private void OnPacketRecieved(object sender, MavlinkPacket e) { uint x = Mv.PacketsReceived; MavlinkMessage m = e.Message; if (m.GetType() == Hb.GetType()) { Hb = (Msg_heartbeat)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ss.GetType()) { Ss = (Msg_sys_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ps.GetType()) { Ps = (Msg_power_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == At.GetType()) { At = (Msg_attitude)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Gps.GetType()) { Gps = (Msg_gps_raw_int)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Vfr.GetType()) { Vfr = (Msg_vfr_hud)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Rp.GetType()) { Rp = (Msg_raw_pressure)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Sp.GetType()) { Sp = (Msg_scaled_pressure)e.Message; PressureAbsolute = (int)(Sp.press_abs * 1000f); Temperature = Sp.temperature; PressureDifference = (int)(Sp.press_diff * 1000f); Total++; if (OnAtmosphericData != null) { OnAtmosphericData.Invoke(PressureAbsolute, PressureDifference, Temperature, Total); } } if (x > 0 && OnPacketCountGreaterThanZero != null) { OnPacketCountGreaterThanZero.Invoke(); } }
void Mv_PacketReceived(object sender, MavLink.MavlinkPacket e) { uint x = Mv.PacketsReceived; MavlinkMessage m = e.Message; if (m.GetType() == Hb.GetType()) { Hb = (Msg_heartbeat)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ss.GetType()) { Ss = (Msg_sys_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ps.GetType()) { Ps = (Msg_power_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == At.GetType()) { At = (Msg_attitude)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Gps.GetType()) { Gps = (Msg_gps_raw_int)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Vfr.GetType()) { Vfr = (Msg_vfr_hud)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Rp.GetType()) { Rp = (Msg_raw_pressure)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Sp.GetType()) { Sp = (Msg_scaled_pressure)e.Message; Prs = (int)(Sp.press_abs * 1000f); Tep = Sp.temperature; Dif = (int)(Sp.press_diff * 1000f); /* * if (Sw == null) * { * Sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\Baro.csv"); * Sw.Write("\"Item\", \"Pressure\", \"Temp\", \"Difference\"\r\n"); * } * String S = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}\r\n", Total++, Prs, Tep, Dif); * Sw.Write(S);*/ } if (x > 0) { if (MavLinkReader.ActiveForm != null) { MavLinkReader.ActiveForm.Invalidate(); } } }
public void SendTest() { Mavlink mavlink = new Mavlink(); Msg_attitude msg_Attitude = new Msg_attitude(); msg_Attitude.roll = 1; MavlinkPacket packet = new MavlinkPacket(msg_Attitude); var res = mavlink.Send(packet); mavlink.PacketReceived += Mavlink_PacketReceived; mavlink.ParseBytes(res); Assert.AreNotEqual(mavlink.PacketsReceived, 0); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { SystemId = (byte)MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_MANUAL_ARMED; ComponentId = (byte)MAV_COMPONENT.MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1; Application.runInBackground = true; mlpn = new Msg_local_position_ned(); mgpi = new Msg_global_position_int(); Mheratbeat = new Msg_heartbeat(); Msts = new Msg_sys_status(); Matt = new Msg_attitude(); Mdatastream = new Msg_request_data_stream(); Mgpsr = new Msg_gps_raw_int(); Mattq = new Msg_attitude_quaternion(); Mvhud = new Msg_vfr_hud(); MattTar = new Msg_attitude_target(); MHome = new Msg_home_position(); setMHome = new Msg_set_home_position(); setMode = new Msg_set_mode(); EstimatorStatus = new Msg_estimator_status(); Mvirbration = new Msg_vibration(); ExtendState = new Msg_extended_sys_state(); latlonalt = new LatLonAlt(); Malt = new Msg_altitude(); positionL = new Msg_position_target_local_ned(); setPositionL = new Msg_set_position_target_local_ned(); setPositionG = new Msg_set_position_target_global_int(); PositionG = new Msg_position_target_global_int(); MhiIMU = new Msg_highres_imu(); BatteryStatus = new Msg_battery_status(); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); DM = player.GetComponent <DroneMove> (); InitSocket(); setHomePosition(); setPositionTargetLocal(); setPositionTargetGlobal(); }
public void recvMavMsg(object sender, MavlinkPacket e) { Console.WriteLine("recvMavMsg: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); string str = e.Message.ToString(); if (str == "MavLink.Msg_heartbeat") { /* convert */ Msg_heartbeat ht = (Msg_heartbeat)e.Message; /* save the incoming msg */ mode = ht.custom_mode; /* publish */ commDataEvent(mode); } else if (e.Message.ToString() == "Mavlink.Msg_attitude") { Msg_attitude at = (Msg_attitude)e.Message; } }
void Mv_PacketReceived(object sender, MavLink.MavlinkPacket e) { uint x = Mv.PacketsReceived; Systemid = e.SystemId; Componentid = e.ComponentId; Sequence = e.SequenceNumber; MavlinkMessage m = e.Message; if (m.GetType() == Hb.GetType()) { Hb = (Msg_heartbeat)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ss.GetType()) { Ss = (Msg_sys_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Ps.GetType()) { Ps = (Msg_power_status)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == At.GetType()) { At = (Msg_attitude)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Gps.GetType()) { Gps = (Msg_gps_raw_int)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Vfr.GetType()) { Vfr = (Msg_vfr_hud)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Rp.GetType()) { Rp = (Msg_raw_pressure)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Sp.GetType()) { Sp = (Msg_scaled_pressure)e.Message; Prs = (int)(Sp.press_abs * 1000f); Tep = Sp.temperature; Dif = (int)(Sp.press_diff * 1000f); /* * Special log of Barometric data to the D drive * Can be disable if not needed */ ut.LogPressure(Sp); } if (m.GetType() == Ca.GetType()) { Ca = (Msg_command_ack)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == St.GetType()) { St = (Msg_statustext)e.Message; } if (m.GetType() == Mc.GetType()) { Mc = (Msg_mission_count)e.Message; MI = 0; GetMissionValues.RunWorkerAsync(); } if (m.GetType() == Mi[0].GetType()) { Mi[MI++] = (Msg_mission_item)e.Message; if (MI >= Mc.count) { MI = -1; } } if (x > 0) { if (MavLinkReader.ActiveForm != null) { MavLinkReader.ActiveForm.Invalidate(); } } }
private void Process(Msg_attitude msg) { Roll = msg.roll * 180.0 / Math.PI; Pitch = msg.pitch * 180.0 / Math.PI; Heading = msg.yaw * 180.0 / Math.PI; }
private void ProcessMessage(MavlinkMessage msg) { if (msg == null) { return; } Type t = msg.GetType(); if (currentStep != StateMachineStep.Connected && t != typeof(Msg_configuration_version) && t != typeof(Msg_configuration_version2)) { return; } if (t == typeof(Msg_configuration_control)) { Msg_configuration_control msg_control = (msg as Msg_configuration_control); switch ((CONFIG_COMMAND)msg_control.command) { case CONFIG_COMMAND.CONFIG_COMMAND_ACK: if (msg_control.param1 == (byte)CONFIG_PORT.CONFIG_PORT_1) { lblPort1.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_control.param2).GetDescription(); } else if (msg_control.param1 == (byte)CONFIG_PORT.CONFIG_PORT_2) { lblPort2.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_control.param2).GetDescription(); } tsLoading.Visible = false; btnPort1Configure.Enabled = true; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = true; break; case CONFIG_COMMAND.CONFIG_COMMAND_NACK: tsLoading.Visible = false; btnPort1Configure.Enabled = true; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("Error while saving Configuration for Port {0}", msg_control.param1), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); break; case CONFIG_COMMAND.CONFIG_COMMAND_BOOTLOADER: serialPort.Close(); StateMachineUpdate(StateMachineStep.None); break; default: break; } } else if (t == typeof(Msg_configuration_port)) { Msg_configuration_port msg_config = (msg as Msg_configuration_port); try { PortConfiguration config = new PortConfiguration(); config.Port = msg_config.port; config.Protocol = (ProtocolType)msg_config.protocol; if (config.Configuration != null) { config.Configuration.DeSerialize(; } tsLoading.Visible = false; if (PortConfigurationForm.ShowDialog(this, config) == DialogResult.OK) { try { Msg_configuration_port msg_send = new Msg_configuration_port(); msg_send.port = msg_config.port; msg_send.protocol = (byte)config.Protocol; if (config.Configuration != null) { = config.Configuration.Serialize(); } else { = new byte[128]; } mavlink_packet.Message = msg_send; byte[] bytes = mavlink.Send(mavlink_packet); serialPort.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); tsLoading.Visible = true; btnPort1Configure.Enabled = false; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = false; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Extensions.TaskExtensions.Delay(5000).Wait(); if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { BeginInvoke(((Action)(() => { if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { if (tsLoading.Visible) { tsLoading.Visible = false; btnPort1Configure.Enabled = true; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show(this, "Could not load Configuration. A connection timeout occurred.", "Timeout", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }))); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { StateMachineUpdate(StateMachineStep.None); MessageBox.Show(this, "Error while communicating:\n" + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { btnPort1Configure.Enabled = true; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { tsLoading.Visible = false; btnPort1Configure.Enabled = true; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("Error loading Configuration for Port {0}\n{1}", msg_config.port, ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else if (t == typeof(Msg_configuration_version) || t == typeof(Msg_configuration_version2)) { StateMachineUpdate(StateMachineStep.Connected); uint version = 0; if (t == typeof(Msg_configuration_version)) { //0x0009 Msg_configuration_version msg_version = (msg as Msg_configuration_version); lblPort1.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_version.port1).GetDescription(); lblPort2.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_version.port2).GetDescription(); version = msg_version.fw_version; version = version << 8; } else { //0x00000901 Msg_configuration_version2 msg_version = (msg as Msg_configuration_version2); version = msg_version.fw_version; lblPort1.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_version.port1).GetDescription(); lblPort2.Text = ((ProtocolType)msg_version.port2).GetDescription(); } tsFWVersion.Text = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", (byte)(version >> 16), (byte)(version >> 8), (byte)version); btnUpdate.Visible = FIRMWARE_VERSION > version; lblUpdateHint.Visible = FIRMWARE_VERSION != version; lblUpdateHint.Text = (FIRMWARE_VERSION > version ? "Your Firmware ist outdated.\n Please click Update to flash your AnySense with latest Firmware Version." : "Your Konfiguration Manager is outdated.\nPlease visit our support page for more information."); btnPort1Configure.Enabled = FIRMWARE_VERSION == version; btnPort2Configure.Enabled = FIRMWARE_VERSION == version; } else if (t == typeof(Msg_heartbeat)) { Msg_heartbeat heartbeat = (msg as Msg_heartbeat); lblFlightMode.Text = ((FlightMode)heartbeat.custom_mode).GetDescription(); tsUniAdapterHeartbeat.BackgroundImage = KonfigurationTool.Properties.Resources.led_g_an; if (UAHeartbeat == null || UAHeartbeat.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { UAHeartbeat = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Extensions.TaskExtensions.Delay(300).Wait(); if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { BeginInvoke(((Action)(() => { if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { tsUniAdapterHeartbeat.BackgroundImage = KonfigurationTool.Properties.Resources.led_aus; } }))); } }); } retry = 0; } else if (t == typeof(Msg_configuration_naza_heartbeat)) { tsFCHearbeat.BackgroundImage = KonfigurationTool.Properties.Resources.led_b_an; if (FCHeartbeat == null || FCHeartbeat.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { FCHeartbeat = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Extensions.TaskExtensions.Delay(300).Wait(); if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { BeginInvoke(((Action)(() => { if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { tsFCHearbeat.BackgroundImage = KonfigurationTool.Properties.Resources.led_aus; } }))); } }); } } else if (t == typeof(Msg_sys_status)) { Msg_sys_status sys = (msg as Msg_sys_status); lblBattery.Text = (sys.voltage_battery / 1000f).ToString("0.00 V"); lblCurrent.Text = (sys.current_battery / 100f).ToString("0.00 A"); } else if (t == typeof(Msg_gps_raw_int)) { Msg_gps_raw_int gps = (msg as Msg_gps_raw_int); lblCOG.Text = (gps.cog / 100f).ToString("0.00 °"); lblAltitude.Text = (gps.alt / 1000f).ToString("0.00 m"); lblGPSFix.Text = ((FixType)gps.fix_type).GetDescription(); lblHDOP.Text = (gps.eph / 100f).ToString("0.00"); lblVDOP.Text = (gps.epv / 100f).ToString("0.00"); lblLatitude.Text = ( / 10000000.0f).ToString("0.000000"); lblLongitude.Text = (gps.lon / 10000000.0f).ToString("0.000000"); lblSpeed.Text = (gps.vel / 100f).ToString("0.00 m/s"); lblNumSat.Text = gps.satellites_visible.ToString(); } else if (t == typeof(Msg_vfr_hud)) { Msg_vfr_hud vfr = (msg as Msg_vfr_hud); lblClimb.Text = vfr.climb.ToString("0.00 m/s"); lblSpeed.Text = vfr.groundspeed.ToString("0.00 m/s"); lblHeading.Text = vfr.heading.ToString("0 °"); lblThrottle.Text = vfr.throttle.ToString() + " %"; } else if (t == typeof(Msg_attitude)) { Msg_attitude att = (msg as Msg_attitude); lblRoll.Text = (att.roll * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("0.00 °"); lblPitch.Text = (att.pitch * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("0.00 °"); } else if (t == typeof(Msg_rc_channels)) { Msg_rc_channels rc = (msg as Msg_rc_channels); lblRC1.Text = rc.chan2_raw.ToString(); lblRC2.Text = rc.chan3_raw.ToString(); lblRC3.Text = rc.chan6_raw.ToString(); lblRC4.Text = rc.chan4_raw.ToString(); lblRC5.Text = rc.chan8_raw.ToString(); lblRC6.Text = rc.chan9_raw.ToString(); lblRC7.Text = rc.chan5_raw.ToString(); lblRC8.Text = rc.chan10_raw.ToString(); } else if (t == typeof(Msg_rc_channels_raw)) { Msg_rc_channels_raw rc = (msg as Msg_rc_channels_raw); lblRC1.Text = rc.chan1_raw.ToString(); lblRC2.Text = rc.chan2_raw.ToString(); lblRC3.Text = rc.chan3_raw.ToString(); lblRC4.Text = rc.chan4_raw.ToString(); lblRC5.Text = rc.chan5_raw.ToString(); lblRC6.Text = rc.chan6_raw.ToString(); lblRC7.Text = rc.chan7_raw.ToString(); lblRC8.Text = rc.chan8_raw.ToString(); } else if (t == typeof(Msg_battery_status)) { Msg_battery_status batt = (msg as Msg_battery_status); lbCell1.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 1, ((float)batt.voltages[0] / 1000f)); lbCell2.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 2, ((float)batt.voltages[1] / 1000f)); lbCell3.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 3, ((float)batt.voltages[2] / 1000f)); lbCell4.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 4, ((float)batt.voltages[3] / 1000f)); lbCell5.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 5, ((float)batt.voltages[4] / 1000f)); lbCell6.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 6, ((float)batt.voltages[5] / 1000f)); lbCell7.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 7, ((float)batt.voltages[6] / 1000f)); lbCell8.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 8, ((float)batt.voltages[7] / 1000f)); lbCell9.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 9, ((float)batt.voltages[8] / 1000f)); lbCell10.Text = string.Format("{0:00}. {1:0.00} V", 10, ((float)batt.voltages[9] / 1000f)); } }