = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Not implemented"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Resolution", true).X, 100); Vector2 notImplementedPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Not implemented", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in notImplemented) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + notImplementedPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Credits"); LinkedList <Vector2> credits = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Created by: Steven Endres"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Credits", true).X, 100); Vector2 creditsPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Created By: Steven Endres", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); pb.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineList); foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in credits) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + creditsPos, Color.White); } ShowKeys(); pb.End(); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Studio Screen"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Studio Screen", true); spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(myImage, new Vector2(275, 0)); spriteBatch.End(); pb.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineList); //foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) //{ // pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); //} DisplayKeys(); pb.End(); }
private void ShowControls() { float yStart = 500; LinkedList <Vector2> leftRight = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Use left:right arrow keys or a:d to change volume"); LinkedList <Vector2> amounts = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "hold control to change by 10 or shift to change by 5"); LinkedList <Vector2> leave = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "press escape to leave without saving changes"); LinkedList <Vector2> confirm = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "press enter to update volume"); Vector2 leftRightPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Use left:right arrow keys or a:d to change volume", false).X, yStart); Vector2 amountsPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("hold control to change by 10 or shift to change by 5", false).X, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 leavePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("press escape to leave without saving changes", false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 confirmPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("press enter to update volume", false).X, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 3)); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in leftRight) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + leftRightPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in amounts) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + amountsPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in leave) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + leavePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in confirm) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + confirmPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowGUINumbers() { int xLeftSide = 10 + ((("Score".Length + 1) * 6) * (GlobalValues.FontScaleSize)); int xRightSide = 1025 + ((("Rotation".Length + 1) * 6) * (GlobalValues.FontScaleSize)); int yStart = 20; #region Score string scoreDisplay = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= (4 - LanderValues.PlayerScore.ToString().Length); i++) { scoreDisplay += "0"; } scoreDisplay += LanderValues.PlayerScore.ToString(); LinkedList <Vector2> score = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, scoreDisplay); Vector2 scorePosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart); foreach (Vector2 v2 in score) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + scorePosition, Color.White); } #endregion #region Time string timeDisplay = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= (2 - LanderValues.GameTime.Minutes.ToString().Length); i++) { timeDisplay += "0"; } timeDisplay += LanderValues.GameTime.Minutes.ToString() + ":"; for (int i = 1; i <= (2 - LanderValues.GameTime.Seconds.ToString().Length); i++) { timeDisplay += "0"; } timeDisplay += LanderValues.GameTime.Seconds.ToString(); LinkedList <Vector2> time = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, timeDisplay); Vector2 timePosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); foreach (Vector2 v2 in time) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + timePosition, Color.White); } #endregion #region Fuel string fuelDisplay = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= (3 - LanderValues.FuelRemaining.ToString().Length); i++) { fuelDisplay += "0"; } fuelDisplay += LanderValues.FuelRemaining.ToString(); LinkedList <Vector2> fuel = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, fuelDisplay); Vector2 fuelPosition = new Vector2(xLeftSide, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in fuel) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + fuelPosition, Color.White); } #endregion #region Rotation string rotationDisplay = ""; float degreesRotation = LanderValues.Rotation; if (degreesRotation < 0) { degreesRotation *= -1; } degreesRotation = (float)Math.Round(MathHelper.ToDegrees(degreesRotation)); if (degreesRotation >= 360) { int numOf360 = (int)degreesRotation / 360; degreesRotation -= (float)360 * numOf360; } if (degreesRotation <= 9) { rotationDisplay = "00"; rotationDisplay += degreesRotation.ToString(); } else if (degreesRotation <= 99 && degreesRotation > 9) { rotationDisplay = "0"; rotationDisplay += degreesRotation.ToString(); } else { rotationDisplay = degreesRotation.ToString(); } LinkedList <Vector2> rotation = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, rotationDisplay); Vector2 rotationPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart); foreach (Vector2 v2 in rotation) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + rotationPosition, Color.White); } #endregion #region X Velocity float xVelocityNum = (float)Math.Round(LanderValues.Velocity.X * LanderValues.VelocityScale); if (xVelocityNum < 0) { xVelocityNum *= -1; } string xVelocityDisplay = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= (3 - xVelocityNum.ToString().Length); i++) { xVelocityDisplay += "0"; } xVelocityDisplay += xVelocityNum.ToString(); LinkedList <Vector2> xVelocity = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, xVelocityDisplay); Vector2 xVelocityPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); foreach (Vector2 v2 in xVelocity) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + xVelocityPosition, Color.White); } #endregion #region Y Velocity float yVelocityNum = (float)Math.Round(LanderValues.Velocity.Y * LanderValues.VelocityScale); if (yVelocityNum < 0) { yVelocityNum *= -1; } string yVelocityDisplay = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= (3 - yVelocityNum.ToString().Length); i++) { yVelocityDisplay += "0"; } yVelocityDisplay += yVelocityNum.ToString(); LinkedList <Vector2> yVelocity = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, yVelocityDisplay); Vector2 yVelocityPosition = new Vector2(xRightSide, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); foreach (Vector2 v2 in yVelocity) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + yVelocityPosition, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void ShowMenuOptions() { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Options"); LinkedList <Vector2> mainMenuOption = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Main Menu"); LinkedList <Vector2> option1Option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Manage Maps"); LinkedList <Vector2> option2Option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Change Volume"); LinkedList <Vector2> option3Option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Change Resolution"); LinkedList <Vector2> option4Option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Change Difficulty"); LinkedList <Vector2> option5Option = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Change Gravity"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Options", true).X, 100); Vector2 mainMenuOptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Main Menu", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 option1OptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Manage Maps", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y - GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 option2OptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Change Volume", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y); Vector2 option3OptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Change Resolution", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 option4OptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Change Difficulty", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 option5OptionPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Change Gravity", false).X, GlobalValues.ScreenCenter.Y + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 3)); List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2>() { mainMenuOptionPos, option1OptionPos, option2OptionPos, option3OptionPos, option4OptionPos, option5OptionPos }; ShowSelectedIcon(positions); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in mainMenuOption) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + mainMenuOptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in option1Option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + option1OptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in option2Option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + option2OptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in option3Option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + option3OptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in option4Option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + option4OptionPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in option5Option) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + option5OptionPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
private void Display() { float xLeft = 25; int yStart = 25; #region Linked Lists LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Map Creator"); LinkedList <Vector2> togglePads = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Toggle pads: P"); LinkedList <Vector2> saveMap = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Save Map: S"); LinkedList <Vector2> exit = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Exit: ESC"); LinkedList <Vector2> arePadsToggled = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Pads Toggled: {makingPads}"); LinkedList <Vector2> isMapSaved = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Map Saved: {isSaved}"); LinkedList <Vector2> currentX = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Current X Pos: {newMouseState.X}"); LinkedList <Vector2> currentY = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, $"Current Y Pos: {newMouseState.Y}"); #endregion #region Positions Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart); Vector2 togglePadsPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + GlobalValues.FontYSpacer); Vector2 saveMapPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 2)); Vector2 exitPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 3)); Vector2 arePadsToggledPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 4)); Vector2 isMapSavedPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 5)); Vector2 currentXPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 6)); Vector2 currentYPos = new Vector2(xLeft, yStart + (GlobalValues.FontYSpacer * 7)); #endregion #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in togglePads) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + togglePadsPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in saveMap) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + saveMapPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in exit) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + exitPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in arePadsToggled) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + arePadsToggledPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in isMapSaved) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + isMapSavedPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in currentX) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + currentXPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in currentY) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + currentYPos, Color.White); } #endregion }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { pb.Begin(PrimitiveType.LineList); #region After Named if (isNamed) { Display(); #region Show Old Lines if (mapTerrain.Count != 0) { foreach (Vector2 v2 in mapTerrain) { pb.AddVertex(v2, Color.White); } } if (mapPads.Count != 0) { foreach (Vector2 v2 in mapPads) { pb.AddVertex(v2, Color.Green); } } #endregion #region Display Line if (makingTerrain) { pb.AddVertex(new Vector2(lineStartLocation.X, lineStartLocation.Y), Color.White); pb.AddVertex(new Vector2(newMouseState.X, newMouseState.Y), Color.White); } if (makingPads) { pb.AddVertex(new Vector2(lineStartLocation.X, lineStartLocation.Y), Color.Green); pb.AddVertex(new Vector2(newMouseState.X, lineStartLocation.Y), Color.Green); } #endregion } #endregion #region Before Named else { LinkedList <Vector2> screenTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.TitleFontScaleSize, "Map Creator"); Vector2 screenTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Map Creator", true).X, 100); LinkedList <Vector2> mapTitle = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Map Title"); Vector2 mapTitlePos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Map Title", false).X, GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos(levelName, false).Y - 75); LinkedList <Vector2> userWord = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, levelName); Vector2 userWordPos = GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos(levelName, false); LinkedList <Vector2> continueWord = MyFont.GetWord(GlobalValues.FontScaleSize, "Press Enter to Continue"); Vector2 continueWordPos = new Vector2(GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos("Press Enter to Continue", false).X, GlobalValues.GetWordCenterPos(levelName, false).Y + 75); #region Foreach foreach (Vector2 v2 in screenTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + screenTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in mapTitle) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + mapTitlePos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in userWord) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + userWordPos, Color.White); } foreach (Vector2 v2 in continueWord) { pb.AddVertex(v2 + continueWordPos, Color.White); } #endregion } #endregion pb.End(); }