Exemple #1
    public static void ExpandTree(object t)
        //start the tree
        MonteCarloSearchTree tree = (MonteCarloSearchTree)t;

        tree.currentSimulation = tree.startingSimulation.Clone();
        tree.rootNode          = new Node(tree.currentSimulation.isPlayersTurn);

        Node selectedNode;
        Node expandedNode;

        //for up to so many times, try to expand the nodes and find a winning outcome
        for (int i = 0; i < tree.nbIteration; i++)
            tree.currentSimulation = tree.startingSimulation.Clone();
            selectedNode           = tree.rootNode.SelectNodeToExpand(tree.rootNode.numberOfSimulations, tree.currentSimulation);
            expandedNode           = selectedNode.Expand(tree.currentSimulation);

Exemple #2
    private IEnumerator Play(bool isFirstTurn)
        //choose 3 4 5 at random if goes first
        if (isFirstTurn)
            Utils.GetGameController().AddPiece(new Vector2Int(0, Random.Range(3, 6)));
            yield break;

        //show wait popup
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        //simulate current board
        simulation = new Simulation(false, Utils.GetGameController().board);

        // One event is used for each MCTS.
        ManualResetEvent[]     doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[parallelProcesses];
        MonteCarloSearchTree[] trees      = new MonteCarloSearchTree[parallelProcesses];

        //set threads
        for (int i = 0; i < parallelProcesses; i++)
            doneEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            trees[i]      = new MonteCarloSearchTree(simulation, doneEvents[i], mctsIterations);
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ExpandTree), trees[i]);

        //wait until they all finish

        //regrouping all results
        Node rootNode = new Node();

        for (int i = 0; i < parallelProcesses; i++)
            //sort children
            var sortedChildren = trees[i].rootNode.children.ToList();
            sortedChildren.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Value.CompareTo(pair2.Value));

            //get only the first children of each choice
            foreach (var child in sortedChildren)
                if (!rootNode.children.ContainsValue(child.Value))
                    Node rootChild = new Node {
                        numberOfWinSimulations = child.Key.numberOfWinSimulations,
                        numberOfSimulations    = child.Key.numberOfSimulations
                    rootNode.children.Add(rootChild, child.Value);
                    Node rootChild = rootNode.children.First(p => p.Value == child.Value).Key;
                    rootChild.numberOfWinSimulations += child.Key.numberOfWinSimulations;
                    rootChild.numberOfSimulations    += child.Key.numberOfSimulations;

        //gets the best choice and perform it
        int        choice    = rootNode.MostSelectedMove();
        var        movements = Utils.GetGameController().possibleMovements;
        Vector2Int indexes   = movements.Find(element => element.y == choice);


        //hide wait popup