public void Performance_test() { const int MessageCount = 100; var context = new MyContext(); Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ExternalIntegrationsManagementEndpoint>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => Subscriptions.OnEndpointSubscribed(s => { if (s.SubscriberReturnAddress.Queue.Contains("ExternalProcessor")) { c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed = true; } })).AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<FailingReceiver>(b => b.When(c => c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed, bus => { for (var i = 0; i < MessageCount; i++) { bus.SendLocal(new MyMessage { Body = i.ToString() }); } })) .WithEndpoint<ExternalProcessor>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => bus.Subscribe<MessageFailed>())) .Done(c => c.LastEventDeliveredAt.HasValue && c.LastEventDeliveredAt.Value.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) < DateTime.Now) //Wait 10 seconds from last event .Run(); Console.WriteLine("Delivered {0} messages", context.EventsDelivered.Count); }
public void it_should_map_a_foreign_key() { var ctx = new MyContext(); ctx.Categories.ToList(); ctx.Products.ToList(); }
public void Should_be_reflected_as_active_endpoints_in_the_heartbeat_summary() { var context = new MyContext(); HeartbeatSummary summary = null; Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ManagementEndpoint>(c => c.AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<Endpoint1>() .WithEndpoint<Endpoint2>() .Done(c => { if (!TryGet("/api/heartbeats/stats", out summary, m => m.Active >= 2)) { return false; } List<EndpointsView> endpoints; return TryGetMany("/api/endpoints", out endpoints, e => e.Name.Contains("Endpoint1") ); }) .Run(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); Assert.AreEqual(0, summary.Failing); }
public void SetException () { var context = new MyContext (); try { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (context); var awaiter = AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.Create (); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.Started, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, context.Completed, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, context.SendCounter, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, context.PostCounter, "#4"); awaiter.SetException (new ApplicationException ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.Started, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.Completed, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (0, context.SendCounter, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.PostCounter, "#8"); awaiter.SetResult (); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.Started, "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (2, context.Completed, "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (0, context.SendCounter, "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (1, context.PostCounter, "#12"); } finally { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (null); } }
public void it_should_add_a_category_and_products() { var ctx = new MyContext(); ctx.Categories.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name ,new Category { Name = "Electronics", CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid() }); ctx.SaveChanges(); var category = ctx.Categories.First(x => x.Name.Equals("Electronics")); ctx.Products.Add(new Product { Category = category, Name = "Play Station 3", ProductId = Guid.NewGuid() }); ctx.Products.Add(new Product { Category = category, Name = "XBox 360", ProductId = Guid.NewGuid() }); ctx.SaveChanges(); }
public static int Main () { var mre = new ManualResetEvent (false); await_mre = new ManualResetEvent (false); var context = new MyContext (mre); try { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (context); var t = Test (); await_mre.Set (); if (!t.Wait (3000)) return 3; // Wait is needed because synchronization is executed as continuation (once task finished) if (!mre.WaitOne (3000)) return 2; } finally { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (null); } if (context.Started != 0 || context.Completed != 0 || context.SendCounter != 0) return 1; Console.WriteLine ("ok"); return 0; }
public static void Column_names_are_configured_correctly() { using (var context = new MyContext()) { var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext; var modelEntityTypes = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<EntityType>(DataSpace.CSpace); Assert.Equal(1, modelEntityTypes.Count); Assert.Equal(6, modelEntityTypes[0].Properties.Count); var storeEntityTypes = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<EntityType>(DataSpace.SSpace); Assert.Equal(3, storeEntityTypes.Count); Assert.Equal(4, storeEntityTypes[0].Properties.Count); Assert.Equal("Key1", storeEntityTypes[0].Properties[0].Name); Assert.Equal("Key2A", storeEntityTypes[0].Properties[1].Name); Assert.Equal("Key3B", storeEntityTypes[0].Properties[2].Name); Assert.Equal("Column1", storeEntityTypes[0].Properties[3].Name); Assert.Equal(4, storeEntityTypes[1].Properties.Count); Assert.Equal("T2Key1", storeEntityTypes[1].Properties[0].Name); Assert.Equal("T2Key2", storeEntityTypes[1].Properties[1].Name); Assert.Equal("T2Key3", storeEntityTypes[1].Properties[2].Name); Assert.Equal("Column2", storeEntityTypes[1].Properties[3].Name); Assert.Equal(4, storeEntityTypes[2].Properties.Count); Assert.Equal("T3Key1", storeEntityTypes[2].Properties[0].Name); Assert.Equal("Key2A", storeEntityTypes[2].Properties[1].Name); Assert.Equal("Key3B", storeEntityTypes[2].Properties[2].Name); Assert.Equal("T3Column3", storeEntityTypes[2].Properties[3].Name); } }
public void Notification_should_be_published_on_the_bus() { var context = new MyContext(); Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ExternalIntegrationsManagementEndpoint>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => Subscriptions.OnEndpointSubscribed(s => { if (s.SubscriberReturnAddress.Queue.Contains("ExternalProcessor")) { c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed = true; } })).AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<FailingReceiver>(b => b.When(c => c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed, bus => bus.SendLocal(new MyMessage { Body = "Faulty message" }))) .WithEndpoint<ExternalProcessor>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => bus.Subscribe<HeartbeatStopped>())) .Done(c => c.EventsDelivered.Count >= 1) .Run(); var deserializedEvent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MessageFailed>(context.EventsDelivered[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Faulty message", deserializedEvent.FailureDetails.Exception.Message); //These are important so check it they are set Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedEvent.MessageDetails.MessageId); Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedEvent.SendingEndpoint.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedEvent.ProcessingEndpoint.Name); }
public void Generated_SQL_for_query_with_nested_FirstOrDefault_in_subquery_honors_OrderBy() { using (var context = new MyContext()) { var query = from a in context.As select new { A = a, B = a.Bs.OrderBy(b => b.P1).FirstOrDefault(b => b.P2 == "") }; QueryTestHelpers.VerifyQuery( query, @"SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id], [Limit1].[Id] AS [Id1], [Limit1].[P1] AS [P1], [Limit1].[P2] AS [P2], [Limit1].[A_Id] AS [A_Id] FROM [dbo].[A] AS [Extent1] OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP (1) [Project1].[Id] AS [Id], [Project1].[P1] AS [P1], [Project1].[P2] AS [P2], [Project1].[A_Id] AS [A_Id] FROM ( SELECT [Extent2].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent2].[P1] AS [P1], [Extent2].[P2] AS [P2], [Extent2].[A_Id] AS [A_Id] FROM [dbo].[B] AS [Extent2] WHERE ([Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[A_Id]) AND (N'' = [Extent2].[P2]) ) AS [Project1] ORDER BY [Project1].[P1] ASC ) AS [Limit1]"); } }
public void Generated_SQL_for_query_with_nested_FirstOrDefault_in_filter_honors_OrderBy() { using (var context = new MyContext()) { var query = from a in context.As where a.Id == 1 && a.Bs.OrderBy(b => b.P1).FirstOrDefault(b => b.P2 == "") != null select a; QueryTestHelpers.VerifyQuery( query, @"SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id] FROM [dbo].[A] AS [Extent1] CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP (1) [Project1].[Id] AS [Id] FROM ( SELECT [Extent2].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent2].[P1] AS [P1] FROM [dbo].[B] AS [Extent2] WHERE ([Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[A_Id]) AND (N'' = [Extent2].[P2]) ) AS [Project1] ORDER BY [Project1].[P1] ASC ) AS [Limit1] WHERE (1 = [Extent1].[Id]) AND ([Limit1].[Id] IS NOT NULL)"); } }
public void Should_show_up_as_resolved_when_doing_a_single_retry() { FailedMessage failure = null; var context = new MyContext(); Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ManagementEndpoint>(c => c.AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<FailureEndpoint>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => { c.EndpointNameOfReceivingEndpoint = Configure.EndpointName; c.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); c.UniqueMessageId = DeterministicGuid.MakeId(c.MessageId, c.EndpointNameOfReceivingEndpoint).ToString(); })) .Done(c => { if (!c.RetryIssued && GetFailedMessage(c, out failure)) { IssueRetry(c, () => Post<object>(String.Format("/api/errors/{0}/retry", c.UniqueMessageId))); return false; } return c.Done && GetFailedMessage(c, out failure, x => x.Status == FailedMessageStatus.RetryIssued); }) .Run(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); Assert.AreEqual(FailedMessageStatus.RetryIssued, failure.Status); }
public void Notification_is_published_on_a_bus() { var context = new MyContext(); Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ExternalIntegrationsManagementEndpoint>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => Subscriptions.OnEndpointSubscribed(s => { if (s.SubscriberReturnAddress.Queue.Contains("ExternalProcessor")) { c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed = true; } })).When(c => c.ExternalProcessorSubscribed, bus => bus.Publish(new EndpointFailedToHeartbeat { DetectedAt = new DateTime(2013,09,13,13,14,13), LastReceivedAt = new DateTime(2013, 09, 13, 13, 13, 13), Endpoint = new EndpointDetails { Host = "UnluckyHost", HostId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "UnluckyEndpoint" } })).AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<ExternalProcessor>(b => b.Given((bus, c) => bus.Subscribe<HeartbeatStopped>())) .Done(c => c.NotificationDelivered) .Run(); Assert.IsTrue(context.NotificationDelivered); }
public override object Evaluate(MyContext context) { context.AddLog("> "); object o = DoStatement(context); context.AddLog(";"); return o; }
public void Verify_that_models_with_more_than_UseSortedListCrossover_entities_work_fine() { using (var ctx = new MyContext()) { ctx.MyEntities_01.Add(new MyEntity_01()); } }
public void It_enforces_foreign_key(bool suppress) { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder() .UseSqlite(_testStore.ConnectionString, b => { if (suppress) { b.SuppressForeignKeyEnforcement(); } }).Options; using (var context = new MyContext(options)) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); context.Add(new Child { ParentId = 4 }); if (suppress) { context.SaveChanges(); } else { var ex = Assert.Throws<DbUpdateException>(() => { context.SaveChanges(); }); Assert.Contains("FOREIGN KEY constraint failed", ex.InnerException.Message, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } } }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the User entity from the database. /// </summary> private User FetchUserFromDatabase(MyContext dc, int id) { var user = dc.Users .Include(u => u.Books) .Include(u => u.FavoriteGenres) .Single(u => u.Id == id); return user; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyContext, Configuration>()); using (var context = new MyContext()) { lazyLoadingAndDynamicProxies(context); } }
bool GetFailedMessage(MyContext c, out FailedMessage failure, Predicate<FailedMessage> condition = null) { if (!TryGet("/api/errors/" + c.UniqueMessageId, out failure, condition)) { return false; } return true; }
public MainViewModel() { ShowAddVraagCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowAddVraag); SaveVraagCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveVraag); DellVraagCommand = new RelayCommand(DellVraag); DellAntwoordCommand = new RelayCommand(DellAntwoord); DellVraagFromQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(DellVraagFromQuiz); DellQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(DellQuiz); eersteAntwoord = new RelayCommand(EersteAntwoord,CanEersteAntwoord); tweedeAntwoord = new RelayCommand(TweedeAntwoord,CanTweedeAntwoord); derdeAntwoord = new RelayCommand(DerdeAntwoord,CanDerdeAntwoord); vierdeAntwoord = new RelayCommand(VierdeAntwoord,CanVierdeAntwoord); ShowAddAntwoordCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowAddAntwoord); SaveAntwoordCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveAntwoord); AddVraagToQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(AddVraagToQuiz); QuizWindowCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowQuizWindow); AddQuizWindowCommand = new RelayCommand(ShowAddQuiz); AddQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveQuiz); PlayCommand = new RelayCommand(PlayGame); SelectedQuiz = new QuizVM( context); SelectedVraag = new VragenVM(context); SelectedCategorie = new VraagCategorienVM(); currentVraag = new Vraag(); gameAntwoorden = new AntwoordenVM[10]; totaalPunten = 0; context = new MyContext(); //1. ophalen vragen IEnumerable<VragenVM> vragen = context.Vragen .ToList().Select(g => new VragenVM(g, context)); Vragen = new ObservableCollection<VragenVM>(vragen); //Categorie vragen ophalen if (context.VraagCategorie.Count()== 0) { context.VraagCategorie.Add(new VraagCategorie() { Id = 1, Name = "Taal" }); context.VraagCategorie.Add(new VraagCategorie() { Id = 2, Name = "Scheikunde" }); context.VraagCategorie.Add(new VraagCategorie() { Id = 3, Name = "Wiskunde" }); context.VraagCategorie.Add(new VraagCategorie() { Id = 4, Name = "Techniek" }); context.VraagCategorie.Add(new VraagCategorie() { Id = 5, Name = "bier" }); context.SaveChanges(); } IEnumerable<VraagCategorienVM> categorie = context.VraagCategorie.ToList().Select(c => new VraagCategorienVM(c)); Categorie = new ObservableCollection<VraagCategorienVM>(categorie); // Quizen ophalen IEnumerable<QuizVM> quiz = context.Quizen.ToList().Select(c => new QuizVM(c, context)); Quizen = new ObservableCollection<QuizVM>(quiz); //Antwoorden bij de vragen ophalen IEnumerable<AntwoordenVM> antwoorden = context.Antwoorden.ToList().Select(a => new AntwoordenVM(a,context)); Antwoorden = new ObservableCollection<AntwoordenVM>(antwoorden); vraagAntwoorden = Antwoorden.Where(a => a.BijVraagId.Equals(_selectedVraag.Id)); VraagAntwoorden = new ObservableCollection<AntwoordenVM>(vraagAntwoorden); }
public MainViewModel() { MyContext container = new MyContext(); Competition comp = container.Competitions.Include("Teams").First(); //Competition = new CompetitionVM(); Competition = new CompetitionVM(comp); }
public static void ShowTeacher() { lc = new List<Lecture> { new Lecture { Name = "Lecture 1", Category=".Net", Discriptions="OOP" }, new Lecture { Name = "Lecture 2", Category="JS", Discriptions="HTML5" }, new Lecture { Name = "Lecture 3", Category="PHP", Discriptions="HTML" }, }; using (var db = new MyContext()) { var tc = new List<Teacher> { new Teacher { Name = "Ivan Filatov", Lecture = lc }, new Teacher { Name = "Roman Sokolov", Lecture = lc }, new Teacher { Name = "Roman Sergeev", Lecture = lc } }; db.teachers.AddRange(tc); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Rating teachers on the number of lectures"); //var lectures = db.lect.Select(item => item).ToList(); //var teachers = db.teachers.Select((item => item)).ToList(); var result = db.teachers.Select(item => new { Teacher = item.Name, LectureCount = item.Lecture.Count() }); foreach (var tst in result) { Console.WriteLine(tst); } } }
// Test class constructor public AccountTests() { // Create fake service fakeContext = new XrmFakedContext(); fakeService = fakeContext.GetOrganizationService(); // Create real service realContext = new MyContext("XRM"); realService = realContext.GetOrganizationService(); }
private static void lazyLoadingAndDynamicProxies(MyContext context) { var user = context.UserProfiles.Find(1); if (user == null) return; var lazyLoadedDocs = user.Docs; // To view its implementation, right click on the method and then select `go to implementation` var rpt = DocsPdfReport.CreatePdfReport(lazyLoadedDocs); Process.Start(rpt.FileName); }
public void Start() { using (var db = new MyContext()) { db.Database.Initialize(true); var article = new Article {Title = "Muj prvni clanek"}; db.Articles.Add(article); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public override object Evaluate(MyContext context) { var p = context.GetProgramDeclNode(Name); foreach (var func in p.Funcs) { func.Evaluate(context); } var o = p.Statements.Evaluate(context); return o; }
void IssueRetry(MyContext c, Action retryAction) { if (c.RetryIssued) { Thread.Sleep(1000); //todo: add support for a "default" delay when Done() returns false } else { c.RetryIssued = true; retryAction(); } }
public void Should_result_in_a_startup_event() { var context = new MyContext(); EventLogItem entry = null; Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ManagementEndpoint>(c => c.AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<StartingEndpoint>() .Done(c => TryGetSingle("/api/eventlogitems/", out entry, e => e.RelatedTo.Any(r => r.Contains(typeof(StartingEndpoint).Name)) && e.EventType == typeof(EndpointStarted).Name)) .Run(); Assert.AreEqual(Severity.Info, entry.Severity, "Endpoint startup should be treated as info"); Assert.IsTrue(entry.RelatedTo.Any(item => item == "/host/" + context.HostId)); }
public void Should_result_in_a_custom_check_failed_event() { var context = new MyContext(); EventLogItem entry = null; Scenario.Define(context) .WithEndpoint<ManagementEndpoint>(c => c.AppConfig(PathToAppConfig)) .WithEndpoint<EndpointWithFailingCustomCheck>() .Done(c => TryGetSingle("/api/eventlogitems/", out entry, e => e.EventType == typeof(CustomCheckFailed).Name)) .Run(); Assert.AreEqual(Severity.Error, entry.Severity, "Failed custom checks should be treated as error"); Assert.IsTrue(entry.RelatedTo.Any(item => item == "/customcheck/EventuallyFailingCustomCheck")); }
public static void Seed(MyContext context) { context.Customers.AddOrUpdate(customer => customer.FirstName, new Customer { FirstName = "Justin", LastName = "Obney", Address = new Address { Street = "123 Street", City = "Baton Rouge", State = "LA" } }); }
public void it_should_update_a_category() { var ctx = new MyContext(); Category category; category = ctx.Categories.First(x => x.Name.Equals("Electronics")); category.Name = "Electronics1"; ctx.SaveChanges(); category = ctx.Categories.First(x => x.Name.Equals("Electronics1")); category.Name = "Electronics"; ctx.SaveChanges(); category = ctx.Categories.First(x => x.Name.Equals("Electronics")); }
public MovementsProviderepository(MyContext context) : base(context) { }
public CategoriesController(MyContext context) { database = context; }
public StockRepository(MyContext myContext, IPropertyMappingContainer propertyMappingContainer) { _myContext = myContext; _propertyMappingContainer = propertyMappingContainer; }
public KomentarHub(MyContext context) { _ctx = context; }
public APSchemaRWAuth(MyContext db) { Query = new APQueryAuth(db); Mutation = new APMutatorAuth(db); }
public UplateRepository(MyContext context) { this.context = context; }
public InscriptionFinalController(MyContext context, IMapper mapper) { this.context = context; this._mapper = mapper; }
public HomeController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public SkladnikController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public RepositoryBase(IDataBaseFactory Factory) { ctx = Factory.DataContext; DbSet = ctx.Set <T>(); }
public DataBaseFactory() { dataContext = new MyContext(); }
public HomeController(MyContext context) { this.context = context; sneakers = this.context.Sneakers.ToList(); brands = this.context.Brands.ToList(); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, MyContext db) { #region Миграция try { if (!db.Database.EnsureCreated()) { db.Database.Migrate(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } #endregion loggerFactory.AddConsole(Configuration.GetSection("Logging")); loggerFactory.AddDebug(); app.Use(async(context, next) => { await next(); if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404 && !Path.HasExtension(context.Request.Path.Value) && !context.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/api/")) { context.Request.Path = "/index.html"; await next(); } }); app.UseStaticFiles(); //app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute(); //app.UseDefaultFiles(); //app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseMvc(); }
public UnitOfWork() { _context = new MyContext(); }
public RolesController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public GhostController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public OrderLineRepository(MyContext db) { _db = db; }
public ActivityController(MyContext context) { dbContext = context; }
public SanPhamF() { context = new MyContext(); }
public ProductService(MyContext myContext) { this.myContext = myContext; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. /// <summary> /// 用来具体指定如何处理每个http请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="app"></param> /// <param name="env"></param> public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, MyContext myContext)//参数app、env都是已经注入的services { //loggerFactory.AddProvider(new NLogLoggerProvider()); loggerFactory.AddNLog();//添加NLog日志服务 if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();//在Development环境下调用异常处理程序 } else { app.UseExceptionHandler(); //异常处理中间件 } myContext.EnsureSeedDataForContext(); //添加种子数据 app.UseStatusCodePages(); //使用mvc来处理http请求:注意顺序, 应该在处理异常的中间件后边调用app.UseMvc(), //所以处理异常的middleware可以在把request交给mvc之间就处理异常, 更重要的是它还可以捕获并处理MVC返回的相关代码中的异常. app.UseMvc(); }
public DeadlinesController(MyContext db) : base(db) { }
public NabavkaController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public CouncilsController(MyContext context, IOptions <AppSettings> settings) { this._context = context; this.auth = new AuthService(this._context); this.jwtService = new TokenService(this._context, settings); }
public InviteController(MyContext context) { _context = context; }
public SignUpModel(MyContext db) { _db = db; }
public void Only_unresolved_issues_should_be_retried() { var context = new MyContext(); FailedMessage messageToBeRetriedAsPartOfGroupRetry = null; FailedMessage messageToBeArchived = null; Define(context) .WithEndpoint <Receiver>(b => b.Given(bus => { bus.SendLocal <MyMessage>(m => m.MessageNumber = 1); bus.SendLocal <MyMessage>(m => m.MessageNumber = 2); })) .Done(c => { if (c.MessageToBeRetriedByGroupId == null || c.MessageToBeArchivedId == null) { return(false); } //First we are going to issue an archive to one of the messages if (!c.ArchiveIssued) { if (!TryGet("/api/errors/" + c.MessageToBeArchivedId, out messageToBeArchived, e => e.Status == FailedMessageStatus.Unresolved)) { return(false); } Patch <object>($"/api/errors/{messageToBeArchived.UniqueMessageId}/archive"); c.ArchiveIssued = true; return(false); } //We are now going to issue a retry group if (!c.RetryIssued) { // Ensure message is being retried if (!TryGet("/api/errors/" + c.MessageToBeRetriedByGroupId, out messageToBeRetriedAsPartOfGroupRetry, e => e.Status == FailedMessageStatus.Unresolved)) { return(false); } c.RetryIssued = true; Post <object>($"/api/recoverability/groups/{messageToBeRetriedAsPartOfGroupRetry.FailureGroups[0].Id}/errors/retry"); return(false); } if (!TryGet("/api/errors/" + c.MessageToBeRetriedByGroupId, out messageToBeRetriedAsPartOfGroupRetry, e => e.Status == FailedMessageStatus.Resolved)) { return(false); } if (!TryGet("/api/errors/" + c.MessageToBeArchivedId, out messageToBeArchived, e => e.Status == FailedMessageStatus.Archived)) { return(false); } return(true); }) .Run(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); Assert.AreEqual(FailedMessageStatus.Archived, messageToBeArchived.Status, "Non retried message should be archived"); Assert.AreEqual(FailedMessageStatus.Resolved, messageToBeRetriedAsPartOfGroupRetry.Status, "Retried Message should not be set to Archived when group is retried"); }
public BaseRepository() { _db = DBTool.DBInstance; }
public EmployeeService(IContentService contentService, MyContext context) { this.contentService = contentService; this.context = context; }
public MenuInfoRepository(MyContext myContext) : base(myContext) { _myContext = myContext; }