Exemple #1
        public void CreateGroupInquiry(MpInquiry inquiry)
            var values = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Contact_ID", inquiry.ContactId },
                { "Group_ID", inquiry.GroupId },
                { "Email", inquiry.EmailAddress },
                { "Phone", inquiry.PhoneNumber },
                { "First_Name", inquiry.FirstName },
                { "Last_Name", inquiry.LastName },
                { "Inquiry_Date", System.DateTime.Now }

            WithApiLogin <int>(token =>
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error creating group inquiry: " + e.Message);
        public void SubmitInquiry(string token, int groupId)
            var participant = _participantRepository.GetParticipantRecord(token);
            var contact     = _contactRepository.GetContactById(participant.ContactId);

            // check to see if the inquiry is going against a group where a person is already a member or has an outstanding request to join
            var requestsForContact = _groupToolRepository.GetInquiries(groupId).Where(r => r.ContactId == participant.ContactId && r.Placed == null);
            var participants       = _groupRepository.GetGroupParticipants(groupId, true).Where(r => r.ContactId == participant.ContactId);

            if (requestsForContact.Any() || participants.Any())
                throw new ExistingRequestException("User is already member or has request");

            var mpInquiry = new MpInquiry
                ContactId    = participant.ContactId,
                GroupId      = groupId,
                EmailAddress = participant.EmailAddress,
                PhoneNumber  = contact.Home_Phone,
                FirstName    = contact.Nickname,
                LastName     = contact.Last_Name,
                RequestDate  = DateTime.Now


            var group   = _groupService.GetGroupDetails(groupId);
            var leaders = group.Participants.
                          Where(groupParticipant => groupParticipant.GroupRoleId == _groupRoleLeaderId).ToList();

            var Requestor = "<i>" + contact.Nickname + " " + contact.Last_Name + "</i> ";

            foreach (var leader in leaders)
                var mergeData = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "Name", leader.NickName }, { "Requestor", Requestor }
                SendSingleGroupParticipantEmail(leader, _groupRequestToJoinEmailTemplate, mergeData);
Exemple #3
        public void SubmitInquiry(string token, int groupId, bool doSendEmail)
            var participant = _participantRepository.GetParticipantRecord(token);
            var contact     = _contactRepository.GetContactById(participant.ContactId);

            // check to see if the inquiry is going against a group where a person is already a member or has an outstanding request to join
            var requestsForContact = _groupToolRepository.GetInquiries(groupId).Where(r => r.ContactId == participant.ContactId && r.Placed == null);
            var participants       = _groupRepository.GetGroupParticipants(groupId, true).Where(r => r.ContactId == participant.ContactId);

            if (participants.Any())
                throw new ExistingRequestException("User already a member");
            if (requestsForContact.Any())
                throw new ExistingRequestException("User already has request");

            var mpInquiry = new MpInquiry
                ContactId    = participant.ContactId,
                GroupId      = groupId,
                EmailAddress = participant.EmailAddress,
                PhoneNumber  = contact.Home_Phone,
                FirstName    = contact.Nickname,
                LastName     = contact.Last_Name,
                RequestDate  = DateTime.Now


            var group   = _groupService.GetGroupDetails(groupId);
            var leaders = group.Participants.
                          Where(groupParticipant => groupParticipant.GroupRoleId == _groupRoleLeaderId).ToList();

            // Call Analytics
            var props = new EventProperties {
                { "Name", group.GroupName }, { "City", group?.Address?.City }, { "State", group?.Address?.State }, { "Zip", group?.Address?.PostalCode }

            _analyticsService.Track(contact.Contact_ID.ToString(), "RequestedToJoinGroup", props);

            if (doSendEmail)
                foreach (var leader in leaders)
                    if (group.GroupTypeId == _anywhereGroupType)
                        var Requestor    = "<i>" + contact.Nickname + " " + contact.Last_Name.Substring(0, 1) + "." + "</i> ";
                        var RequestorSub = contact.Nickname + " " + contact.Last_Name.Substring(0, 1) + ".";
                        var mergeData    = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            { "Name", leader.NickName }, { "Requestor", Requestor }, { "RequestorSub", RequestorSub }
                        SendSingleGroupParticipantEmail(leader, _anywhereGroupRequestToJoinEmailTemplate, mergeData);
                        var Requestor = "<i>" + contact.Nickname + " " + contact.Last_Name + "</i> ";
                        var mergeData = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            { "Name", leader.NickName }, { "Requestor", Requestor }
                        SendSingleGroupParticipantEmail(leader, _groupRequestToJoinEmailTemplate, mergeData);