public void TestWhenAnalysisHasNoHistory_ThenConfidenceIsVeryUnconfident()
            var history = new MoveHistory_Accessor();
            var target = new MoveAnalyzer_Accessor(history);
            Player you = new Player("Test", new MyBot());

            Confidence expected = Confidence.VeryUnconfident;
            Confidence actual = target.CurrentConfidence;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Odd that there is any confidence when there is no history.");
        public void TestWhenStoringMovesBeforeMovesAreMade_ThenNothingIsStored()
            var target = new MoveHistory_Accessor();
            IPlayer you = new Player("Test", new MyBot());
            IPlayer opponent = new Player("Opponent", new MyBot());

            target.StoreMoves(you, opponent);
            int expected = 0;
            int actual = target.OpponentMoveHistory.Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "No opponent move should have been stored as no move was made yet.");
            actual = target.YourMoveHistory.Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "No move for you should have been stored as no move was made yet.");
        public void TestWhenStoringMovesAfterMovesAreMade_ThenMovesAreStored()
            var target = new MoveHistory_Accessor();
            Player you = new Player("Test", new MyBot());
            you.SetLastMove(new PlayerMove(you, Moves.Rock));
            Player opponent = new Player("Opponent", new MyBot());
            opponent.SetLastMove(new PlayerMove(opponent, Moves.WaterBalloon));

            target.StoreMoves(you, opponent);
            Move expected = Moves.WaterBalloon;
            Move actual = target.OpponentMoveHistory[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Opponent move was not saved as expected.");
            expected = Moves.Rock;
            actual = target.YourMoveHistory[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Your move was not saved as expected.");
        public void TestWhenAnalysisEncountersARepeatedMove_ThenConfidenceIsVeryConfidentAndBestGuessIsDetermined()
            var history = new MoveHistory_Accessor();
            var target = new MoveAnalyzer_Accessor(history);
            Player you = new Player("Test", new MyBot());


            Confidence expected = Confidence.VeryConfident;
            Confidence actual = target.CurrentConfidence;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Confidence after the DDD pattern is not as expected.");
            Move expectedMove = Moves.WaterBalloon;
            Move actualMove = target.BestGuess;
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMove, actualMove, "Best guess after the DDD pattern is not as expected.");