/// <summary>
        /// Web background job - Create Siebel Opportunity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="active"></param>
        /// <param name="errorMsg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool BatchCreateSiebelOpportunity(SiebelActive active)
            string row_id   = string.Empty;
            string wsparas  = string.Empty;
            string wserrmsg = string.Empty;

            try {

                row_id = SiebelDAL.CreateSiebelOptyV2(active, ref wsparas, ref wserrmsg);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wserrmsg))
                    active.UpdateActiveFailed(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, "Create Siebel Opportunity through Siebel web service failed: " + wserrmsg, wsparas);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row_id))
                    active.UpdateActiveFailed(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, "Opportunity Row id Siebel WS returned is string.isNullOrEmpty", wsparas);

                if (row_id.Equals("NULL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    active.UpdateActiveFailed(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, "Opportunity Row id Siebel WS returned is Null string!", wsparas);
            catch (Exception e) {
                active.UpdateActiveFailed(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, "Create Siebel Opportunity failed: " + e.Message, wsparas);

                 * 檢查SiebelActive裡面,是否有別的數據(同quoteID),
                 * 預防同一批次作業中,還要再Create Quote或Update Opty的情況
                 * Case 1: Create Opty後 還要Create Quote
                 * Case 2: Create Opty後 還要Update Opty
                 * Case 3: Create Opty後 先Update Opty 再Create Quote
                List <SiebelActive> list = SiebelDAL.GetSiebelActiveByQuoteID(active.QuoteID, active.ID); //必須排除自己這筆紀錄

                if (list != null)
                    foreach (SiebelActive sa in list)
                        //sa.OptyID = row_id;
                        SiebelDAL.updateOptyID(sa.ID, row_id);

                //2015/4/27 Also have to check and update [MyAdvantechGlobal].[CARTMASTERV2].[optyID] after creating Opportunity successfully
                MyAdvantechDAL.UpdateOptyID(active.QuoteID, row_id);

                 * end

                //建立Siebel opty成功
                active.UpdateActiveSuccess(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, wsparas);

                active.UpdateOptyIDtoOptyQuote(active.QuoteID, row_id);

                ////檢查optyQuote table 把optyId跟相關的數據一併更新過去
                //if (active.SiebelOpty == null)
                //    optyQuote opty = new optyQuote();
                //    opty.quoteId = active.QuoteID;
                //    opty.optyId = active.OptyID;
                //    opty.optyStage = active.OptyStage;
                //    opty.Opty_Owner_Email = active.OptyOwnerEmail;
                //    opty.Add();
                //    active.SiebelOpty.optyId = active.OptyID;
                //    active.SiebelOpty.optyName = active.OptyName;
                //    active.SiebelOpty.optyStage = active.OptyStage;
                //    active.SiebelOpty.Opty_Owner_Email = active.OptyOwnerEmail;
                //    active.SiebelOpty.Update();
            catch (Exception ex)
                active.UpdateActiveFailed(SiebelActiveUpdatedUser.System, "Create Siebel Opportunity failed: " + ex.ToString(), wsparas);