Exemple #1
        static public NetworkModel DecodeToNetworkModel(NeatGenome.NeatGenome g)
            ModelNeuronList masterNeuronList = new ModelNeuronList();

            // loop all neurons and build a table keyed on id.
            HybridDictionary neuronTable = new HybridDictionary(g.NeuronGeneList.Count);

            foreach (NeuronGene neuronGene in g.NeuronGeneList)
                ModelNeuron modelNeuron = new ModelNeuron(neuronGene.NeuronType, neuronGene.InnovationId, neuronGene.ActivationFunction);
                neuronTable.Add(modelNeuron.Id, modelNeuron);

            // Loop through all of the connections.
            // Now we have a neuron table keyed on id we can attach the connections
            // to their source and target neurons.
            foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in g.ConnectionGeneList)
                ModelConnection modelConnection = new ModelConnection();
                modelConnection.Weight       = connectionGene.Weight;
                modelConnection.SourceNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connectionGene.SourceNeuronId];
                modelConnection.TargetNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connectionGene.TargetNeuronId];


            return(new NetworkModel(masterNeuronList));
Exemple #2
        static public NetworkModel DecodeToNetworkModel(ConcurrentNetwork network)
            ModelNeuronList masterNeuronList = new ModelNeuronList();

            // loop all neurons and build a table keyed on id.
            Hashtable neuronTable = new Hashtable(network.MasterNeuronList.Count);

            foreach (Neuron neuron in network.MasterNeuronList)
                ModelNeuron modelNeuron = new ModelNeuron(neuron.NeuronType, neuron.Id, ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn"));
                neuronTable.Add(modelNeuron.Id, modelNeuron);

            // Loop through all of the connections (within the neurons)
            // Now we have a neuron table keyed on id we can attach the connections
            // to their source and target neurons.
            foreach (Neuron neuron in network.MasterNeuronList)
                foreach (Connection connection in neuron.ConnectionList)
                    ModelConnection modelConnection = new ModelConnection();
                    modelConnection.Weight       = connection.Weight;
                    modelConnection.SourceNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connection.SourceNeuronId];
                    modelConnection.TargetNeuron = (ModelNeuron)neuronTable[connection.TargetNeuronId];


            return(new NetworkModel(masterNeuronList));
Exemple #3
 public List <Usuario> GetAll()
     using (var db = new ModelConnection())
         var Listausuarios = db.consept.ToList();
         return(Listausuarios.Select(x => new Usuario(x)).ToList());