public void ModuleFilenameInitInFolder() { var result = ModuleUtilities.ModuleFileName("module2"); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(result.EndsWith("")); }
public async Task Rankings(string input = "noIm") { if (input != "noIm" && input != "im") { input = "noIm"; } dynamic result = ModuleUtilities.GetJsonFromEndpoint(OwlUrl + "rankings"); //var content = result["content"]; List <string> teams = OWLUtilities.ParseTeamInfo(result, input); if (input == "im") { foreach (string team in teams) { await ReplyAsync(team); } } else if (input == "noIm") { string outputString = ""; foreach (string team in teams) { outputString += team; } await ReplyAsync(outputString); } }
public void LoadModulesFromLib() { var context = new BindingEnvironment(); Assert.IsNotNull(ModuleUtilities.LoadModule("module1", context)); Assert.IsNotNull(ModuleUtilities.LoadModule("module2", context)); }
public void ModuleFilename() { var result = ModuleUtilities.ModuleFileName("module1"); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(result.EndsWith("")); }
public async Task Flip([Remainder] string input) { await ModuleUtilities.DeleteMessage(Context); string flippedString = ""; foreach (char letter in input) { if (Char.IsLetter(letter)) { if (Char.IsUpper(letter)) { flippedString = Regex.Unescape(SpeakModObjects.flipDicCaps[letter.ToString()]).Normalize() + flippedString; } else { flippedString = Regex.Unescape(SpeakModObjects.flipDicLower[letter.ToString()]).Normalize() + flippedString; } } else { flippedString = letter + flippedString; } } await ReplyAsync(flippedString); }
public List <ModuleInfo> GetModuleInfos() { var installedModules = _contentManager.LoadAllModules().ToList(); var referencedModules = ModuleUtilities.GetLoadedModuleAssemblies(); var moduleInfos = new List <ModuleInfo>(); foreach (var referencedModule in referencedModules.Select(m => m.Item1)) { var moduleName = _moduleBuilder.GetModuleNameFromAssembly(referencedModule); var installedModule = installedModules.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == moduleName); string moduleInstalledVersion = null; Guid? installedModuleId = null; if (installedModule != null) { installedModules.Remove(installedModule); moduleInstalledVersion = installedModule.Version; installedModuleId = installedModule.Id; } var moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo(moduleName, moduleInstalledVersion, _moduleBuilder.GetModuleVersionFromAssembly(referencedModule), installedModuleId); moduleInfos.Add(moduleInfo); } moduleInfos.AddRange(installedModules.Select(installedModule => new ModuleInfo(installedModule.Name, installedModule.Version, null))); return(moduleInfos); }
public void Execute(IContext context) { Module module = ModuleUtilities.LoadModule(this.modname, context); IValues values = context; int nname = 0; foreach (var name in this.names) { string normname = name.Trim(); if (nname == this.names.Length - 1) { values.SetValue(normname, module); } else if (!values.HasValue(normname)) { var mod = new Module(context.GlobalContext); values.SetValue(normname, mod); values = mod; } else { values = (IValues)values.GetValue(normname); } nname++; } }
public async Task Player(string player = "default") { dynamic result = ModuleUtilities.GetJsonFromEndpoint(OwlUrl + "players"); string playerData = OWLUtilities.GetPlayerData(result, player); await ReplyAsync(playerData) ; }
public void Span(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, int expectedStartLine, int expectedStartColumn, int expectedEndLine, int expectedEndColumn) { var actual = ModuleUtilities.ToSourceSpan(new DkmTextSpan(StartLine: startLine, EndLine: endLine, StartColumn: startColumn, EndColumn: endColumn)); var expected = new SourceSpan(expectedStartLine, expectedStartColumn, expectedEndLine, expectedEndColumn); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void LoadCachedModule() { var context = new BindingEnvironment(); var module = ModuleUtilities.LoadModule("setvar", context); var module2 = ModuleUtilities.LoadModule("setvar", context); Assert.IsNotNull(module); Assert.AreEqual(module, module2); }
public void LoadSimpleModule() { var context = new BindingEnvironment(); var module = ModuleUtilities.LoadModule("setvar", context); Assert.IsNotNull(module); Assert.AreEqual(context, module.GlobalContext); Assert.IsNotNull(module.GetValue("a")); Assert.AreEqual("setvar module", module.GetValue("__doc__")); }
public void Execute(Machine machine, BindingEnvironment environment) { Parser parser = new Parser(new StreamReader(ModuleUtilities.ModuleFileName(this.modname))); ICommand command = parser.CompileCommandList(); BindingEnvironment modenv = new BindingEnvironment(); command.Execute(machine, modenv); environment.SetValue(this.modname, modenv); }
public async Task Muddle([Remainder] string input) { await ModuleUtilities.DeleteMessage(Context); List <string> words = input.Split(' ').ToList(); string muddledSentance = ""; //golf it because //having it in the select like that, must do some sort of caching, same result for same input in string every time, desirable? muddledSentance += String.Join(String.Empty, words.Select(w => { return(Scramble(w) + " "); })); await ReplyAsync(muddledSentance); }
public async Task MockBob([Remainder] string input) { await ModuleUtilities.DeleteMessage(Context); string oldMsg = input; string newMsg = ""; newMsg += Context.User.Username.ToString() + ": "; for (int i = 0; i < oldMsg.Length; i++) { newMsg += (i % 2 == 0 ? Char.ToUpper(oldMsg[i]) : Char.ToLower(oldMsg[i])); } await ReplyAsync(newMsg + "\n\r" + ""); }
public async Task MemSpeak([Remainder] string input) { await ModuleUtilities.DeleteMessage(Context); string oldMsg = input; string newMsg = ""; newMsg += Context.User.Username.ToString() + ": "; for (int i = 0; i < oldMsg.Length; i++) { newMsg += oldMsg[i] + (i < oldMsg.Length - 1 ? "(" : ""); } newMsg += new string(')', oldMsg.Length - 1); await ReplyAsync(newMsg); }
public void Execute(IContext context) { Module module = ModuleUtilities.LoadModule(this.modname, context); if (this.names != null) { foreach (string name in this.names) { context.SetValue(name, module.GetValue(name)); } } else { foreach (string name in module.GetNames()) { context.SetValue(name, module.GetValue(name)); } } }
public async Task Scrust(int maxChars, [Remainder] string input) { await ModuleUtilities.DeleteMessage(Context); string oldMsg = input; string newMsg = ""; newMsg += Context.User.Username.ToString() + ": "; string[] diacriticalPrefixes = { @"\u030", @"\u031", @"\u032", @"\u033", @"\u034", @"\u035", @"\u036" }; Random random = new Random(); var scrustyString = ""; foreach (char c in input) { if (c == ' ') { scrustyString += " "; continue; } string modChar = c.ToString(); int toAdd = random.Next(0, maxChars); var diaCrits = ""; for (int i = 0; i < toAdd; i++) { var firstPart = diacriticalPrefixes[random.Next(0, 7)]; var secondPart = random.Next(0, 16).ToString("X"); diaCrits = Regex.Unescape((diaCrits + (firstPart + secondPart))).Normalize(); ; } modChar = Regex.Unescape((modChar + diaCrits)).Normalize(); scrustyString += modChar; } await ReplyAsync(scrustyString); }
public void UnknownModule() { Assert.IsNull(ModuleUtilities.ModuleFileName("spam")); }