void UpdateKeys() { if (!MogaGamepad.IsConnected()) { return; } foreach (E_InputAction a in m_KeyInput.Keys) { KeyInput ki = m_KeyInput[a]; if (MogaGamepad.GetKeyCode(ki.key) == Moga.ACTION_DOWN && !ki.isDown) { ki.isDown = true; if (ki.onKeyDown != null) { ki.onKeyDown(); } } else if (MogaGamepad.GetKeyCode(ki.key) == Moga.ACTION_UP && ki.isDown) { ki.isDown = false; if (ki.onKeyUp != null) { ki.onKeyUp(); } } } }
void OnDpadRight() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { ChangeWeaponNext(); } }
void UpdateMove() { if (!MogaGamepad.IsConnected()) { return; } //move by joystick Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero; dir.x = MogaGamepad.GetAxis(Moga.AXIS_X); dir.y = -MogaGamepad.GetAxis(Moga.AXIS_Y); //moga gamepad has inverted y axis float dist = dir.magnitude; if (dist > 0.001f) { States.Move.Direction.x = dir.x; States.Move.Direction.z = dir.y; States.Move.Direction.Normalize(); States._Temp.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, Player.LocalInstance.Owner.Transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); States.Move.Direction = States._Temp.TransformDirection(States.Move.Direction); States.Move.Force = dist; } }
void OnDpadUp() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { GuiHUD.Instance.Gadgets.SelectPrev(); } }
void OnDpadLeft() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { ChangeWeaponPrev(); } }
public void ShowHelp(bool showSwitch) { if (m_initialised && MFGuiManager.Instance != null) { m_HelpSwitch.SetValue(GuiOptions.showMogaHelp); GuiBaseUtils.RegisterButtonDelegate(m_HelpCloseButton, null, OnCloseButton); GuiBaseUtils.RegisterSwitchDelegate(m_HelpLayout, "ShowHelp_Switch", OnHelpSwitch); MFGuiManager.Instance.ShowLayout(m_HelpLayout, true); if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { m_MogaPro.Show(true, true); } else { m_MogaPocket.Show(true, true); } InputManager.FlushInput(); InputManager.IsEnabled = false; m_IsHelpOn = true; //hide switch pokud jej nechceme zobrazovat m_HelpSwitch.Widget.Show(showSwitch, true); } }
void OnL2Up() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnSprintUp(); } }
void OnSelectDown() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro() == false) { OnNextWeaponDown(); } }
void OnR2Up() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnFireUp(); } }
void OnL2Down() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnSprintDown(); } }
void OnR2Down() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnFireDown(); } }
void OnL1Up() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro() == false) { OnSprintUp(); } }
public void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) { //Debug.Log( "Game OnApplicationFocus focus:" + focus ); // When the application is switched to the fullscreen mode (web player on Mac OS X) // this method is called with focus == false. // Focus must be set to true otherwise InputManager is disabled // and mouse contol is not working. if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer) { if (Screen.fullScreen) { focus = true; } } #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR m_IsFocused = focus; Debug.Log("Moga: Application focused " + focus); MogaGamepad.OnFocus(focus); #endif if (focus == false) { InputManager.FlushInput(); } #if !UNITY_EDITOR InputManager.IsEnabled = focus; #endif }
void OnR1Up() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro() == false) { OnFireUp(); } }
void OnDpadDown() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { GuiHUD.Instance.Gadgets.SelectNext(); } }
public void ShowSelection(bool show) { if (m_SelectionWidget != null) { UpdateSelectionPos(); bool gamepadControl = MogaGamepad.IsConnected(); m_SelectionWidget.Show(show && gamepadControl && IsValidSelection(), true); } }
void OnL1Down() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnRollDown(); } else { OnSprintDown(); } }
//------------------------------------key handlers void OnR1Down() { if (MogaGamepad.IsMogaPro()) { OnReloadDown(); } else { OnFireDown(); } }
protected override void OnMenuUpdate() { #if UNITY_ANDROID //&& !UNITY_EDITOR if (MogaGamepad.IsConnected() && (MogaGamepad.MenuKeyPressed() || MogaGamepad.MenuMovePressed())) { if (GuiMogaPopup.Instance != null && !(GuiMogaPopup.Instance.IsShown() || GuiMogaPopup.Instance.IsHelpShown())) { GuiMogaPopup.Instance.Show(02900033, 3.5f); } } #endif }
void Update() { if (m_IsHelpOn) { if (MogaGamepad.MenuKeyPressed()) { HideHelp(); } else { UpdateTouchableWidgets(); } } }
protected override void OnMenuUpdate() { #if !MADFINGER_KEYBOARD_MOUSE if ((GamepadInputManager.Instance != null && GamepadInputManager.Instance.ControlDown(PlayerControlsGamepad.E_Input.Fire)) #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR || (MogaGamepad.IsConnected() && MogaGamepad.GetKeyCode(Moga.KEYCODE_BUTTON_A) == Moga.ACTION_DOWN) || (Input.GetKeyDown("8") || Input.GetKeyDown("1")) || //bluetooth (GamepadInputManager.Instance.IsNvidiaShield() && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Joystick1Button0)) #endif ) { DoCommand("ResumeGame"); } #endif }
protected override void OnViewShow() { BindControls(true); #if UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR //skryj gpad button na ios m_GamepadButton.Widget.Show(false, true); m_MogaHelpButton.Widget.Show(false, true); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE // na androideck detekuj pripojeni gamepadu InvokeRepeating("CheckGpadChange", 0, 2.0f); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID MogaGamepad.OnConnectionChange += OnMogaChange; OnMogaChange(MogaGamepad.IsConnected()); #endif }
void Update() { if (IsLoading == true) { return; } InputManager.Update(); GamepadInputManager.Update(); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR MogaGamepad.Update(); #endif if (Input.touchCount != 0) { LastTouchControlTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; } }
public void Update() { if (CaptureInput == false) { return; } if (Game.Instance.GameState != E_GameState.Game) { return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR || MADFINGER_KEYBOARD_MOUSE if (PCControls != null) { PCControls.Update(); } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR if (MogaControls != null && MogaGamepad.IsConnected()) { MogaControls.Update(); } if (BlueToothControls != null) { BlueToothControls.Update(); } #endif GamepadControls.Update(); if (TouchControls != null) { TouchControls.Update(); } if (null != DroneControls) { DroneControls.Update(); } }
void UpdateView() { if (!MogaGamepad.IsConnected()) { return; } float yaw1 = MogaGamepad.GetAxis(Moga.AXIS_Z) * ViewSensitivityX; float pitch1 = MogaGamepad.GetAxis(Moga.AXIS_RZ) * ViewSensitivityY; bool Changed = (Mathf.Abs(yaw1) > 0.001F || Mathf.Abs(pitch1) > 0.001F); if (Changed) { //clamp to frame limit float RotSpeed = 360; float FrameLimit = (RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime); float OutYaw = PlayerControlStates.ClampAngle(yaw1, -FrameLimit, FrameLimit); float OutPitch = PlayerControlStates.ClampAngle(pitch1, -FrameLimit, FrameLimit); States.View.SetNewRotation(OutYaw, OutPitch); } }
void OnDestroy() { if (_Instance == this) { // shutdown plugins EtceteraWrapper.Done(); TapJoy.Done(); TwitterWrapper.Done(); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR MogaGamepad.Done(); MogaGamepad.OnConnectionChange -= OnMogaConnectionChange; MogaGamepad.OnBatteryLowChange = null; #endif GamepadInputManager.DestroyInstance(); CloudUser.authenticationChanged -= OnUserAuthenticationChanged; OnUserAuthenticationChanged(false); //FacebookPlugin.Instance.OnApplicationFocus -= OnApplicationPause; kua ja to nemuzu delat ;) } }
void Awake() { BuildInfo.DrawVersionInfo = false; // 1366x720=983520 // 1024x720=737280 // 900x640=614400 //Screen.SetResolution (1024, 540, true); //new Texture().SetAnisotropicFilteringLimits(1,1);//2,2); // // warmup post-fx shaders // /* * if (iPhoneSettings.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch3Gen || iPhoneSettings.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch4Gen || iPhoneSettings.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3GS || iPhoneSettings.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPad1Gen) * QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 1; * * if (iPhoneSettings.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPad2Gen) * QualitySettings.antiAliasing = 4; */ //CamExplosionFXMgr.PreloadResources(); GraphicsDetailsUtl.DisableShaderKeyword("UNITY_IPHONE"); #if UNITY_IPHONE GraphicsDetailsUtl.EnableShaderKeyword("UNITY_IPHONE"); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR try { MogaGamepad.Init(); MogaGamepad.OnConnectionChange += OnMogaConnectionChange; MogaGamepad.OnBatteryLowChange = OnMogaBatteryLowChange; if (m_IsFocused) { //Debug.Log("Moga: Application focused"); MogaGamepad.OnFocus(m_IsFocused); } } catch (System.Exception) {} #endif QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 0; if (_Instance) { if (_Instance.Client == null) { _Instance.Client = Client; } Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } else { _Instance = this; uLink.NetworkView nw = GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); if (nw != null) { // This workaround fixes the warning about alredy registered manual ID // Now the NetworkView is registered only once (using given ManualViewIDWorkaround). nw.SetManualViewID(ManualViewIDWorkaround); } } CloudUser.authenticationChanged += OnUserAuthenticationChanged; GamepadInputManager.CreateInstance(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); this.transform.parent = null; InputManager.Initialize(); if (AppType == E_AppType.DedicatedServer) { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; } else { Application.targetFrameRate = 30; } // test server optimization // not really great optimization I would say... (our servers were definitelly more laggy) // Changing back to 60FPS on the server //Application.targetFrameRate = 30; uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PlayerPersistantInfo>(PlayerPersistantInfo.Deserialize, PlayerPersistantInfo.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PPIInventoryList>(PPIInventoryList.Deserialize, PPIInventoryList.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PPIEquipList>(PPIEquipList.Deserialize, PPIEquipList.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PPIRoundScore>(PPIRoundScore.Deserialize, PPIRoundScore.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PPIUpgradeList>(PPIUpgradeList.Deserialize, PPIUpgradeList.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <PPIOutfits>(PPIOutfits.Deserialize, PPIOutfits.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.Add <RoundFinalResult>(RoundFinalResult.Deserialize, RoundFinalResult.Serialize); uLink.BitStreamCodec.AddAndMakeArray <RoundFinalResult.PlayerResult>(RoundFinalResult.PlayerResult.Deserialize, RoundFinalResult.PlayerResult.Serialize); #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID Screen.autorotateToPortrait = false; Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false; #endif Screen.sleepTimeout = 120; // // experimental networking stuff // if (AppType == E_AppType.Game && Application.isEditor == false) { // initialize plugins EtceteraWrapper.Init(); if (TwitterConfiguration.IsAvailable) { TwitterWrapper.Init(TwitterConfiguration.CustomerKey, TwitterConfiguration.CustomerSecret); } if (ChartBoostConfiguration.IsAvailable) { ChartBoost.init(ChartBoostConfiguration.AppId, ChartBoostConfiguration.AppSignature); } if (TapJoyConfiguration.IsAvailable) { TapJoy.Init(TapJoyConfiguration.AppId, TapJoyConfiguration.SecurityKey); } } // Synchronize item settings managers with cloud SettingsCloudSync.GetInstance().UpdateSettingsManagersFromCloud(); LastTouchControlTime = 0; }