Exemple #1
        private static void AddTile(Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.World worldData, TileInfo tileInfo, Vector3D location)
            var sceneChunk = new SceneChunk();

            sceneChunk.SNOHandle                       = new SNOHandle(tileInfo.SNOScene);
            sceneChunk.PRTransform                     = new PRTransform();
            sceneChunk.PRTransform.Quaternion          = new Quaternion();
            sceneChunk.PRTransform.Quaternion.W        = 1.0f;
            sceneChunk.PRTransform.Quaternion.Vector3D = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            sceneChunk.PRTransform.Vector3D            = new Vector3D();
            sceneChunk.PRTransform.Vector3D            = location;

            var spec = new SceneSpecification();

            //scene.Specification = spec;
            spec.Cell = new Vector2D()
                X = 0, Y = 0
            spec.CellZ                      = 0;
            spec.SNOLevelAreas              = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
            spec.SNOMusic                   = -1;
            spec.SNONextLevelArea           = -1;
            spec.SNONextWorld               = -1;
            spec.SNOPresetWorld             = -1;
            spec.SNOPrevLevelArea           = -1;
            spec.SNOPrevWorld               = -1;
            spec.SNOReverb                  = -1;
            spec.SNOWeather                 = 50542;
            spec.SNOCombatMusic             = -1;
            spec.SNOAmbient                 = -1;
            spec.ClusterID                  = -1;
            spec.Unknown1                   = 14;
            spec.Unknown3                   = 5;
            spec.Unknown4                   = -1;
            spec.Unknown5                   = 0;
            spec.SceneCachedValues          = new SceneCachedValues();
            spec.SceneCachedValues.Unknown1 = 63;
            spec.SceneCachedValues.Unknown2 = 96;
            spec.SceneCachedValues.Unknown3 = 96;
            var sceneFile = MPQStorage.Data.Assets[SNOGroup.Scene][tileInfo.SNOScene];
            var sceneData = (Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Scene)sceneFile.Data;

            spec.SceneCachedValues.AABB1    = sceneData.AABBBounds;
            spec.SceneCachedValues.AABB2    = sceneData.AABBMarketSetBounds;
            spec.SceneCachedValues.Unknown4 = new int[4] {
                0, 0, 0, 0

            sceneChunk.SceneSpecification = spec;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the commands for generating world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drlgParams"></param>
        /// <param name="worldData"></param>
        /// <param name="levelIndex"></param>
        private static void ProcessCommands(DRLGParams drlgParams, Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.World worldData, int levelIndex)
            //Process commands
            foreach (var command in drlgParams.Commands)
                //Adds information about level
                if (command.CommandType == (int)CommandType.Group)
                    //  command.TagMap
                    //    _tagMapEntries: Count = 6
                    //    TagMapEntries: Count = 6
                    //    TagMapSize: 0
                    //Count = 6
                    //    [0]: {851986 = -1}
                    //    [1]: {1015841 = 1}
                    //    [2]: {851987 = -1}
                    //    [3]: {851993 = -1}
                    //    [4]: {1015822 = 0}
                    //    [5]: {851983 = 19780} //19780 LevelArea A1_trDun_Level01
                    //hardcode this now until proper tagmap implementation is done
                    foreach (var chunk in worldData.SceneParams.SceneChunks)
                        if (command.TagMap.ContainsKey(DRLGCommandKeys.Group.Level))
                            chunk.SceneSpecification.SNOLevelAreas[levelIndex] = command.TagMap[DRLGCommandKeys.Group.Level].Id;
                if (command.CommandType == (int)CommandType.AddExit)
                    //[0]: {852000 = -1}    Type SNO (2)
                    //[1]: {851984 = 60713} Type SNO (2) [20:16] (snobot) [1] 60713 Worlds trDun_Cain_Intro,
                    //[2]: {1020032 = 1}    (0)
                    //[3]: {852050 = 0}     //Starting location? ID (7)
                    //[4]: {1015841 = 1}    (0)
                    //[5]: {852051 = 172}   //Destination Actor Tag (7)
                    //[6]: {1015814 = 0}    (0)
                    //[7]: {854612 = -1}    Type SNO (2)
                    //[8]: {1015813 = 300}  (0) Tiletype (exit)
                    //[9]: {1020416 = 1}    (0)
                    //[10]: {854613 = -1}   Type SNO (2)
                    //[11]: {1015821 = -1}  (0)

                    //find all tiles of TileType
                    //foreach (var tile in worldTiles)

Exemple #3
        private static bool GenerateRandomDungeon(int worldSNO, Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.World worldData)
            if (worldData.DRLGParams.Count == 0)

            Dictionary <int, TileInfo> tiles = new Dictionary <int, TileInfo>();

            //Each DRLGParam is a level
            for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < worldData.DRLGParams.Count; paramIndex++)
                var drlgparam = worldData.DRLGParams[paramIndex];
                foreach (var tile in drlgparam.Tiles)
                    Logger.Debug("RandomGeneration: TileType: {0}", (TileTypes)tile.TileType);
                    tiles.Add(tile.SNOScene, tile);

                TileInfo entrance = new TileInfo();
                //HACK for Defiled Crypt as there is no tile yet with type 200. Maybe changing in DB would make more sense than putting this hack in
                //    [11]: {[161961, Mooege.Common.MPQ.MPQAsset]}Worlds\\a1trDun_Cave_Old_Ruins_Random01.wrl
                if (worldSNO == 161961)
                    entrance = tiles[131902];
                    entrance = GetTileInfo(tiles, TileTypes.Entrance);

                Vector3D initialStartTilePosition          = new Vector3D(480, 480, 0);
                Dictionary <Vector3D, TileInfo> worldTiles = new Dictionary <Vector3D, TileInfo>();
                worldTiles.Add(initialStartTilePosition, entrance);
                AddAdjacentTiles(worldTiles, entrance, tiles, 0, initialStartTilePosition);
                AddFillers(worldTiles, tiles);

                foreach (var tile in worldTiles)
                    AddTile(worldData, tile.Value, tile.Key);

                ProcessCommands(drlgparam, worldData, paramIndex);
            //Coordinates are added after selection of tiles and map
            //Leave it for Defiler Crypt debugging
            //AddTile(world, tiles[132218], new Vector3D(720, 480, 0));
            //AddTile(world, tiles[132203], new Vector3D(480, 240, 0));
            //AddTile(world, tiles[132263], new Vector3D(240, 480, 0));
            //return world;