/* { * "id": 1, * "name": "Leanne Graham", * "username": "******", * "email": "*****@*****.**", * "address": { * "street": "Kulas Light", * "suite": "Apt. 556", * "city": "Gwenborough", * "zipcode": "92998-3874", * "geo": { * "lat": "-37.3159", * "lng": "81.1496" * } * }, * "phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442", * "website": "hildegard.org", * "company": { * "name": "Romaguera-Crona", * "catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net", * "bs": "harness real-time e-markets" * } * } */ public UserValidator() { When(Any) .Then(Field("id", Is.Required() & Must.Be.Integer() & Must.Be.GreaterOrEqualTo(1)) & Field("name", Is.Required() & Must.Be.String() & Must.Have.MinLength(5)) & Field("username", Is.Required()) & Field("email", Is.Required() & Must.Match("\\w+\\@\\w+\\.\\w+")) ); }
public FakeValidator() { //TOOD: This is not working. - One error is in the BasicJsonRule - When we select an item, if there is no items, we have a empty result. When(Field("gender", Is.Defined()) | Field("sex", Is.Defined())) .Then(Field("gender", Must.Be.In("male", "female")) | Field("sex", Must.Be.In("male", "female"))); //When("gender", Is.Defined()).Then(Field("gender", Must.Be.In("male", "female")) | Field("sex", Must.Be.In("male", "female"))); When("name", Is.Defined()).Then(It, Must.Have.LengthBetween(10, 50) & Must.Match("^[A-Za-z\\s]+$") | Have.ExactLength(5)); When("age", Is.Defined()).Then(It, Must.Be.Integer() & Be.GreaterThan(0)); When(Any).Then("fox", Is.Required()); //When("missing", Is.Defined()).Then(It, Must.Be.Boolean()); }
/* { * "albumId": 100, * "id": 5000, * "title": "error quasi sunt cupiditate voluptate ea odit beatae", * "url": "http://placehold.it/600/6dd9cb", * "thumbnailUrl": "http://placehold.it/150/6dd9cb" * } */ public PhotoValidator() { When(Any) .Then(Field("id", Is.Required() & Must.Be.Integer() & Must.Be.GreaterOrEqualTo(1)) & Field("albumId", Is.Required() & Must.Be.Integer() & Must.Be.GreaterOrEqualTo(1)) & Field("title", Is.Required() & Has.MinLength(1)) & Field("url", Is.Required() & Must.Match("http://\\w+\\.\\w+/\\d+/[0-9A-Za-z]{3,6}")) ); When(Any) .Then("thumbnailUrl", ComparedTo("url", ctx => { string value = (string)(JValue)ctx; return(Is.EqualTo(value.Replace("/600/", "/150/"))); })); }
public TestValidator() { When(Any).Then("x", Must.Have.MinLength(3)); When("name", x => true, "is true").Then(It, Must.Match(x => true, "be true")); When("name", Is.Defined()).Then("test", Must.Have.MaxLength(200)); When("surname", Is.Defined()).Then("test", Must.Have.MaxLength(25)); When(Field("test", Has.MinLength(5))).Then(Field("other", Should.Be.Equal("0"))); When(Field("A", Is.Defined()) | Field("B", Is.Defined())) .Then( Field("A", Must.Be.Equal("") | Must.Be.Equal("")) & Field("B", Must.Be.Equal(""))); }
public ChildValidator() { When(Any).Then("name", Is.Required() & Must.Match("^\\w+\\s\\w+$")); }
public TestValidator() { // from: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ When(Any) .Then(Field("id", Is.Required() & Must.Be.Number() & Must.Be.GreaterThan(0)) & Field("username", Is.Required() & Must.Be.String() & Must.Have.MinLength(2)) & Field("email", Is.Required() & Must.Match(@"^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$"))); When("name", Is.Defined()) .Then(It, Must.Be.String() & Have.MaxLength(256)); When(Field("company", Is.Defined()) | Field("address", Is.Defined())) .Then("address", Is.Required()); //.Describe(""); When("address", Is.Defined() & Is.Object()) .Use <AddressValidator>() .For(It); When("company", Is.Defined()) .Then("company.name", Is.Required() & Must.Be.String() & Have.LengthBetween(3, 256)); When(Any) .Then("three", ComparedTo(All("one", "two"), context => Is.EqualTo(context.Sum()))); When(Any) .Then(All("id", "username", "email"), Is.Required()); When(Any) .Use <AddressValidator>() .ForEachIn("arr"); /* * * { * "id": 1, * "name": "Leanne Graham", * "username": "******", * "email": "*****@*****.**", * "address": * { * "street": "Kulas Light", * "suite": "Apt. 556", * "city": "Gwenborough", * "zipcode": "92998-3874", * "geo": { * "lat": "-37.3159", * "lng": "81.1496" * } * }, * "phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442", * "website": "hildegard.org", * "company": { * "name": "Romaguera-Crona", * "catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net", * "bs": "harness real-time e-markets" * } * } * */ //When(Any).Then("test", Is.Required() & Must.Have.LengthBetween(16,32)); //When("other", x => (string)x == "0", "When other is 0").Then(Field("a", Must.Match("\\w{3}"))); //Use<ChildValidator>().For("sub"); //When("soimething", Is.Defined()).Use<ChildValidator>().ForEachIn(It); //When("doNotProvideDpg", !Is.EqualTo(true)).Then(Field( "dpg.confirmDPGListOnBoard", (context, token) => !(bool)token, // "Confirmation that a list, manifest or appropriate loading plan, giving details of the dangerous or polluting goods carried, and of their location on the ship, is on board must be provided")); //When(Any).Then("depend.min", ComparedTo("depend.max", max => Must.Be.LessThan((int)max))); //if (entity["doNotProvideDpg"] != null && !(bool)entity["doNotProvideDpg"] && !(bool)entity["dpg"]?["confirmDPGListOnBoard"]) //{ // ValidationCollector collector = new ValidationCollector(); // collector.AddError("Confirmation that a list, manifest or appropriate loading plan, giving details of the dangerous or polluting goods carried, and of their location on the ship, is on board must be provided"); // baseResult.Add(new FieldValidationResults("dpg.confirmDPGListOnBoard", entity.SelectToken("dpg.confirmDPGListOnBoard"), collector)); //} //Must.Have.AtLeast(1).Items(); //When(Any).Then("x", Must.Have.MinLength(3)); //When(Any).Then("something", Must.Match(token => (bool?)token == true, "somthing must be boolean and true!")); //When("name", x => true, "is true").Then(It, Must.Match(x => true, "be true")); //When(Field("name", x => true, "is true")).Then(It.MustHave); //When(Any).Use<ChildValidator>().For(It); //When(Any).Use<ChildValidator>().For("ASDASDASD"); //When(Any).Use<ChildValidator>().For(Each("")); //NOTE: Old Syntax proposal //dynamic s = this; //s.For("items", s.Use<TestValidator>()); //s.When("items").Then(s.For("items").Use<TestValidator>()); //NOTE: Syntax proposal //s.Use<TestValidator>().For(Field("x")); //s.Use<TestValidator>().For(All("items")); //NOTE: Syntax proposal //s.When("x", Is.Defined()).Use<TestValidator>().For(It); //s.When("x", Is.Defined()).Use<TestValidator>().For(Field("x")); //s.When("x", Is.Defined()).Use<TestValidator>().For(All("items")); //When(x => true); //NOTE: Old Syntax proposal //s.ForEach("items", // When("name", Is.LengthBetween(2,5)).Then(It, Must.Match("[A-Z]{2}\\d{3}")), // When("name", Is.LengthBetween(6, 7)).Then(It, Must.Match("[A-Z]{2}\\d{3}\\-Z[1-6]")) // ); //NOTE: Syntax proposal //When(Any).Then(All("", Should.Have.Length(42))); //When(Any).Then(Some("", Should.Have.Length(42))); //When(Any).Then(None("", Should.Have.Length(42))); //When validating content in arrays, the framework should support some additional hooks: // - For each item in the array, if the item matches rule A then it must fulfill rule B (contextual validation) // - When A contains X elements(or another broad precondition) each element MUST... // - Some Elements must... // - At least one element must... //etc. //When("name", Is.Defined()).Then("test", Must.Have.MaxLength(200)); //When("surname", Is.Defined()).Then("test", Must.Have.MaxLength(25)); //When(Any).Then("$created", (Must.Be.DateTime() & Must.Be.DateAfter(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))) | Must.Match("akshdakshd")); //When("x", x => (DateTime)x == DateTime.Now, "").Then(Must.Be.DateLessThan(Field("y"))); //When(Any).Then("$updated", Must.Match(x => x.)); // When Any, Then A must be greter than field B // When Any, Then A compared to B, must be greater than B //NOTE: Syntax Sugestion for using one field to validate another in a non-static way. //When(Any).Then(Field("$updated", ComparedTo("B", b => Must.Be.GreaterThan(b)) )); //When(Field("test", Has.MinLength(5))) // .Then(Field("other", Should.Be.Equal("0")) // | Field("other", Should.Be.Equal("1"))); //When(Field("test", Has.MinLength(5))) // .Then(Field("other", Should.Be.Equal("0") | Should.Be.Equal("1"))); //When(Field("A", Is.Defined()) | Field("B", Is.Defined())) // .Then( // Field("A", Must.Be.Equal("") | Must.Be.Equal("")) // & Field("B", Must.Match(".*"))); }