public Container(MotionEditor editor, float timestamp)

                Asset = editor.GetAsset();
                Frame = editor.GetCurrentFrame();

                TimeSeries    = editor.GetTimeSeries();
                RootSeries    = (RootSeries)Asset.GetModule <RootModule>().ExtractSeries(TimeSeries, timestamp, editor.Mirror);
                StyleSeries   = (StyleSeries)Asset.GetModule <StyleModule>().ExtractSeries(TimeSeries, timestamp, editor.Mirror);
                ContactSeries = (ContactSeries)Asset.GetModule <ContactModule>().ExtractSeries(TimeSeries, timestamp, editor.Mirror);
                PhaseSeries   = (PhaseSeries)Asset.GetModule <PhaseModule>().ExtractSeries(TimeSeries, timestamp, editor.Mirror);

                Root            = editor.GetActor().transform.GetWorldMatrix(true);
                ActorPosture    = editor.GetActor().GetBoneTransformations();
                ActorVelocities = editor.GetActor().GetBoneVelocities();
Exemple #2
     * private void ExamineData() {
     *      int sequences = 0;
     *      int frames = 0;
     *      int[] styles = new int[Data[0].Styles.Length];
     *      for(int i=0; i<Data.Length; i++) {
     *              if(Active[i]) {
     *                      for(int m=1; m<=2; m++) {
     *                              for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
     *                                      MotionData.Sequence.Interval[] intervals = Data[i].Sequences[s].GetIntervals();
     *                                      for(int interval=0; interval<intervals.Length; interval++) {
     *                                              sequences += 1;
     *                                              for(int f=intervals[interval].Start; f<=intervals[interval].End; f++) {
     *                                                      frames += 1;
     *                                                      for(int index=0; index<Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleValues.Length; index++) {
     *                                                              if(Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleFlags[index]) {
     *                                                                      styles[index] += 1;
     *                                                              }
     *                                                              //if(Data[i].Frames[f].StyleValues[index] > 0f) {
     *                                                              //	styles[index] += 1;
     *                                                              //}
     *                                                      }
     *                                              }
     *                                      }
     *                              }
     *                      }
     *              }
     *      }
     *      Debug.Log("Sequences: " + sequences);
     *      Debug.Log("Frames: " + frames);
     *      Debug.Log("Time: " + (float)frames/(float)Data[0].Framerate+"s");
     *      for(int i=0; i<styles.Length; i++) {
     *              Debug.Log(Data[0].Styles[i] + " -> " + (float)styles[i] / (float)frames + "%" + " (" + styles[i] + " frames; " + (float)styles[i]/(float)Data[0].Framerate + "s)");
     *      }
     * }

     * private void SearchStyle() {
     *      /*
     *      int style = System.Array.FindIndex(Data[0].Styles, x => x == "Sit");
     *      for(int i=0; i<Data.Length; i++) {
     *              for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
     *                      for(int f=Data[i].Sequences[s].Start; f<=Data[i].Sequences[s].End; f++) {
     *                              if((Data[i].GetFrame(f).IsStyleKey(style) || f==Data[i].Sequences[s].Start) && Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleFlags[style]) {
     *                                      Debug.Log("Style at frame " + f + " in file " + Data[i]);
     *                              }
     *                      }
     *              }
     *      }
     * }

    private void BatchProcess()
        for (int i = 0; i < Editors.Length; i++)
            if (Active[i])
                for (int j = 0; j < Editors[i].Files.Length; j++)
                    MotionData data = Editors[i].Files[j].Data;

                     * for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
                     *      //Idle
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Idle", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Idle", 0);
                     *      //Walk
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Walk", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Walk", 0);
                     *      //Pace
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Pace", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Pace", 0);
                     *      //Trot
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Trot", 6);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Trot", 6);
                     *      //Canter
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Canter", 1);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Canter", 1);
                     *      //Jump
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Jump", 9);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Jump", 9);
                     *      //Sit
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Sit", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Sit", 0);
                     *      //Stand
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Stand", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Stand", 5);
                     *      //Lie
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Lie", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Lie", 5);
                     * }

                    //string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Data[i]);
                    //path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".unity";
                    //SceneAsset scene = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>(path);
                    //Data[i].Scene = scene;
                    //Data[i].RootSmoothing = 10;

                    //StyleModule styleModule = (StyleModule)data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Style);
                    //System.Array.Find(styleModule.Functions, x => x.Name == "Move").ToggleStyle(data.GetFirstFrame());


                    //data.Scaling = 7.5f;


                    //ContactModule contact = (ContactModule)data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Contact);
                    //for(int f=0; f<contact.Functions.Length; f++) {
                    //	contact.Functions[f].SetFilterWidth(5);
                    //	contact.Functions[f].SetDistanceThreshold(0.025f);
                    //	contact.Functions[f].SetVelocityThreshold(1f);

                    //data.Export = true;

                    ((HeightMapModule)data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.HeightMap)).Size = 1f;

Exemple #3
    public Trajectory GetTrajectory(bool mirrored)
        StyleModule styleModule = Data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Style) == null ? null : (StyleModule)Data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Style);
        PhaseModule phaseModule = Data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Phase) == null ? null : (PhaseModule)Data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Phase);

        Trajectory trajectory = new Trajectory(12, styleModule == null ? 0 : styleModule.Functions.Length);

        trajectory.Points[6].Styles = styleModule == null ? new float[0] : styleModule.GetStyle(this);
        trajectory.Points[6].Phase  = phaseModule == null ? 0f : phaseModule.GetPhase(this, mirrored);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            float delta = -1f + (float)i / 6f;
            if (Timestamp + delta < 0f)
                float pivot     = -Timestamp - delta;
                float clamped   = Mathf.Clamp(pivot, 0f, Data.GetTotalTime());
                float ratio     = pivot == clamped ? 1f : Mathf.Abs(pivot / clamped);
                Frame reference = Data.GetFrame(clamped);
                trajectory.Points[i].SetPosition(Data.GetFirstFrame().GetRootPosition(mirrored) - ratio * (reference.GetRootPosition(mirrored) - Data.GetFirstFrame().GetRootPosition(mirrored)));
                trajectory.Points[i].Styles = styleModule == null ? new float[0] : styleModule.GetStyle(reference);
                trajectory.Points[i].Phase  = phaseModule == null ? 0f : 1f - phaseModule.GetPhase(reference, mirrored);
                Frame previous = Data.GetFrame(Mathf.Clamp(Timestamp + delta, 0f, Data.GetTotalTime()));
                trajectory.Points[i].Styles = styleModule == null ? new float[0] : styleModule.GetStyle(previous);
                trajectory.Points[i].Phase  = phaseModule == null ? 0f : phaseModule.GetPhase(previous, mirrored);

        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            float delta = (float)i / 5f;
            if (Timestamp + delta > Data.GetTotalTime())
                float pivot     = 2f * Data.GetTotalTime() - Timestamp - delta;
                float clamped   = Mathf.Clamp(pivot, 0f, Data.GetTotalTime());
                float ratio     = pivot == clamped ?1f : Mathf.Abs((Data.GetTotalTime() - pivot) / (Data.GetTotalTime() - clamped));
                Frame reference = Data.GetFrame(clamped);
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetPosition(Data.GetLastFrame().GetRootPosition(mirrored) - ratio * (reference.GetRootPosition(mirrored) - Data.GetLastFrame().GetRootPosition(mirrored)));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetRotation(reference.GetRootRotation(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetVelocity(reference.GetRootVelocity(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetSpeed(reference.GetSpeed(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].Styles = styleModule == null ? new float[0] : styleModule.GetStyle(reference);
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].Phase  = phaseModule == null ? 0f : 1f - phaseModule.GetPhase(reference, mirrored);
                Frame future = Data.GetFrame(Mathf.Clamp(Timestamp + delta, 0f, Data.GetTotalTime()));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetTransformation(future.GetRootTransformation(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetVelocity(future.GetRootVelocity(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].SetSpeed(future.GetSpeed(mirrored));
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].Styles = styleModule == null ? new float[0] : styleModule.GetStyle(future);
                trajectory.Points[6 + i].Phase  = phaseModule == null ? 0f : phaseModule.GetPhase(future, mirrored);

    public RootSeries GetRivalRoot(TimeSeries global, float timestamp, bool mirrored)
        MotionData asset = GetRivalAsset(timestamp);

        return(asset == null ? null : (RootSeries)asset.GetModule <RootModule>().ExtractSeries(global, timestamp, mirrored));
Exemple #5
    private IEnumerator Process()
        if (Editor != null)
            Processing = true;
            foreach (Asset a in Assets)
                a.Processed = false;
            int count = 0;

            if (Pipeline == PIPELINE.Basketball)
                string     referenceBone = string.Empty;
                MotionData referenceData = null;
                foreach (Asset a in Assets)
                    if (a.Selected)
                        count += 1;
                        MotionData data = OfflineProcessing ? Editor.GetAsset(a.GUID) : Editor.LoadData(a.GUID);
                        while (!OfflineProcessing && !data.GetScene().isLoaded)
                            Debug.Log("Waiting for scene being loaded...");
                            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));
                        //START OF PROCESSING

                        // Reset motion data
                        foreach (Frame frame in data.Frames)

                        // Global
                        data.MirrorAxis = Axis.ZPositive;

                        // 1on1 Ball Copying
                            string GetID(MotionData asset)
                                return(asset.GetName().Substring(0, asset.GetName().LastIndexOf("_P0")));

                            referenceBone = "Player 01:Ball";
                            if (data.GetName().Contains("_P0"))
                                if (data.GetName().Contains("_P01"))
                                    referenceData = data;
                                else if (GetID(data) == GetID(referenceData))
                                    data.SampleTransformations(referenceData, referenceBone);
                                    Debug.LogError("Skipping asset " + data.GetName() + " as information of P01 is not of same capture.");
                                Debug.LogError("Skipping asset " + data.GetName() + " as it does not contain player information.");

                            RootModule root = data.AddModule <RootModule>();
                            root.Root          = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:Hips").Index;
                            root.RightShoulder = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:LeftShoulder").Index;
                            root.LeftShoulder  = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:RightShoulder").Index;
                            root.RightHip      = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:LeftUpLeg").Index;
                            root.LeftHip       = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:RightUpLeg").Index;
                            root.Neck          = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:Neck").Index;
                            root.Hips          = data.Source.FindBone("Player 01:Hips").Index;
                            root.Smooth        = true;
                            root.Topology      = RootModule.TOPOLOGY.Biped;
                            root.ForwardAxis   = Axis.XPositive;

                            ContactModule contact = data.AddModule <ContactModule>();
                            contact.AddSensor("Player 01:LeftFootEnd", "Player 01:LeftFootEnd",, 0.075f, 1f, -1);
                            contact.AddSensor("Player 01:RightFootEnd", "Player 01:RightFootEnd",, 0.075f, 1f, -1);
                            contact.AddSensor("Player 01:LeftHand", "Player 01:LeftHand", new Vector3(-0.1f, 0f, 0f), 0.075f, 0f, -1);
                            contact.AddSensor("Player 01:RightHand", "Player 01:RightHand", new Vector3(-0.1f, 0f, 0f), 0.075f, 0f, -1);
                            contact.AddSensor("Player 01:Ball", "Player 01:Ball",, 0.2f, 0f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));

                            DribbleModule dribble = data.AddModule <DribbleModule>();
                            dribble.Area   = 2.5f;
                            dribble.Radius = 0.125f;
                            dribble.Axis   = Axis.YPositive;
                            Matrix4x4[] motion = dribble.CleanupBallTransformations(false);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Frames.Length; i++)
                                data.Frames[i].Transformations[dribble.Ball] = motion[i];
                            data.GetModule <ContactModule>().CaptureContacts(Editor);

                            StyleModule   style   = data.AddModule <StyleModule>();
                            RootModule    root    = data.GetModule <RootModule>();
                            DribbleModule dribble = data.GetModule <DribbleModule>();
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction standing  = style.AddStyle("Stand");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction moving    = style.AddStyle("Move");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction dribbling = style.AddStyle("Dribble");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction holding   = style.AddStyle("Hold");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction shooting  = style.AddStyle("Shoot");
                            float threshold = 1f;
                            for (int f = 0; f < data.Frames.Length; f++)
                                float[] timestamps = data.SimulateTimestamps(data.Frames[f], 30);
                                float[] weights    = new float[timestamps.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < timestamps.Length; j++)
                                    weights[j] = Mathf.Clamp(root.GetRootVelocity(timestamps[j], false).magnitude, 0f, threshold);
                                    weights[j] = weights[j].Normalize(0f, threshold, 0, 1f);
                                    weights[j] = weights[j].SmoothStep(2f, 0.5f);
                                float weight = weights.Gaussian().SmoothStep(2f, 0.5f);
                                standing.Values[f]  = 1f - weight;
                                moving.Values[f]    = weight;
                                dribbling.Values[f] = dribble.IsDribbling(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, false) ? 1f : 0f;
                                holding.Values[f]   = dribble.IsHolding(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, false) ? 1f : 0f;
                                shooting.Values[f]  = dribble.IsShooting(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, false) ? 1f : 0f;
                            style.Mode = StyleModule.DRAWING.Frames;

                            PhaseModule   phase   = data.AddModule <PhaseModule>();
                            ContactModule contact = data.GetModule <ContactModule>();
                            phase.Inspect = true;
                            phase.ShowNormalized   = true;
                            phase.ShowHighlighted  = true;
                            phase.ShowValues       = true;
                            phase.ShowFitting      = true;
                            phase.ShowZero         = true;
                            phase.ShowPhase        = true;
                            phase.ShowWindow       = false;
                            phase.DisplayValues    = false;
                            phase.MaxIterations    = 50;
                            phase.Individuals      = 50;
                            phase.Elites           = 5;
                            phase.Exploration      = 0.2f;
                            phase.Memetism         = 0.1f;
                            phase.MaxFrequency     = 4f;
                            phase.RescalingMethod  = PhaseModule.Rescaling.Window;
                            phase.ApplyButterworth = true;
                            while (phase.IsFitting())
                                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));

                        //END OF PROCESSING
                        a.Processed = true;
                foreach (Asset a in Assets)
                    if (a.Selected)
                        MotionData data = Editor.LoadData(a.GUID);
                        while (!data.GetScene().isLoaded)
                            Debug.Log("Waiting for scene being loaded...");
                            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));
                        //START OF PROCESSING

                        data.GetModule <DribbleModule>().ComputeInteraction();

                        //END OF PROCESSING
                        if (SaveAfterProcessing)
                            data.MarkDirty(true, !OfflineProcessing);
                        a.Processed = true;
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));
                if (SaveAfterProcessing)

            if (Pipeline == PIPELINE.Quadruped)
                foreach (Asset a in Assets)
                    if (a.Selected)
                        count += 1;
                        MotionData data = OfflineProcessing ? Editor.GetAsset(a.GUID) : Editor.LoadData(a.GUID);
                        while (!OfflineProcessing && !data.GetScene().isLoaded)
                            Debug.Log("Waiting for scene being loaded...");
                            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));
                        // START OF PROCESSING

                        // Reset motion data
                        foreach (Frame frame in data.Frames)

                        // Global
                        data.Scale      = 0.01f;
                        data.MirrorAxis = Axis.ZPositive;
                        data.Source.FindBone("Head").Alignment      = new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f);
                        data.Source.FindBone("Tail").Alignment      = new Vector3(-45f, 0f, 0f);
                        data.Source.FindBone("Tail1").Alignment     = new Vector3(-45f, 0f, 0f);
                        data.Source.FindBone("Tail1Site").Alignment = new Vector3(-45f, 0f, 0f);

                            ContactModule contact = data.AddModule <ContactModule>();
                            contact.AddSensor("Hips", "Hips",, 0.2f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
                            contact.AddSensor("Neck", "Neck",, 0.25f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
                            contact.AddSensor("LeftHandSite", new string[] { "LeftForeArm", "LeftHandSite" },, 1f / 30f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
                            contact.AddSensor("RightHandSite", new string[] { "RightForeArm", "RightHandSite" },, 1f / 30f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
                            contact.AddSensor("LeftFootSite", "LeftFootSite",, 1f / 30f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));
                            contact.AddSensor("RightFootSite", "RightFootSite",, 1f / 30f, 1f, LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));

                            StyleModule style = data.AddModule <StyleModule>();
                            RootModule  root  = data.AddModule <RootModule>();
                            root.Topology = RootModule.TOPOLOGY.Quadruped;
                            ContactModule contact = data.GetModule <ContactModule>();
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction idling   = style.AddStyle("Idle");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction moving   = style.AddStyle("Move");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction sitting  = style.AddStyle("Sit");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction resting  = style.AddStyle("Rest");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction standing = style.AddStyle("Stand");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction jumping  = style.AddStyle("Jump");
                            StyleModule.StyleFunction speed    = style.AddStyle("Speed");
                            float[]        timeWindow          = data.GetTimeWindow(MotionEditor.GetInstance().PastWindow + MotionEditor.GetInstance().FutureWindow, 1f);
                            float[]        contactHeights      = new float[data.Frames.Length];
                            List <float[]> sitPatterns         = new List <float[]>()
                                new float[] { 1f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f },
                                new float[] { 1f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f },
                                new float[] { 1f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f, 1f }
                            List <float[]> restPatterns = new List <float[]>()
                                new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f }
                            List <float[]> standPatterns = new List <float[]>()
                                new float[] { 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f }
                            List <float[]> jumpPatterns = new List <float[]>()
                                new float[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f }
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Frames.Length; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < contact.Sensors.Length; j++)
                                    contactHeights[i] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(contact.Sensors[j].Bones.Last(), false).GetPosition().y;
                                contactHeights[i] /= contact.Sensors.Length;
                            for (int f = 0; f < data.Frames.Length; f++)
                                float weight = GetMovementWeight(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                                idling.Values[f] = 1f - weight;
                                moving.Values[f] = weight;
                                float   sit     = GetContactsWeight(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, 0.5f, contact, sitPatterns, 0f, 1f);
                                float   rest    = GetContactsWeight(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, 0.5f, contact, restPatterns, 0f, 1f);
                                float   stand   = GetContactsWeight(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, 0.5f, contact, standPatterns, 0f, 1f);
                                float   jump    = GetContactsWeight(data.Frames[f].Timestamp, 0.5f, contact, jumpPatterns, 0.3f, 0.1f);
                                float[] actions = new float[] { sit, rest, stand, jump };
                                Utility.SoftMax(ref actions);
                                sitting.Values[f]  = sit;
                                resting.Values[f]  = rest;
                                standing.Values[f] = stand;
                                jumping.Values[f]  = jump;
                                speed.Values[f]    = GetRootSpeed(data.Frames[f].Timestamp);

                            float GetRootSpeed(float timestamp)

                                float Compute()
                                    Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[timeWindow.Length];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < timeWindow.Length; i++)
                                        positions[i] = root.GetRootPosition(timestamp + timeWindow[i], false);
                                    float length = 0f;

                                    for (int i = 1; i < positions.Length; i++)
                                        length += Vector3.Distance(positions[i - 1], positions[i]);
                                    return(length / (timeWindow.Last() - timeWindow.First()));

                            float GetMovementWeight(float timestamp, float window, float threshold)
                                float[] weights = new float[timeWindow.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < timeWindow.Length; j++)
                                    weights[j] = Mathf.Clamp(root.GetRootVelocity(timestamp + timeWindow[j], false).magnitude, 0f, threshold) / threshold;

                                float[] gradients = new float[weights.Length - 1];
                                for (int i = 0; i < gradients.Length; i++)
                                    gradients[i] = (weights[i + 1] - weights[i]) / (timeWindow[i + 1] - timeWindow[i]);
                                float gradient = Mathf.Abs(gradients.Gaussian());

                                return(weights.Gaussian(gradient).SmoothStep(2f, 0.5f));

                            float GetContactsWeight(float timestamp, float window, ContactModule module, List <float[]> patterns, float heightThreshold, float power)
                                float ContactGaussian(float t)
                                    float[] weights = new float[timeWindow.Length];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < timeWindow.Length; j++)
                                        bool match = false;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Count; i++)
                                            float[] contacts = module.GetContacts(t + timeWindow[j], false);
                                            match = ArrayExtensions.Equal(contacts, patterns[i]).All(true);
                                            if (match)
                                        if (match && heightThreshold != 0f && contactHeights[data.GetFrame(t).Index - 1] < heightThreshold)
                                            match = false;
                                        weights[j] = match ? 1f : 0f;

                                float weight = ContactGaussian(timestamp);

                                weight = Mathf.Pow(weight, 1f - weight);
                                return(Mathf.Pow(weight, power));

                            style.Mode = StyleModule.DRAWING.Frames;

                            PhaseModule phase = data.AddModule <PhaseModule>();
                            phase.Inspect = true;
                            RootModule    root    = data.GetModule <RootModule>();
                            ContactModule contact = data.GetModule <ContactModule>();
                            phase.ShowNormalized   = true;
                            phase.ShowHighlighted  = true;
                            phase.ShowValues       = true;
                            phase.ShowFitting      = true;
                            phase.ShowZero         = true;
                            phase.ShowPhase        = true;
                            phase.ShowWindow       = false;
                            phase.DisplayValues    = false;
                            phase.MaxIterations    = 50;
                            phase.Individuals      = 100;
                            phase.Elites           = 10;
                            phase.Exploration      = 0.2f;
                            phase.Memetism         = 0.1f;
                            phase.MaxFrequency     = 4f;
                            phase.RescalingMethod  = PhaseModule.Rescaling.Window;
                            phase.ApplyButterworth = true;

                            while (phase.IsFitting())
                                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));

                        //END OF PROCESSING
                        if (SaveAfterProcessing)
                            data.MarkDirty(true, !OfflineProcessing);
                        a.Processed = true;
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));

                for (int i = 0; i < Editor.Assets.Length; i++)
                    Editor.GetAsset(i).Export = false;
                Editor.GetAsset(0).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(0).SetSequence(0, 180, 1531);
                Editor.GetAsset(2).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(2).SetSequence(0, 680, 820);
                Editor.GetAsset(6).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(6).SetSequence(0, 90, 593);
                Editor.GetAsset(7).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(7).SetSequence(0, 290, 1072);
                Editor.GetAsset(8).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(8).SetSequence(0, 1, 50);
                Editor.GetAsset(8).SetSequence(1, 400, 911);
                Editor.GetAsset(9).Export  = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(10).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(10).SetSequence(0, 230, 548);
                Editor.GetAsset(11).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(11).SetSequence(0, 400, 567);
                Editor.GetAsset(12).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(13).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(14).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(16).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(16).SetSequence(0, 200, 550);
                Editor.GetAsset(17).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(17).SetSequence(0, 470, 720);
                Editor.GetAsset(18).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(18).SetSequence(0, 175, 395);
                Editor.GetAsset(19).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(19).SetSequence(0, 300, 750);
                Editor.GetAsset(19).SetSequence(1, 1040, 1079);
                Editor.GetAsset(20).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(21).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(21).SetSequence(0, 1, 1300);
                Editor.GetAsset(21).SetSequence(1, 2950, 3530);
                Editor.GetAsset(21).SetSequence(2, 3730, 4200);
                Editor.GetAsset(22).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(23).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(23).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(24).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(24).SetSequence(0, 200, 630);
                Editor.GetAsset(25).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(25).SetSequence(0, 1, 2690);
                Editor.GetAsset(25).SetSequence(1, 2760, 4336);
                Editor.GetAsset(26).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(27).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(0, 1, 1100);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(1, 2820, 3940);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(2, 4100, 4500);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(3, 5660, 6010);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(4, 6600, 7200);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(5, 12300, 12850);
                Editor.GetAsset(27).SetSequence(6, 13200, 13399);
                Editor.GetAsset(28).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(28).SetSequence(0, 920, 985);
                Editor.GetAsset(28).SetSequence(1, 1700, 1907);
                Editor.GetAsset(29).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(29).SetSequence(0, 250, 790);
                Editor.GetAsset(29).SetSequence(1, 970, 1575);
                Editor.GetAsset(29).SetSequence(2, 1630, 1750);
                Editor.GetAsset(30).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(30).SetSequence(0, 1790, 1920);
                Editor.GetAsset(30).SetSequence(1, 2070, 2470);
                Editor.GetAsset(30).SetSequence(2, 2770, 3025);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(0, 170, 500);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(1, 1250, 2460);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(2, 3040, 3200);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(3, 4680, 6550);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(4, 7600, 9450);
                Editor.GetAsset(31).SetSequence(5, 11540, 11691);
                Editor.GetAsset(32).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(32).SetSequence(0, 1, 300);
                Editor.GetAsset(32).SetSequence(1, 1360, 1540);
                Editor.GetAsset(32).SetSequence(2, 2380, 3086);
                Editor.GetAsset(33).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(33).SetSequence(0, 1, 1170);
                Editor.GetAsset(33).SetSequence(1, 1980, 2160);
                Editor.GetAsset(33).SetSequence(2, 7830, 8090);
                Editor.GetAsset(34).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(34).SetSequence(0, 1, 270);
                Editor.GetAsset(34).SetSequence(1, 2490, 2856);
                Editor.GetAsset(35).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(37).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(38).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(38).SetSequence(0, 3330, 3900);
                Editor.GetAsset(39).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(39).SetSequence(0, 880, 920);
                Editor.GetAsset(39).SetSequence(1, 1280, 5052);
                Editor.GetAsset(41).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(41).SetSequence(0, 4690, 6190);
                Editor.GetAsset(42).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(42).SetSequence(0, 900, 3594);
                Editor.GetAsset(43).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(43).SetSequence(0, 1, 500);
                Editor.GetAsset(43).SetSequence(1, 4340, 4577);
                Editor.GetAsset(44).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(44).SetSequence(0, 1, 700);
                Editor.GetAsset(44).SetSequence(1, 950, 2000);
                Editor.GetAsset(45).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(45).SetSequence(0, 1, 410);
                Editor.GetAsset(45).SetSequence(1, 680, 778);
                Editor.GetAsset(46).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(46).SetSequence(0, 175, 235);
                Editor.GetAsset(47).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(47).SetSequence(0, 275, 498);
                Editor.GetAsset(48).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(48).SetSequence(0, 1, 220);
                Editor.GetAsset(48).SetSequence(1, 675, 748);
                Editor.GetAsset(49).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(49).SetSequence(0, 1, 700);
                Editor.GetAsset(49).SetSequence(1, 1510, 8300);
                Editor.GetAsset(50).Export = true;
                Editor.GetAsset(50).SetSequence(0, 200, 1000);
                Editor.GetAsset(50).SetSequence(1, 1850, 2100);
                Editor.GetAsset(50).SetSequence(2, 4150, 4700);
                Editor.GetAsset(50).SetSequence(3, 5030, 5356);

                //Mark for saving
                for (int i = 0; i < Editor.Assets.Length; i++)
                    Editor.GetAsset(i).MarkDirty(true, false);

                if (SaveAfterProcessing)

            Processing = false;
            foreach (Asset a in Assets)
                a.Processed = false;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0f));

            Debug.Log("Finished processing " + count + " assets.");
Exemple #6
     * private void ExamineData() {
     *      int sequences = 0;
     *      int frames = 0;
     *      int[] styles = new int[Data[0].Styles.Length];
     *      for(int i=0; i<Data.Length; i++) {
     *              if(Active[i]) {
     *                      for(int m=1; m<=2; m++) {
     *                              for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
     *                                      MotionData.Sequence.Interval[] intervals = Data[i].Sequences[s].GetIntervals();
     *                                      for(int interval=0; interval<intervals.Length; interval++) {
     *                                              sequences += 1;
     *                                              for(int f=intervals[interval].Start; f<=intervals[interval].End; f++) {
     *                                                      frames += 1;
     *                                                      for(int index=0; index<Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleValues.Length; index++) {
     *                                                              if(Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleFlags[index]) {
     *                                                                      styles[index] += 1;
     *                                                              }
     *                                                              //if(Data[i].Frames[f].StyleValues[index] > 0f) {
     *                                                              //	styles[index] += 1;
     *                                                              //}
     *                                                      }
     *                                              }
     *                                      }
     *                              }
     *                      }
     *              }
     *      }
     *      Debug.Log("Sequences: " + sequences);
     *      Debug.Log("Frames: " + frames);
     *      Debug.Log("Time: " + (float)frames/(float)Data[0].Framerate+"s");
     *      for(int i=0; i<styles.Length; i++) {
     *              Debug.Log(Data[0].Styles[i] + " -> " + (float)styles[i] / (float)frames + "%" + " (" + styles[i] + " frames; " + (float)styles[i]/(float)Data[0].Framerate + "s)");
     *      }
     * }

     * private void SearchStyle() {
     *      /*
     *      int style = System.Array.FindIndex(Data[0].Styles, x => x == "Sit");
     *      for(int i=0; i<Data.Length; i++) {
     *              for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
     *                      for(int f=Data[i].Sequences[s].Start; f<=Data[i].Sequences[s].End; f++) {
     *                              if((Data[i].GetFrame(f).IsStyleKey(style) || f==Data[i].Sequences[s].Start) && Data[i].GetFrame(f).StyleFlags[style]) {
     *                                      Debug.Log("Style at frame " + f + " in file " + Data[i]);
     *                              }
     *                      }
     *              }
     *      }
     * }

    private void BatchProcess()
        for (int i = 0; i < Editors.Length; i++)
            if (Active[i])
                for (int j = 0; j < Editors[i].Files.Length; j++)
                    MotionData data = Editors[i].Files[j].Data;

                     * for(int s=0; s<Data[i].Sequences.Length; s++) {
                     *      //Idle
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Idle", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Idle", 0);
                     *      //Walk
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Walk", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Walk", 0);
                     *      //Pace
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Pace", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Pace", 0);
                     *      //Trot
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Trot", 6);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Trot", 6);
                     *      //Canter
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Canter", 1);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Canter", 1);
                     *      //Jump
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Jump", 9);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Jump", 9);
                     *      //Sit
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Sit", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Sit", 0);
                     *      //Stand
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Stand", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Stand", 5);
                     *      //Lie
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetStyleCopies("Lie", 0);
                     *      Data[i].Sequences[s].SetTransitionCopies("Lie", 5);
                     * }
                    //string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Data[i]);
                    //path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".unity";
                    //SceneAsset scene = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>(path);
                    //Data[i].Scene = scene;
                    //Data[i].RootSmoothing = 10;

                    //PhaseModule phaseModule = (PhaseModule)data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Phase);
                    StyleModule styleModule = (StyleModule)data.GetModule(Module.TYPE.Style);
    public string[] GenerateLines(MotionData data)
        string[] result = new string[data.Frames.Length - 60];

        for (int i = 30; i < data.Frames.Length - 30; i++)
            if (data.Modules != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < data.Modules.Length; k++)
                    switch (data.Modules[k].GetID())
                    case Module.ID.Velocity:
                        VelocityModule module = (VelocityModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Velocity);
                        module.GetVelocities(data.GetFrame(i), 1.0f);
                        for (int j = 0; j < data.Root.Bones.Length; j++)
                            if (module.Selected[j])
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetPosition().x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetPosition().y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetPosition().z.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetForward().x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetForward().y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetForward().z.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetUp().x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetUp().y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += data.Frames[i].GetBoneTransformation(j, data.Mirrored).GetUp().z.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Velocities[j].x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Velocities[j].y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Velocities[j].z.ToString() + " ";

                    case Module.ID.Action:
                        ActionModule module = (ActionModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Action);
                        result[i - 30] += module.GetHotVector(i) + " ";


                    case Module.ID.Phase:
                        PhaseModule module = (PhaseModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Phase);
                        result[i - 30] += module.Phases[1].LocalPhase.Phase[i] + " ";
                        result[i - 30] += module.Phases[2].LocalPhase.Phase[i] + " ";

                    case Module.ID.Trajectory:
                        TrajectoryModule module = (TrajectoryModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Trajectory);
                        for (int j = 0; j < module.Pivots.Length; j++)
                            for (int p = 0; p < module.Pivots[j].Transformations.Length; p++)
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Transformations[p].GetPosition().x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Transformations[p].GetPosition().y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Transformations[p].GetPosition().z.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Velocities[p].x.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Velocities[p].y.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Velocities[p].z.ToString() + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].HotVectors[p] + " ";
                                result[i - 30] += module.Pivots[j].Phases[p].ToString() + " ";

    public void ExportLabels(MotionData data)
        Lines = new string[0];
        if (data.Modules != null)
            for (int k = 0; k < data.Modules.Length; k++)
                switch (data.Modules[k].GetID())
                case Module.ID.Velocity:
                    VelocityModule module = (VelocityModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Velocity);
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.Root.Bones.Length; j++)
                        if (module.Selected[j])
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "PositionX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "PositionY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "PositionZ");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "ForwardX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "ForwardY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "ForwardZ");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "UpX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "UpY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "UpZ");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "VelocityX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "VelocityY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + data.Root.Bones[j].Name + "VelocityZ");

                case Module.ID.Action:
                    ActionModule module = (ActionModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Action);
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Action Neutral");
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Action CrossArms");
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Action LHOnHip");
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Action RHOnHip");


                case Module.ID.Phase:
                    PhaseModule module = (PhaseModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Phase);
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Phase LeftHand");
                    ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Phase RightHand");

                case Module.ID.Trajectory:
                    TrajectoryModule module = (TrajectoryModule)data.GetModule(Module.ID.Trajectory);
                    for (int j = 0; j < module.Pivots.Length; j++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < module.Pivots[j].Transformations.Length; p++)
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "PositionX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "PositionY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "PositionZ");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "VelocityX");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "VelocityY");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "VelocityZ");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "Action Neutral");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "Action CrossArms");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "Action LHOnHip");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "Action RHOnHip");
                            ArrayExtensions.Add(ref Lines, "[" + Lines.Length.ToString() + "] " + "Pivot" + j.ToString() +
                                                module.Pivots[j].Name + "Trajectory" + p.ToString() + "Phase");

        string FileName = Destination + "/" + "Labels.txt";

        if (!File.Exists(FileName))
            using (FileStream fs = File.Create(FileName)) { }
            Debug.Log("Create new file: " + FileName);
            File.AppendAllLines(FileName, Lines);
            File.WriteAllLines(FileName, Lines);

        Debug.Log("Export Labels Successfully!");