public IActionResult Updates(UpdateViewModel model)
            if (model.attachment != null)
                //write file to a physical path
                var    uniqueFileName = model.attachment.FileName;
                var    uploads        = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "updates");
                string subpath        = uploads + "\\" + uniqueFileName.Split('.')[0] + "_" + model.version;

                var filePath = Path.Combine(subpath, uniqueFileName);
                model.attachment.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));

                //save the attachment to the database
                Models.Installer_Update attachment = new Models.Installer_Update();
                attachment.installer_ID    = model.installer_ID;
                attachment.version         = model.version;
                attachment.update_location = "wwwroot\\updates" + "\\" + uniqueFileName.Split('.')[0] + "_" + model.version + "\\" + uniqueFileName;


                //retrieve system record
                Models.Installer_Info installer = new Models.Installer_Info();
                installer             = _appContext.installers.Select(m => m).Where(m => m.ID == model.installer_ID).FirstOrDefault();
                installer.cur_version = model.version;


        public IActionResult Index(InstallerViewModel model)
            if (model.attachment != null)
                //write file to a physical path
                var uniqueFileName = model.attachment.FileName;
                var uploads        = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "installer");
                var filePath       = Path.Combine(uploads, uniqueFileName);
                model.attachment.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));

                //save the attachment to the database
                Models.Installer_Info attachment = new Models.Installer_Info();
                attachment.System      = uniqueFileName;
                attachment.cur_version = model.cur_version;
                attachment.location    = filePath;

        public Response <Models.Installer_Info> checkupdate(string version, int systemID)
            Response <Models.Installer_Info> response = new Response <Models.Installer_Info>();

            Models.Installer_Info installer = new Models.Installer_Info();
            installer = _appContext.installers.Select(m => m).Where(m => m.ID == systemID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (installer != null)
                if (installer.cur_version == version)
                    response.Code    = 300;
                    response.message = "No updates found";
                    response.Code    = 200;
                    response.message = "New update available";
                    response.Data    = installer;
        public FileStreamResult GetUpdateFile(int systemID) //download file
            Models.Installer_Info installer = new Models.Installer_Info();
            Installer_Update      update    = new Installer_Update();

            installer = _appContext.installers.Select(m => m).Where(m => m.ID == systemID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (installer != null)
                update = _appContext.updates.Select(m => m).Where(m => m.version == installer.cur_version && m.installer_ID == installer.ID).FirstOrDefault();
            string path        = update.update_location;//"wwwroot/updates/" + filename;
            var    stream      = new MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path));
            int    path_count  = update.update_location.Split('\\').Count();
            var    filename    = update.update_location.Split('\\')[path_count - 1];
            string contentType = GetContenttype(filename);

            FileStreamResult result = new FileStreamResult(stream, new MediaTypeHeaderValue(contentType))
                FileDownloadName = filename
