public static bool CheckState(Event_T E, MonitStateType S) { var count = 0; var state = (S == MonitStateType.State_Succeeded || S == MonitStateType.State_ChangedNot) ? MonitStateType.State_Succeeded : MonitStateType.State_Failed; /* translate to 0/1 class */ Action_T action; Service_T service; long flag; if ((service = GetSource(E)) == null) { return(true); } /* Only true failed/changed state condition can change the initial state */ if (state == MonitStateType.State_Succeeded && E.state == MonitStateType.State_Init && (service.error & (int) == 0) { return(false); } action = state == MonitStateType.State_Succeeded ? E.action.succeeded : E.action.failed; /* Compare as many bits as cycles able to trigger the action */ for (var i = 0; i < action.cycles; i++) { /* Check the state of the particular cycle given by the bit position */ flag = (E.state_map >> i) & 0x1; /* Count occurences of the posted state */ if (flag == (int)state) { count++; } } /* the internal instance and action events are handled as changed any time since we need to deliver alert whenever it occurs */ if ( == MonitEventType.Event_Instance || == MonitEventType.Event_Action || (count >= action.count && (S != E.state || S == MonitStateType.State_Changed))) { E.state_map = (int)state; // Restart state map on state change, so we'll not flicker on multiple-failures condition (next state change requires full number of cycles to pass) return(true); } return(false); }
public static void Post(Service_T service, MonitEventType id, MonitStateType state, EventAction_T action, string s, params object[] args) { var message = string.Format(s, args); Event_T E = null; if (service.eventlist != null) { service.eventlist.ForEach(e => { if (e.action == action && == id) { e.collected = DateTime.UtcNow; e.state_map <<= 1; e.state_map |= ((state == MonitStateType.State_Succeeded || state == MonitStateType.State_ChangedNot) ? 0 : 1); e.message = message; E = e; } }); } if (E == null) { if (state == MonitStateType.State_Succeeded || state == MonitStateType.State_ChangedNot) { Logger.Log.DebugFormat("'{0}' {1}",, message); return; } E = new Event_T(); = id; E.collected = DateTime.UtcNow; E.source =; E.mode = service.mode; E.type = service.type; E.state = MonitStateType.State_Init; E.state_map = 1; E.action = action; E.message = message; if (service.eventlist == null) { service.eventlist = new List <Event_T>(); } service.eventlist.Insert(0, E); } E.state_changed = CheckState(E, state); if (E.state_changed) { E.state = state; E.count = 1; } else { E.count++; } handleEvent(service, E); }