Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrate how to make calls to deisotope a spectrum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataAccess"></param>
        private void DeisotopeTest(IMsdrDataReader dataAccess)
            IMsdrPeakFilter filter1 = new MsdrPeakFilter();

            filter1.AbsoluteThreshold = 10;
            filter1.RelativeThreshold = 0.1;
            filter1.MaxNumPeaks       = 0;//no limit on max number of peaks
            IMsdrChargeStateAssignmentFilter csaFilter = new MsdrChargeStateAssignmentFilter();

            IBDASpecFilter f = new BDASpecFilter();

            f.SpectrumType = SpecType.MassSpectrum;

            IBDAMSScanFileInformation msscanFileInfo = dataAccess.MSScanFileInformation;
            int numSpectra     = (int)msscanFileInfo.TotalScansPresent;
            int nNonEmptyCount = 0; // just deisotope the first 10 non-empty spectra

            for (int i = 0; i < numSpectra; i++)
                IBDASpecData spec = dataAccess.GetSpectrum(i, filter1, filter1);//same peak filter used for both MS and MS2 spectra (you can pass in 2 different filters)
                println("Original spectrum has " + spec.TotalDataPoints + " points");
                if (spec.XArray.Length > 0)
                if (nNonEmptyCount > 10)
                dataAccess.Deisotope(spec, csaFilter);
                println("  Deisotoped spectrum has " + spec.TotalDataPoints + " points");
Exemple #2
        public static PeakList <Peak> GetPeakList(this IMsdrDataReader reader, double retentionTime, double minPeakIntensity, int maxNumPeaks)
            IMsdrPeakFilter peakFilter = new MsdrPeakFilter();

            peakFilter.AbsoluteThreshold = minPeakIntensity;
            peakFilter.RelativeThreshold = 0;
            peakFilter.MaxNumPeaks       = maxNumPeaks;

            return(GetPeakList(reader, retentionTime, peakFilter));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrate how to use
        /// GetSpectrum(double retentionTime, MSScanType scanType, IonPolarity ionPolarity, IonizationMode ionMode, IMsdrPeakFilter peakFilter, bool peakFilterOnCentroid);
        /// Get a TIC, and then use the retention time array to access each scan.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataAccess"></param>
        private void DoSpectrumExtractionTest(IMsdrDataReader dataAccess)
            IMsdrPeakFilter filter1 = new MsdrPeakFilter();

            filter1.AbsoluteThreshold = 10;
            filter1.RelativeThreshold = 0.1;
            filter1.MaxNumPeaks       = 0;

            IBDAChromFilter chromFilter = new BDAChromFilter();

            chromFilter.ChromatogramType     = ChromType.TotalIon;
            chromFilter.DesiredMSStorageType = DesiredMSStorageType.PeakElseProfile;

            IBDAChromData[] chroms = dataAccess.GetChromatogram(chromFilter);
            IBDAChromData   chrom  = chroms[0];

            double[] retTime = chrom.XArray;
            for (int i = 0; i < retTime.Length; i++)
                println("Extract spectrum at RT=" + retTime[i]);
                //Get a spectrum without doing peak filtering if the spectrum is centroid
                //The peak filter passed in will be applied to profile spectrum, but not
                //centroid spectrum, because the flag peakFilterOnCentroid=false
                IBDASpecData spec = dataAccess.GetSpectrum(retTime[i], MSScanType.All, IonPolarity.Mixed, IonizationMode.Unspecified, filter1, false);//peakFilterOnCentroid=false

                /*//uncomment this section if you want to print out spectrum points
                 * double[] mzVals = spec.XArray;
                 * float[] aboundanceVals = spec.YArray;
                 * for (int j = 0; j < mzVals.Length; j++)
                 * {
                 * println(mzVals[j] + ", " + aboundanceVals[j]);
                 * }
                //Get a spectrum and apply peak filtering to it regardless profile or centroid

                IBDASpecData spec2 = dataAccess.GetSpectrum(retTime[i], MSScanType.All, IonPolarity.Mixed, IonizationMode.Unspecified, filter1, true);//peakFilterOnCentroid=true

                 * mzVals = spec.XArray;
                 * aboundanceVals = spec.YArray;
                 * for (int j = 0; j < mzVals.Length; j++)
                 * {
                 *   if (aboundanceVals[j] > 5000)
                 *   {
                 *       println(mzVals[j] + ", " + aboundanceVals[j]);
                 *   }
                 * }
                if (spec2.TotalDataPoints > spec.TotalDataPoints)
                {//since spec2 is always thresholded, it must have less than or equal # of points as spec
                    println("  Error: filtered spectrum contains more points than unfiltered spectrum!");
Exemple #4
        private void DoSpectrumExtractionTestWithStorage(IMsdrDataReader dataAccess)
            IMsdrPeakFilter filter1 = new MsdrPeakFilter();

            filter1.AbsoluteThreshold = 10;
            filter1.RelativeThreshold = 0.1;
            filter1.MaxNumPeaks       = 0;

            IBDAMSScanFileInformation msscanFileInfo = dataAccess.MSScanFileInformation;
            int numSpectra = (int)msscanFileInfo.TotalScansPresent;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSpectra; i++)
                IBDASpecData spec = dataAccess.GetSpectrum(i, filter1, filter1, DesiredMSStorageType.PeakElseProfile);
                println("Spectrum " + i.ToString() + "has " + spec.TotalDataPoints + " points");
Exemple #5
        public void Load(string agilentDFolderPath, int minimumAssumedPrecursorChargeState, int maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState,
                         double absoluteThreshold, double relativeThresholdPercent, int maximumNumberOfPeaks,
                         bool assignChargeStates, bool deisotope, int maximumThreads)
            OnReportTaskWithoutProgress(new EventArgs());

            IMsdrDataReader agilent_d = new MassSpecDataReader();


            Dictionary <int, IBDASpecData> ms1s;

                ms1s = new Dictionary <int, IBDASpecData>();

            IMsdrPeakFilter ms1_peak_filter = new MsdrPeakFilter();
            IMsdrPeakFilter ms2_peak_filter = new MsdrPeakFilter();

            ms2_peak_filter.AbsoluteThreshold = absoluteThreshold;
            ms2_peak_filter.RelativeThreshold = relativeThresholdPercent;
            ms2_peak_filter.MaxNumPeaks       = maximumNumberOfPeaks;
            ChargeStateAssignmentWrapper csaw = new ChargeStateAssignmentWrapper();

            OnReportTaskWithProgress(new EventArgs());
            object progress_lock     = new object();
            int    spectra_processed = 0;
            int    old_progress      = 0;

            ParallelOptions parallel_options = new ParallelOptions();

            parallel_options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maximumThreads;
            Parallel.For(0, (int)agilent_d.MSScanFileInformation.TotalScansPresent, parallel_options, row_number =>
                IMSScanRecord scan_record;
                lock (agilent_d)
                    scan_record = agilent_d.GetScanRecord(row_number);

                if (scan_record.MSLevel == MSLevel.MSMS)
                    IBDASpecData agilent_spectrum;
                    lock (agilent_d)
                        agilent_spectrum = agilent_d.GetSpectrum(row_number, ms1_peak_filter, ms2_peak_filter);

                    if (agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints > 0)
                        int polarity = 0;
                        if (agilent_spectrum.IonPolarity == IonPolarity.Positive)
                            polarity = 1;
                        else if (agilent_spectrum.IonPolarity == IonPolarity.Negative)
                            polarity = -1;

                        int spectrum_number = row_number + 1;
                        string scan_id      = "scanId=" + agilent_spectrum.ScanId.ToString();

                        double precursor_mz = agilent_spectrum.MZOfInterest[0].Start;
                        double precursor_intensity;
                        if (GET_PRECURSOR_MZ_AND_INTENSITY_FROM_MS1)
                            GetAccurateMZAndIntensity(ms1s, agilent_d, agilent_spectrum.ParentScanId, ref precursor_mz, out precursor_intensity);
                            agilent_spectrum.GetPrecursorIntensity(out precursor_intensity);

                        int charge;
                        agilent_spectrum.GetPrecursorCharge(out charge);
                        if (polarity < 0)
                            charge = -charge;

                        List <MSPeak> peaks = null;
                        if (!assignChargeStates)
                            peaks = new List <MSPeak>(agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints);
                            for (int i = 0; i < agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints; i++)
                                peaks.Add(new MSPeak(agilent_spectrum.XArray[i], agilent_spectrum.YArray[i], 0, polarity));

                        for (int c = (ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE || charge == 0 ? minimumAssumedPrecursorChargeState : charge);
                             c <= (ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE || charge == 0 ? maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState : charge); c++)
                            if (assignChargeStates)
                                int[] peak_ids            = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                double[] peak_mzs         = new double[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                double[] peak_intensities = new double[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                for (int i = 0; i < agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints; i++)
                                    peak_ids[i]         = i;
                                    peak_mzs[i]         = agilent_spectrum.XArray[i];
                                    peak_intensities[i] = agilent_spectrum.YArray[i];
                                int[] peak_charge_states = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                int[] peak_clusters      = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];

                                int num_peaks;
                                lock (csaw)
                                    csaw.SetParameters(IsotopeModel.Peptidic, 1, (short)c, false, ACCURACY_C0, ACCURACY_C1);
                                    num_peaks = csaw.AssignChargeStates(peak_ids, peak_mzs, peak_intensities, peak_charge_states, peak_clusters);

                                peaks = new List <MSPeak>(num_peaks);
                                HashSet <int> observed_peak_clusters = new HashSet <int>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < num_peaks; i++)
                                    bool isotopic_peak = observed_peak_clusters.Contains(peak_clusters[i]);
                                    if (!deisotope || !isotopic_peak)
                                        peaks.Add(new MSPeak(peak_mzs[i], peak_intensities[i], peak_charge_states[i], polarity));
                                        if (peak_clusters[i] > 0 && !isotopic_peak)

                            double precursor_mass = MSPeak.MassFromMZ(precursor_mz, c);

                            TandemMassSpectrum spectrum = new TandemMassSpectrum(agilentDFolderPath, spectrum_number, scan_id, null, scan_record.RetentionTime, FRAGMENTATION_METHOD, precursor_mz, precursor_intensity, c, precursor_mass, peaks);
                            lock (this)

                lock (progress_lock)
                    int new_progress = (int)((double)spectra_processed / agilent_d.MSScanFileInformation.TotalScansPresent * 100);
                    if (new_progress > old_progress)
                        OnUpdateProgress(new ProgressEventArgs(new_progress));
                        old_progress = new_progress;

        public void Load(string agilentDFolderPath, int minimumAssumedPrecursorChargeState, int maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState,
            double absoluteThreshold, double relativeThresholdPercent, int maximumNumberOfPeaks,
            bool assignChargeStates, bool deisotope, int maximumThreads)
            OnReportTaskWithoutProgress(new EventArgs());

            IMsdrDataReader agilent_d = new MassSpecDataReader();


            Dictionary<int, IBDASpecData> ms1s;
                ms1s = new Dictionary<int, IBDASpecData>();

            IMsdrPeakFilter ms1_peak_filter = new MsdrPeakFilter();
            IMsdrPeakFilter ms2_peak_filter = new MsdrPeakFilter();
            ms2_peak_filter.AbsoluteThreshold = absoluteThreshold;
            ms2_peak_filter.RelativeThreshold = relativeThresholdPercent;
            ms2_peak_filter.MaxNumPeaks = maximumNumberOfPeaks;
            ChargeStateAssignmentWrapper csaw = new ChargeStateAssignmentWrapper();

            OnReportTaskWithProgress(new EventArgs());
            object progress_lock = new object();
            int spectra_processed = 0;
            int old_progress = 0;

            ParallelOptions parallel_options = new ParallelOptions();
            parallel_options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maximumThreads;
            Parallel.For(0, (int)agilent_d.MSScanFileInformation.TotalScansPresent, parallel_options, row_number =>
                IMSScanRecord scan_record;
                    scan_record = agilent_d.GetScanRecord(row_number);

                if(scan_record.MSLevel == MSLevel.MSMS)
                    IBDASpecData agilent_spectrum;
                        agilent_spectrum = agilent_d.GetSpectrum(row_number, ms1_peak_filter, ms2_peak_filter);

                    if(agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints > 0)
                        int polarity = 0;
                        if(agilent_spectrum.IonPolarity == IonPolarity.Positive)
                            polarity = 1;
                        else if(agilent_spectrum.IonPolarity == IonPolarity.Negative)
                            polarity = -1;

                        int spectrum_number = row_number + 1;
                        string scan_id = "scanId=" + agilent_spectrum.ScanId.ToString();

                        double precursor_mz = agilent_spectrum.MZOfInterest[0].Start;
                        double precursor_intensity;
                            GetAccurateMZAndIntensity(ms1s, agilent_d, agilent_spectrum.ParentScanId, ref precursor_mz, out precursor_intensity);
                            agilent_spectrum.GetPrecursorIntensity(out precursor_intensity);

                        int charge;
                        agilent_spectrum.GetPrecursorCharge(out charge);
                        if(polarity < 0)
                            charge = -charge;

                        List<MSPeak> peaks = null;
                            peaks = new List<MSPeak>(agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints);
                            for(int i = 0; i < agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints; i++)
                                peaks.Add(new MSPeak(agilent_spectrum.XArray[i], agilent_spectrum.YArray[i], 0, polarity));

                        for(int c = (ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE || charge == 0 ? minimumAssumedPrecursorChargeState : charge);
                            c <= (ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE || charge == 0 ? maximumAssumedPrecursorChargeState : charge); c++)
                                int[] peak_ids = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                double[] peak_mzs = new double[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                double[] peak_intensities = new double[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                for(int i = 0; i < agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints; i++)
                                    peak_ids[i] = i;
                                    peak_mzs[i] = agilent_spectrum.XArray[i];
                                    peak_intensities[i] = agilent_spectrum.YArray[i];
                                int[] peak_charge_states = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];
                                int[] peak_clusters = new int[agilent_spectrum.TotalDataPoints];

                                int num_peaks;
                                    csaw.SetParameters(IsotopeModel.Peptidic, 1, (short)c, false, ACCURACY_C0, ACCURACY_C1);
                                    num_peaks = csaw.AssignChargeStates(peak_ids, peak_mzs, peak_intensities, peak_charge_states, peak_clusters);

                                peaks = new List<MSPeak>(num_peaks);
                                HashSet<int> observed_peak_clusters = new HashSet<int>();
                                for(int i = 0; i < num_peaks; i++)
                                    bool isotopic_peak = observed_peak_clusters.Contains(peak_clusters[i]);
                                    if(!deisotope || !isotopic_peak)
                                        peaks.Add(new MSPeak(peak_mzs[i], peak_intensities[i], peak_charge_states[i], polarity));
                                        if(peak_clusters[i] > 0 && !isotopic_peak)

                            double precursor_mass = MSPeak.MassFromMZ(precursor_mz, c);

                            TandemMassSpectrum spectrum = new TandemMassSpectrum(agilentDFolderPath, spectrum_number, scan_id, null, scan_record.RetentionTime, FRAGMENTATION_METHOD, precursor_mz, precursor_intensity, c, precursor_mass, peaks);

                    int new_progress = (int)((double)spectra_processed / agilent_d.MSScanFileInformation.TotalScansPresent * 100);
                    if(new_progress > old_progress)
                        OnUpdateProgress(new ProgressEventArgs(new_progress));
                        old_progress = new_progress;
