private void setupEnvironments(Car car, World world, Game game, Move move) { TilePos.TileSize = game.TrackTileSize; GlobalMap.InstanceInit(world); GlobalMap.Instance.SetupEnvironment(world, game); AngleReachEvent.setupEnvironment(game); MoveToAngleFunction.setupEnvironment(world); MoveToPoint.setupEnvironment(world); PhysicExtensions.setupEnvironment(game); PhysicEventsCalculator.setupEnvironment(game, world); CollisionSide.SetupEnvironment(game); CollisionCircle.SetupEnvironment(game); CollisionDetector.SetupEnvironment(game, GlobalMap.Instance); map.SetupEnvironment(car, GlobalMap.Instance); path.SetupEnvironment(car, GlobalMap.Instance, world, game); foreach (IAction action in actions.Values) { action.setupEnvironment(car, world, game, path); } foreach (AdditionalPoints action in additionalPointsActions) { action.setupEnvironment(car, world, game, path); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { gameObject.AddComponent<MoveToPoint>(); aim = gameObject.GetComponent<MoveToPoint>(); // object tracked for aiming aim.moveRate = this.moveRate; click = gameObject.AddComponent<MoveOnClick>(); }
public void Restart() { // Init BB m_Blackboard = new Blackboard(); m_Blackboard.Trans = transform; m_Blackboard.Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; m_Blackboard.Destination = transform.position + new Vector3(10, 0, 5); m_Bt = new BehaviorTree(); m_Bt.m_Blackboard = m_Blackboard; // Init tree Repeat repeat = new Repeat(ref m_Bt, -1); Sequence randomMove = new Sequence(ref m_Bt); PickRandomTarget pickTarget = new PickRandomTarget(); MoveToPoint moveBehavior = new MoveToPoint(); randomMove.m_Children.Add(moveBehavior); randomMove.m_Children.Add(pickTarget); // Try out Chase behavior m_Chase = new Chase(moveBehavior, m_Bt); m_Flee = new Flee(moveBehavior, m_Bt); repeat.m_Child = randomMove; m_Bt.Start(repeat, this.SequenceComplete); }
private void InitStateMachine() { StateMachine = new StateMachine(); void AddTransition(IState from, IState to, Func <bool> condition) => StateMachine.AddTransition(from, to, condition); void AddAnyTransition(IState state, Func <bool> condition) => StateMachine.AddAnyTransition(state, condition); Func <bool> ReachedMovePoint() => () => PointToMove == null; Func <bool> HasPointToMove() => () => PointToMove != null; Func <bool> IsTimeOutFinished() => () => timer.finished; Func <bool> IsStopped() => () => CurrentVerticalMove == MinAxisMove; Func <bool> HasTarget() => () => currentTarget != null; Func <bool> HasNoTarget() => () => currentTarget == null; Idle idle = new Idle(this, Animator); SearchPointToMove searchPointToMove = new SearchPointToMove(this); MoveToPoint moveToPoint = new MoveToPoint(this, Animator); TimeOut timeOut = new TimeOut(this, timer); Attack attack = new Attack(this); AddTransition(idle, timeOut, IsStopped()); AddTransition(timeOut, searchPointToMove, IsTimeOutFinished()); AddTransition(searchPointToMove, moveToPoint, HasPointToMove()); AddTransition(moveToPoint, idle, ReachedMovePoint()); AddTransition(attack, idle, HasNoTarget()); AddAnyTransition(attack, HasTarget()); StateMachine.SetEntryPoint(idle); }
public void SequenceComplete(Status status) { PickRandomTarget pickTarget = new PickRandomTarget(); MoveToPoint moveBehavior = new MoveToPoint(); randomMove.m_Children.Add(moveBehavior); randomMove.m_Children.Add(pickTarget); }
void Awake() { _isSlowMod = false; _shoot = GetComponent< PlayerShoot > (); ChangeMoveMod (); _moveToPoint = GetComponent< MoveToPoint > (); _moveToPoint.enabled = false; _pauseMenu = GameObject.Find ("Pause"); _pauseMenu.SetActive (false); }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { moveToPoint = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); fOV = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <FieldOfView>(); enemy = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyAI>(); anim = animator; //Raise playerSpottedEvent (triggers music change) anim.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().RaiseSpottedEvent(); //Increase speed anim.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().speed = 8; }
// Start is called before the first frame update public void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); GetComponent <Damageable>().damageAction += (n) => rb.AddForce(15 * Mathf.Sign(n.transform.lossyScale.x) * Vector2.right, ForceMode2D.Impulse); GetComponent <Damageable>().dieAction += () => Destroy(gameObject); motion = GetComponent <MoveXCommand>(); attackCommand = GetComponent <ZombiAttack>(); stateMachine = GetComponent <UnitStateMachine>(); Patroler patroler = new Patroler(new StateInfo(transform, stateMachine), transform.position) { speed = BaseSpeed * 0.7f, time = 3f }; Follower follower = new Follower(new StateInfo(transform, stateMachine)) { maxSpeed = BaseSpeed }; MoveToPoint motionToPoint = new MoveToPoint(new StateInfo(transform, stateMachine), patroler.point, patroler) { speed = new Vector2(BaseSpeed * 0.8f, 0) }; //stateMachine.SetState(patroler); stateMachine.Initialize(follower); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(targetTag).GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); follower.SetTarget(target); detectPlayer.Enter += () => stateMachine.SetState(follower); attackZone.Enter += () => stateMachine.SetState(new IdleState(new StateInfo(transform, stateMachine))); attackZone.Stay += () => attackCommand.Execute(); attackZone.Exit += () => stateMachine.SetState(follower); //lostZone.Exit += () => //{ // if (stateMachine.currentState == follower) // { // stateMachine.SetState(new WaitState(transform, stateMachine, 1, motionToPoint)); // } //}; }
private void Update() { lastFire += Time.deltaTime; try { GameObject target = FindTarget(); if (target != null && lastFire > timeReload) { if (turret != null) { //Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(1, Vec) //float yRotate = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; //turret.transform.localRotation = new Vector3(turret.transform.localRotation.x, , turret.transform.localRotation.z); turret.transform.LookAt(target.transform.position, Vector3.up); } GameObject newBullet = poolManager.Spawn(bullet, pointGeneratorBullet.transform.position, pointGeneratorBullet.transform.rotation);//Instantiate(bullet, this.transform); Debug.Log( + " create bullet"); MoveToPoint moveToPointBullet = newBullet.GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); if (moveToPointBullet != null) { moveToPointBullet.MoveTo(pointGeneratorBullet.transform.position, target); } DealingDamage dealingDamageBullet = newBullet.GetComponent <DealingDamage>(); if (dealingDamageBullet != null) { UnitData unitData = gameObject.GetComponent <UnitData>(); if (unitData != null) { dealingDamageBullet.SetTeam(; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Try get UnitData is faled (" + + ")"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Try get DealingDamage is faled (" + + ")"); } lastFire = 0; } } catch { Debug.LogError("Error in target " + targets[0].name); } }
public GameObject ThrowCard(Card card, Vector3 spawnPoint, Vector3 targetPoint, bool noNoise = false) { GameObject newObj = Instantiate(CardPrefab); newObj.GetComponent <CardVisualBehavior>().SetCard((card)); newObj.transform.position = spawnPoint; MoveToPoint moveToPoint = newObj.AddComponent <MoveToPoint>(); moveToPoint.targetPoint = targetPoint; moveToPoint.speed = 2.0f; if (!noNoise) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(PlayCardSound); } return(newObj); }
void InstantiatePeriodically() { Vector2 rand = Random.insideUnitCircle * 6; Vector3 spawnPoint = spawnCenter + new Vector3(rand.x, 0, rand.y); GameObject ball = Instantiate(prefab, spawnPoint, Quaternion.identity); Rigidbody rb = ball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Transform tra = ball.GetComponent <Transform>(); MoveToPoint mtp = ball.GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); tra.localScale *= Random.Range(0.5f, 2.0f); rb.mass *= Random.Range(0.5f, 2.0f); mtp.ScaleMovePower(Random.Range(0.5f, 2.0f)); mtp.ScaleMaxAngularVelocity(Random.Range(0.5f, 2.0f)); Invoke("InstantiatePeriodically", period); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { index = 1; movePlayer = new MoveToPoint(); ph = new PathController(gameObject); gameObject.transform.GetComponentInParent <CheckPath>().OnTriggerObjects += delegate() { Vector2 pos; IEnumerable <GameObject> boots; ph.GetOverlap(out pos, out boots); ph.GetValue(boots, pos); }; isClick.GetComponent <Floor>().gg += delegate(List <Node> n) { MoveCome = true; movePlayer.pathStep = 1; }; }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { distract = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <Distractable>(); moveToPoint = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { moveToPoint = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); patrol = animator.gameObject.GetComponent <PatrolV2>(); animator.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().RaisePatrolEvent(); }
public void Restart() { // Creating and setting some basic values for the blackboard m_Blackboard = new Blackboard(); m_Blackboard.Trans = transform; m_Blackboard.StartPoint = transform.position; GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (player) { m_Blackboard.Player = player.transform; } m_Blackboard.Destination = transform.position + new Vector3(10, 0, 5); m_Blackboard.LookAtObject = GetComponent<Looker>(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Higher level sequence/selectors which we'll add leaf behaviors to later //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence randomMove = new Sequence(); Sequence moveToBeacon = new Sequence(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create leaf behaviors. Should only need one of each. // Some of these get used often (MoveToPoint), others are specific (CheckForBeacon) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MoveToPoint moveToPoint = new MoveToPoint(); PickRandomTarget pickRandomTarget = new PickRandomTarget(); CheckForBeacon checkForBeacon = new CheckForBeacon(); ChasePlayer chasePlayer = new ChasePlayer(); Stunned stunned = new Stunned(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Building the subtrees. // Add children to subtrees in left to right order, since each AddChild is doing a push_back //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- moveToBeacon.AddChild(checkForBeacon); moveToBeacon.AddChild(moveToPoint); randomMove.AddChild(pickRandomTarget); randomMove.AddChild(moveToPoint); //-------------------------------------------------- // Add subtrees to the root. // Like before, add behaviors in left to right order //-------------------------------------------------- m_Root.AddChild(stunned); m_Root.AddChild(moveToBeacon); m_Root.AddChild(chasePlayer); m_Root.AddChild(randomMove); //m_Blackboard.MovementPath = NavGraphConstructor.Instance.FindPathToLocation(m_Blackboard.Trans.position, m_Blackboard.Destination); //m_Blackboard.PathCurrentIdx = 0; // repeat.m_Child = randomMove; // // // Try out Chase behavior // m_Chase = new Chase(moveBehavior, m_Bt); // m_Flee = new Flee(moveBehavior, m_Bt); // // List<Behavior> tree = new List<Behavior>(); // tree.Add(repeat); // tree.Add(m_Chase); // // root.m_Children = tree; // // m_Bt.Start(root, this.SequenceComplete); }
private void Awake() { moveToPoint = GetComponent <MoveToPoint>(); }