/// <summary>
        /// Анализатор приходящих информационных пакетов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDatagram">Принятый пакет</param>
        private void ParseInfoPackage(UDPDatagram currentDatagram)
            //Преобразуем датаграмму в сообщение
            var currentMessage = new ModelMessage(currentDatagram.MessageBody);

            // Перебираем все параметры из списка обменика
            foreach (Parameter Item in Parameters)
                // Если параметр входящий или двунаправленый
                if (Item.Direction == ParameterDirection.input || Item.Direction == ParameterDirection.inpout)
                    // Пробуем выделить параметр с таким именем из входящего пакета
                    var paramValue = currentMessage.GetParameter(Item.Name);
                    // Если такой параметр есть в пакете обновляем атрибуты параметра в обменнике
                    if (paramValue != null)
                        lock (Item)
                            Item.Value          = paramValue.ToString();
                            Item.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
                            //Item.LastIPReceiving = remoteIP;
                            //Item.LastPortReceiving = remoteReceivingPort;
 public ViewModelCreatePage(string name_category)
     data_task    = new ModelTask();
     data_message = new ModelMessage();
     data_message.name_category = name_category;
     SaveCommand = new Command(Save);
Exemple #3
        public void Send(ModelMessage message)
            Messages mess = new Messages {
                RecipientId = message.RecipientId, SenderId = message.SenderId, Text = message.Text, DateCreate = DateTime.Now

            if (!mess.IsValide())
            var Sender = _context.UserProfile.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mess.SenderId);

            if (Sender == null)
            if (Sender.Messages == null)
                Sender.Messages = new List <Messages>();

            var Recip = _context.UserRecipient.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mess.RecipientId);

            if (Recip == null)
                var recProfile = _context.UserProfile.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mess.RecipientId);
                if (recProfile == null)
                UserRecipient user = new UserRecipient {
                    Id = recProfile.Id, Messages = new List <Messages>()
                Recip = user;
            var messages =



            Clients.All.SendAsync(message.RecipientId, message);
Exemple #4
        bool IWeChatSendMessage.modelMsg(ModelMessage msg)
            if (_info == null)
                throw new WeChatError("请先调用init初始化");
            var access_token = BaseClass.getAccessToken(_info);
            var url          = $"https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send?access_token={access_token}";
            var data         = JsonHelper.modelToJson(msg).Replace("\"{", "{").Replace("}\"", "}").Replace(@"\", "");

            var str     = BaseClass.postFormWechatService(data, url);
            var message = JsonHelper.jsonToModel <ErrorMessage>(str);

            return(message.errcode == 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Формирует пакет "готовность к приему"
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Пакет для отправки</returns>
        private UDPDatagram CreateReadyPackage()
            UDPDatagram  Result  = new UDPDatagram();
            ModelMessage Message = new ModelMessage();

            Message.Header_T = "VHost";
            Message.Header_S = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            HybridDictionary ParametersSet = new HybridDictionary();

            Result.PackageType = PackageTypes.Ready;
            Result.MessageBody = String.Empty;

Exemple #6
        public ActionResult <ChatIsSuccess> DeleteMessage([FromBody] ModelMessage message)
            if (User.Claims.ToList().Count > 0)
                if (User.Claims.ToList()[0].Value.ToString() != message.SenderId || User.Claims.ToList()[0].Value.ToString() != message.RecipientId)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var errors = CustomValidator.GetErrorsByModel(ModelState);
                var Message = _context.Messages.First(x =>
                                                      x.RecipientId == message.RecipientId && x.SenderId == message.SenderId &&
                                                      x.Text == message.Text && x.DateCreate == message.DateCreate);
                if (Message == null)

                var Sender = Message.UserSender;
                var Recip  = Message.UserRecipient;



            catch (Exception)
            ChatIsSuccess isSuccess = new ChatIsSuccess {
                IsSuccess = true

        /// <summary>
        /// Собирает пакет для отправки к моделирующему узлу
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Пакет для отправки</returns>
        private UDPDatagram CreateInfoPackage()
            UDPDatagram  Result  = new UDPDatagram();
            ModelMessage Message = new ModelMessage();

            Message.Header_T = "VHost";
            Message.Header_S = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            HybridDictionary ParametersSet = new HybridDictionary();
            //HybridDictionary Entry = (HybridDictionary)GadgetsMessageQueue.Dequeue();
            uint PackageParameterCounter = 0;

            foreach (Parameter Item in Parameters)
                if ((Item.Direction == ParameterDirection.output || Item.Direction == ParameterDirection.inpout) &&
                    Item.Value != null)
                    ParametersSet.Add(Item.Name, Item.Value);
                    Message.Parameters   = ParametersSet;                   // TO DO ???
                    Item.LastSendingTime = DateTime.Now;
                    //Item.LastIPSending = remoteIP;
                    //Item.LastPortSending = remoteSendingPort;
            Result.PackageType = PackageTypes.Info;
            Result.MessageBody = Message.ToString();
            //Если сообщений нет отправляем пустой пакет Ready
            //    Result.PackageType = PackageTypes.Ready;
            //    Result.MessageBody = String.Empty;

Exemple #8
    void LoadSQLite()
//        //string path = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/Android/assets/38Database.db";
//        // path = "Data Source=" + Application.dataPath + "/38DatabaseV1.0.db";
//        //  path = "Data Source=" + Application.dataPath + "/AllModelTest.db";
//        //  path = @"Data Source=E:\RevitProject\RevitGeometry2017-3-2\AllModelTest.db";
//        path = "Data Source=" + LoadXMLGetModelPath();

//        //string path = "Data Source =E:/UnityProject/20161118_v4/Assets/Plugins/Android/assets/38Database.db";
//         path= "URI=file:"+LoadXMLGetModelPath();
//              //      //将第三方数据库拷贝至Android可找到的地方
//                  //path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + "AllModelTest.db";
//              //     //string appDBPath = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/" + "38Database.db";
//              //      string appDBPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/AllModelTest.db";
//              //      if (!File.Exists(path))
//              //      {
//              //          WWW loadDB = new WWW(appDBPath);
//              //          while (!loadDB.isDone) {}
//              //          File.WriteAllBytes(path, loadDB.bytes);
//              //      }
//              //  path= "URI=file:"+path;
        List <VerticesAndNormals> verticesAndNormalsList = new List <VerticesAndNormals>();
        List <Triangles>          trianglesList          = new List <Triangles>();
        List <ModelID>            modelIdList            = new List <ModelID>();

        conn = Tools.Instance.SqlConnection();
        //conn = new SqliteConnection(path);
        //    conn.Open();
        //    //MessageBox.Show("connection is ok","Normal");
        //catch (Exception e)
        //    MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Eroor");

        SqliteCommand cmd1 = conn.CreateCommand();

        cmd1.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM [Model_Geometry]"; // where ProjectName = '"38#结构模型.0005'"";
        SqliteDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();          //读取几何信息

        if (dr1.HasRows)
            int            id           = 0;  //判断Id是否相同
            string         name         = ""; //模型的名字
            bool           first        = true;
            List <int>     triList      = new List <int>();
            List <Vector3> verticesList = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> normalsList  = new List <Vector3>();
            while (dr1.Read())
                name = dr1.GetString(2);
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    id    = dr1.GetInt32(3);
                Vector3 ver = new Vector3();
                Vector3 nor = new Vector3();
                ver.x = dr1.GetFloat(4);
                ver.y = dr1.GetFloat(5);
                ver.z = dr1.GetFloat(6);
                nor.x = dr1.GetFloat(7);
                nor.y = dr1.GetFloat(8);
                nor.z = dr1.GetFloat(9);
                if (id != dr1.GetInt32(3))
                    ModelMessage mm = new ModelMessage();
                    mm.Name      = dr1.GetString(2);
                    mm.Id        = id;
                    mm.Vertices  = verticesList.ToArray();
                    mm.Normals   = normalsList.ToArray();
                    mm.Triangles = triList.ToArray();

                if (!dr1.IsDBNull(10) && !dr1.IsDBNull(11) && !dr1.IsDBNull(12))
                id = dr1.GetInt32(3);
            ModelMessage mmLast = new ModelMessage();
            mmLast.Name      = name;
            mmLast.Id        = id;
            mmLast.Vertices  = verticesList.ToArray();
            mmLast.Normals   = normalsList.ToArray();
            mmLast.Triangles = triList.ToArray();

        // SqliteReadWallParameters(conn);//读取墙的属性
        // SqliteReadFloorsParameters(conn);//读取楼板属性
        // SqliteReadFrameWorksParameters(conn);//读取结构框架(梁)属性

Exemple #9
    public void Init(ModelMessage modelmessage)
        modelMessage = modelmessage;

Exemple #10
 public static ModelMessage GetModel(String messageType)
     ModelMessage mm = new ModelMessage()
         Name = messageType,
         Version = "2.3",
         Items = new IElement[] {
             new ModelSegment() { Name = "MSH", IsRequired = true},
             new ModelSegment() { Name = "PID", IsRequired = true},
             new ModelSegment() { Name = "XXX", IsRequired = false},
             new ModelSegment() { Name = "ORC", IsRequired = true},
             new ModelSegmentGroup() { Name = "OBR_NTE", IsRequired = true, CanRepeat = true, Items = new IElement[]{
                 new ModelSegment() { Name = "OBR", IsRequired = true},
                 new ModelSegment() { Name = "NTE", IsRequired = false, CanRepeat = true},
                 new ModelSegmentGroup() { Name = "OBX_NTE", IsRequired = true, CanRepeat = true, Items = new IElement[]{
                     new ModelSegment() { Name = "OBX", IsRequired = true},
                     new ModelSegment { Name = "NTE", IsRequired = false, CanRepeat = true}
     return mm;
Exemple #11
        // TODO:

        // 1. Split into IHL7Message interface and a DelimitedMessageParser (or MessageParser) to give
        // flexiblity in type of message returned.

        // 2. Allow for parser to either use a model, which will validate that required segments
        // exist and create structure of repeating segments or to use no model and just make
        // an object that represents the raw message.

        // 3. Create a means to map callbacks/events to the iteration of message segments or groups.
        // These events can be called during parse or as a separate step afterwards.

        public DelimitedMessage(String rawText)
            // Set the Raw Text
            this.RawText = rawText.Trim();

            // Validate the the message begins with an MSH segment
            switch (this.RawText.IndexOf("MSH"))
            case 0:

            case -1:
                throw new MessageException("Required segment MSH could not be found.");

                throw new MessageException("Message does not begin with the required segment MSH.");

            // Set the encoding characters
                this.RawText[3], this.RawText.Substring(4, 4));

            // Get an array of all the segments as raw strings
            String[] segmentStrings = this.RawText.Split(
                new[] { this.Context.SegmentSeparator });

            // Get an array of all the segments as Segment objects, not
            // structured into groups
            Segment[] allSegments = (
                from i in segmentStrings
                select new Segment(i.Trim(), this.Context)).ToArray();

            // TODO: If we decide the enumerator is the way to go, ditch the ToArray and
            // just make the Enumerator the output of the above LINQ query
            IEnumerator <Segment> allSegmentsEnumerator = allSegments.ToList().GetEnumerator();

            // Get a list of the IElemnts (Segments and SegmentGroups)
            // that will be structured after the model.
            List <IElement> itemList = new List <IElement>(segmentStrings.Length);

            // Get the Model for the Ihl7Message
            // TODO: Pre-parse the message at least far enough to know the type and event
            ModelMessage model = ModelFactory.GetModel("ORU");

            // Prepare the segment enumerator (TryPopulate expects it to be at first element)

            // Try to populate the top-level group (the message)
            TryPopulateGroup(this, model, allSegmentsEnumerator, new HashSet <String>());

             * //// Iterate the raw segment strings
             * //while (segIt < segmentStrings.Length)
             * //{
             * //    // Windows-style line breaks may leave white space,
             * //    // so trim it
             * //    segmentStrings[segIt] = segmentStrings[segIt].Trim();
             * //    // Build a segment and add it to the unstructured array
             * //    Segment segment = new Segment(segmentStrings[segIt], this.Context);
             * //    allSegments[segIt] = segment;
             * //    ModelElement modelElement = (ModelElement) model.Items[modIt];
             * //    // If name of current message item matches current
             * //    // model item, add message item to the structured list
             * //    if (modelElement.Name == segment.Name)
             * //    {
             * //        itemList.Add((IElement)segment);
             * //        // If ModelElement can't repeat, then iterate model i
             * //        // and bring the saved value up to the current value.
             * //        if (!modelElement.CanRepeat)
             * //        {
             * //            modBookmark = ++modIt;
             * //        }
             * //    }
             * //    // Finally, move the segment iterator forward
             * //    segIt++;
             * //}

            //this.Items = itemList.ToArray();
            this.AllSegments = allSegments;