Exemple #1
    public static int GetHashBucket(PartialRow row, HashBucketSchema hashSchema, int maxSize)
        Span <byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[maxSize];

        EncodeColumns(row, hashSchema.ColumnIds, buffer, out int bytesWritten);
        var slice  = buffer.Slice(0, bytesWritten);
        var hash   = Murmur2.Hash64(slice, hashSchema.Seed);
        var bucket = hash % (uint)hashSchema.NumBuckets;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a hash for all primitives in a group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ulong GetGroupHash(SceneObjectGroup group)
            ulong hash  = 5381;
            var   parts = group.GetParts().OrderBy(p => p.LinkNum);

            foreach (var part in parts)
                hash = Murmur2.Hash(GetPrimHash(part.Shape), hash);

Exemple #3
        private ulong GetGroupHash(GroupDisplayData group)
            ulong groupHash = 5381;

            foreach (var prim in group.Prims)
                groupHash = Murmur2.Hash(prim.ShapeHash, groupHash);
                groupHash = Murmur2.Hash(prim.MaterialHash, groupHash);

Exemple #4
 public ulong GetMaterialFaceHash(ulong hash, Primitive.TextureEntryFace teFace)
     hash = Murmur2.Hash((ushort)teFace.Bump, hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)(teFace.Fullbright ? 1 : 0), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.Glow), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)(teFace.MediaFlags ? 1 : 0), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.OffsetU), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.OffsetV), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.RepeatU), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.RepeatV), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(teFace.Rotation), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(teFace.RGBA.GetBytes(), hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)teFace.Shiny, hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)teFace.TexMapType, hash);
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(teFace.TextureID.GetBytes(), hash);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a hash value over fields that can affect the underlying physics shape.
        /// Things like RenderMaterials and TextureEntry data are not included.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape"></param>
        /// <param name="lod"></param>
        /// <returns>ulong - a calculated hash value</returns>
        public ulong GetMeshShapeHash(PrimitiveBaseShape shape)
            const DetailLevel lod  = DetailLevel.Highest;
            ulong             hash = 5381;

            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathCurve, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)((byte)shape.HollowShape | (byte)shape.ProfileShape), hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathBegin, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathEnd, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathScaleX, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathScaleY, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathShearX, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathShearY, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathTwist, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathTwistBegin, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathRadiusOffset, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathTaperX, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathTaperY, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.PathRevolutions, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash((byte)shape.PathSkew, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.ProfileBegin, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.ProfileEnd, hash);
            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.ProfileHollow, hash);

            // Include LOD in hash, accounting for endianness
            byte[] lodBytes = new byte[4];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)lod), 0, lodBytes, 0, 4);
            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                Array.Reverse(lodBytes, 0, 4);

            hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.ProfileHollow, hash);

            // include sculpt UUID
            if (shape.SculptEntry)
                var sculptUuidBytes = shape.SculptTexture.GetBytes();
                hash = Murmur2.Hash(sculptUuidBytes, hash);
                hash = Murmur2.Hash(shape.SculptType, hash);

Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate a hash that takes both the prim shape and materials into account
 /// </summary>
 public ulong GetPrimHash(ulong hash, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, DetailLevel lod, FacetedMesh mesh, Primitive prim)
     hash = Murmur2.Hash(GetMeshShapeHash(shape, lod), hash);
     return(Murmur2.Hash(GetMeshMaterialHash(mesh, prim), hash));
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate a hash that takes both the prim shape and materials into account
 /// </summary>
 public ulong GetPrimHash(ulong materialHash, ulong shapeHash)
     return(Murmur2.Hash(materialHash, shapeHash));
    public void TestMurmur2Hash64(string data, ulong seed, ulong expectedHash)
        ulong hash = Murmur2.Hash64(data.ToUtf8ByteArray(), seed);

        Assert.Equal(expectedHash, hash);