Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Mouse/key events on the chart</summary>
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs args)
            //  *** Use PreviewMouseDown to set pending MouseOps ***
            //  *** Don't set e.Handled = true, SetPending() is enough ***
            // Notes:
            //  - MouseButton events in WPF are routed events that behave differently to WinForms.
            //  - The order of handlers for MouseDown is:
            //     1) Registered class handlers
            //     2) OnMouseDown - base.OnMouseDown() does *not* raise the MouseDown event
            //     3) Handers attached to event MouseDown
            //  - MouseDown is a 'bubbling' event, it starts at the visual tree leaf element and
            //    bubble up the tree, stopped when a handle sets 'e.Handled = true'
            //  - PreviewMouseDown is a tunnelling 'event', it starts at the window and drills
            //    down the tree to the leaves. If 'e.Handled = true' in a PreviewMouseDown handler
            //    then MouseDown is never raised, and override OnMouseDown isn't called.

            var location = args.GetPosition(this);

            // If a mouse op is already active, ignore mouse down
            if (MouseOperations.Active != null)

            // Look for the mouse op to perform
            if (MouseOperations.Pending[args.ChangedButton] == null && DefaultMouseControl)
                switch (args.ChangedButton)
                default: return;

                case MouseButton.Left:   MouseOperations.Pending[args.ChangedButton] = new MouseOpDefaultLButton(this); break;

                case MouseButton.Middle: MouseOperations.Pending[args.ChangedButton] = new MouseOpDefaultMButton(this); break;

                case MouseButton.Right:  MouseOperations.Pending[args.ChangedButton] = new MouseOpDefaultRButton(this); break;

                case MouseButton.XButton1: UndoNavigation(); break;

                case MouseButton.XButton2: RedoNavigation(); break;

            // Start the next mouse op

            // Get the mouse op, save mouse location and hit test data, then call op.MouseDown()
            var op = MouseOperations.Active;

            if (op != null && !op.Cancelled)
                // Don't capture the mouse here in mouse down because that prevents
                // mouse up messages getting to subscribers of the MouseUp event.
                // Only capture the mouse when we know it's a drag operation.

                op.GrabClient = op.DropClient = location;                 // Note: in ChartControl space, not ChartPanel space
                op.GrabChart  = op.DropChart = ClientToChart(location);
                op.HitResult  = HitTestCS(op.GrabClient, Keyboard.Modifiers, args.ToMouseBtns(), null);