/// <summary>
        /// Sets <see cref="Config_MultigridOperator"/> to a default configuration.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SetConfig_MultigridOperator_Default(IEnumerable <DGField> Fields)
            int NF = Fields.Count();

            // set the MultigridOperator configuration for each level:
            // it is not necessary to have exactly as many configurations as actual multigrid levels:
            // the last configuration entry will be used for all higher level
            MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[][] configs = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[3][];
            for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < configs.Length; iLevel++)
                configs[iLevel] = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[NF];

                // configurations for velocity
                for (int d = 0; d < NF; d++)
                    int p = Fields.ElementAt(d).Basis.Degree;

                    configs[iLevel][d] = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig()
                        DegreeS  = new[] { Math.Max(0, p - iLevel) },
                        mode     = MultigridOperator.Mode.IdMass_DropIndefinite,
                        VarIndex = new int[] { d }

            this.Config_MultigridOperator = configs;
Exemple #2
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Legacy-Constructor for user-specified <see cref="DelComputeOperatorMatrix"/>
         * /// </summary>
         * public XdgTimestepping(
         *  DelComputeOperatorMatrix userComputeOperatorMatrix,
         *  IEnumerable<DGField> Fields,
         *  IEnumerable<DGField> IterationResiduals,
         *  TimeSteppingScheme __Scheme,
         *  DelUpdateLevelset _UpdateLevelset,
         *  LevelSetHandling _LevelSetHandling,
         *  MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[][] _MultigridOperatorConfig,
         *  AggregationGridData[] _MultigridSequence,
         *  double _AgglomerationThreshold,
         *  LinearSolverConfig LinearSolver, NonLinearSolverConfig NonLinearSolver) //
         * {
         *  this.Scheme = __Scheme;
         *  this.XdgOperator = op;
         *  this.Parameters = op.InvokeParameterFactory(Fields);
         *  foreach (var f in Fields.Cat(IterationResiduals).Cat(Parameters)) {
         *      if (f != null && f is XDGField xf) {
         *          if (LsTrk == null) {
         *              LsTrk = xf.Basis.Tracker;
         *          } else {
         *              if (!object.ReferenceEquals(LsTrk, xf.Basis.Tracker))
         *                  throw new ArgumentException();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  if (LsTrk == null)
         *      throw new ArgumentException("unable to get Level Set Tracker reference");
         *  bool UseX = Fields.Any(f => f is XDGField) || IterationResiduals.Any(f => f is XDGField);
         *  ConstructorCommon(op, UseX,
         *      Fields, this.Parameters, IterationResiduals,
         *      myDelComputeXOperatorMatrix,
         *      _UpdateLevelset,
         *      _LevelSetHandling,
         *      _MultigridOperatorConfig,
         *      _MultigridSequence,
         *      _AgglomerationThreshold,
         *      LinearSolver, NonLinearSolver);
         * }

        private void ConstructorCommon(
            ISpatialOperator op, bool UseX,
            IEnumerable <DGField> Fields, IEnumerable <DGField> __Parameters, IEnumerable <DGField> IterationResiduals,
            SpeciesId[] spcToCompute,
            DelUpdateLevelset _UpdateLevelset, LevelSetHandling _LevelSetHandling,
            MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[][] _MultigridOperatorConfig, AggregationGridData[] _MultigridSequence,
            double _AgglomerationThreshold,
            LinearSolverConfig LinearSolver, NonLinearSolverConfig NonLinearSolver) //
            RungeKuttaScheme rksch;
            int bdfOrder;

            DecodeScheme(this.Scheme, out rksch, out bdfOrder);

            SpatialOperatorType _SpatialOperatorType = SpatialOperatorType.Nonlinear;

            int quadOrder = op.QuadOrderFunction(
                Fields.Select(f => f.Basis.Degree).ToArray(),
                Parameters.Select(f => f != null ? f.Basis.Degree : 0).ToArray(),
                IterationResiduals.Select(f => f.Basis.Degree).ToArray());

            // default solvers
            // ===============
            if (LinearSolver == null)
                LinearSolver = new LinearSolverConfig()
                    SolverCode = LinearSolverCode.automatic
            if (NonLinearSolver == null)
                NonLinearSolver = new NonLinearSolverConfig()
                    SolverCode = NonLinearSolverCode.Newton

            // default Multi-Grid
            // ==================

            if (_MultigridSequence == null)
                _MultigridSequence = new[] { CoarseningAlgorithms.ZeroAggregation(this.GridDat) };

            // default level-set treatment
            // ===========================

            if (_UpdateLevelset == null)
                _UpdateLevelset = this.UpdateLevelsetWithNothing;
                if (_LevelSetHandling != LevelSetHandling.None)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"If level-set handling is set to {_LevelSetHandling} (anything but {LevelSetHandling.None}) an updating routine must be specified.");

            // default multigrid operator config
            // =================================
            if (_MultigridOperatorConfig == null)
                int NoOfVar = Fields.Count();
                _MultigridOperatorConfig    = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[0][];
                _MultigridOperatorConfig[0] = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[NoOfVar];
                for (int iVar = 0; iVar < NoOfVar; iVar++)
                    _MultigridOperatorConfig[0][iVar] = new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig()
                        DegreeS  = new int[] { Fields.ElementAt(iVar).Basis.Degree },
                        mode     = MultigridOperator.Mode.Eye,
                        VarIndex = new int[] { iVar }

            // finally, create timestepper
            // ===========================

            if (bdfOrder > -1000)
                m_BDF_Timestepper = new XdgBDFTimestepping(Fields, __Parameters, IterationResiduals,
                                                           LsTrk, true,
                                                           this.ComputeOperatorMatrix, op, _UpdateLevelset,
                                                           _MultigridOperatorConfig, _MultigridSequence,
                                                           spcToCompute, quadOrder,
                                                           _AgglomerationThreshold, UseX,

                m_BDF_Timestepper.Config_AgglomerationThreshold = _AgglomerationThreshold;
                m_RK_Timestepper = new XdgRKTimestepping(Fields.ToArray(), __Parameters, IterationResiduals.ToArray(),
                                                         this.ComputeOperatorMatrix, op, _UpdateLevelset,
                                                         _MultigridOperatorConfig, _MultigridSequence,
                                                         spcToCompute, quadOrder,
                                                         _AgglomerationThreshold, UseX,

                m_RK_Timestepper.Config_AgglomerationThreshold = _AgglomerationThreshold;