public void Check16TestModelStateIntAttributeOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("123", -1, false);

            var jsonResult = model.ReturnModelState().ReturnModelErrorsAsJson();

            var json = jsonResult.Data.SerialiseToJson();

            json.ShouldEqual("{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyInt\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyInt must be between 0 and 100.\"]}}}");
        public void Check16TestModelStateValidateOneOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("123", 2, true);

            var jsonResult = model.ReturnModelState().ReturnModelErrorsAsJson();

            var json = jsonResult.Data.SerialiseToJson();

            json.ShouldEqual("{\"errorsDict\":{\"\":{\"errors\":[\"This is a top level error caused by CreateValidationError being set.\"]}}}");
        public void Check08TestModelStateMixedErrorsOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("", -1, true);

            var modelState = model.ReturnModelState();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "MyInt", "MyString" }, modelState.Keys);     //Note: only runs Validate if no attribute errors
        public void Check06TestModelStateIntAttributeOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("123", -1, false);

            var modelState = model.ReturnModelState();

            modelState[modelState.Keys.First()].Errors[0].ErrorMessage.ShouldEqual("The field MyInt must be between 0 and 100.");
        public void Check06TestModelStateValidateOneOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("123", 2, true);

            var modelState = model.ReturnModelState();

            modelState[modelState.Keys.First()].Errors[0].ErrorMessage.ShouldEqual("This is a top level error caused by CreateValidationError being set.");
        public void Check01TestModelValidate()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("123", 50, true);

            var vErrors = model.Validate(null).ToList();

            vErrors[0].ErrorMessage.ShouldEqual("This is a top level error caused by CreateValidationError being set.");
            vErrors[1].ErrorMessage.ShouldEqual("This is a top level error caused by MyInt having value 50.");
        public void Check18TestModelStateMixedErrorsOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("", -1, true);

            var jsonResult = model.ReturnModelState().ReturnModelErrorsAsJson();

            var          json       = jsonResult.Data.SerialiseToJson();
            const string order1     = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '2'.\",\"The MyString field is required.\"]},";
            const string order1Json = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of \\u00272\\u0027.\",\"The MyString field is required.\"]},";
            const string order2     = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The MyString field is required.\",\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '2'.\"]},";
            const string order2Json =
                "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The MyString field is required.\",\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of \\u00272\\u0027.\"]},";
            const string part2 = "\"MyInt\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyInt must be between 0 and 100.\"]}}}";

            (json == order1Json + part2 || json == order2Json + part2).ShouldEqual(true);
        public void Check17TestModelStateStringAttributeOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("", 2, false);

            var jsonResult = model.ReturnModelState().ReturnModelErrorsAsJson();

            var          json       = jsonResult.Data.SerialiseToJson();
            const string order1     = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '2'.\",\"The MyString field is required.\"]}}}";
            const string order1Json = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of \\u00272\\u0027.\",\"The MyString field is required.\"]}}}";

            const string order2     = "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The MyString field is required.\",\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '2'.\"]}}}";
            const string order2Json =
                "{\"errorsDict\":{\"MyString\":{\"errors\":[\"The MyString field is required.\",\"The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of \\u00272\\u0027.\"]}}}";

            (json == order1Json || json == order2Json).ShouldEqual(true);
        public void Check07TestModelStateStringAttributeOnly()
            var model = new ModelStateTester.TestModel("", 2, false);

            var modelState = model.ReturnModelState();

                "The field MyString must be a string or array type with a minimum length of '2'.",
                "The MyString field is required."
                                           modelState[modelState.Keys.First()].Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));