public void TestEditParameterToDefault()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");

                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);

                var parameters = root.Parameters.GetParameters();
                Assert.IsNotNull(parameters, "There are no parameters for our test model system template!");
                var inputDirectory = GetParameter(parameters, "Input Directory");
                Assert.IsNotNull(inputDirectory, "There was no parameter called input directory.");
                string error         = null;
                var    previousValue = inputDirectory.Value;
                var    newValue      = "NewValue";
                Assert.IsTrue(inputDirectory.SetValue(newValue, ref error), "The assignment of a value to a string somehow failed!");
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, inputDirectory.Value, "The valid value was not stored in the parameter!");
                Assert.IsTrue(inputDirectory.SetToDefault(ref error), "Set to default failed!");
                Assert.AreEqual(previousValue, inputDirectory.Value, "We did not revert to the previous value!");
        public void TestUndoRedo()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");

                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate), root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type!");
                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(session.Undo(ref error), "The undo failed!");
                Assert.AreEqual(null, root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type after undo!");

                Assert.IsTrue(session.Redo(ref error), "The undo failed!");
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate), root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type after redo!");
Exemple #3
        public void TestDisablingRequiredField()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                string error = null;
                // build a small model system
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");
                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);
                // disable a module
                Assert.IsTrue(root.Children[0].AddCollectionMember(typeof(TestRequiredSubmodule), ref error, "SimpleChild"), error);
                var requiredParent = root.Children[0].Children[0];
                requiredParent.Children[0].Type = typeof(TestModule);
                var simpleChild = requiredParent.Children[0];
                Assert.AreEqual(false, simpleChild.IsDisabled, "By default simple child should not be disabled!");
                Assert.IsFalse(simpleChild.SetDisabled(true, ref error), "You should not be able to disable a required submodule!");
        public void TestChangingAModulesName()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                string error = null;
                var    model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");
                var          oldName = root.Name;
                const string newName = "New Name";
                Assert.IsTrue(root.SetName(newName, ref error), "Failed to set the module's name!");
                Assert.AreEqual(root.Name, newName, "The new name was not assigned!");
                if (!session.Undo(ref error))
                    Assert.Fail("We were unable to undo! " + error);
                Assert.AreEqual(root.Name, oldName, "The old name was not restored!");
                if (!session.Redo(ref error))
                    Assert.Fail("We were unable to redo! " + error);
                Assert.AreEqual(root.Name, newName, "The new name was not restored after redo!");
        public void TestAddingACollectionMember()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");

                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate), root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type!");

                Assert.IsNotNull(root.Children, "The test model system template doesn't have any children models!");

                var collection = root.Children.FirstOrDefault((child) => child.Name == "Test Collection");
                Assert.IsNotNull(collection, "We were unable to find a child member that contained the test collection!");

                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(TestModule), ref error), "We were unable to properly add a new collection member.");
                Assert.IsFalse(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(int), ref error), "We were able to use an integer as a collection member!");
        public void TestSettingParameterInLinkedParameter()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var modelSystem      = session.ModelSystemModel;
                var linkedParameters = modelSystem.LinkedParameters;
                Assert.AreEqual(0, linkedParameters.Count, "The model system already had a linked parameter before we added any!");
                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameters.NewLinkedParameter("Test", ref error), "We failed to create our first linked parameter!");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, linkedParameters.Count, "After adding a linked parameter it still reports that there isn't one linked parameter.");

                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");
                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);

                var parameters = root.Parameters.GetParameters();
                Assert.IsNotNull(parameters, "There are no parameters for our test model system template!");
                var inputDirectory  = GetParameter(parameters, "Input Directory");
                var secondaryString = GetParameter(parameters, "SecondaryString");

                var linkedParameterList = linkedParameters.GetLinkedParameters();
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameterList[0].AddParameter(inputDirectory, ref error), error);
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameterList[0].AddParameter(secondaryString, ref error), error);
                string oldValue = linkedParameterList[0].GetValue();
                string newValue = "NewValue";
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameterList[0].SetValue(newValue, ref error));
                // assign to both with through the linked parameter
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, linkedParameterList[0].GetValue());
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, inputDirectory.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, secondaryString.Value);
                // assign to both using the secondary string
                Assert.IsTrue(secondaryString.SetValue(oldValue, ref error));
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, linkedParameterList[0].GetValue());
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, inputDirectory.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, secondaryString.Value);

                Assert.IsTrue(session.Undo(ref error));
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, linkedParameterList[0].GetValue());
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, inputDirectory.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(newValue, secondaryString.Value);

                Assert.IsTrue(session.Redo(ref error));
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, linkedParameterList[0].GetValue());
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, inputDirectory.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, secondaryString.Value);
Exemple #7
 public ModuleTypeSelect(ModelSystemEditingSession session, ModelSystemStructureModel selectedModule)
     : this()
     _modelSystemSession = session;
     _selectedModule     = selectedModule;
     FilterBox.Filter  = CheckAgainstFilter;
     FilterBox.Display = Display;
 public static void HelpRequested(ModelSystemStructureModel modelSystemStructure)
     if(modelSystemStructure != null)
         var documentationControl = new DocumentationControl() { Type = modelSystemStructure.Type };
 public ModuleTypeSelect(ModelSystemEditingSession session, ModelSystemStructureModel selectedModule)
     : this()
     ModelSystemSession = session;
     SelectedModule = selectedModule;
     BuildRequirements( session );
     FilterBox.Filter = CheckAgainstFilter;
     FilterBox.Display = Display;
Exemple #10
 public XTMFRunRemoteHost(IConfiguration configuration, ModelSystemStructureModel root, List <ILinkedParameter> linkedParameters, string runName, string runDirectory)
     : base(runName, runDirectory, configuration)
     ModelSystemStructureModelRoot = root;
     _LinkedParameters             = linkedParameters;
     using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
         _modelSystemAsString = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(memStream.ToArray());
Exemple #11
 public static void HelpRequested(ModelSystemStructureModel modelSystemStructure)
     if (modelSystemStructure != null)
         var documentationControl = new DocumentationControl()
             Type = modelSystemStructure.Type
Exemple #12
 public XTMFRunLocal(Project project, ModelSystemStructureModel root, Configuration configuration, string runName, bool overwrite)
     : base(runName, Path.Combine(configuration.ProjectDirectory, project.Name, runName),
            (project.ModelSystemStructure.IndexOf(root.RealModelSystemStructure) >= 0 ? (IConfiguration) new ConfigurationProxy(configuration, project) : configuration))
     // we don't make a clone for this type of run
     _Project = project;
     ModelSystemStructureModelRoot = root;
     RunName = runName;
     if (overwrite)
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getHelpFor"></param>
        public void LaunchHelpWindow(ModelSystemStructureModel getHelpFor = null)
            var helpUI = new UserControls.Help.HelpDialog(EditorController.Runtime.Configuration);

            if (getHelpFor != null)
            var document = AddNewWindow("Help", helpUI);

            document.IsSelected = true;
Exemple #14
 private void Run()
     if (_Root == null)
         InvokeRuntimeValidationError(new List <ErrorWithPath>(1)
             new ErrorWithPath(null, "Model System Root not found", "The model system was not processed properly and then run!")
     if (ValidateModelSystem())
             if (!ValidateRuntimeModelSystem())
                 // The call will already signal the errors.
             _Root.Save(Path.Combine(RunDirectory, "RunParameters.xml"));
             ModelSystemStructureModelRoot = new ModelSystemStructureModel(null, _Root);
         catch (ThreadAbortException)
             // This is fine just continue
         catch (Exception e)
             GetInnermostError(ref e);
             List <int> path       = null;
             string     moduleName = null;
             if (e is XTMFRuntimeException runtimeError)
                 if (runtimeError.Module != null)
                     path       = GetModulePath(runtimeError.Module);
                     moduleName = runtimeError.Module.Name;
                     path       = null;
                     moduleName = "Null Module";
             InvokeRuntimeError(new ErrorWithPath(path, e.Message, e.StackTrace, moduleName, e));
Exemple #15
 public ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(ModelSystemStructureModel baseModel)
     BaseModel    = baseModel;
     BaseChildren = baseModel.Children;
     Children     = BaseChildren == null ? new ObservableCollection <ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel>()
         : new ObservableCollection <ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel>(
         from child in baseModel.Children
         select new ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(child));
     BaseModel.PropertyChanged += BaseModel_PropertyChanged;
     if (BaseChildren != null)
         BaseChildren.CollectionChanged += BaseChildren_CollectionChanged;
 public ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(ModelSystemStructureModel baseModel)
     BaseModel = baseModel;
     BaseChildren = baseModel.Children;
     Children = BaseChildren == null ? new ObservableCollection<ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel>()
         : new ObservableCollection<ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel>(
         from child in baseModel.Children
         select new ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(child));
     BaseModel.PropertyChanged += BaseModel_PropertyChanged;
     if(BaseChildren != null)
         BaseChildren.CollectionChanged += BaseChildren_CollectionChanged;
Exemple #17
        public void TestRemovingModuleToLinkedParameter()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var modelSystem      = session.ModelSystemModel;
                var linkedParameters = modelSystem.LinkedParameters;
                Assert.AreEqual(0, linkedParameters.Count, "The model system already had a linked parameter before we added any!");
                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameters.NewLinkedParameter("Test", ref error), "We failed to create our first linked parameter!");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, linkedParameters.Count, "After adding a linked parameter it still reports that there isn't one linked parameter.");

                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");
                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);

                var parameters = root.Parameters.GetParameters();
                Assert.IsNotNull(parameters, "There are no parameters for our test model system template!");
                var inputDirectory = GetParameter(parameters, "Input Directory");

                var linkedParameterList = linkedParameters.GetLinkedParameters();
                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameterList[0].AddParameter(inputDirectory, ref error), error);
                var moduleParametersLinked = linkedParameterList[0].GetParameters();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, moduleParametersLinked.Count, "The number of module parameters that are linked should just be one!");

                Assert.IsTrue(linkedParameterList[0].RemoveParameter(moduleParametersLinked[0], ref error));
                Assert.IsFalse(linkedParameterList[0].RemoveParameter(moduleParametersLinked[0], ref error), "We got a true for removing a parameter that was already removed");

                moduleParametersLinked = linkedParameterList[0].GetParameters();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, moduleParametersLinked.Count, "No module parameters should be left.");

                Assert.IsTrue(session.Undo(ref error));
                moduleParametersLinked = linkedParameterList[0].GetParameters();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, moduleParametersLinked.Count, "No module parameter should be returned after undo.");

                Assert.IsTrue(session.Redo(ref error));
                moduleParametersLinked = linkedParameterList[0].GetParameters();
                Assert.AreEqual(0, moduleParametersLinked.Count, "No module parameters should be left after redo.");
 public ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(ModelSystemStructureModel baseModel,
                                         ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel parent, int index)
     Parent        = parent;
     Index         = index;
     BaseModel     = baseModel;
     _BaseChildren = baseModel.Children;
     BaseModel.PropertyChanged += BaseModel_PropertyChanged;
     if (_BaseChildren != null)
         _BaseChildren.CollectionChanged += BaseChildren_CollectionChanged;
        public void TestEditingModelSystem()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");
        public void TestRemovingEntireCollection()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");

                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate), root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type!");

                Assert.IsNotNull(root.Children, "The test model system template doesn't have any children models!");

                var collection = root.Children.FirstOrDefault((child) => child.Name == "Test Collection");
                Assert.IsNotNull(collection, "We were unable to find a child member that contained the test collection!");

                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(TestModule), ref error), "We were unable to properly add a new collection member.");
                Assert.IsTrue(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(TestModule), ref error), "We were unable to properly add a new collection member.");
                Assert.IsFalse(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(int), ref error), "We were able to use an integer as a collection member!");

                Assert.AreEqual(2, collection.Children.Count, "An incorrect number of children were found.");
                var oldChildren = collection.Children.ToList();
                Assert.IsTrue(collection.RemoveAllCollectionMembers(ref error), "We were unable to remove all collection members!");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, collection.Children.Count, "After removing all of the collection members, there were still elements left in the collection.");
                Assert.IsTrue(session.Undo(ref error), "We failed to undo the remove all!");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, collection.Children.Count, "After undoing the remove all there were still issues.");

                for (int i = 0; i < collection.Children.Count; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(oldChildren[i], collection.Children[i], "A child was not the same as before!");
Exemple #21
 public void SelectModuleContent(ModelSystemStructureModel module)
     Task.Run(() =>
         if (module != null)
             var type = module.Type;
             var selectCorrectDocument = Task.Run(() =>
                 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                     var foundElement = SearchedItems.FirstOrDefault(element => element.Module == type);
                     if (foundElement != null)
                         ResultBox.SelectedItem = foundElement;
             OperationProgressing progressing = null;
             Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                 progressing = new OperationProgressing()
                     Owner = MainWindow.Us
             Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
             Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
Exemple #22
        public void TestNotChangingSubmoduleNameOnTypeChange()
            var runtime    = TestXTMFCore.CreateRuntime();
            var controller = runtime.ModelSystemController;
            var msName     = "TestModelSystem";

            var ms = controller.LoadOrCreate(msName);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, ms, "The model system 'TestModelSystem' was null!");
            using (var session = controller.EditModelSystem(ms))
                var model = session.ModelSystemModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(model, "No model system model was created!");
                ModelSystemStructureModel root = model.Root;
                Assert.IsNotNull(root, "No root object was made!");

                root.Type = typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate);
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(TestModelSystemTemplate), root.Type, "The root was not updated to the proper type!");

                Assert.IsNotNull(root.Children, "The test model system template doesn't have any children models!");

                var collection = root.Children.FirstOrDefault((child) => child.Name == "Test Collection");
                Assert.IsNotNull(collection, "We were unable to find a child member that contained the test collection!");

                string error = null;
                Assert.IsTrue(collection.AddCollectionMember(typeof(TestRequiredSubmodule), ref error), "We were unable to properly add a new collection member.");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, collection.Children.Count, "The collection does not have 1 child!");
                var parent = collection.Children[0];
                Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.Children.Count, "TestRequiredSubmodule has more than one child!");
                var childToRename = parent.Children[0];
                var originalName  = childToRename.Name;
                childToRename.Type = typeof(TestRequiredSubmodule);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalName, childToRename.Name, "The name changed when the type changed on a non collection member!");
 private ObservableCollection<ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel> CreateDisplayModel(ModelSystemStructureModel root)
     var ret = new ObservableCollection<ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel>()
         (DisplayRoot = new ModelSystemStructureDisplayModel(root))
     return ret;
Exemple #24
 public void SelectModuleContent(ModelSystemStructureModel module)
     Task.Run(() =>
        if (module != null)
            var type = module.Type;
            var selectCorrectDocument = Task.Run(() =>
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                   var foundElement = SearchedItems.FirstOrDefault(element => element.Module == type);
                   if (foundElement != null)
                       ResultBox.SelectedItem = foundElement;
            OperationProgressing progressing = null;
            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                progressing = new OperationProgressing()
                    Owner = MainWindow.Us
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="getHelpFor"></param>
 public void LaunchHelpWindow(ModelSystemStructureModel getHelpFor = null)
     var helpUI = new UserControls.Help.HelpDialog(EditorController.Runtime.Configuration);
     if (getHelpFor != null)
     var document = AddNewWindow("Help", helpUI);
     document.IsSelected = true;
 private string GetInputDirectory(ModelSystemStructureModel root, out ParameterModel parameter)
     var inputDir = root.Type.GetProperty("InputBaseDirectory");
     var attributes = inputDir.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), true);
     if(attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
         var parameterName = ((ParameterAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
         var parameters = root.Parameters.GetParameters();
         for(int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
             if(parameters[i].Name == parameterName)
                 parameter = parameters[i];
                 return parameters[i].Value.ToString();
     parameter = null;
     return null;