public void OnUnload() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnUnload (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_unload_arg, "OnUnload #1"); }
public void Page() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); c.Page = new Page (); c.AdapterGetPage (); Assert.AreEqual (c.Page, c.AdapterGetPage (), "Page #1"); }
public void OnPreRender() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnPreRender (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_pre_render_arg, "OnPreRender #1"); }
public void Dispose() { if (this._nextClipboardViewer.HasValue) { try { if (this._control != null) { ClipboardMonitor.ChangeClipboardChain(this._control.Handle, this._nextClipboardViewer.Value); } } catch { } this._nextClipboardViewer = null; } if (this._control != null) { try { this._control.Dispose(); } catch { } this._control = null; } if (this._listener != null) { try { this._listener.Closed -= this.ListenerClosed; } catch { } this._listener = null; } }
public MyGuiControlAssignKeyMessageBox(MyGuiInputDeviceEnum deviceType, MyControl controlBeingSet, MyStringId messageText) : base( styleEnum: MyMessageBoxStyleEnum.Error, buttonType: MyMessageBoxButtonsType.NONE, messageText: MyTexts.Get(messageText), messageCaption: MyTexts.Get(MySpaceTexts.SelectControl), okButtonText: default(MyStringId), cancelButtonText: default(MyStringId), yesButtonText: default(MyStringId), noButtonText: default(MyStringId), callback: null, timeoutInMiliseconds: 0, focusedResult: ResultEnum.YES, canHideOthers: true, size: null) { DrawMouseCursor = false; m_isTopMostScreen = false; m_controlBeingSet = controlBeingSet; m_deviceType = deviceType; MyInput.Static.GetListOfPressedKeys(m_oldPressedKeys); MyInput.Static.GetListOfPressedMouseButtons(m_oldPressedMouseButtons); m_closeOnEsc = false; CanBeHidden = true; }
public void OnInit() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnInit (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_init_arg, "OnInit #1"); }
public void When_DependencyProperty_FallbackValue_binding() { MyControl.MyPropertyProperty.ToString(); var SUT = new MyControl(); SUT.SetBinding(MyControl.MyPropertyProperty, new Binding("TargetValue") { FallbackValue = 42 }); Assert.AreEqual(42, SUT.MyProperty); var source = new Target2(); source.TargetValue = 10; SUT.DataContext = source; Assert.AreEqual(10, SUT.MyProperty); SUT.DataContext = null; Assert.AreEqual(42, SUT.MyProperty); SUT.DataContext = source; Assert.AreEqual(10, SUT.MyProperty); }
public void Render () { MyControl c = new MyControl(); MyHtmlTextWriter w = new MyHtmlTextWriter (); c.AdapterCallRender (w); Assert.IsTrue (c.render_called, "Render #1"); }
public void When_DependencyProperty_FallbackValue_VisibilityStringConversion_binding() { MyControl.MyPropertyProperty.ToString(); var SUT = new MyControl(); var source = new Target2(); Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Visible, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); SUT.SetBinding(MyControl.MyVisibilityPropertyProperty, new Binding("Object") { FallbackValue = "Collapsed" }); Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Collapsed, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); SUT.DataContext = source; Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Visible, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); source.Object = 10; Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Collapsed, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); source.Object = Visibility.Visible; Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Visible, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); SUT.DataContext = null; Assert.AreEqual(Visibility.Collapsed, SUT.MyVisibilityProperty); }
public void When_DependencyProperty_TargetNullValue_binding() { var tomato = SolidColorBrushHelper.Tomato; MyControl.MyPropertyProperty.ToString(); var SUT = new MyControl(); SUT.SetBinding(MyControl.MyBrushPropertyProperty, new Binding("Brush") { TargetNullValue = tomato }); var source = new Target2(); SUT.DataContext = source; source.Brush = null; Assert.AreEqual(tomato, SUT.MyBrushProperty); source.Brush = SolidColorBrushHelper.Olive; Assert.AreEqual(SolidColorBrushHelper.Olive.Color, (SUT.MyBrushProperty as SolidColorBrush)?.Color); source.Brush = null; Assert.AreEqual(tomato, SUT.MyBrushProperty); }
public void RenderChildren() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); MyHtmlTextWriter w = new MyHtmlTextWriter (); c.AdapterCallRenderChildren (w); Assert.IsTrue (c.render_children_called, "RenderChildren #1"); }
public static void Browser_OnInit(Page p) { MyControl c = new MyControl (); p.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (p.Request.Browser, c.AdapterGetBrowser (), "Browser #1"); }
private void flp_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { MyControl ctrl = (MyControl)e.Data.GetData(typeof(MyControl)); var flp = sender as FlowLayoutPanel; PrebaciIgraca(flp, ctrl); }
private void LoadPlayers(Team_Statistics x, string f_code) { { foreach (var player in x.Starting_Eleven) { var control = new MyControl(); control.Controls["lblName"].Text = player.Name ?? MISSING_DATA; control.Controls["lblNumber"].Text = player.Shirt_Number.ToString(); control.Controls["lblPosition"].Text = player.Position ?? MISSING_DATA; control.Controls["lblCaptain"].Text = player.Captain == true ? Resources.Pozitivno : Resources.Negativno; SetPlayerPicture(control, player.Name); flpIgraci.Controls.Add(control); } foreach (var sub in x.Substitutes) { var control = new MyControl(); control.Controls["lblName"].Text = sub.Name ?? MISSING_DATA; control.Controls["lblNumber"].Text = sub.Shirt_Number.ToString(); control.Controls["lblPosition"].Text = sub.Position ?? MISSING_DATA; control.Controls["lblCaptain"].Text = sub.Captain == true ? Resources.Pozitivno : Resources.Negativno; SetPlayerPicture(control, sub.Name); flpIgraci.Controls.Add(control); } } }
public MyToolWindow() : base(null) { Caption = Properties.Resources.WindowTitle; BitmapResourceID = 0x12d; BitmapIndex = 2; control = new MyControl(this); }
public void PageAdapter() { MyControl c = new MyControl (); PageAdapter pa = new MyPageAdapter (); c.Page = new MyPage (pa); c.AdapterGetPageAdapter (); Assert.AreEqual (c.Page.PageAdapter, c.AdapterGetPageAdapter (), "PageAdapter #1"); }
public ControlWithDescription(MyGameControlEnums control1, MyGameControlEnums control2) { MyControl c1 = MyGuiManager.GetInput().GetGameControl(control1); MyControl c2 = MyGuiManager.GetInput().GetGameControl(control2); Control = new StringBuilder().Append(c1.GetControlButtonStringBuilder(MyGuiInputDeviceEnum.Keyboard)).Append(", ").Append(c2.GetControlButtonStringBuilder(MyGuiInputDeviceEnum.Keyboard)); Description = new StringBuilder().Append(MyTextsWrapper.Get(c1.GetControlName())).Append(" / ").Append(MyTextsWrapper.Get(c2.GetControlName())); }
private MyGuiScreenMessageBox MakeControlIsAlreadyAssignedDialog(MyControl controlAlreadySet, StringBuilder controlButtonName) { return(MyGuiSandbox.CreateMessageBox( buttonType: MyMessageBoxButtonsType.YES_NO, messageText: new StringBuilder(string.Format(MyTexts.GetString(MyCommonTexts.ControlAlreadyAssigned), controlButtonName, MyTexts.Get(controlAlreadySet.GetControlName()))), messageCaption: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.CanNotAssignControl))); }
private void OverwriteAssignment(MyControl controlAlreadySet, MyMouseButtonsEnum button) { Debug.Assert(controlAlreadySet != null); Debug.Assert(m_deviceType == MyGuiInputDeviceEnum.Mouse); Debug.Assert(controlAlreadySet.GetMouseControl() == button); controlAlreadySet.SetControl(MyMouseButtonsEnum.None); m_controlBeingSet.SetControl(button); }
public void Start() { // ID must be set here. _myControlId = 1; MyControl myControl = new MyControl(); myControl.Start(_myControlId); GridContainer.Children.Add(myControl); }
private void UpdateVariables() { _pullSpeed = SettingsComponent.gl_PullSpeed; _distanceFromDetach = SettingsComponent.gl_distanceFromDetach; _legalWallShootingRange = SettingsComponent.gl_minimumHookRange; _shootHook = new MyControl("ShootGrapplingHook" + SettingsComponent.ControllerSuffix); _releaseHook = new MyControl("ReleaseGrapplingHook" + SettingsComponent.ControllerSuffix); }
private void ShowControlIsAlreadyAssigned(MyControl control) { MyGuiManager.AddScreen(new MyGuiScreenMessageBox(MyMessageBoxType.ERROR, new StringBuilder(string.Format(MyTextsWrapper.Get(MyTextsWrapperEnum.ControlAlreadyAssigned).ToString(), control.GetControlButtonName(m_deviceType), MyTextsWrapper.Get(control.GetControlName()).ToString())), MyTextsWrapper.Get(MyTextsWrapperEnum.CanNotAssignControl), MyTextsWrapperEnum.Yes, MyTextsWrapperEnum.No, delegate(MyGuiScreenMessageBoxCallbackEnum r) { AssignAlreadyAssignedCommand(r, control); })); }
public ControlWithDescription(MyStringId control) { MyControl c = MyInput.Static.GetGameControl(control); BoundButtons = null; c.AppendBoundButtonNames(ref BoundButtons, unassignedText: MyInput.Static.GetUnassignedName()); Description = MyTexts.Get(c.GetControlDescription() ?? c.GetControlName()); LeftFont = MyFontEnum.Red; RightFont = MyFontEnum.White; }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag == Player) { myControl = other.GetComponent <MyControl>(); other.SendMessage("displayTipMessage", "SPEEEEEEED!"); myControl.SpeedBonusEffect.Play(); this.SpeedBonusBall.Stop(); isOn = true; } }
public ClipboardMonitor(Form listener) { if (listener == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("listener"); } this._listener = listener; this._listener.Closed += this.ListenerClosed; this._control = new MyControl(this); this._nextClipboardViewer = ClipboardMonitor.SetClipboardViewer(this._control.Handle); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBLENGUAJES"].ToString(); ClientBusiness clientBusiness = new ClientBusiness(connectionString); String clientName = (String)Session["name"]; LinkedList <Item> cart = clientBusiness.getCart(clientName, Util.getAppDate()); if (cart.Count == 0) { cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h2 class=\"text-center bg-warning\">")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("No hay articulos en el carrito")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h2>")); return; } cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table class=\"table table-hover text-center\">")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(MyControl.TableHeader("Nombre"))); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(MyControl.TableHeader("Precio"))); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl( MyControl.TableHeader("Cantidad a comprar") )); foreach (Item item in cart) { cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr>")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(MyControl.TableItem(item.Name))); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(MyControl.TableItem("¢" + item.Price.ToString()))); TextBox tbQuantity = new TextBox(); tbQuantity.ID = item.Code.ToString(); tbQuantity.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Number; tbQuantity.Text = "0"; tbQuantity.CssClass = "form-control"; this.textboxes.AddLast(tbQuantity); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(tbQuantity); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</tr>")); } cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" data-target=\"#checkModal\" data-toggle=\"modal\">")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Comprar")); cartHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</button>")); }
public void RemovedControlDoesNotActiveteTheWorkItem() { TestableRootWorkItem workItem = new TestableRootWorkItem(); MyControl testControl = new MyControl(); workItem.Items.Add(testControl); workItem.Items.Remove(testControl); testControl.FireEnter(); Assert.IsFalse(workItem.Status == WorkItemStatus.Active); }
public void MyMethod() { //... var control = new MyControl(123); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return; } control.text = error; //... }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(SynchronizationContext.Current?.ToString() ?? "null"); MyControl my = new MyControl(); Console.WriteLine(SynchronizationContext.Current?.ToString() ?? "null"); var task = Task.Run(() => { }); await task; Thread.Sleep(-1); }
protected override void InitInput() { base.InitInput(); // Add signals render mode toggle control MyGuiDescriptor helper = new MyGuiDescriptor(MyCommonTexts.ControlName_ToggleSignalsMode, MyCommonTexts.ControlName_ToggleSignalsMode_Tooltip); MyGuiGameControlsHelpers.Add(MyControlsSpace.TOGGLE_SIGNALS, helper); MyControl control = new MyControl(MyControlsSpace.TOGGLE_SIGNALS, helper.NameEnum, MyGuiControlTypeEnum.Systems1, null, MyKeys.H, description: helper.DescriptionEnum); MyInput.Static.AddDefaultControl(MyControlsSpace.TOGGLE_SIGNALS, control); }
public void ShowOpaqueLayer() { if (MyControl.InvokeRequired) { MyFunc f = ShowOpaqueLayer; MyControl.Invoke(f, null); } else { cmd.ShowOpaqueLayer(MyControl, Alpha, IsShowLoadingImage); } }
private void RefreshButtonTexts(List <MyGuiControlButton> buttons) { StringBuilder tmp = null; foreach (var button in buttons) { var data = (ControlButtonData)button.UserData; data.Control.AppendBoundButtonNames(ref tmp, data.Device); MyControl.AppendUnknownTextIfNeeded(ref tmp, MyTexts.GetString(MyCommonTexts.UnknownControl_None)); button.Text = tmp.ToString(); tmp.Clear(); } }
private MethodThatAddsAControl() //includes includes InitializeComponent as well as several others called at later { //create a MyControl object and add it to MyForm MyControl newControl = new MyControl(this); //other initialization as needed this.Controls.Add(newControl); //this will raise MyControl::pForm_ControlAdded //create a MyControl object and add it to MyPanel1 MyControl newControl = new MyControl(MyPanel1); //pass panel reference MyPanel1.Controls.Add(newControl); //this will raise MyControl::pPanel_ControlAdded }
public MainForm () { // // _myControl // _myControl = new MyControl (); _myControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Controls.Add (_myControl); // // MainForm // Location = new Point (250, 100); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Text = "bug #82549"; Load += new EventHandler (MainForm_Load); }
/// <summary>Implements the OnConnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the Add-in is being loaded.</summary> /// <param name='application'>Root object of the host application.</param> /// <param name='connectMode'>Describes how the Add-in is being loaded.</param> /// <param name='addInInst'>Object representing this Add-in.</param> /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' /> public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom) { this.InitializeConfig(); this._ApplicationObject = (DTE2)application; this._AddInInstance = (EnvDTE.AddIn)addInInst; try { // ctlProgID - the ProgID for your user control. // asmPath - the path to your user control DLL. // guidStr - a unique GUID for the user control. const string CtlProgId = "Crool.AddIn.Controls.MyControl"; string asmPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; const string GuidStr = "{1FD0E084-B116-4A94-9E85-0BE6A3DC3181}"; var toolWins = (Windows2)this._ApplicationObject.Windows; // Create the new tool window, adding your user control. object objTemp = null; Window toolWin = toolWins.CreateToolWindow2(this._AddInInstance, asmPath, CtlProgId, "Crool Window", GuidStr, ref objTemp); this._UserControl = (MyControl)objTemp; this._UserControl.Application = this._ApplicationObject; this._UserControl.Initialize(); // The tool window must be visible before you do anything // with it, or you will get an error. toolWin.Visible = true; // Set the new tool window's height and width. toolWin.Height = 600; toolWin.Width = 400; toolWin.IsFloating = false; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + ex.Message); } }
public void OnInit () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnInit (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_init_arg, "OnInit #1"); }
public static void SetAttached(DependencyObject o, MyControl value) { o.SetValue(AttachedProperty, value); }
public void CreateChildControls () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); c.AdapterCallCreateChildControls (); Assert.IsTrue (c.create_child_controls_called, "CreateChildControls #1"); }
public static void Browser_OnInit (Page p) { MyControl c = new MyControl (); p.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (p.Request.Browser, c.AdapterGetBrowser (), "Browser #1"); }
public void PageAdapter () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); PageAdapter pa = new MyPageAdapter (); c.Page = new MyPage (pa); c.AdapterGetPageAdapter (); Assert.AreEqual (c.Page.PageAdapter, c.AdapterGetPageAdapter (), "PageAdapter #1"); }
public void Page () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); c.Page = new Page (); c.AdapterGetPage (); Assert.AreEqual (c.Page, c.AdapterGetPage (), "Page #1"); }
public void MnemonicCalledWhenCanSelectFalse () { MyForm f = new MyForm (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; MyControl c = new MyControl (); f.Controls.Add (c); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.CanSelect, "A1"); f.PublicProcessMnemonic ('b'); Assert.AreEqual (true, c.mnemonic_called, "A2"); f.Dispose (); }
public void OnPreRender () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnPreRender (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_pre_render_arg, "OnPreRender #1"); }
[Test] // bug #81397 public void TestDockingWithCustomDisplayRectangle () { MyControl mc = new MyControl (); mc.Size = new Size (200, 200); Control c = new Control (); c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; mc.Controls.Add (c); Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Controls.Add (mc); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Point (20, 20), c.Location, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (160, 160), c.Size, "A2"); f.Dispose (); }
public void OnUnload () { MyControl c = new MyControl (); EventArgs e = new EventArgs (); c.AdapterCallOnUnload (e); Assert.AreEqual (e, c.on_unload_arg, "OnUnload #1"); }
public void AttachedProperty_ClashWithCLRProperty_sl3() { // Check to ensure we do *not* use the type converter // declared on the CLR property as this is an attached DP. var dp = AttachedDPPropertyClash.AttachedProperty; var value = new MyControl(); var source = new AttachedDPPropertyClash(); var target = new Rectangle (); source.SetValue(dp, value); BindingOperations.SetBinding(target, Rectangle.DataContextProperty, new Binding("Attached") { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Source = source }); Assert.AreSame (source.GetValue (dp), target.DataContext, "#1"); target.DataContext = 123; Assert.AreSame(value, source.GetValue(dp), "#2"); }
public void MethodPreProcessMessage () { bool testing_callstack = false; MyControl c = new MyControl (); Message m = new Message (); m.HWnd = c.Handle; m.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN; m.WParam = (IntPtr)Keys.Down; m.LParam = IntPtr.Zero; if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A1"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.OnPreviewKeyDown); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A2"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessCmdKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A3"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.IsInputKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A4"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessDialogKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A5"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); m.Msg = WM_CHAR; c.SetState (State.None); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A6"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.IsInputChar); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A7"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessDialogChar); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A8"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); m.Msg = WM_SYSCHAR; c.SetState (State.None); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A9"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.IsInputChar); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A10"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessDialogChar); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (true, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A11"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); m.Msg = WM_KEYUP; if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A12"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.OnPreviewKeyDown); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A13"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessCmdKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A14"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.IsInputKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A15"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); c.SetState (State.ProcessDialogKey); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("Start"); Assert.AreEqual (false, c.PreProcessMessage (ref m), "A16"); if (testing_callstack) Console.WriteLine ("End {0}\n", m.WParam.ToString ()); }