private void CollectNodes(MutableLongSet bucket, ResourceIterator <Node> toCollect) { while (toCollect.MoveNext()) { bucket.add(toCollect.Current.Id); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldConsiderNodesChangedInSameTxInIndexSeek() public virtual void ShouldConsiderNodesChangedInSameTxInIndexSeek() { // GIVEN CreateNodes(_db, _label, NonMatching[0]); LongSet toChangeToMatch = CreateNodes(_db, _label, NonMatching[1]); LongSet toChangeToNotMatch = CreateNodes(_db, _label, Values); MutableLongSet expected = CreateNodes(_db, _label, Values); // WHEN MutableLongSet found = new LongHashSet(); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { LongIterator toMatching = toChangeToMatch.longIterator(); while (toMatching.hasNext()) { long id =; SetProperties(id, Values); expected.add(id); } LongIterator toNotMatching = toChangeToNotMatch.longIterator(); while (toNotMatching.hasNext()) { long id =; SetProperties(id, NonMatching[2]); expected.remove(id); } CollectNodes(found, IndexSeek.findNodes(Keys, Values, _db)); } // THEN assertThat(found, equalTo(expected)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldConsiderNodesChangedInSameTxInIndexSeek() public virtual void ShouldConsiderNodesChangedInSameTxInIndexSeek() { // GIVEN CreateNodes(_db, _label, _nonMatching[0]); LongSet toChangeToMatch = CreateNodes(_db, _label, _nonMatching[1]); MutableLongSet toChangeToNotMatch = CreateNodes(_db, _label, _matching[0]); MutableLongSet expected = CreateNodes(_db, _label, _matching[1]); // WHEN MutableLongSet found = new LongHashSet(); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { LongIterator toMatching = toChangeToMatch.longIterator(); while (toMatching.hasNext()) { long id =; _db.getNodeById(id).setProperty(_key, _matching[2]); expected.add(id); } LongIterator toNotMatching = toChangeToNotMatch.longIterator(); while (toNotMatching.hasNext()) { long id =; _db.getNodeById(id).setProperty(_key, _nonMatching[2]); expected.remove(id); } CollectNodes(found, _db.findNodes(_label, _key, _template, _searchMode)); } // THEN assertThat(found, equalTo(expected)); }
public override void VisitNodeLabelChanges(long id, LongSet added, LongSet removed) { IndexNode(id); if (_visitingNodes) { // Nodes that have had their indexed labels removed will not have their properties indexed, so 'indexNode' would skip them. // However, we still need to make sure that they are not included in the result from the base index reader. foreach (int entityTokenId in _entityTokenIds) { if (removed.contains(entityTokenId)) { _modifiedEntityIdsInThisTransaction.add(id); break; } } } }
private MutableLong UniqueKey(MutableLongSet uniqueKeys) { MutableLong key; do { key = new MutableLong(Random.nextLong(10_000_000)); } while (!uniqueKeys.add(key.longValue())); return(key); }
public virtual void AddRelationship(long relId, int typeId, RelationshipDirection direction) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final<org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableLongSet> relTypeToRelsMap = getTypeToRelMapForDirection(direction); MutableIntObjectMap <MutableLongSet> relTypeToRelsMap = GetTypeToRelMapForDirection(direction); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableLongSet rels = relTypeToRelsMap.getIfAbsentPut(typeId, org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.LongHashSet::new); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Method reference constructor syntax is not converted by Java to C# Converter: MutableLongSet rels = relTypeToRelsMap.getIfAbsentPut(typeId, LongHashSet::new); rels.add(relId); }
public override bool Remove(long elem) { if (IsAdded(elem) && base.Remove(elem)) { if (RemovedFromAdded == null) { RemovedFromAdded = outerInstance.collectionsFactory.NewLongSet(); } RemovedFromAdded.add(elem); return(true); } return(base.Remove(elem)); }
internal virtual void RemoveProperty(int propertyKeyId) { if (_addedProperties != null && _addedProperties.remove(propertyKeyId) != null) { return; } if (_removedProperties == null) { _removedProperties = CollectionsFactory.newLongSet(); } _removedProperties.add(propertyKeyId); if (_changedProperties != null) { _changedProperties.remove(propertyKeyId); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldIncludeNodesCreatedInSameTxInIndexSeek() public virtual void ShouldIncludeNodesCreatedInSameTxInIndexSeek() { // GIVEN CreateNodes(_db, _label, _nonMatching[0], _nonMatching[1]); MutableLongSet expected = CreateNodes(_db, _label, _matching[0], _matching[1]); // WHEN MutableLongSet found = new LongHashSet(); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { expected.add(CreateNode(_db, map(_key, _matching[2]), _label).Id); CreateNode(_db, map(_key, _nonMatching[2]), _label); CollectNodes(found, _db.findNodes(_label, _key, _template, _searchMode)); } // THEN assertThat(found, equalTo(expected)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldIncludeNodesCreatedInSameTxInIndexSeek() public virtual void ShouldIncludeNodesCreatedInSameTxInIndexSeek() { // GIVEN CreateNodes(_db, _label, NonMatching[0], NonMatching[1]); MutableLongSet expected = CreateNodes(_db, _label, Values); // WHEN MutableLongSet found = new LongHashSet(); using (Transaction tx = _db.beginTx()) { expected.add(CreateNode(_db, PropertyMap(Keys, Values), _label).Id); CreateNode(_db, PropertyMap(Keys, NonMatching[2]), _label); CollectNodes(found, IndexSeek.findNodes(Keys, Values, _db)); } // THEN assertThat(found, equalTo(expected)); }
public override void Accept(long?newValue) { assertTrue(Values.add(newValue), format("Value %d was seen twice", newValue)); }
public void acquiredFreelistPageId(long freelistPageId) { _expected.add(freelistPageId); }