private static void AddEvent(string command)
     var currentEvent = new Event(DateTime.Now, "title", "location");
     ///GetParameters(command, "AddEvent", out date, out title, out location);
     var events = new MultiDictionary<string, Event>(true);  ///added that to make it stop crashing too
     events.Add("title", currentEvent);
Exemple #2
 public Catalog()
 { = new MultiDictionary<string, Content>(true);
     this.price = new OrderedBag<Content>();
     this.producer = new MultiDictionary<string, Content>(true);
     this.nameAndProducer = new MultiDictionary<Tuple<string, string>, Content>(true);
Exemple #3
    static void Main()
        PhoneBookByName = new MultiDictionary<string, Entry>(true);
        PhoneBookByNameAndTown = new MultiDictionary<Tuple<string, string>, Entry>(true);

        using (StreamReader phonesReader = new StreamReader(@"../../Phones.txt"))
            string phoneInfo = phonesReader.ReadLine();
            while (phoneInfo != null)
                phoneInfo = phonesReader.ReadLine();

        using (StreamReader commandsReader = new StreamReader(@"../../commands.txt"))
            string command = commandsReader.ReadLine();
            while (command != null)
                List<Entry> enriesFound = ExecuteCommand(command);

                // warning printing can take a long time
                // PrintEntries(command, enriesFound);
                // Console.ReadLine();

                command = commandsReader.ReadLine();

        private static void ReadContactsFromFile(string file, MultiDictionary<string, string> contactsName, MultiDictionary<string, string> contactsTown)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file);
            string line = reader.ReadLine();

            using (reader)
                while (line != null)
                    var details = line.Split('|');
                    string names = details[0].Trim();
                    string town = details[1].Trim();
                    string phone = details[2].Trim();

                    contactsTown.Add(town, phone);

                    var namesSeparated = names.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    foreach (var name in namesSeparated)
                        contactsName.Add(name, phone);

                    line = reader.ReadLine();
        private MultiDictionary<string, TypeParameterSymbol> CreateTypeParameterMap()
            var map = new MultiDictionary<string, TypeParameterSymbol>();

            switch (_crefSyntax.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.TypeCref:
                        AddTypeParameters(((TypeCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax).Type, map);
                case SyntaxKind.QualifiedCref:
                        QualifiedCrefSyntax qualifiedCrefSyntax = ((QualifiedCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax);
                        AddTypeParameters(qualifiedCrefSyntax.Member, map);
                        AddTypeParameters(qualifiedCrefSyntax.Container, map);
                case SyntaxKind.NameMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.IndexerMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.OperatorMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorMemberCref:
                        AddTypeParameters((MemberCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax, map);
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(_crefSyntax.Kind());
            return map;
Exemple #6
 public PhoneBook()
     this.FirstNames = new MultiDictionary<string, Record>(true);
     this.MiddleNames = new MultiDictionary<string, Record>(true);
     this.LastNames = new MultiDictionary<string, Record>(true);
     this.Towns = new MultiDictionary<string, Record>(true);
        private readonly MultiDictionary<ISentenceForm, Fact> _sentencesByForm; //TODO: Immutable

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        private ImmutableConstantChecker(ImmutableSentenceFormModel sentenceModel, MultiDictionary<ISentenceForm, Fact> sentencesByForm)
            _sentenceModel = sentenceModel;
            _sentencesByForm = sentencesByForm;
            _allSentences = sentencesByForm.SelectMany(s => s.Value).ToImmutableHashSet();
        private MultiDictionary<string, TypeParameterSymbol> CreateTypeParameterMap()
            var map = new MultiDictionary<string, TypeParameterSymbol>();

            switch (_crefSyntax.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.TypeCref:
                        AddTypeParameters(((TypeCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax).Type, map);
                case SyntaxKind.QualifiedCref:
                        QualifiedCrefSyntax qualifiedCrefSyntax = ((QualifiedCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax);
                        AddTypeParameters(qualifiedCrefSyntax.Member, map);
                        AddTypeParameters(qualifiedCrefSyntax.Container, map);
                case SyntaxKind.NameMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.IndexerMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.OperatorMemberCref:
                case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorMemberCref:
                        AddTypeParameters((MemberCrefSyntax)_crefSyntax, map);
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected cref syntax kind " + _crefSyntax.Kind());
            return map;
Exemple #9
        public IndexedArgInstances(List<ArgInstance> instances)
            _mandatoryFullNames = new HashSet<string>();
            _argInstancesByName = new MultiDictionary<string, ArgInstance>();
            HashSet<string> tempNames = new HashSet<string>();

            foreach (ArgInstance currentInstance in instances)
                if (currentInstance.Arg.IsMandatory)
                if (currentInstance.ShortName != null)

                foreach (string name in tempNames)
                    _argInstancesByName.Add(name, currentInstance);
Exemple #10
	public void RefreshSkillShop(int _idx)
		m_CurNpcIdx = _idx;
		AsUserEntity user = AsUserInfo.Instance.GetCurrentUserEntity();
		eCLASS __class = user.GetProperty<eCLASS>(eComponentProperty.CLASS);
		m_dicLearnedSkill = SkillBook.Instance.dicCurSkill;
		List<Tbl_SkillBook_Record> list = AsTableManager.Instance.GetTbl_SkillBook_RecordsByClass(_idx, __class);
		m_mdicSkillBookBySkillIdx = TransferToIdxMultidic(list);
		foreach(int key in m_mdicSkillBookBySkillIdx.Keys)
			foreach(Tbl_SkillBook_Record record in m_mdicSkillBookBySkillIdx[key])
				Tbl_Skill_Record skill = AsTableManager.Instance.GetTbl_Skill_Record(record.Skill1_Index);
				if(skill.Skill_Type != eSKILL_TYPE.Base)
 private void AddTypeParameters(TypeSyntax typeSyntax, MultiDictionary<string, TypeParameterSymbol> map)
     switch (typeSyntax.Kind())
         case SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName:
             AddTypeParameters(((AliasQualifiedNameSyntax)typeSyntax).Name, map);
         case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName:
             // NOTE: Dev11 does not warn about duplication, it just matches parameter types to the
             // *last* type parameter with the same name.  That's why we're iterating backwards.
             QualifiedNameSyntax qualifiedNameSyntax = (QualifiedNameSyntax)typeSyntax;
             AddTypeParameters(qualifiedNameSyntax.Right, map);
             AddTypeParameters(qualifiedNameSyntax.Left, map);
         case SyntaxKind.GenericName:
             AddTypeParameters((GenericNameSyntax)typeSyntax, map);
         case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName:
         case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType:
             Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected type syntax kind " + typeSyntax.Kind());
        // generate nodes for symbols that share the same name, and all their descendants
        private static void GenerateSourceNodes(
            string name,
            int parentIndex,
            MultiDictionary<string, ISymbol>.ValueSet symbolsWithSameName,
            List<Node> list,
            Action<ISymbol, MultiDictionary<string, ISymbol>> lookup)
            var node = new Node(name, parentIndex);
            var nodeIndex = list.Count;

            var symbolMap = AllocateSymbolMap();
                // Add all child members
                foreach (var symbol in symbolsWithSameName)
                    lookup(symbol, symbolMap);

                foreach (var kvp in symbolMap)
                    GenerateSourceNodes(kvp.Key, nodeIndex, kvp.Value, list, lookup);
Exemple #13
 public PhonebookRepository()
     this.dictByFirstName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(true);
     this.dictByMiddleName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(true);
     this.dictByLastName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(true);
     this.dictByNickname = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(true);
        public void Remove()
            MultiDictionary<string, string> dictionary = new MultiDictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            dictionary.Add("x", "x1");
            dictionary.Add("x", "x2");
            dictionary.Add("y", "y1");

            Assert.Equal(true, dictionary.Remove("x", "x1"));

            Assert.Equal(2, dictionary.KeyCount);
            Assert.Equal(2, dictionary.ValueCount);

            Assert.Equal(true, dictionary.Remove("x", "x2"));

            Assert.Equal(1, dictionary.KeyCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, dictionary.ValueCount);

            Assert.Equal(true, dictionary.Remove("y", "y1"));

            Assert.Equal(0, dictionary.KeyCount);
            Assert.Equal(0, dictionary.ValueCount);

            dictionary.Add("x", "x1");
            dictionary.Add("x", "x2");

            Assert.Equal(true, dictionary.Remove("x", "x2"));

            Assert.Equal(1, dictionary.KeyCount);
            Assert.Equal(1, dictionary.ValueCount);
 public Phonebook()
     this.byFirstName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(AllowDuplicates);
     this.byMiddleName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(AllowDuplicates);
     this.byLastName = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(AllowDuplicates);
     this.byNickname = new MultiDictionary<string, PhonebookEntry>(AllowDuplicates);
 public ShoppingCenter()
     productsByName = new MultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
     nameAndProducer = new MultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
     productsByPrice = new OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, Product>(true);
     productsByProducer = new MultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
Exemple #17
    static void Main()
        Console.SetIn(new System.IO.StreamReader("../../input.txt"));

        var input = Console.ReadLine();

        // Task 4
        var set = new MultiDictionary<char, int>(true);

        for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)

        var result = Factorial(input.Length);

        foreach (var pair in set)
            result /= Factorial(pair.Value.Count);

        // Catalan Numbers
        int n = input.Length;
        double number = 1;

        for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
            number *= (4 * i - 2) / (1.0 + i);

        Console.WriteLine((BigInteger)number * result);
        internal WithPrimaryConstructorParametersBinder(MethodSymbol primaryCtor, Binder next)
            : base(next)
            Debug.Assert((object)primaryCtor != null);
            this.primaryCtor = primaryCtor;
            var parameters = primaryCtor.Parameters;

            var definitionMap = new SmallDictionary<string, ParameterSymbol>();

            for (int i = parameters.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var parameter = parameters[i];
                definitionMap[parameter.Name] = parameter;

            this.definitionMap = definitionMap;

            var parameterMap = new MultiDictionary<string, ParameterSymbol>(parameters.Length, EqualityComparer<string>.Default);

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                parameterMap.Add(parameter.Name, parameter);

            this.parameterMap = parameterMap;
Exemple #19
 public Data(int numberOfSectors)
     carros_inpark = new Dictionary<IVehicle, string>();
     park = new Dictionary<string, IVehicle>();
     números = new Dictionary<string, IVehicle>(); d = new Dictionary<IVehicle, DateTime>();
     ow = new MultiDictionary<string, IVehicle>(false);
     count = new int[numberOfSectors];
Exemple #20
        protected FastInvokerBase(Type type)
            ObjectType = type;

            MethodNameCache = new MultiDictionary<string, MethodInfo>(false);

            type.GetMethods(_methodBindingFlags).Each(method => MethodNameCache.Add(method.Name, method));
 private static void ListEvents(string command)
     int pipeIndex = command.IndexOf('|');
     var events = new MultiDictionary<string, Event>(true);  /// added that to make it stop crashing too
     DateTime date = GetDate(command, "ListEvents");
     string countString = command.Substring(pipeIndex + 1);
     int count = int.Parse(countString);   /// events.ListEvents(date,count); commented that to make it build
        public PhoneBook(List<PhoneRecord> phoneRecords)
            names = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneRecord>(true);
            towns = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneRecord>(true);
            phones = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneRecord>(true);

Exemple #23
        private readonly OrderedMultiDictionary<string, Product> productsByTitleAndPrice; // title|price

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Database()
            this.productsById = new Dictionary<string, Product>();
            this.productsByTitle = new MultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
            this.productsByTitleAndPrice = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
            this.productsBySupplierAndPrice = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string, Product>(true);
            this.productsByPrice = new OrderedMultiDictionary<decimal, Product>(true);
Exemple #24
 public Catalog()
     bool allowDuplicateValues = true;
     this.title = new OrderedMultiDictionary<string,
     this.url = new MultiDictionary<string,
Exemple #25
 public TicketCatalog()
     this.allTickets = new Dictionary<string, Ticket>();
     this.allTicketsByRoute = new MultiDictionary<string, Ticket>(true);
     this.allTicketsByDepartureDateTime = new OrderedMultiDictionary<DateTime, Ticket>(true);
     this.AirTicketsCount = 0;
     this.BusTicketsCount = 0;
     this.TrainTicketsCount = 0;
 public VehicleParkData(int numberOfSectors)
     this.parkedCarsInSectroAndPlace = new Dictionary<IVehicle, string>();
     this.parkedSectorsAndPlaces = new Dictionary<string, IVehicle>();
     this.parkedLicensePlates = new Dictionary<string, IVehicle>();
     this.expectedTimePerVehicle = new Dictionary<IVehicle, DateTime>();
     this.ownersAndTheirVehicles = new MultiDictionary<string, IVehicle>(false);
     this.emptySlotsPerSector = new int[numberOfSectors];
Exemple #27
 public ParseResult CreateParseResult(bool successfull, params string[] keyValues)
     MultiDictionary<string, string> parsedValues = new MultiDictionary<string, string>();
     for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.Length / 2; ++i)
         parsedValues.Add(keyValues[i * 2], keyValues[i * 2 + 1]);
     return new ParseResult(successfull, parsedValues, ExecutionLog.CreateErrorLog());
        public PhoneBook()
            FirstNames = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneBookEntry>(true);
            MiddleNames = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneBookEntry>(true);
            LastNames = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneBookEntry>(true);
            NickNames = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneBookEntry>(true);
            Towns = new MultiDictionary<string, PhoneBookEntry>(true);

 /// <summary>
 /// Contant sentences are those that do not have a dependency on 'true' or 'does' facts
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sentenceForms"></param>
 /// <param name="dependencyGraph"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static ImmutableHashSet<ISentenceForm> GetConstantSentenceForms(ImmutableHashSet<ISentenceForm> sentenceForms,
     MultiDictionary<ISentenceForm, ISentenceForm> dependencyGraph)
     MultiDictionary<ISentenceForm, ISentenceForm> augmentedGraph = AugmentGraphWithLanguageRules(dependencyGraph, sentenceForms);
     ImmutableHashSet<ISentenceForm> changingSentenceForms =
         DependencyGraphs.GetMatchingAndDownstream(sentenceForms, augmentedGraph,
                                                     d => SentenceForms.TruePred(d) || SentenceForms.DoesPred(d));
     return sentenceForms.SymmetricExcept(changingSentenceForms).ToImmutableHashSet();
 public WithQueryLambdaParametersBinder(LambdaSymbol lambdaSymbol, RangeVariableMap rangeVariableMap, Binder next)
     : base(lambdaSymbol, next)
     _rangeVariableMap = rangeVariableMap;
     _parameterMap = new MultiDictionary<string, RangeVariableSymbol>();
     foreach (var qv in rangeVariableMap.Keys)
         _parameterMap.Add(qv.Name, qv);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks is multi dictionary is not empty.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TKey">Type of MultiDictionary key</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TValue">Type of MultiDictionary value</typeparam>
 /// <param name="source">this</param>
 /// <returns>True if not empty, False otherwise</returns>
 public static bool IsNotEmpty <TKey, TValue>(this MultiDictionary <TKey, TValue> source)
     Preconditions.IsNotNull(source, () => new ArgumentNullException("source"));
Exemple #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Graph Collection.
 /// </summary>
 public GraphCollection()
     _graphs = new MultiDictionary <Uri, IGraph>(u => (u != null ? u.GetEnhancedHashCode() : DefaultGraphID), true, new UriComparer(), MultiDictionaryMode.AVL);
            private ImmutableArray <BuilderNode> GenerateUnsortedNodes(ArrayBuilder <ExtensionMethodInfo> complexBuilder, MultiDictionary <string, ExtensionMethodInfo> simpleTypeNameToMethodMap)
                var unsortedNodes = ArrayBuilder <BuilderNode> .GetInstance();


                AddUnsortedNodes(unsortedNodes, simpleTypeNameToMethodMap, complexBuilder, parentNode: _rootNode, parentIndex: 0, fullyQualifiedContainerName: _containsExtensionsMethod ? "" : null);
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare the root elements and, if they are equal, match up children by shallow equality, recursing on each pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the elements are equal, false otherwise (in which case, firstMismatch will try to indicate a point of disagreement).</returns>
        private static bool CheckEqual(XElement expectedRoot, XElement actualRoot, IEqualityComparer <XElement> shallowComparer, out Tuple <XElement, XElement> firstMismatch)

            Tuple <XElement, XElement> rootPair = new Tuple <XElement, XElement>(expectedRoot, actualRoot);

            if (!shallowComparer.Equals(expectedRoot, actualRoot))
                firstMismatch = rootPair;

            Stack <Tuple <XElement, XElement> > stack = new Stack <Tuple <XElement, XElement> >();


            while (stack.Count > 0)
                Tuple <XElement, XElement> pair = stack.Pop();
                firstMismatch = pair;                                         // Will be overwritten if this pair is a match.
                Debug.Assert(shallowComparer.Equals(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)); // Shouldn't have been pushed otherwise.

                XElement[] children1 = pair.Item1.Elements().ToArray();
                MultiDictionary <XElement, XElement> children2Dict = new MultiDictionary <XElement, XElement>(shallowComparer);

                int children2Count = 0;
                foreach (XElement child in pair.Item2.Elements())
                    children2Dict.Add(child, child);

                if (children1.Length != children2Count)

                HashSet <XElement> children2Used = new HashSet <XElement>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
                foreach (XElement child1 in children1)
                    XElement child2 = null;
                    foreach (var candidate in children2Dict[child1])
                        if (!children2Used.Contains(candidate))
                            child2 = candidate;

                    if (child2 == null)
                        stack.Push(new Tuple <XElement, XElement>(child1, child2));

                if (children2Used.Count < children1.Length)

            firstMismatch = null;
 public BiDictionary(bool allowDuplicateValues)
     this.byKey1     = new MultiDictionary <TKey1, Entry>(allowDuplicateValues);
     this.byKey2     = new MultiDictionary <TKey2, Entry>(allowDuplicateValues);
     this.byKey1Key2 = new MultiDictionary <Tuple <TKey1, TKey2>, Entry>(allowDuplicateValues);
Exemple #36
 public SqlObjectsIndex()
     ConceptsBySqlName = new MultiDictionary <string, IConceptInfo>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
Exemple #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers the CXSMILES state onto the CDK atom/molecule data-structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bldr">chem-object builder</param>
        /// <param name="atoms">atoms parsed from the molecule or reaction. Reaction molecules are list left to right.</param>
        /// <param name="atomToMol">look-up of atoms to molecules when connectivity/sgroups need modification</param>
        /// <param name="cxstate">the CXSMILES state to read from</param>
        private void AssignCxSmilesInfo(IChemObjectBuilder bldr,
                                        IChemObject chemObj,
                                        List <IAtom> atoms,
                                        Dictionary <IAtom, IAtomContainer> atomToMol,
                                        CxSmilesState cxstate)
            // atom-labels - must be done first as we replace atoms
            if (cxstate.atomLabels != null)
                foreach (var e in cxstate.atomLabels)
                    // bounds check
                    if (e.Key >= atoms.Count)

                    var old    = atoms[e.Key];
                    var pseudo = bldr.NewPseudoAtom();
                    var val    = e.Value;

                    // specialised label handling
                    if (val.EndsWith("_p", StringComparison.Ordinal)) // pseudo label
                        val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 2);
                    else if (val.StartsWith("_AP", StringComparison.Ordinal)) // attachment point
                        pseudo.AttachPointNum = ParseIntSafe(val.Substring(3));

                    pseudo.Label                 = val;
                    pseudo.AtomicNumber          = 0;
                    pseudo.ImplicitHydrogenCount = 0;
                    var mol = atomToMol[old];
                    AtomContainerManipulator.ReplaceAtomByAtom(mol, old, pseudo);
                    atomToMol.Add(pseudo, mol);
                    atoms[e.Key] = pseudo;

            // atom-values - set as comment, mirrors Molfile reading behavior
            if (cxstate.atomValues != null)
                foreach (var e in cxstate.atomValues)
                    atoms[e.Key].SetProperty(CDKPropertyName.Comment, e.Value);

            // atom-coordinates
            if (cxstate.atomCoords != null)
                var numAtoms  = atoms.Count;
                var numCoords = cxstate.atomCoords.Count;
                var lim       = Math.Min(numAtoms, numCoords);
                if (cxstate.coordFlag)
                    for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++)
                        atoms[i].Point3D = new Vector3(
                    for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++)
                        atoms[i].Point2D = new Vector2(

            // atom radicals
            if (cxstate.atomRads != null)
                foreach (var e in cxstate.atomRads)
                    // bounds check
                    if (e.Key >= atoms.Count)

                    int count = 0;
                    var aa    = e.Value;
                    switch (e.Value)
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.Monovalent:
                        count = 1;

                    // no distinction in CDK between singled/triplet
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.Divalent:
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.DivalentSinglet:
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.DivalentTriplet:
                        count = 2;

                    // no distinction in CDK between doublet/quartet
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.Trivalent:
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.TrivalentDoublet:
                    case CxSmilesState.Radical.TrivalentQuartet:
                        count = 3;
                    var atom = atoms[e.Key];
                    var mol  = atomToMol[atom];
                    while (count-- > 0)

            var sgroupMap = new MultiDictionary <IAtomContainer, Sgroup>();

            // positional-variation
            if (cxstate.positionVar != null)
                foreach (var e in cxstate.positionVar)
                    var sgroup = new Sgroup {
                        Type = SgroupType.ExtMulticenter
                    var beg   = atoms[e.Key];
                    var mol   = atomToMol[beg];
                    var bonds = mol.GetConnectedBonds(beg);
                    if (bonds.Count() == 0)
                        continue; // bad
                    foreach (var endpt in e.Value)
                    sgroupMap.Add(mol, sgroup);

            // data sgroups
            if (cxstate.dataSgroups != null)
                foreach (var dsgroup in cxstate.dataSgroups)
                    if (dsgroup.Field != null && dsgroup.Field.StartsWith("cdk:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        chemObj.SetProperty(dsgroup.Field, dsgroup.Value);

            // polymer Sgroups
            if (cxstate.sgroups != null)
                foreach (var psgroup in cxstate.sgroups)
                    var            sgroup  = new Sgroup();
                    var            atomset = new HashSet <IAtom>();
                    IAtomContainer mol     = null;
                    foreach (var idx in psgroup.AtomSet)
                        if (idx >= atoms.Count)
                        var atom = atoms[idx];
                        var amol = atomToMol[atom];

                        if (mol == null)
                            mol = amol;
                        else if (amol != mol)
                            goto C_PolySgroup;


                    if (mol == null)

                    foreach (var atom in atomset)
                        foreach (var bond in mol.GetConnectedBonds(atom))
                            if (!atomset.Contains(bond.GetOther(atom)))

                    sgroup.Subscript = psgroup.Subscript;
                    sgroup.PutValue(SgroupKey.CtabConnectivity, psgroup.Supscript);

                    switch (psgroup.Type)
                    case "n":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabStructureRepeatUnit;

                    case "mon":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabMonomer;

                    case "mer":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabMer;

                    case "co":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabCopolymer;

                    case "xl":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabCrossLink;

                    case "mod":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabModified;

                    case "mix":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabMixture;

                    case "f":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabFormulation;

                    case "any":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabAnyPolymer;

                    case "gen":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabGeneric;

                    case "c":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabComponent;

                    case "grf":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabGraft;

                    case "alt":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabCopolymer;
                        sgroup.PutValue(SgroupKey.CtabSubType, "ALT");

                    case "ran":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabCopolymer;
                        sgroup.PutValue(SgroupKey.CtabSubType, "RAN");

                    case "blk":
                        sgroup.Type = SgroupType.CtabCopolymer;
                        sgroup.PutValue(SgroupKey.CtabSubType, "BLO");
                    sgroupMap.Add(mol, sgroup);

            // assign Sgroups
            foreach (var e in sgroupMap)
                e.Key.SetCtabSgroups(new List <Sgroup>(e.Value));
        private async Task AddLocationSpan(Location location, Solution solution, HashSet <ValueTuple <Document, TextSpan> > spanSet, MultiDictionary <Document, HighlightSpan> tagList, HighlightSpanKind kind, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var span = await GetLocationSpanAsync(solution, location, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (span != null && !spanSet.Contains(span.Value))
                tagList.Add(span.Value.Item1, new HighlightSpan(span.Value.Item2, kind));
Exemple #39
 protected override void AssignOutParameters(
     SyntaxEditor editor,
     SyntaxNode container,
     MultiDictionary <
         (SyntaxNode exprOrStatement, ImmutableArray <IParameterSymbol> unassignedParameters)
 public Orders()
     this.consumers      = new MultiDictionary <string, Order>(true);
     this.ordersByPrices = new OrderedMultiDictionary <double, Order>(true);
     this.allPrices      = new SortedSet <double>();
        private async Task <IEnumerable <DocumentHighlights> > CreateSpansAsync(
            Solution solution,
            ISymbol symbol,
            IEnumerable <ReferencedSymbol> references,
            IEnumerable <Location> additionalReferences,
            IImmutableSet <Document> documentToSearch,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var  spanSet           = new HashSet <ValueTuple <Document, TextSpan> >();
            var  tagMap            = new MultiDictionary <Document, HighlightSpan>();
            bool addAllDefinitions = true;

            // Add definitions
            // Filter out definitions that cannot be highlighted. e.g: alias symbols defined via project property pages.
            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Alias &&
                symbol.Locations.Length > 0)
                addAllDefinitions = false;

                if (symbol.Locations.First().IsInSource)
                    // For alias symbol we want to get the tag only for the alias definition, not the target symbol's definition.
                    await AddLocationSpan(symbol.Locations.First(), solution, spanSet, tagMap, HighlightSpanKind.Definition, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Add references and definitions
            foreach (var reference in references)
                if (addAllDefinitions && ShouldIncludeDefinition(reference.Definition))
                    foreach (var location in reference.Definition.Locations)
                        if (location.IsInSource)
                            var document = solution.GetDocument(location.SourceTree);

                            // GetDocument will return null for locations in #load'ed trees.
                            // TODO:  Remove this check and add logic to fetch the #load'ed tree's
                            // Document once is fixed.
                            if (document == null)
                                Debug.Assert(solution.Workspace.Kind == "Interactive");

                            if (documentToSearch.Contains(document))
                                await AddLocationSpan(location, solution, spanSet, tagMap, HighlightSpanKind.Definition, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (var referenceLocation in reference.Locations)
                    var referenceKind = referenceLocation.IsWrittenTo ? HighlightSpanKind.WrittenReference : HighlightSpanKind.Reference;
                    await AddLocationSpan(referenceLocation.Location, solution, spanSet, tagMap, referenceKind, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Add additional references
            foreach (var location in additionalReferences)
                await AddLocationSpan(location, solution, spanSet, tagMap, HighlightSpanKind.Reference, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var list = new List <DocumentHighlights>(tagMap.Count);

            foreach (var kvp in tagMap)
                var spans = new List <HighlightSpan>(kvp.Value.Count);
                foreach (var span in kvp.Value)

                list.Add(new DocumentHighlights(kvp.Key, spans));

Exemple #42
 private static void FreeSymbolMap(MultiDictionary <string, ISymbol> symbolMap)
Exemple #43
 public Phonebook()
     this.recordsByName = new MultiDictionary <HashSet <string>, PhoneRecord>(true);
     this.recordsByTown = new MultiDictionary <string, PhoneRecord>(true);
Exemple #44
        private static Symbol FindExplicitlyImplementedMember(
            Symbol implementingMember,
            TypeSymbol explicitInterfaceType,
            string interfaceMemberName,
            ExplicitInterfaceSpecifierSyntax explicitInterfaceSpecifierSyntax,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if ((object)explicitInterfaceType == null)

            var memberLocation = implementingMember.Locations[0];
            var containingType = implementingMember.ContainingType;

            switch (containingType.TypeKind)
            case TypeKind.Class:
            case TypeKind.Struct:
            case TypeKind.Interface:

                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ExplicitInterfaceImplementationInNonClassOrStruct, memberLocation, implementingMember);

            if (!explicitInterfaceType.IsInterfaceType())
                //we'd like to highlight just the type part of the name
                var explicitInterfaceSyntax = explicitInterfaceSpecifierSyntax.Name;
                var location = new SourceLocation(explicitInterfaceSyntax);

                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ExplicitInterfaceImplementationNotInterface, location, explicitInterfaceType);

            var explicitInterfaceNamedType = (NamedTypeSymbol)explicitInterfaceType;

            // 13.4.1: "For an explicit interface member implementation to be valid, the class or struct must name an
            // interface in its base class list that contains a member ..."
            MultiDictionary <NamedTypeSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol> .ValueSet set = containingType.InterfacesAndTheirBaseInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics[explicitInterfaceNamedType];
            int setCount = set.Count;

            if (setCount == 0 || !set.Contains(explicitInterfaceNamedType, TypeSymbol.EqualsObliviousNullableModifierMatchesAny))
                //we'd like to highlight just the type part of the name
                var explicitInterfaceSyntax = explicitInterfaceSpecifierSyntax.Name;
                var location = new SourceLocation(explicitInterfaceSyntax);

                if (setCount > 0 && set.Contains(explicitInterfaceNamedType, TypeSymbol.EqualsIgnoringNullableComparer))
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_NullabilityMismatchInExplicitlyImplementedInterface, location);
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ClassDoesntImplementInterface, location, implementingMember, explicitInterfaceNamedType);

                //do a lookup anyway

            var hasParamsParam = implementingMember.HasParamsParameter();

            // Setting this flag to true does not imply that an interface member has been successfully implemented.
            // It just indicates that a corresponding interface member has been found (there may still be errors).
            var foundMatchingMember = false;

            Symbol implementedMember = null;

            foreach (Symbol interfaceMember in explicitInterfaceNamedType.GetMembers(interfaceMemberName))
                // At this point, we know that explicitInterfaceNamedType is an interface.
                // However, metadata interface members can be static - we ignore them, as does Dev10.
                if (interfaceMember.Kind != implementingMember.Kind || !interfaceMember.IsImplementableInterfaceMember())

                if (MemberSignatureComparer.ExplicitImplementationComparer.Equals(implementingMember, interfaceMember))
                    foundMatchingMember = true;
                    // Cannot implement accessor directly unless
                    // the accessor is from an indexed property.
                    if (interfaceMember.IsAccessor() && !((MethodSymbol)interfaceMember).IsIndexedPropertyAccessor())
                        diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ExplicitMethodImplAccessor, memberLocation, implementingMember, interfaceMember);
                        if (interfaceMember.MustCallMethodsDirectly())
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BogusExplicitImpl, memberLocation, implementingMember, interfaceMember);
                        else if (hasParamsParam && !interfaceMember.HasParamsParameter())
                            // Note: no error for !hasParamsParam && interfaceMethod.HasParamsParameter()
                            // Still counts as an implementation.
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ExplicitImplParams, memberLocation, implementingMember, interfaceMember);

                        implementedMember = interfaceMember;

            if (!foundMatchingMember)
                // CONSIDER: we may wish to suppress this error in the event that another error
                // has been reported about the signature.
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfaceMemberNotFound, memberLocation, implementingMember);

            // Make sure implemented member is accessible
            if ((object)implementedMember != null)
                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;

                if (!AccessCheck.IsSymbolAccessible(implementedMember, implementingMember.ContainingType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, throughTypeOpt: null))
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, memberLocation, implementedMember);
                    switch (implementedMember.Kind)
                    case SymbolKind.Property:
                        var propertySymbol = (PropertySymbol)implementedMember;

                    case SymbolKind.Event:
                        var eventSymbol = (EventSymbol)implementedMember;

                    void checkAccessorIsAccessibleIfImplementable(MethodSymbol accessor)
                        if (accessor.IsImplementable() &&
                            !AccessCheck.IsSymbolAccessible(accessor, implementingMember.ContainingType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, throughTypeOpt: null))
                            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, memberLocation, accessor);

                diagnostics.Add(memberLocation, useSiteDiagnostics);

Exemple #45
 public Catalog()
     this.title = new OrderedMultiDictionary <string, IContent>(true);
     this.url   = new MultiDictionary <string, IContent>(true);
            /// <summary>
            /// Optimizes local functions such that if a local function only references other local functions without closures, it itself doesn't need a closure.
            /// </summary>
            private void RemoveUnneededReferences()
                // Note: methodGraph is the inverse of the dependency graph
                var methodGraph      = new MultiDictionary <MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol>();
                var capturesThis     = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();
                var capturesVariable = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();
                var visitStack       = new Stack <MethodSymbol>();

                foreach (var methodKvp in CapturedVariablesByLambda)
                    foreach (var value in methodKvp.Value)
                        var method = value as MethodSymbol;
                        if (method != null)
                            methodGraph.Add(method, methodKvp.Key);
                        else if (value == _topLevelMethod.ThisParameter)
                            if (capturesThis.Add(methodKvp.Key))
                        else if (capturesVariable.Add(methodKvp.Key) && !capturesThis.Contains(methodKvp.Key)) // if capturesThis contains methodKvp, it's already in the stack.

                while (visitStack.Count > 0)
                    var current    = visitStack.Pop();
                    var setToAddTo = capturesVariable.Contains(current) ? capturesVariable : capturesThis;
                    foreach (var capturesCurrent in methodGraph[current])
                        if (setToAddTo.Add(capturesCurrent))

                var capturedVariablesNew = new MultiDictionary <Symbol, CSharpSyntaxNode>();

                foreach (var old in CapturedVariables)
                    var method = old.Key as MethodSymbol;
                    // don't add if it's a method that only captures 'this'
                    if (method == null || capturesVariable.Contains(method))
                        foreach (var oldValue in old.Value)
                            capturedVariablesNew.Add(old.Key, oldValue);
                CapturedVariables = capturedVariablesNew;
                var capturedVariablesByLambdaNew = new MultiDictionary <MethodSymbol, Symbol>();

                foreach (var old in CapturedVariablesByLambda)
                    if (capturesVariable.Contains(old.Key))
                        foreach (var oldValue in old.Value)
                            capturedVariablesByLambdaNew.Add(old.Key, oldValue);
                    else if (capturesThis.Contains(old.Key))
                        capturedVariablesByLambdaNew.Add(old.Key, _topLevelMethod.ThisParameter);
                CapturedVariablesByLambda = capturedVariablesByLambdaNew;
Exemple #47
        private void ProcessProjectChange(Solution solution, ProjectId projectId)

            // Remove anything we have associated with this project.
            _projectToInstalledPackageAndVersion.TryRemove(projectId, out var projectState);

            var project = solution.GetProject(projectId);

            if (project == null)
                // Project was removed.  Nothing needs to be done.

            // We really only need to know the NuGet status for managed language projects.
            // Also, the NuGet APIs may throw on some projects that don't implement the
            // full set of DTE APIs they expect.  So we filter down to just C# and VB here
            // as we know these languages are safe to build up this index for.
            if (project.Language != LanguageNames.CSharp &&
                project.Language != LanguageNames.VisualBasic)

            // Project was changed in some way.  Let's go find the set of installed packages for it.
            var dteProject = _workspace.TryGetDTEProject(projectId);

            if (dteProject == null)
                // Don't have a DTE project for this project ID.  not something we can query NuGet for.

            var installedPackages = new MultiDictionary <string, string>();
            var isEnabled         = false;

            // Calling into NuGet.  Assume they may fail for any reason.
                var installedPackageMetadata = _packageServices.GetInstalledPackages(dteProject);
                foreach (var metadata in installedPackageMetadata)
                    if (metadata.VersionString != null)
                        installedPackages.Add(metadata.Id, metadata.VersionString);

                isEnabled = true;
            catch (ArgumentException e) when(IsKnownNugetIssue(e))
                // Nuget may throw an ArgumentException when there is something about the project
                // they do not like/support.
            catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.StackTrace.Contains("NuGet.PackageManagement.VisualStudio.NetCorePackageReferenceProject.GetPackageSpecsAsync"))
                // NuGet throws an InvalidOperationException if details
                // for the project fail to load. We don't need to report
                // these, and can assume that this will work on a future
                // project change
                // This should be removed with
            catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportWithoutCrash(e))

            var state = new ProjectState(isEnabled, installedPackages);

                projectId, state, (_1, _2) => state);
Exemple #48
        internal PEEventSymbol(
            PEModuleSymbol moduleSymbol,
            PENamedTypeSymbol containingType,
            EventDefinitionHandle handle,
            PEMethodSymbol addMethod,
            PEMethodSymbol removeMethod,
            MultiDictionary <string, PEFieldSymbol> privateFieldNameToSymbols)
            Debug.Assert((object)moduleSymbol != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)containingType != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)addMethod != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)removeMethod != null);

            _addMethod      = addMethod;
            _removeMethod   = removeMethod;
            _handle         = handle;
            _containingType = containingType;

            EventAttributes mdFlags   = 0;
            EntityHandle    eventType = default(EntityHandle);

                var module = moduleSymbol.Module;
                module.GetEventDefPropsOrThrow(handle, out _name, out mdFlags, out eventType);
            catch (BadImageFormatException mrEx)
                if ((object)_name == null)
                    _name = string.Empty;

                _lazyUseSiteDiagnostic = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, this);

                if (eventType.IsNil)
                    _eventType = TypeSymbolWithAnnotations.Create(containingType, new UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol(mrEx));

            TypeSymbol originalEventType = _eventType.TypeSymbol;

            if (_eventType.IsNull)
                var metadataDecoder = new MetadataDecoder(moduleSymbol, containingType);
                originalEventType = metadataDecoder.GetTypeOfToken(eventType);

                const int targetSymbolCustomModifierCount = 0;
                var       typeSymbol = DynamicTypeDecoder.TransformType(originalEventType, targetSymbolCustomModifierCount, handle, moduleSymbol);

                // We start without annotation (they will be decoded below)
                var type = TypeSymbolWithAnnotations.Create(nonNullTypesContext: containingType, typeSymbol);

                // Decode nullable before tuple types to avoid converting between
                // NamedTypeSymbol and TupleTypeSymbol unnecessarily.
                type       = NullableTypeDecoder.TransformType(type, handle, moduleSymbol);
                type       = TupleTypeDecoder.DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(type, handle, moduleSymbol);
                _eventType = type;

            // IsWindowsRuntimeEvent checks the signatures, so we just have to check the accessors.
            bool isWindowsRuntimeEvent = IsWindowsRuntimeEvent;
            bool callMethodsDirectly   = isWindowsRuntimeEvent
                ? !DoModifiersMatch(_addMethod, _removeMethod)
                : !DoSignaturesMatch(moduleSymbol, originalEventType, _addMethod, _removeMethod);

            if (callMethodsDirectly)
                _flags |= Flags.CallMethodsDirectly;
                _addMethod.SetAssociatedEvent(this, MethodKind.EventAdd);
                _removeMethod.SetAssociatedEvent(this, MethodKind.EventRemove);

                PEFieldSymbol associatedField = GetAssociatedField(privateFieldNameToSymbols, isWindowsRuntimeEvent);
                if ((object)associatedField != null)
                    _associatedFieldOpt = associatedField;

            if ((mdFlags & EventAttributes.SpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsSpecialName;

            if ((mdFlags & EventAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0)
                _flags |= Flags.IsRuntimeSpecialName;
        public static StoreMulti <Tuple <T, TG>, TK> GetDictMulti <T, TG, TK>(List <Tuple <T, TG> > entries, string primaryKeyName1, string primaryKeyName2)
            if (entries.Count == 0)

            // TODO: Add new config option "Verify data against DB"
            if (!SQLConnector.Enabled)

            var tableAttrs = (DBTableNameAttribute[])typeof(TK).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DBTableNameAttribute), false);

            if (tableAttrs.Length <= 0)
            var tableName = tableAttrs[0].Name;

            var fields = Utilities.GetFieldsAndAttribute <TK, DBFieldNameAttribute>();

            fields.RemoveAll(field => field.Item2.Name == null);

            var fieldCount = 2;
            var fieldNames = new StringBuilder();

            fieldNames.Append(primaryKeyName1 + ",");
            fieldNames.Append(primaryKeyName2 + ",");
            foreach (var field in fields)
                fieldCount += field.Item2.Count;

            // WHERE (a = x1 AND b = y1) OR (a = x2 AND b = y2) OR ...

            var whereClause = new StringBuilder();
            var ji          = 0;

            foreach (var tuple in entries)
                ji += 1;
                .Append(" = ")
                .Append(" AND ")
                .Append(" = ")
                if (ji != entries.Count)
                    whereClause.Append(" OR ");

            var query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}.{2} WHERE {3}",
                                      fieldNames.ToString().TrimEnd(','), Settings.TDBDatabase, tableName, whereClause);

            var dict = new MultiDictionary <Tuple <T, TG>, TK>(true);

            using (var reader = SQLConnector.ExecuteQuery(query))
                if (reader == null)

                while (reader.Read())
                    var instance = (TK)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TK));

                    var values = new object[fieldCount];
                    var count  = reader.GetValues(values);
                    if (count != fieldCount)
                        throw new InvalidConstraintException(
                                  "Number of fields from DB is different of the number of fields with DBFieldName attribute");

                    var i = 2;
                    foreach (var field in fields)
#if __MonoCS__ // Mono does not support __makeref (only added in the upcoming 2.12 version)
                        if (values[i] is DBNull && field.Item1.FieldType == typeof(string))
                            field.Item1.SetValue(instance, string.Empty);
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                            field.Item1.SetValue(instance, Enum.Parse(field.Item1.FieldType, values[i].ToString()));
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Array))
                            var arr = Array.CreateInstance(field.Item1.FieldType.GetElementType(), field.Item2.Count);

                            for (var j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
                                var elemType = arr.GetType().GetElementType();
                                var val      = Convert.ChangeType(values[i + j], elemType);

                                arr.SetValue(val, j);
                            field.Item1.SetValue(instance, arr);
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                            field.Item1.SetValue(instance, Convert.ToBoolean(values[i]));
                            field.Item1.SetValue(instance, values[i]);
                        if (values[i] is DBNull && field.Item1.FieldType == typeof(string))
                            field.Item1.SetValueDirect(__makeref(instance), string.Empty);
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Enum))
                            field.Item1.SetValueDirect(__makeref(instance), Enum.Parse(field.Item1.FieldType, values[i].ToString()));
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType.BaseType == typeof(Array))
                            var arr = Array.CreateInstance(field.Item1.FieldType.GetElementType(), field.Item2.Count);

                            for (var j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
                                var elemType = arr.GetType().GetElementType();
                                var val      = Convert.ChangeType(values[i + j], elemType);

                                arr.SetValue(val, j);
                            field.Item1.SetValueDirect(__makeref(instance), arr);
                        else if (field.Item1.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                            field.Item1.SetValueDirect(__makeref(instance), Convert.ToBoolean(values[i]));
                            field.Item1.SetValueDirect(__makeref(instance), values[i]);
                        i += field.Item2.Count;

                    var key = Tuple.Create((T)values[0], (TG)values[1]);
                    if (!dict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict.Add(key, instance);

            return(new StoreMulti <Tuple <T, TG>, TK>(dict));
Exemple #50
 public StoreMulti()
     Types       = new List <SQLOutput>();
     Enabled     = true;
     _dictionary = new MultiDictionary <T, Tuple <TK, TimeSpan?> >(true);
Exemple #51
        protected override void CheckInterfaces(BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // Check declared interfaces and all base interfaces. This is necessary
            // since references to all interfaces will be emitted to metadata
            // and it's possible to define derived interfaces with weaker
            // constraints than the base interfaces, at least in metadata.
            var interfaces = this.InterfacesAndTheirBaseInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics;

            if (interfaces.IsEmpty)
                // nothing to verify

            // Check constraints on the first declaration with explicit bases.
            var singleDeclaration = this.FirstDeclarationWithExplicitBases();

            if (singleDeclaration != null)
                var corLibrary  = this.ContainingAssembly.CorLibrary;
                var conversions = new TypeConversions(corLibrary);
                var location    = singleDeclaration.NameLocation;

                foreach (var pair in interfaces)
                    MultiDictionary <NamedTypeSymbol, NamedTypeSymbol> .ValueSet set = pair.Value;

                    foreach (var @interface in set)
                        @interface.CheckAllConstraints(DeclaringCompilation, conversions, location, diagnostics);

                    if (set.Count > 1)
                        NamedTypeSymbol other = pair.Key;
                        foreach (var @interface in set)
                            if ((object)other == @interface)

                            // InterfacesAndTheirBaseInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics populates the set with interfaces that match by CLR signature.
                            Debug.Assert(!other.Equals(@interface, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything));
                            Debug.Assert(other.Equals(@interface, TypeCompareKind.CLRSignatureCompareOptions));

                            if (other.Equals(@interface, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNullableModifiersForReferenceTypes))
                                if (!other.Equals(@interface, TypeCompareKind.ObliviousNullableModifierMatchesAny))
                                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_DuplicateInterfaceWithNullabilityMismatchInBaseList, location, @interface, this);
                            else if (other.Equals(@interface, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreTupleNames | TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNullableModifiersForReferenceTypes))
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateInterfaceWithTupleNamesInBaseList, location, @interface, other, this);
                                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateInterfaceWithDifferencesInBaseList, location, @interface, other, this);
Exemple #52
        protected IConceptInfo ParseNextConcept(TokenReader tokenReader, Stack <IConceptInfo> context, MultiDictionary <string, IConceptParser> conceptParsers)
            var errorReports = new List <Func <string> >();
            List <Interpretation> possibleInterpretations = new List <Interpretation>();

            var keywordReader = new TokenReader(tokenReader).ReadText(); // Peek, without changing the original tokenReader's position.
            var keyword       = keywordReader.IsError ? null : keywordReader.Value;

            if (keyword != null)
                foreach (var conceptParser in conceptParsers.Get(keyword))
                    TokenReader nextPosition       = new TokenReader(tokenReader);
                    var         conceptInfoOrError = conceptParser.Parse(nextPosition, context);

                    if (!conceptInfoOrError.IsError)
                        possibleInterpretations.Add(new Interpretation
                            ConceptInfo  = conceptInfoOrError.Value,
                            NextPosition = nextPosition
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conceptInfoOrError.Error)) // Empty error means that this parser is not for this keyword.
                        errorReports.Add(() => string.Format("{0}: {1}\r\n{2}", conceptParser.GetType().Name, conceptInfoOrError.Error, tokenReader.ReportPosition()));

            if (possibleInterpretations.Count == 0)
                if (errorReports.Count > 0)
                    string errorsReport = string.Join("\r\n", errorReports.Select(x => x.Invoke())).Limit(500, "...");
                    throw new DslSyntaxException($"Invalid parameters after keyword '{keyword}'. {tokenReader.ReportPosition()}\r\n\r\nPossible causes:\r\n{errorsReport}");
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                    throw new DslSyntaxException($"Unrecognized concept keyword '{keyword}'. {tokenReader.ReportPosition()}");
                    throw new DslSyntaxException($"Invalid DSL script syntax. {tokenReader.ReportPosition()}");

            int largest = possibleInterpretations.Max(i => i.NextPosition.PositionInTokenList);

            possibleInterpretations.RemoveAll(i => i.NextPosition.PositionInTokenList < largest);
            if (possibleInterpretations.Count > 1)
                string msg = "Ambiguous syntax. " + tokenReader.ReportPosition()
                             + "\r\n Possible interpretations: "
                             + string.Join(", ", possibleInterpretations.Select(i => i.ConceptInfo.GetType().Name))
                             + ".";
                throw new DslSyntaxException(msg);

Exemple #53
            /// <summary>
            /// Optimizes local functions such that if a local function only references other local functions
            /// that capture no variables, we don't need to create capture environments for any of them.
            /// </summary>
            private void RemoveUnneededReferences(ParameterSymbol thisParam)
                var methodGraph      = new MultiDictionary <MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol>();
                var capturesThis     = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();
                var capturesVariable = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();
                var visitStack       = new Stack <MethodSymbol>();

                VisitClosures(ScopeTree, (scope, closure) =>
                    foreach (var capture in closure.CapturedVariables)
                        if (capture is MethodSymbol localFunc)
                            methodGraph.Add(localFunc, closure.OriginalMethodSymbol);
                        else if (capture == thisParam)
                            if (capturesThis.Add(closure.OriginalMethodSymbol))
                        else if (capturesVariable.Add(closure.OriginalMethodSymbol) &&

                while (visitStack.Count > 0)
                    var current    = visitStack.Pop();
                    var setToAddTo = capturesVariable.Contains(current) ? capturesVariable : capturesThis;
                    foreach (var capturesCurrent in methodGraph[current])
                        if (setToAddTo.Add(capturesCurrent))

                // True if there are any closures in the tree which
                // capture 'this' and another variable
                bool captureMoreThanThis = false;

                VisitClosures(ScopeTree, (scope, closure) =>
                    if (!capturesVariable.Contains(closure.OriginalMethodSymbol))

                    if (capturesThis.Contains(closure.OriginalMethodSymbol))
                        if (closure.CapturedVariables.Count > 1)
                            captureMoreThanThis |= true;

                if (!captureMoreThanThis && capturesThis.Count > 0)
                    // If we have closures which capture 'this', and nothing else, we can
                    // remove 'this' from the declared variables list, since we don't need
                    // to create an environment to hold 'this' (since we can emit the
                    // lowered methods directly onto the containing class)
                    bool removed = ScopeTree.DeclaredVariables.Remove(thisParam);
 public StoreMulti(string type)
     Type        = type;
     Enabled     = ProcessFlags(Type, Flags);
     _dictionary = Enabled ? new MultiDictionary <T, Tuple <TK, TimeSpan?> >(true) : null;
        /// <summary>
        /// This macro implements InitializationConcept (singleton) instead of AutoInheritRowPermissionsInfo,
        /// in order to allow creating the new concepts in a single iteration.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <IConceptInfo> CreateNewConcepts(InitializationConcept conceptInfo, IDslModel existingConcepts)
            var autoInheritModules = new HashSet <string>(
                existingConcepts.FindByType <AutoInheritRowPermissionsInfo>().Select(airp => airp.Module.Name));

            var autoInheritExtensionsByBase = new MultiDictionary <string, DataStructureExtendsInfo>();
            var autoInheritExtensions       = existingConcepts.FindByType <DataStructureExtendsInfo>()
                                              .Where(e => autoInheritModules.Contains(e.Extension.Module.Name));

            foreach (var autoInheritExtension in autoInheritExtensions)
                autoInheritExtensionsByBase.Add(autoInheritExtension.Base.GetKey(), autoInheritExtension);

            var autoInheritDetailsByMaster = new MultiDictionary <string, ReferenceDetailInfo>();
            var autoInheritDetails         = existingConcepts.FindByType <ReferenceDetailInfo>()
                                             .Where(d => autoInheritModules.Contains(d.Reference.DataStructure.Module.Name));

            foreach (var autoInheritDetail in autoInheritDetails)
                autoInheritDetailsByMaster.Add(autoInheritDetail.Reference.Referenced.GetKey(), autoInheritDetail);

            var rowPermissionsRead  = existingConcepts.FindByType <RowPermissionsReadInfo>();
            var rowPermissionsWrite = existingConcepts.FindByType <RowPermissionsWriteInfo>();
            var allDataStructuresWithRowPermissions = new HashSet <string>(
                rowPermissionsRead.Select(rp => rp.Source.GetKey())
                .Union(rowPermissionsWrite.Select(rp => rp.Source.GetKey())).ToList());

            var newConcepts = new List <IConceptInfo>();

            var newDataStructuresWithRowPermissions = new List <string>(allDataStructuresWithRowPermissions);

            while (newDataStructuresWithRowPermissions.Count > 0)
                var newInheritences = new List <IConceptInfo>();

                                         .SelectMany(ds => autoInheritExtensionsByBase.Get(ds))
                                         .SelectMany(extension =>
                    var rpFilters = new RowPermissionsPluginableFiltersInfo {
                        DataStructure = extension.Extension
                    var rpInherit = new RowPermissionsInheritFromBaseInfo {
                        RowPermissionsFilters = rpFilters
                    return(new IConceptInfo[] { rpFilters, rpInherit });

                                         .SelectMany(ds => autoInheritDetailsByMaster.Get(ds))
                                         .SelectMany(detail =>
                    var rpFilters = new RowPermissionsPluginableFiltersInfo {
                        DataStructure = detail.Reference.DataStructure
                    var rpInherit = new RowPermissionsInheritFromReferenceInfo {
                        RowPermissionsFilters = rpFilters, ReferenceProperty = detail.Reference
                    return(new IConceptInfo[] { rpFilters, rpInherit });


                newDataStructuresWithRowPermissions = newInheritences.OfType <RowPermissionsPluginableFiltersInfo>()
                                                      .Select(rpFilters => rpFilters.DataStructure.GetKey())
                                                      .Where(dataStructure => !allDataStructuresWithRowPermissions.Contains(dataStructure))

                foreach (var dataStructure in newDataStructuresWithRowPermissions)

        public void Given_NoParent_When_InsertLine_Returns_MultiDictionary_WithLineInserted(MultiDictionary lineToInsert)

Exemple #57
 public StoreMulti(List <SQLOutput> types)
     Types       = types;
     Enabled     = ProcessFlags();
     _dictionary = Enabled ? new MultiDictionary <T, Tuple <TK, TimeSpan?> >(true) : null;
        public void Given_CorrectParent_When_InsertLine_LineInsertedInTheParentCollection(MultiDictionary lineToInsert,
                                                                                          MultiDictionary parentLine)
            _sut.InsertLine(lineToInsert, parentLine);

Exemple #59
 public EventCalendar()
     this.allEvents     = new OrderedMultiDictionary <DateTime, Event>(true);
     this.eventsByTitle = new MultiDictionary <string, Event>(true);
        public void Given_3Levels_When_InsertLine_LineProperlyInserted(MultiDictionary level0Line,
                                                                       MultiDictionary level1Line, MultiDictionary level2Line)
            _sut.InsertLine(level1Line, level0Line);
            _sut.InsertLine(level2Line, level1Line);

            var result = _sut.Lines[level0Line.Code].Lines[level1Line.Code].Lines[level2Line.Code];
