Exemple #1
        public void Neo4JTestCreateAndLinkToLocalNoArtistNoAlbumNoTrack()
            //for a non-collection album
            //match(a:Album)-[r: PART_OF]-(b)-[r1: RELEASED_ON_MEDIUM]-(m:Cd)<-[*..3]-(ac:ArtistCredit) where a.name=~"(?i)10CC" and ac.name=~"(?i)10CC"
            //with a, m, ac limit 1 match(m)<-[p: APPEARS_ON]-(t:Track) where t.name=~"(?i)DONNA"
            //MERGE(t)-[lr: HAVE_LOCAL]-(l:localTrack {name:'c:\\my path\\donna.mp3'})

            MusicBrainzAdapter musicBrainzAdapter = new MusicBrainzAdapter(_client);

            musicBrainzAdapter.LinkToExisting(new FileAnalysed[]
                new FileAnalysed
                    Artist   = "My New Artist1",
                    Album    = "My New Album1",
                    FilePath = @"mycollection\folderpath\myfilepath.mp3",
                    Title    = "My New Song1"
        public ArtistQueryResponse Find(string key)
            // our return class that will be serialized to json
            ArtistQueryResponse item = new ArtistQueryResponse();

            if (_mbAdapter == null)
                _mbAdapter = new MusicBrainzAdapter(this._settings.MusicBrainzEndpointURL);

            if (_caaAdapter == null)
                _caaAdapter = new CoverArtArchiveAdapter(this._settings.CoverArtArchiveEndpointURL);

            if (_wikiAdapter == null)
                _wikiAdapter = new WikipediaAdapter(this._settings.WikipediaEndpointURL);

            // by using Nito library, exceptions arent swallowed as aggregateexception. We handle it straight away instead.
            var result = AsyncContext.Run(() => _mbAdapter.LookupAsync(key));

            // populate some metadata returned from MB
            item.mbid    = (Guid)result.SelectToken("id");
            item.country = (String)result.SelectToken("country");
            item.type    = (String)result.SelectToken("type");
            item.name    = (String)result.SelectToken("name");

            // Get wiki stub name, so we can fetch description
            var wikiRelation = result.SelectTokens("relations[*]").Where(s => String.Equals((string)s["type"], "wikipedia", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (wikiRelation != null)
                var stubName = (string)wikiRelation.SelectToken("url.resource");
                item.description = AsyncContext.Run(() => _wikiAdapter.GetDescriptionAsync(HelpUtils.GetWikipediaArticleStub(stubName)));

            // grab albums from MusicBrainz to lookup against CoverArtArchive
            var albums = result.SelectTokens("release-groups[*]").Where(s => String.Equals((string)s["primary-type"], "Album", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                         .Select(a => new
                id    = (Guid)a["id"],
                title = (string)a["title"]
            // put it in a dictionay for near O(1) performance when iterating below.
            Dictionary <Guid, string> dictAlbums = albums.ToDictionary(k => k.id, e => e.title);

            // Query CoverArtArchive for covers
            var covers = AsyncContext.Run(() => Task.WhenAll(dictAlbums.Select(a => _caaAdapter.GetCoverArtURLAsync(a.Key))));

            foreach (var f in covers)
                item.albums.Add(new Album
                    id         = f.Item1,
                    title      = dictAlbums[f.Item1],
                    image      = f.Item2,
                    thumblarge = f.Item3,
                    thumbsmall = f.Item4