Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives a default file system, strictly based on the provided content,
        /// to <see cref="CreateWorkspaceProviderFromContentWithFileSystem"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Consider that if modules are not unique across the array, the file system will be given the union of the specs
        /// that belong to the same module in some order.
        /// </remarks>
        public WorkspaceProvider CreateWorkspaceProviderFromContent(
            bool preserveTrivia = false,
            params ModuleRepository[] moduleRepositoryArray)
            var fileSystem = new ModuleRepositoryFileSystem(PathTable, moduleRepositoryArray);

            return(CreateWorkspaceProviderFromContentWithFileSystem(fileSystem, cancelOnFirstFailure: true, preserveTrivia: preserveTrivia, moduleRepositoryArray: moduleRepositoryArray));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a parsing queue from a set of module names with content.
        /// </summary>
        public ModuleParsingQueue CreateParsingQueueFromContent(
            ModuleRepository[] moduleRepositoryArray,
            IFileSystem fileSystem = null)
            if (fileSystem == null)
                fileSystem = new ModuleRepositoryFileSystem(PathTable, moduleRepositoryArray);

            var workspaceProvider = CreateWorkspaceProviderFromContentWithFileSystem(fileSystem, cancelOnFirstFailure: false, preserveTrivia: false, moduleRepositoryArray);

            return(new ModuleParsingQueue(
                       new ModuleReferenceResolver(fileSystem.GetPathTable()),
                       designatedPrelude: null,
                       configurationModule: null));