/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConfigurationService"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">Injected Logger Provider.</param> /// <param name="configuration">Injected Configuration Provider.</param> public ConfigurationService( ILogger <ConfigurationService> logger, IConfiguration configuration) { this.logger = logger; this.config = new Models.ExternalConfiguration(); this.config = configuration.Get <Models.ExternalConfiguration>(); }
public void TestGetConfig() { Models.ExternalConfiguration expectedResult = new Models.ExternalConfiguration() { OpenIdConnect = new Models.OpenIdConnectConfiguration() { Authority = "Authority", ClientId = "ClientId", ResponseType = "ResponseType", Scope = "Scope", Callbacks = new Dictionary <string, System.Uri> { { "Logon", new System.Uri("https://localhost/logon") }, { "Logout", new System.Uri("https://localhost/logout") }, } }, IdentityProviders = new Models.IdentityProviderConfiguration[] { new Models.IdentityProviderConfiguration() { Id = "Id", Name = "Name", Icon = "Icon", Hint = "Hint", Disabled = true, } }, WebClient = new Models.WebClientConfiguration() { LogLevel = "LogLevel", Timeouts = new Models.TimeOutsConfiguration() { Idle = 10000, LogoutRedirect = "LogoutRedirect", }, ExternalURLs = new Dictionary <string, System.Uri> { { "External", new System.Uri("https://localhost/external") } } }, ServiceEndpoints = new Dictionary <string, System.Uri>() { { "Service", new System.Uri("https://localhost/service") } } }; Models.ExternalConfiguration actualResult = service.GetConfiguration(); Assert.True(expectedResult.IsDeepEqual(actualResult)); }
public Models.ExternalConfiguration Index() { Models.ExternalConfiguration config = this.configservice.GetConfiguration(); config.WebClient.ClientIP = this.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress?.MapToIPv4().ToString(); return(config); }