private void Move(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float duration) { var parameters = new MoveParameters(from, to, duration); StopCoroutine("Move_Coroutine"); StartCoroutine("Move_Coroutine", parameters); }
public void Initialize(PlanerCore planer, MoveParameters parameters) { Agility = parameters.agility; m_direction = parameters.direction; m_planer = planer; m_planer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; m_planer.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -60 * m_direction, 0)); }
public MarioCharacter(Texture2D[][] marioSpriteSheets, Vector2 location) { Mario = new Mario(marioSpriteSheets, location); Parameters = Mario.Parameters; InitialParameters = new MoveParameters(false); Scene.CopyDataOfParameter(Parameters, InitialParameters); Win = false; DivedPipe = new ArrayList(); }
public EnemyCharacter(Texture2D[] texture, Point[] rowsAndColumns, MoveParameters moveParameters) { Parameters = moveParameters; Parameters.IsLeft = Parameters.Position.X >= Sprint5Main.Game.Scene.Mario.GetMinPosition.X; Parameters.SetVelocity(2, 0); liveEnemy = new AnimatedSprite(texture[0], rowsAndColumns[0], Parameters); diedEnemy = new AnimatedSprite(texture[1], rowsAndColumns[1], Parameters); currentSprite = liveEnemy; disappear = 100; }
public PlantEnemyCharacter(Texture2D[] texture, Point[] rowsAndColumns, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, rowsAndColumns, moveParameters) { maxHeight = moveParameters.Position.Y - 30F; minHeight = moveParameters.Position.Y; Parameters.SetVelocity(0, 0); Type = Sprint5Main.CharacterType.Enemy; Parameters.HasGravity = false; ClockToWait = 0; Appear = false; ReadyToTrigger = true; }
public CloudEnemyCharacter(Texture2D[] texture, Point[] rowsAndColumns, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, rowsAndColumns, moveParameters) { Parameters.SetVelocity(0, 0); if (Parameters.Position.Y > 200) { Parameters.SetPosition(Parameters.Position.X, 100); } Parameters.HasGravity = false; Type = Sprint5Main.CharacterType.Enemy; }
public ItemCharacter(Texture2D texture, Point rowsAndColumns, Vector2 location) { Item = new ItemSprite(texture, location, rowsAndColumns); Parameters = Item.Parameters; InitialParameter = new MoveParameters(false); Scene.CopyDataOfParameter(Parameters, InitialParameter); IsBump = false; BumpHigh = 0; BumpLow = Sprint5Main.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; }
public Blocks(Texture2D sheet, MoveParameters moveParameters, Point rowAndColumn, BlockType type, ArrayList itemList) : base(sheet, rowAndColumn, moveParameters) { BType = type; items = itemList; containItems = itemList.Count != 0 ? true : false; bPosition = moveParameters.Position; bStates = new IBlockStates[4] { new HiddenState(), new NormalState(), new BumpingState(), new UsedOrDestroyedState() }; currentbState = GenerateCurrentState(); IsBumping = false; }
public ArrayList FactoryMethod(string name, Vector2 posS, Vector2 posE) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int x = 0; x < (posE.X - posS.X) / 16; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < (posE.Y - posS.Y) / 16; y++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posS.X + x * 16, posS.Y + y * 16); MoveParameters parameters = new MoveParameters(false); parameters.SetPosition(pos.X, pos.Y); switch (name) { case "Brick": list.Add(GetBrickBlock(parameters, new ArrayList())); break; case "QuestionB": list.Add(GetQuestionBlock(parameters, new ArrayList())); break; case "HiddenB": list.Add(GetHiddenBlock(parameters, new ArrayList())); break; case "UsedB": list.Add(GetUsedBlock(parameters)); break; case "FloorB": list.Add(GetFloorBlock(parameters)); break; case "StairB": list.Add(GetStairBlock(parameters)); break; case "DestructibleStairB": list.Add(GetDestructibleStairBlock(parameters)); break; default: break; } } } return(list); }
private IEnumerator Move_Coroutine(MoveParameters parameters) { var from = parameters.from; var to =; var duration = parameters.duration; var interpolant = 0f; var lerpProgress = 0f; var lerpLength = duration; while (lerpProgress < lerpLength) { rigidBody.position = Vector3.Lerp(from, to, interpolant); lerpProgress += Time.deltaTime; interpolant = lerpProgress / lerpLength; interpolant = Mathf.Sin(interpolant * Mathf.PI * 0.5f); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } }
private void ResetScene(bool resetAll, bool goToCheckPoint) { #region Reset //save backup MoveParameters tempParameter = new MoveParameters(true); Scene.CopyDataOfParameter(currScene.Mario.Parameters, tempParameter); //copy all state from Parameters //back up some special state which not included in Parameters bool Win = currScene.Mario.Win; //record the current Mode int preMode = Mode; ChangeToLoadingMode(); scenes.Remove(currScene); //delete current level and remove it from level's list. //recreate a stage with initial state and connect it with current Scene. Stage stage = new Stage(Sprint5Main.Game); currScene.Stage = stage; scenes.Insert(CurrSceneIndex, currScene); //Initialize the scene and reload content. currScene.Initalize(CurrSceneIndex); currScene.LoadContent(); Mode = preMode; //use backup to rewrite if (!resetAll) //Press [Rr] to reset all entities. { ChangeToNormalMode(); currScene.Mario.Win = Win; Scene.CopyDataOfParameter(tempParameter, currScene.Mario.Parameters); currScene.Camera.LookAt(currScene.Mario.Parameters.Position); } else if (goToCheckPoint) //Mario died (with rest life > 1) { Scene.Mario.Parameters.SetPosition(CheckPoint, Scene.Mario.GetMinPosition.Y - 32); } else //Game Over or Win the game. { CheckPoint = Scene.Mario.GetMinPosition.X; } #endregion }
private float Clock; // The Clock used for Died Animation public Mario(Texture2D[][] marioSpriteSheets, Vector2 location) { MarioState = new MarioState(this); //initialize position and velocity, where the MoveParameter itself will not do. Parameters = new MoveParameters(true); Parameters.SetPosition(location.X, location.Y); Parameters.SetVelocity(0, 0); JumpHigher = false; Dive = false; AutomaticallyMoving = false; Shoot = false; DiveRight = false; //store 13 Mario textures MarioSpriteSheets = marioSpriteSheets ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(marioSpriteSheets)); ActionSprites = new ISprite[6] { new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][0], new Point(1, 1), Parameters), new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][1], new Point(1, 1), Parameters), new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][2], new Point(1, 3), Parameters), new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][3], new Point(1, 1), Parameters), new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][1], new Point(1, 1), Parameters), new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][5], new Point(1, 1), Parameters) }; FlagSprite = new AnimatedSprite(MarioSpriteSheets[0][4], new Point(1, 1), Parameters); CurrentSprite = ActionSprites[0]; Clock = 0; }
public JumpEnemyCharacter(Texture2D[] texture, Point[] rowsAndColumns, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, rowsAndColumns, moveParameters) { }
public static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, MoveData> > GetMoves(MoveParameters parameters) { var query = StaticData.Moves.AsEnumerable(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.Name)) { query = query.Where(x => string.Equals(x.Key, parameters.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (parameters.Type.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.Type == parameters.Type.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.MovePower)) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.MovePower?.Contains(parameters.MovePower) == true); } if (parameters.MoveTime.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.MoveTimeEnum == parameters.MoveTime.Value); } if (parameters.PPRange.Min.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.PowerPoints >= parameters.PPRange.Min); } if (parameters.PPRange.Max.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.PowerPoints <= parameters.PPRange.Max); } if (parameters.Duration.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.DurationEnum == parameters.Duration.Value); } if (parameters.IsConcentration.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.IsConcentration == parameters.IsConcentration.Value); } if (parameters.IsAttackRoll.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => x.Value.IsAttackRoll == parameters.IsAttackRoll.Value); } if (parameters.HasSave.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value.Save)); } if (parameters.IsTM.HasValue) { query = query.Where(x => StaticData.TMs.ContainsKey(x.Key)); } if (parameters.ScalesWithLevel.HasValue) { query = parameters.ScalesWithLevel.Value ? query.Where(x => x.Value.Damage != null) : query.Where(x => x.Value.Damage == null); } return(query); }
public Blocks(Texture2D sheet, Point rowAndCol, MoveParameters moveParameters, BlockType type) : base(sheet, rowAndCol, moveParameters) { bType = type; }
//void Update(GameTime gameTime) { } public BackgroundCharacter(Texture2D texture, Vector2 pos) { Parameters = new MoveParameters(false); Parameters.SetPosition(pos.X, pos.Y); Background = new AnimatedSprite(texture, new Point(1, 1), Parameters); }
public BlockCharacter GetFloorBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters) { return(new BlockCharacter(new FloorBlockSprite(BlockTextures[1], moveParameters))); }
public UsedBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, moveParameters, new Point(4, 1), BlockType.Used, new ArrayList { }) { }
public BlockCharacter GetBrickBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items) { return(new BlockCharacter(new BrickBlockSprite(BlockTextures[0], moveParameters, items, BlockType.BNormal))); }
public BlockCharacter GetHiddenBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items) { return(new BlockCharacter(new HiddenBlockSprite(BlockTextures[0], moveParameters, items))); }
public BlockCharacter GetQuestionBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items) { return(new BlockCharacter(new QuestionBlockSprite(BlockTextures[3], moveParameters, items))); }
public FloorBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, moveParameters, new Point(4, 1), BlockType.Indestructible, new ArrayList()) { // nothing to do }
public BlockCharacter GetDestructibleStairBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters) { return(new BlockCharacter(new BrickBlockSprite(BlockTextures[4], moveParameters, new ArrayList(), BlockType.Used))); }
public BlockCharacter GetStairBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters) { return(new BlockCharacter(new StairBlockSprite(BlockTextures[4], moveParameters))); }
public BrickBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items, BlockType type) : base(texture, moveParameters, new Point(4, 1), type, items) { destroyedBrickPosX = new float[4]; destroyedBrickPosY = new float[4]; }
public QuestionBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items) : base(texture, moveParameters, new Point(3, 4), BlockType.QNormal, items) { }
public FlightCameraController(string id, ControllerType controllerType, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(id, controllerType) { this.moveParameters = moveParameters; }
public HiddenBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters, ArrayList items) : base(texture, moveParameters, items, BlockType.Hidden) { }
public BlockCharacter GetUsedBlock(MoveParameters moveParameters) { return(new BlockCharacter(new UsedBlockSprite(BlockTextures[2], moveParameters))); }
public StairBlockSprite(Texture2D texture, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, moveParameters, new Point(4, 1), BlockType.Used, new ArrayList()) { // nothing to do }
public BossEnemyCharacter(Texture2D[] texture, Point[] rowsAndColumns, MoveParameters moveParameters) : base(texture, rowsAndColumns, moveParameters) { moveParameters.SetVelocity(2.0f, 0); currentSprite.FrameFreeze = true; }