/// <summary>
 /// Event: Menu -> Cover Monitors -> Single Monitor
 /// Multi monitor support: allows the user to select which single monitor should be covered by the drape.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">Empty event data.</param>
 private void EventMenuDrapeMonitorsClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.afterStartup)
         this.Bounds = MultiMonitorSupport.ScreenBoundsFromMenuItem(sender);
Exemple #2
        // ********************************************************************
        // Form Location
        // ********************************************************************

        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures the quick start form is located on a visible monitor (on multi-monitor configurations).
        /// </summary>
        public void EnsureOnscreen()
            if (!MultiMonitorSupport.IsOnAScreen(this.Bounds))
        // ***********
        // Events - Init Menus
        // ***********

        /// <summary>
        /// Finalizes the menus - adds the opacity track bar, the multi monitor support items, modernizes the menu, etc.
        /// </summary>
        private void FinalizeMenus()
            // Add the opacity track bar
            this.menuOpacityTrackBar = new TrackBar()
                BackColor     = Color.Black,
                Minimum       = 1,
                Maximum       = 100,
                Value         = (int)(this.Opacity * 100),
                TickFrequency = 5,
                Width         = this.menuMainAbout.DropDown.Width, // A good default value for the width of the track bar is the width of its parent menu item
            this.menuOpacityTrackBar.Scroll += this.EventMenuOpacityTrackBarScroll;
            this.menuMainOpacity.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripControlHost(this.menuOpacityTrackBar));

            // Add the multi monitor support menu items
            MultiMonitorSupport.RadioCheckImage = this.GetRadioCheckBitmap();
            if (!MultiMonitorSupport.AddMonitorMenuItems(this.menuMainCoverMonitors.DropDown, this.EventMenuDrapeAllMonitorsClick, this.EventMenuDrapeMonitorsClick))
                this.menuMainCoverMonitors.Visible = false;

            // Add the current build number to the About->Version menu item
            this.menuMainAboutVersion.Text += Application.ProductVersion;

            // Modernize the menu, with a black background and an Aurelitec blue hightlight
            MenuToolStripCustomizer customizer = MenuToolStripCustomizer.Modernize(
                Color.FromArgb(10, 10, 10),

            customizer.ColorTable.ColorOfImageMarginGradientBegin       =
                customizer.ColorTable.ColorOfImageMarginGradientMiddle  =
                    customizer.ColorTable.ColorOfImageMarginGradientEnd = Color.FromArgb(20, 20, 20);