Exemple #1
        public async Task GetChipsAsync(long amount = 0)
            if (amount < 0)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> 👁️ You can't specify a **negative** value.\n> *\"I know what you were trying to do.\"*");


            if (amount == 0)
                // $"> ⚠️ You need to specify a positive amount of **Orite** to convert.
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(CommandDetailsViewer.WriteGetChips());


            if (amount > Context.Account.Balance)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> ⚠️ You don't have enough **Orite** to convert this amount.");


            var chips = MoneyConvert.ToChips(amount);

            Context.Account.ChipBalance += chips;
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> You have traded in **💸 {amount:##,0}** in exchange for **🧩 {chips:##,0}**.");
Exemple #2
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("This is a currency converter for USD,INR,FRANC,EURO!!!\n");
        MoneyConvert m = new MoneyConvert();

        while (true)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter type:");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 1.INR:");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 2.USD:");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 3.FRANC:");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 4.EURO:");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 5.EXIT:");

            Console.WriteLine("Enter source currency:");
            int src = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if (src == 5)

            Console.WriteLine("Enter destination currency:");
            int dst = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if (dst == 5)

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Amount:");
            double amt = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            amt = m.change(src, dst, amt);
            Console.WriteLine(" Answer is = " + amt);
Exemple #3
        public async Task CashOutAsync(long amount = 0)
            if (amount < 0)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> 👁️ You can't specify a **negative** value.\n> *\"I know what you were trying to do.\"*");


            if (amount == 0)
                // $"> ⚠️ You need to specify a positive amount of **Orite** to convert.
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(CommandDetailsViewer.WriteCashOut());


            if (amount > Context.Account.TokenBalance)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> ⚠️ You don't have enough **Tokens** to convert this amount.");


            long money = MoneyConvert.TokensToMoney(amount);

            Context.Account.Take(amount, CurrencyType.Tokens);
            Context.Account.Give(money, CurrencyType.Money);
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"> You have traded in **{Icons.Tokens} {amount:##,0}** in exchange for **{Icons.Balance} {money:##,0}**.");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int               recordID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["RecordID"]);
        int               applyID  = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ApplyID"]);
        bool              rejected = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["rejected"]);
        Apply             ap       = Apply.GetApplyByID(applyID);
        OfficeSupplyApply oi       = OfficeSupplyApply.GetOfficeSupplyApplyByID(recordID);

        staffName.Text  = oi.StaffName;
        department.Text = oi.Department;
        reason.Text     = oi.Reason;
        applyDate.Text  = oi.ApplyDate.ToShortDateString();

        processShow.Text = oi.ApproveProcess;

        double money = 0.0;

        supplyList.Text        = transResult(oi.OfficeList, ref money);
        allExpensive.Text      = money.ToString();
        allExpensiveUpper.Text = MoneyConvert.convertToCapital(money.ToString());

        Users     usr  = (Users)Session["Identify"];
        BasicInfo info = BasicInfo.GetBasicInfoByID(usr.UserID);

        if (!rejected && ap.NextApprover == oi.StaffName)
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;
            whyDisagree.Visible    = false;
            proManager.Text = "已签字";
            depManager.Text = "已签字";
            counter.Text    = "已签字";
            cashier.Text    = "已签字";
            company.Text    = "已签字";
        else if (info.StaffName.Trim() == oi.StaffName.Trim())
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;
            if (info.Position.Trim() != "出纳")
                whyDisagree.Visible = false;
        processShow.Visible = true;
    protected void addRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ViewState["count"] = Convert.ToInt16(ViewState["count"]) + 1;
        this.UpdatePanel1.Update(); //一定要加这句, 调用完函数后进行局部更新.

        double all = 0.0;
        List <OfficeSupplySingle> supplyList = getSupplyList(ref all);

        allExpensive.Text      = all.ToString();
        allExpensiveUpper.Text = MoneyConvert.convertToCapital(all.ToString());
Exemple #6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int           recordID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["RecordID"]);
        int           applyID  = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ApplyID"]);
        bool          rejected = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["rejected"]);
        Apply         ap       = Apply.GetApplyByID(applyID);
        Reimbursement ri       = Reimbursement.GetReimbursementByID(recordID);

        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataSet allPro = ProjectInfo.GetAllProjects();
            accountList.DataSource     = allPro.Tables[0].DefaultView;
            accountList.DataTextField  = "ProjectAccount";
            accountList.DataValueField = "ProjectAccount";

            staffName.Text            = ri.StaffName;
            department.Text           = ri.Department;
            manager.Text              = ri.Manager;
            payee.Text                = ri.Payee;
            projectCode.Text          = ri.ProjectCode;
            accountList.SelectedValue = ri.ProjectAccount;
            happenDate.Text           = ri.HappenDate.ToShortDateString();
            reimburseDate.Text        = ri.ReimburestDate.ToShortDateString();
            payeeDate.Text            = ri.PayeeDate.ToShortDateString();
            bill.Text        = ri.Bill.ToString();
            allExpense.Text  = ri.AllExpense.ToString();
            expense.Text     = ri.Expense.ToString();
            capital.Text     = MoneyConvert.convertToCapital(ri.AllExpense.ToString());
            remark.Text      = ri.Remark;
            note.Text        = ri.Note;
            processShow.Text = ri.ApproveProcess;

        Users     usr  = (Users)Session["Identify"];
        BasicInfo info = BasicInfo.GetBasicInfoByID(usr.UserID);

        if (!rejected && ap.NextApprover == ri.StaffName)
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;
            cashierButton.Visible  = false;
            rejectButton.Visible   = false;
            whyDisagree.Visible    = false;
            accountList.Enabled    = false;
            proManager.Text = "已签字";
            depManager.Text = "已签字";
            financial.Text  = "已签字";
            company.Text    = "已签字";
        else if (info.StaffName.Trim() == ri.StaffName.Trim() || info.Position.Trim() == "出纳")
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;
            accountList.Enabled    = false;
            if (info.Position.Trim() != "出纳")
                cashierButton.Visible = false;
                rejectButton.Visible  = false;
                whyDisagree.Visible   = false;
        else if (info.Position.Trim() == "会计")
            accountList.Enabled   = true;
            cashierButton.Visible = false;
            rejectButton.Visible  = false;
            accountList.Enabled   = false;
            cashierButton.Visible = false;
            rejectButton.Visible  = false;
        processShow.Visible = true;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int        recordID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["RecordID"]);
        int        applyID  = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ApplyID"]);
        bool       rejected = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["rejected"]);
        Apply      ap       = Apply.GetApplyByID(applyID);
        MoneyApply mi       = MoneyApply.GetMoneyApplyByID(recordID);

        DataSet allPro = ProjectInfo.GetAllProjects();

        accountList.DataSource     = allPro.Tables[0].DefaultView;
        accountList.DataTextField  = "ProjectAccount";
        accountList.DataValueField = "ProjectAccount";

        staffName.Text   = mi.StaffName;
        department.Text  = mi.Department;
        telephone.Text   = mi.Telephone;
        payee.Text       = mi.Payee;
        projectCode.Text = mi.ProjectCode;
        usage.Text       = mi.Usage;
        plan.Text        = mi.Plan;
        money.Text       = mi.Money.ToString();
        capital.Text     = MoneyConvert.convertToCapital(mi.Money.ToString());
        payDate.Text     = mi.PayDate.ToShortDateString();
        processShow.Text = mi.ApproveProcess;

        Users     usr  = (Users)Session["Identify"];
        BasicInfo info = BasicInfo.GetBasicInfoByID(usr.UserID);

        if (!rejected && ap.NextApprover.Trim() == mi.StaffName.Trim())
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;
            cashierButton.Visible  = false;
            rejectButton.Visible   = false;
            whyDisagree.Visible    = false;
            accountList.Enabled    = false;
            proManager.Text = "已签字";
            depManager.Text = "已签字";
            financial.Text  = "已签字";
            company.Text    = "已签字";
            guanwei.Text    = "已签字";
        else if (info.StaffName.Trim() == mi.StaffName.Trim() || info.Position.Trim() == "出纳")
            agreeButton.Visible    = false;
            disagreeButton.Visible = false;

            accountList.Enabled = false;
            if (info.Position.Trim() != "出纳")
                cashierButton.Visible = false;
                rejectButton.Visible  = false;
                whyDisagree.Visible   = false;
        else if (info.Position.Trim() == "会计")
            accountList.Enabled   = true;
            cashierButton.Visible = false;
            rejectButton.Visible  = false;
            accountList.Enabled   = false;
            cashierButton.Visible = false;
            rejectButton.Visible  = false;
        processShow.Visible = true;
 protected void money_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     capital.Text = MoneyConvert.convertToCapital(money.Text);