public ActionResult edit() { Models.users user = new Models.users(); SqlConnectionStringBuilder constr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Data Source=DESKTOP-N9AAJ82\\SKERDI;Initial Catalog=KEMBIM_VALUTOR;Integrated Security=True"); string qrstr = "select name,surname,username,birthday,email,password from users where user_id = '" + Session["user_id"] + "'"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qrstr, con); con.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); try { user.Name = (string)reader[0]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Surname = (string)reader[1]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Username = (string)reader[2]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Birthday = (string)reader[3]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Email = (string)reader[4]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Password = (string)reader[5]; } catch (Exception) { } reader.Close(); } } return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult edit(Models.users user) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder constr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Data Source=DESKTOP-N9AAJ82\\SKERDI;Initial Catalog=KEMBIM_VALUTOR;Integrated Security=True"); string qrstr = "update users set name = '" + user.Name + "', surname = '" + user.Surname + "', username = '******', password = '******', birthday = " + user.Birthday + ", email = '" + user.Email + "' where user_id = " + Session["user_id"] + ""; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qrstr, con); con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } return(RedirectToAction("userdetails")); }
private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { if (thirdPArty_serviceCmb.IsChecked == true) { if (clientCmb.SelectedItem == null || brandCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(unique_referenceTextBox.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(commercial_invoiceTextBox.Text) || purchase_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString() == "" || userCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Los campos cliente, marca, imei o serie, factura, fecha de compra, tecnico encargado y fecha de entrada no deben ser nulas"); return; } } else { if (clientCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(unique_referenceTextBox.Text) || userCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Los campos cliente, imei o serie, tecnico encargado y fecha de entrada no deben estar vacios"); return; } } using (context) { newService = new; Models.customers newCustomer = (Models.customers)clientCmb.SelectedItem; Models.users newUser = (Models.users)userCmb.SelectedItem; newService.id_customer = newCustomer.id_customer; if (thirdPArty_serviceCmb.IsChecked == true) { Models.brands newBrand = (Models.brands)brandCmb.SelectedItem; newService.id_brand = newBrand.id_brand; newService.is_warranty = true; newService.purchase_date = purchase_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate; newService.commercial_invoice = commercial_invoiceTextBox.Text; } else { newService.is_warranty = false; } newService.unique_reference = unique_referenceTextBox.Text; newService.model = modelTextBox.Text; newService.technical_operator = newUser.id_user; newService.in_date = in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate;; context.SaveChanges(); disableAll(); mainw.Succesful("service"); lblNotification.Content = "Nuevo servicio registrado correctamente"; lblNotification.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
private void CommandBinding_Executed_1(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { if (thirdPArty_serviceCmb.IsChecked == true) { if (clientCmb.SelectedItem == null || brandCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(unique_referenceTextBox.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(commercial_invoiceTextBox.Text) || purchase_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString() == "" || userCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Los campos cliente, marca, imei o serie, factura, fecha de compra, tecnico encargado y fecha de entrada no deben ser nulas"); return; } } else { if (clientCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(unique_referenceTextBox.Text) || userCmb.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Los campos cliente, imei o serie, tecnico encargado y fecha de entrada no deben estar vacios"); return; } } var mservice = new { id_service = service.id_service }; using (var context = new Models.solutecEntities()) { Models.customers newCustomer = (Models.customers)clientCmb.SelectedItem; Models.users newUser = (Models.users)userCmb.SelectedItem;; if (thirdPArty_serviceCmb.IsChecked == true) { Models.brands newBrand = (Models.brands)brandCmb.SelectedItem; mservice.id_brand = newBrand.id_brand; mservice.is_warranty = true; mservice.purchase_date = purchase_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate; mservice.commercial_invoice = commercial_invoiceTextBox.Text; } else { mservice.is_warranty = false; } mservice.unique_reference = unique_referenceTextBox.Text; mservice.model = modelTextBox.Text; mservice.technical_operator = newUser.id_user; mservice.in_date = in_dateDatePicker.DisplayDate; context.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; context.SaveChanges(); } mainw.Succesful("service"); }
public ActionResult register(Models.users user) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder constr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Data Source=DESKTOP-N9AAJ82\\SKERDI;Initial Catalog=KEMBIM_VALUTOR;Integrated Security=True"); string qrstr = "insert into users (username, password, name, surname, email, type) values('" + user.Username + "','" + user.Password + "','" + user.Name + "','" + user.Surname + "','" + user.Email + "','U')"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qrstr, con); con.Open(); try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Ex = ex; } con.Close(); return(View("../Account/login")); } }
public ActionResult login(Models.users user) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder constr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Data Source=DESKTOP-N9AAJ82\\SKERDI;Initial Catalog=KEMBIM_VALUTOR;Integrated Security=True"); string qrstr = "select user_id from users where username = '******' and password = '******'"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qrstr, con); con.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); if (reader.HasRows) { Session["user_id"] = int.Parse(reader[0].ToString()); reader.Close(); string qrstrwl = "insert into wallet(user_id) values('" + Session["user_id"] + "')"; SqlCommand cmdw = new SqlCommand(qrstrwl, con); try { cmdw.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { } return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); } else { //e ndryshoj m vone reader.Close(); ViewBag.valMsg = "Your username or password is incorrect"; return(View()); } } } }
private void SaveCommandHandler(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { if (userTextBox.Text == "" || password.Password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Los campos usuario y contraseña no deben estar vacios"); return; } try { using (Models.solutecEntities context = new Models.solutecEntities()) { Models.users newUser = new Models.users(); newUser.user = userTextBox.Text; newUser.is_active = true; newUser.password = mainw.GetSHA1(password.Password); short user_type = 0; switch (user_typeComboBox.Text) { case "Administrador": user_type = 1; break; case "Atencion al cliente": user_type = 2; break; case "Tecnico": user_type = 3; break; default: user_type = 1; break; } newUser.user_type = user_type; context.users.Add(newUser); context.SaveChanges(); lblNotification.Content = "Usuario registrado correctamente"; notification.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; userTextBox.IsEnabled = false; password.IsEnabled = false; user_typeComboBox.IsEnabled = false; btnSave.IsEnabled = false; mainw.Succesful("user"); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException i) { foreach (var eve in i.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } }
public ActionResult userdetails() { if (Session["user_id"] != null) { Models.users user = new Models.users(); SqlConnectionStringBuilder constr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Data Source=DESKTOP-N9AAJ82\\SKERDI;Initial Catalog=KEMBIM_VALUTOR;Integrated Security=True"); string qrstr = "select name,surname,username,birthday,email,password from users where user_id = '" + Session["user_id"] + "'"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qrstr, con); con.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); try { user.Name = (string)reader[0]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Surname = (string)reader[1]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Username = (string)reader[2]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Birthday = (string)reader[3]; } catch (Exception) { } try { user.Email = (string)reader[4]; } catch (Exception) { } reader.Close(); } //------------------------------------Favorites------------------------------------------------------------------------ List <Models.rates> ratesf = new List <Models.rates>(); string qrFavStr = "SELECT RATES.RATE_ID AS rate_id,CURR1 AS curr1,CURR2 AS curr2,RATE AS rate FROM RATES INNER JOIN FAVORITES ON RATES.RATE_ID = FAVORITES.RATE_ID WHERE USER_ID = '" + Session["user_id"] + "'"; SqlCommand cmdFav = new SqlCommand(qrFavStr, con); using (SqlDataReader readerf = cmdFav.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleResult)) { while (readerf.Read()) { Models.rates ratef = new Models.rates(); ratef.RateId = (int)readerf["rate_id"]; ratef.Curr1 = (string)readerf["curr1"]; ratef.Curr2 = (string)readerf["curr2"]; ratef.Rate = (double)readerf["rate"]; ratesf.Add(ratef); } } ViewBag.fav = ratesf; } return(View("userdetails", user)); } return(RedirectToAction("../Home/Index")); }
public static bool setLoginSession(Models.users entity) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout = 360;//会话时间 单位分钟 6小时 HttpContext.Current.Session[globalValue.SESSION_ADMIN_LOGININFO] = entity; return(isLogin); }