public void InstanceIsExactlyTypeReference()
        ModelBase act = new ModelDerived();
        Type      t   = typeof(ModelBase);

        // MSTest does not support this case.

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(act, Is.TypeOf(t), () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: <ModelBase>
        //  But was: <ModelDerived>

        // XUnit
        XUnitAssert.IsType(t, act);
        // Assert.IsType() Failure
        // Expected: ModelBase
        // Actual:  ModelDerived

        // Fluent
        act.Should().BeOfType(t, "SOME REASONS");
        // Expected type to be ModelBase because SOME REASONS, but found ModelDerived.

        // Shouldly
        act.ShouldBeOfType(t, "Some context");
        // act
        //   should be of type
        // ModelBase
        //   but was
        // ModelDerived
        // Additional Info:
        //  Some context
    public void InstanceIsExactlyStaticType()
        ModelBase act = new ModelDerived();
        ModelBase iModel;

        // MSTest does not support this case.

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(act, Is.TypeOf <ModelBase>(), () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: <ModelBase>
        //  But was: <ModelDerived>

        // XUnit
        iModel = XUnitAssert.IsType <ModelBase>(act);
        // Assert.IsType() Failure
        // Expected: ModelBase
        // Actual:  ModelDerived

        // Fluent
        iModel = act.Should().BeOfType <ModelBase>("SOME REASONS").Which;
        // Expected type to be ModelBase because SOME REASONS, but found ModelDerived.

        // Shouldly
        iModel = act.ShouldBeOfType <ModelBase>("Some context");
        // act
        //   should be of type
        // ModelBase
        //   but was
        // ModelDerived
        // Additional Info:
        //  Some context