Exemple #1
        public override void AI()
            Player P = Main.player[npc.target];

            Lighting.AddLight(npc.Center, 1f, 1f, 1f);


            float intensity = MathHelper.Lerp(0f, 1f, npc.ai[0] / 450f);

            MoonlordDeathDrama.RequestLight(intensity, npc.Center);
            if (npc.localAI[0] == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("Lightbeam"), 0, 0f, 0, i);
            if (npc.ai[0] > 450)
                npc.immortal       = false;
                npc.dontTakeDamage = false;
                npc.StrikeNPCNoInteraction(npc.life, 0f, 0, false, false, false);
Exemple #2
 private void FinishFight()
     if (timer == 0)
         if (!Main.dedServ)
             MoonlordDeathDrama.RequestLight(1f, npc.Center);
         PlaySound(29, 92);
     if (!Main.dedServ)
         float x = Main.rand.Next(-Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenWidth / 2);
         float y = Main.rand.Next(-Main.screenHeight / 2, Main.screenHeight / 2);
         MoonlordDeathDrama.AddExplosion(npc.Center + new Vector2(x, y));
     if (timer >= 300)
         npc.dontTakeDamage        = false;
         npc.HitSound              = null;
         npc.takenDamageMultiplier = 1f;
         npc.StrikeNPCNoInteraction(9999, 0f, 0);
Exemple #3
 public static void DrawMoonlordDeathFront() => MoonlordDeathDrama.DrawWhite(Main.spriteBatch);
Exemple #4
 public static void DrawMoonLordDeath()
Exemple #5
        public override void AI()
            // MASTER NPC
            Player P = Main.player[npc.target];

            Lighting.AddLight(npc.Center, 1.2f, 0f, 1.5f);

            // despawn if no players
            if (!Main.player[npc.target].active || Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                if (!Main.player[npc.target].active || Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                    npc.velocity.Y = npc.velocity.Y + 0.11f;
                    if (npc.localAI[0] >= 300)
                        npc.active = false;
                    npc.localAI[0] = 0;

            if (npc.localAI[1] == 0)
                npc.ai[1] = 600;

            if (npc.ai[0] < 180)
                if (npc.ai[0] == 0)
                    originX = P.Center.X;
                    originY = P.Center.Y;
                if (npc.ai[0] < 60)
                    MoonlordDeathDrama.RequestLight(1f, npc.Center);
                    npc.alpha = 255;
                    npc.alpha = 0;
                    Vector2 target   = new Vector2(originX + 75, originY - 300);
                    Vector2 toTarget = new Vector2(target.X - npc.Center.X, target.Y - npc.Center.Y);
                    if (Vector2.Distance(target, npc.Center) > 5)
                        npc.velocity = toTarget * 6;
                        npc.velocity *= 0f;
                if (npc.ai[0] == 299)
                    if (!MyWorld.downedAncients)
                        Main.NewText("Your time has come, mortal!", new Color(3, 188, 127));
                        Main.NewText("I guess we are doing this again...", new Color(3, 188, 127));
                float speed   = 0.2f;
                float playerX = P.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                float playerY = P.Center.Y - 400f - npc.Center.Y;
                if (moveAi == 0)
                    playerX = P.Center.X - 600f - npc.Center.X;
                    if (Math.Abs(P.Center.X - 600f - npc.Center.X) <= 20)
                        moveAi = 1;
                if (moveAi == 1)
                    playerX = P.Center.X + 600f - npc.Center.X;
                    if (Math.Abs(P.Center.X + 600f - npc.Center.X) <= 20)
                        moveAi = 0;
                Move(P, speed, playerX, playerY);

                if (npc.ai[1] <= 0f)
                    if (NPC.CountNPCS(mod.NPCType("CrystalSerpentHead")) < 4)
                        NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("CrystalSerpentHead"), npc.whoAmI);
                    npc.ai[1]     = Main.rand.Next(600, 1200);
                    npc.netUpdate = true;
                if (npc.ai[2] > 1800)
                    if (NPC.CountNPCS(mod.NPCType("EnergySeeker")) < 4)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            NPC seeker = Main.npc[NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("EnergySeeker"), npc.whoAmI)];
                            seeker.ai[1] = -(i * 40);
                    else if (NPC.CountNPCS(mod.NPCType("EnergySeeker")) < 8)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            NPC seeker = Main.npc[NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("EnergySeeker"), npc.whoAmI)];
                            seeker.ai[1] = -(i * 40);
                    npc.ai[2] = 0;
Exemple #6
        public override void AI()
            Player P = Main.player[npc.target];

            Lighting.AddLight(npc.Center, 1f, 1f, 1f);

            // despawn if no players
            if (!Main.player[npc.target].active || Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                if (!Main.player[npc.target].active || Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                    npc.velocity.Y = npc.velocity.Y + 0.11f;
                    if (npc.localAI[0] >= 300)
                        npc.active = false;
                    npc.localAI[0] = 0;
            if (npc.ai[0] < 180)
                if (npc.ai[0] == 0)
                    originX = P.Center.X;
                    originY = P.Center.Y;
                if (npc.ai[0] < 60)
                    MoonlordDeathDrama.RequestLight(1f, npc.Center);
                    npc.alpha = 255;
                    if (npc.ai[0] == 59)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundLoader.customSoundType, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, mod.GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/NPC/AncientMergeFall"));

                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.projectile.Length; i++)
                            if (Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("IzarisShard") ||
                                Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("KirveinShard") ||
                                Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("KrecheusShard") ||
                                Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("XernonShard") ||
                                Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("ShardBase"))
                    if (!spawnedHands && Main.netMode != 1)
                        spawnedHands = true;

                        int num = NPC.NewNPC((int)(npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2)), (int)npc.position.Y + npc.height / 2, mod.NPCType("AncientAmalgamFist"), npc.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 255);
                        Main.npc[num].ai[0]     = -1f;
                        Main.npc[num].ai[1]     = (float)npc.whoAmI;
                        Main.npc[num].target    = npc.target;
                        Main.npc[num].netUpdate = true;
                        num = NPC.NewNPC((int)(npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2)), (int)npc.position.Y + npc.height / 2, mod.NPCType("AncientAmalgamFist"), npc.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 255);
                        Main.npc[num].ai[0]     = 1f;
                        Main.npc[num].ai[1]     = (float)npc.whoAmI;
                        Main.npc[num].ai[3]     = 150f; // ai timer offset so they arent exactly the same
                        Main.npc[num].target    = npc.target;
                        Main.npc[num].netUpdate = true;

                    npc.alpha = 0;
                    Vector2 target   = new Vector2(originX, originY - 250);
                    Vector2 toTarget = new Vector2(target.X - npc.Center.X, target.Y - npc.Center.Y);
                    if (Vector2.Distance(target, npc.Center) > 5)
                        npc.velocity = toTarget * 6;
                        npc.velocity *= 0f;
                if (npc.ai[1] == 0)
                    int attackNum = -1;
                    while (attackNum == previousAttackNum || attackNum == -1)
                        if (npc.life > npc.lifeMax * 0.85f)
                            attackNum = Main.rand.Next(0, 6);
                        else if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.8f && npc.life > npc.lifeMax * 0.5f)
                            attackNum = Main.rand.Next(1, 6);
                        else if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.5f && npc.life > npc.lifeMax * 0.25f)
                            attackNum = Main.rand.Next(2, 9);
                        else if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.25f)
                            attackNum = Main.rand.Next(3, 11);
                            while (attackNum == 4 || attackNum == 9)
                                attackNum = Main.rand.Next(3, 11);
                            if (attackNum == 7)
                                attackNum = 11;
                    if (npc.localAI[1] == 0)
                        attackNum = 0;
                    npc.ai[2]         = attackNum;
                    previousAttackNum = attackNum;

                    invertAttack = Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1;
                    playerOrigin = P.Center;
                if (npc.alpha > 0 && npc.ai[2] != 3 && npc.ai[2] != 5 && npc.ai[2] != 8)
                    npc.alpha -= 5;

                // move and swing hands
                if (npc.ai[2] == 0)
                    float speed   = 0.25f;
                    float playerX = P.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                    float playerY = P.Center.Y - 250f - npc.Center.Y;
                    Move(P, speed, playerX, playerY);

                    if (npc.ai[1] > 450)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // create a circle of kunais
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 1)
                    npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;

                    if (shootTimer[1] <= 0)
                        shootTimer[1] = 80;
                        numRadialProj = Main.rand.Next(20, 30);
                    if (shootTimer[0] <= 0 && shootTimer[1] <= 42)
                        int   projDamage = Main.expertMode ? (int)(projectileBaseDamage * 0.75f) : projectileBaseDamage;
                        float rotation   = MathHelper.ToRadians(360);
                        for (int i = 0; i < numRadialProj; i++)
                            Vector2 perturbedSpeed = new Vector2(2, 2).RotatedBy(MathHelper.Lerp(-rotation, rotation, i / (numRadialProj - 1))) * 2.5f;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, perturbedSpeed.X, perturbedSpeed.Y, mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileNG"), projDamage, 2f, 0);
                        shootTimer[0] = 14;
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 400)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // spin and block
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 2)
                    npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;

                    // hands spin around
                    if (npc.ai[3] >= 60)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.projectile.Length; i++)
                            Projectile oProj = Main.projectile[i];
                            if (Vector2.Distance(oProj.Center, npc.Center) <= 300 && !hasInverted[i] && oProj.active)
                                oProj.velocity.X *= -1;
                                oProj.velocity.Y *= -1;
                                oProj.friendly    = false;
                                oProj.hostile     = true;
                                hasInverted[i]    = true;
                            if (!oProj.active)
                                hasInverted[oProj.whoAmI] = false;
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 300)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // projections from the side
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 3)
                    if (npc.alpha == 0)
                        Main.PlaySound(29, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 105, 1f, 0f);
                    if (npc.alpha < 255)
                        npc.alpha += 5;
                        npc.Center = P.Center - new Vector2(0, 1000);
                    if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                        float speed = 6f;
                        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) // start at 1 so they dont overlap
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(playerOrigin.X - 1000 * invertAttack, playerOrigin.Y - i * 300, speed * invertAttack, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjection"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0, Main.rand.Next(4));
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(playerOrigin.X - 1000 * invertAttack, playerOrigin.Y + i * 300, speed * invertAttack, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjection"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0, Main.rand.Next(4));
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(playerOrigin.X - 1000 * invertAttack, playerOrigin.Y, speed * invertAttack, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjection"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0, Main.rand.Next(4));

                        shootTimer[0] = 45;
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 300)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // clusters
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 4)
                    float speed   = 0.25f;
                    float playerX = P.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                    float playerY = P.Center.Y - 450f - npc.Center.Y;
                    Move(P, speed, playerX, playerY);

                    if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0)
                        int distance = 500;
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X + Main.rand.NextFloat(-distance, distance), P.Center.Y + Main.rand.NextFloat(-distance, distance), 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystalCluster"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                    if (Main.rand.Next(30) == 0)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X, P.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystalCluster"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 450)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // teleport and dash
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 5)
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        int     dist   = 500;
                        double  angle  = Main.rand.NextDouble() * 2d * Math.PI;
                        Vector2 offset = new Vector2((float)Math.Sin(angle) * dist, (float)Math.Cos(angle) * dist);
                        Dust    dust   = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(P.Center + offset, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 100)];
                        npc.Center   = P.Center + offset;
                        toPlayerDash = P.Center - npc.Center;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length; i++)
                            NPC fist = Main.npc[i];
                            if (fist.type == mod.NPCType("AncientAmalgamFist") && fist.ai[1] == npc.whoAmI && fist.active)
                                int fistPos = fist.ai[0] == 1 ? 90 : -120;
                                fist.position.X = npc.Center.X + fistPos - fist.width / 2;
                                fist.position.Y = npc.Center.Y + 140 - fist.height / 2;

                    if (npc.ai[3] >= 75)
                        if (npc.alpha < 255)
                            npc.alpha += 15;
                        if (npc.alpha >= 255)
                            npc.ai[3] = 0;
                        if (npc.alpha > 0)
                            npc.alpha -= 15;
                        npc.velocity = toPlayerDash * 12f;
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 300)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // shoot down homing projectiles
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 6)
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        Vector2 target   = P.Center + new Vector2(400 * invertAttack, -300);
                        Vector2 toTarget = new Vector2(target.X - npc.Center.X, target.Y - npc.Center.Y);
                        if (Vector2.Distance(target, npc.Center) > 20)
                            npc.velocity = toTarget * 16;
                    if (npc.ai[3] != 0)

                        npc.velocity.X = -8f * invertAttack;
                        npc.velocity.Y = 0f;

                        if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                            Projectile kunai = Main.projectile[Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 8f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileExplosive"), projectileBaseDamage, 2f, 0, 1)];
                            kunai.timeLeft = 60;
                            shootTimer[0]  = 15;
                    if (npc.ai[3] >= 90)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // kunai galaxy
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 7)
                    npc.velocity *= 0f;
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        Vector2 target   = P.Center;
                        Vector2 toTarget = new Vector2(target.X - npc.Center.X, target.Y - npc.Center.Y);
                        if (Vector2.Distance(target, npc.Center) > 300)
                            npc.velocity = toTarget * 13;
                    // create projections
                    else if (npc.ai[3] == 1)
                        int innerCount = 15;
                        for (int l = 0; l < innerCount; l++)
                            float distance = 360 / innerCount;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0, l * distance, npc.whoAmI);
                        int outerCount = 20;
                        for (int l = 0; l < outerCount; l++)
                            float distance = 360 / outerCount;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl2"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0, l * distance, npc.whoAmI);
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 2)
                        Vector2 offset      = new Vector2(400, 0);
                        float   rotateSpeed = MathHelper.ToRadians(0.88f);
                        shootTimer[1] += rotateSpeed;

                        if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                            Main.PlaySound(2, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 20);
                            float numProj    = 5f;
                            float projOffset = MathHelper.ToRadians(360f) / numProj;
                            for (int i = 0; i < numProj; i++)
                                Vector2 shootTarget1 = npc.Center + offset.RotatedBy(shootTimer[1] + (projOffset * i));
                                float   rotation     = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - shootTarget1.Y, npc.Center.X - shootTarget1.X);
                                for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                                    float Speed = k == 0 ? 7 : 4;
                                    Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileNG"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                            shootTimer[0] = 12;

                    if (npc.ai[1] > 450)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.projectile.Length; i++)
                            Projectile other = Main.projectile[i];
                            if ((other.type == mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl") || other.type == mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl2")) && other.ai[1] == npc.whoAmI && other.active)
                // teleport and shoot
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 8)
                    npc.velocity *= 0f;

                    int intervalTime    = 45;
                    int alphaChangeRate = 5;
                    int xDist           = 300;
                    if (npc.life <= npc.lifeMax / 4)
                        intervalTime    = 30;
                        alphaChangeRate = 15;
                        xDist           = 350;
                    if (npc.life <= npc.lifeMax / 10)
                        intervalTime    = 15;
                        alphaChangeRate = 20;
                        xDist           = 450;
                    if (npc.ai[3] >= intervalTime)
                        if (npc.alpha < 255)
                            npc.alpha += alphaChangeRate;
                            npc.Center = new Vector2(P.Center.X - (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 ? -xDist : xDist), P.Center.Y + Main.rand.Next(-400, 400));
                            for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length; i++)
                                NPC fist = Main.npc[i];
                                if (fist.type == mod.NPCType("AncientAmalgamFist") && fist.ai[1] == npc.whoAmI && fist.active)
                                    int fistPos = fist.ai[0] == 1 ? 90 : -120;
                                    fist.position.X = npc.Center.X + fistPos - fist.width / 2;
                                    fist.position.Y = npc.Center.Y + 140 - fist.height / 2;
                            npc.ai[3] = 0;
                        if (npc.alpha > 0)
                            npc.alpha -= alphaChangeRate;
                    if (npc.ai[3] == (int)(intervalTime / 2))
                        float projSpeed = 12f;
                        float rotation  = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - P.Center.Y, npc.Center.X - P.Center.X);
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileNG"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0);
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 600)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // exploding projectiles
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 9)
                    if (npc.life <= npc.lifeMax * 0.35f)
                        if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0)
                            Projectile kunai = Main.projectile[Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X + Main.rand.Next(-1000, 1000), P.Center.Y - 1500, Main.rand.NextFloat(-2, 2), 9f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileExplosive"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0)];
                            kunai.timeLeft = 180;
                    if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                        float      projSpeed = 12f;
                        float      rotation  = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - P.Center.Y, npc.Center.X - P.Center.X);
                        Projectile kunai     = Main.projectile[Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileExplosive"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0)];
                        kunai.timeLeft = 60;
                        shootTimer[0]  = 60;

                    float speed   = 0.15f;
                    float playerX = P.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                    float playerY = P.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y;
                    Move(P, speed, playerX, playerY);

                    if (npc.ai[1] > 600)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // clusters and exploding
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 10)
                    float speed   = 0.15f;
                    float playerX = P.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                    float playerY = P.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y;
                    Move(P, speed, playerX, playerY);


                    if (Main.rand.Next(75) == 0)
                        Projectile kunai = Main.projectile[Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X + Main.rand.Next(-1000, 1000), P.Center.Y - 1500, Main.rand.NextFloat(-2, 2), 9f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileExplosive"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0)];
                        kunai.timeLeft = 180;

                    if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                        float      projSpeed = 12f;
                        float      rotation  = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - P.Center.Y, npc.Center.X - P.Center.X);
                        Projectile kunai     = Main.projectile[Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * projSpeed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileExplosive"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0)];
                        kunai.timeLeft = 75;
                        shootTimer[0]  = 60;

                    if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0)
                        int distance = 500;
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X + Main.rand.NextFloat(-distance, distance), P.Center.Y + Main.rand.NextFloat(-distance, distance), 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystalCluster"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                    if (Main.rand.Next(32) == 0)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(P.Center.X, P.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("CrystalCluster"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                    if (npc.ai[1] > 450)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;
                // kunai flower
                else if (npc.ai[2] == 11)
                    npc.velocity *= 0f;
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        Vector2 target   = P.Center;
                        Vector2 toTarget = new Vector2(target.X - npc.Center.X, target.Y - npc.Center.Y);
                        if (Vector2.Distance(target, npc.Center) > 300)
                            npc.velocity = toTarget * 13;
                    else if (npc.ai[3] == 1)
                        int innerCount = 15;
                        for (int l = 0; l < innerCount; l++)
                            float distance = 360 / innerCount;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0, l * distance, npc.whoAmI);
                        int outerCount = 20;
                        for (int l = 0; l < outerCount; l++)
                            float distance = 360 / outerCount;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl2"), projectileBaseDamage, 5f, 0, l * distance, npc.whoAmI);
                    if (npc.ai[3] == 2)
                        Vector2 offset      = new Vector2(400, 0);
                        float   rotateSpeed = 0.015f;
                        shootTimer[1] += rotateSpeed;
                        shootTimer[2] -= rotateSpeed;

                        float Speed = 7;

                        if (shootTimer[0] <= 0)
                            Main.PlaySound(2, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 20);
                            float numProj    = 5f;
                            float projOffset = MathHelper.ToRadians(360f) / numProj;
                            for (int i = 0; i < numProj; i++)
                                Vector2 shootTarget1 = npc.Center + offset.RotatedBy(shootTimer[1] + (projOffset * (float)i) * (Math.PI * 2 / 8));
                                float   rotation     = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - shootTarget1.Y, npc.Center.X - shootTarget1.X);
                                Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileNG"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                            for (int i = 0; i < numProj; i++)
                                Vector2 shootTarget1 = npc.Center + offset.RotatedBy(shootTimer[2] + (projOffset * (float)i) * (Math.PI * 2 / 8));
                                float   rotation     = (float)Math.Atan2(npc.Center.Y - shootTarget1.Y, npc.Center.X - shootTarget1.X);
                                Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), mod.ProjectileType("CrystallineKunaiHostileNG"), projectileBaseDamage, 0f, 0);
                            shootTimer[0] = 12;

                    if (npc.ai[1] > 450)
                        npc.ai[1] = 0;
                        npc.ai[3] = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.projectile.Length; i++)
                            Projectile other = Main.projectile[i];
                            if ((other.type == mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl") || other.type == mod.ProjectileType("AncientProjectionSwirl2")) && other.ai[1] == npc.whoAmI && other.active)