private void ValidateAttack(IGameStore store, Guid playerId, Models.Battleship battleship)
     if (battleship.PlayerId == playerId)
         throw new OwnBattleshipAttackedException(playerId, battleship.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterate through a battleship based on alignment to determine how many battleship cells have been hit and if a battleship has been destroyed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board"></param>
        /// <param name="battleship"></param>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <param name="column"></param>
        /// <returns>Bool indicating whether the battleship has been destroyed</returns>
        private bool BattleshipDestroyed(Cell[][] board, Models.Battleship battleship, int row, int column)
            var hitBattleshipCellsCount = 0;

            // Determine alignment from the supplied battleship
            var horizontalNavigation = battleship.Alignment == Constants.BattleShip.Horizontal;

            // Create a dictionary with a string key of "{row},{column}" and value of battleship, then add each selected battleship to it and then if hitBattleshipCellsCount has reached the battleship length, navigate through it and mark as destroyed, use a .SafeSplit string extension to attain the row and index to add back to hitBattleshipsLookup
            // Set initial count so resizing is not required, this is a little more performant friendly
            var hitBattleshipsLookup = new Dictionary <string, Models.Battleship>(battleship.Length);

            // Navigate the board horizontally by default using the supplied row, else use the supplied column
            for (var i = horizontalNavigation ? battleship.RowStart : battleship.ColumnStart; i < battleship.Length; i++)
                var selectedRow        = horizontalNavigation ? row : i;
                var selectedColumn     = horizontalNavigation ? i : column;
                var selectedBattleship = board[selectedRow][selectedColumn];
                if (selectedBattleship.Value == Constants.BattleShip.Hit)
                    hitBattleshipsLookup[$"{selectedRow},{selectedColumn}"] = selectedBattleship as Models.Battleship;

            var battleShipDestroyed = hitBattleshipCellsCount == battleship.Length;

            // Mark on board if destroyed
            if (battleShipDestroyed)
                foreach (var hitBattleship in hitBattleshipsLookup)
                    var keyParts       = hitBattleship.Key.SafeSplit(new[] { "," });
                    var selectedRow    = Convert.ToInt32(keyParts[0]);
                    var selectedColumn = Convert.ToInt32(keyParts[1]);

                    // Get the current battleship from the board
                    var selectedBattleship = board[selectedRow][selectedColumn];

                    // Mark the selected battleship as destroyed
                    selectedBattleship.Value = Constants.BattleShip.Destroyed;

                    // Reset the battleship cell onto the board
                    board[selectedRow][selectedColumn] = selectedBattleship;

        private void SaveAttackResult(Coordinate coordinate, Models.Battleship battleship)
            var hitCoordinate = battleship.Coordinates.Single(p => p.Coordinate == coordinate);

            hitCoordinate.Hit = true;
Exemple #4
 public void AddBattleship(Models.Battleship battleship)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a battleship to a board
        /// </summary>
        public BattleshipUtilityResult AddBattleship(Cell[][] board, int row, int column, int shipSize, string alignment)
            var error = ValidatePositions(row, column);

            if (error != null)

            // Decrement the column and row as they are used within a jagged array
            column = --column;
            row    = --row;

            // 1) Add to playerBattleship
            var startingPointValue = board[row][column].Value;

            if (startingPointValue == Constants.BattleShip.Battleship)
                return(new BattleshipUtilityResult($"You have already have a battleship at position of row: {++row}, column: {++column}", BattleshipResultType.AlreadyExists));

            if (string.Equals(alignment, Constants.BattleShip.Horizontal, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var selectedRow     = board[row];
                var shipEndPosition = column + shipSize;
                var endCell         = selectedRow.ElementAtOrDefault(shipEndPosition - 1);
                if (endCell == null)
                    return(new BattleshipUtilityResult($"Cannot create ship at position of row: {++row}, column: {++column} as it will exceed the length of the board", BattleshipResultType.BoardOverflow));

                for (var c = column; c < shipEndPosition; c++)
                    var battleShip = new Models.Battleship(Constants.BattleShip.Battleship)
                        Alignment = alignment, RowStart = column, ColumnStart = row, Length = shipSize
                    selectedRow[c] = battleShip;

            if (string.Equals(alignment, Constants.BattleShip.Vertical, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var shipEndPosition = row + shipSize;
                var endCell         = board.ElementAtOrDefault(shipEndPosition - 1);
                if (endCell == null)
                    return(new BattleshipUtilityResult($"Cannot create ship at position of row: {++row}, column: {++column} as it will exceed the length of the board", BattleshipResultType.BoardOverflow));

                for (var r = row; r < shipEndPosition; r++)
                    var battleShip = new Models.Battleship(Constants.BattleShip.Battleship)
                        Alignment = alignment, RowStart = column, ColumnStart = row, Length = shipSize
                    board[r][column] = battleShip;

            return(new BattleshipUtilityResult($"Battleship created starting at position of row: {++row}, column: {++column}", BattleshipResultType.Added));
        private void AddBattleship(IGameStore store, Guid playerId, IReadOnlyList <Coordinate> coordinates, Guid battleshipId)
            var battleship = new Models.Battleship(battleshipId, playerId, coordinates.Select(p => new BattleshipCoordinate(p)).ToList());
