// Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        // First, set barScaleFactor such that the height of the health bars is the upper 20% of the screen.
        barScaleFactor = (0.2f * Screen.height) / barTextureHeight;

        // 793 x 289 is the scale for the health bar png.
        barTextureLength *= barScaleFactor;
        barTextureHeight *= barScaleFactor;

        xOffset = (int) (0.3f * barTextureLength);
        yOffsetHealth = (int) (0.35f * barTextureHeight);
        yOffsetSpecial = (int) (0.5f * barTextureHeight);

        // Initialize character attributes
        charCombat = character.GetComponent<CombatScript> ();
        charMover = character.GetComponent<MovementAnimationScript> ();
        startHealth = charCombat.startHealth;
        charOnLeft = !charMover.facingLeft;

        // Initialize special attack strength.
        maxSpecialStrength = charCombat.maxSpecialStrength;

        // The health bar will be flipped and shifted from the left side of the screen
        // if the character's position is on the right.
        if (!charOnLeft){
            float spaceFromLeft = (float) (1f - (1.02 * (barTextureLength/Screen.width)));
            barPosition = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint( new Vector3( spaceFromLeft, 0.01f, 0f) );

        } else {
            barPosition = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint( new Vector3(0f, 0.01f, 0f) );
        //		Debug.Log (gameObject + "'s barPosition is: " + barPosition);
        //		Debug.Log ("The bar length and height for " + gameObject + " are: " + barTextureLength + " and " + barTextureHeight);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     mover = gameObject.GetComponent<MovementAnimationScript> ();
     friendly = !mover.enemy;
     friendlyAxes = new string[4] {"P1 - Dash", "P1 - Block", "P1 - Punch", "P1 - Special"};
     enemyAxes = new string[4] {"P2 - Dash", "P2 - Block", "P2 - Punch", "P2 - Special"};
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     if (playerChar == null) { playerChar = GameObject.Find ("Linda Left"); }
     charMover = playerChar.GetComponent<MovementAnimationScript> ();
     resourceMap = new Dictionary<int, Texture2D>() {
         {2, (Texture2D) Resources.Load ("combo2")},
         {3, (Texture2D) Resources.Load ("combo3")},
         {4, (Texture2D) Resources.Load ("combo4")}
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     currentHealth = startHealth;
     startTime = Time.time;
     mover = GetComponent<MovementAnimationScript> ();
     mover.fighterAnimation.RegisterColliderTriggerDelegate (receiveColliderTriggerEvent);
     counterSpawner = GameObject.Find ("God").GetComponent<CounteredSpawner> ();