public void BindModelWithPrefixAndFallback() {
            // Arrange
            ModelWithoutBindAttribute model = new ModelWithoutBindAttribute() {
                Foo = "FooPreValue",
                Bar = "BarPreValue",
                Baz = "BazPreValue",
            ModelBindingContext bindingContext = new ModelBindingContext() {
                FallbackToEmptyPrefix = true,
                Model = model,
                ModelName = "prefix",
                ModelType = typeof(ModelWithoutBindAttribute),
                ValueProvider = new ValueProviderDictionary(null) {
                    { "foo", new ValueProviderResult("FooPostValue", "FooPostValue", null) },
                    { "bar", new ValueProviderResult("BarPostValue", "BarPostValue", null) }

            DefaultModelBinder binder = new DefaultModelBinder();

            // Act
            object updatedModel = binder.BindModel(null, bindingContext);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreSame(model, updatedModel, "Should have returned same instance of the model.");
            Assert.AreEqual("FooPostValue", model.Foo, "Foo property should have been updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual("BarPostValue", model.Bar, "Bar property should have been updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual("BazPreValue", model.Baz, "Baz property shouldn't have been updated since it wasn't part of the request.");
        public void BindModelWithPrefixReturnsNullIfFallbackNotSpecifiedAndValueProviderContainsNoEntries() {
            // Arrange
            ModelWithoutBindAttribute model = new ModelWithoutBindAttribute() {
                Foo = "FooPreValue",
                Bar = "BarPreValue",
                Baz = "BazPreValue",
            ModelBindingContext bindingContext = new ModelBindingContext() {
                Model = model,
                ModelName = "prefix",
                ModelType = typeof(ModelWithoutBindAttribute),
                ValueProvider = new ValueProviderDictionary(null) {
                    { "foo", new ValueProviderResult("FooPostValue", "FooPostValue", null) },
                    { "bar", new ValueProviderResult("BarPostValue", "BarPostValue", null) }

            DefaultModelBinder binder = new DefaultModelBinder();

            // Act
            object updatedModel = binder.BindModel(null, bindingContext);

            // Assert
        public void BindModelCanBindObjects() {
            // Arrange
            ControllerContext controllerContext = new Mock<ControllerContext>().Object;

            ModelWithoutBindAttribute model = new ModelWithoutBindAttribute() {
                Foo = "FooPreValue",
                Bar = "BarPreValue",
                Baz = "BazPreValue",
            ModelBindingContext bindingContext = new ModelBindingContext() {
                Model = model,
                ModelType = typeof(ModelWithoutBindAttribute),
                ValueProvider = new Dictionary<string, ValueProviderResult>() { { "Foo", null }, { "Bar", null } }

            Mock<IModelBinder> mockInnerBinder = new Mock<IModelBinder>();
                .Expect(b => b.BindModel(It.IsAny<ControllerContext>(), It.IsAny<ModelBindingContext>()))
                    delegate(ControllerContext cc, ModelBindingContext bc) {
                        Assert.AreEqual(controllerContext, cc, "ControllerContext was not forwarded correctly.");
                        Assert.AreEqual(bindingContext.ValueProvider, bc.ValueProvider, "Value provider was not forwarded correctly.");
                        return bc.ModelName + "PostValue";

            DefaultModelBinder binder = new DefaultModelBinder() {
                Binders = new ModelBinderDictionary() {
                    { typeof(string), mockInnerBinder.Object }

            // Act
            object updatedModel = binder.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreSame(model, updatedModel, "Should have returned same instance of the model.");
            Assert.AreEqual("FooPostValue", model.Foo, "Foo property should have been updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual("BarPostValue", model.Bar, "Bar property should have been updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual("BazPreValue", model.Baz, "Baz property shouldn't have been updated since it wasn't part of the request.");