Exemple #1
 public void configure(int controllerID, ControllerBase controller, ModelBase model, ViewBase view)
     addControllerRoute(new RouteBase(controllerID, controller));
     controller.configure(view, model);
        public AbstractModelLoader(string modelFileName)
            m_Model = new ModelBase(modelFileName);

            m_ModelFileName = modelFileName;
            m_ModelPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_ModelFileName);
		/// <summary>
		///   Serializes the <paramref name="model" />.
		/// </summary>
		private unsafe void SerializeModel(BinaryWriter writer, ModelBase model, Formula[] formulas)
			// Collect all objects contained in the model
			var objectTable = CreateObjectTable(model, formulas);

			// Prepare the serialization of the model's initial state
			lock (_syncObject)
				_stateVector = SerializationRegistry.Default.GetStateVectorLayout(model, objectTable, SerializationMode.Full);
				_deserializer = null;

			var stateVectorSize = _stateVector.SizeInBytes;
			var serializer = _stateVector.CreateSerializer(objectTable);

			// Serialize the object table
			SerializeObjectTable(objectTable, writer);

			// Serialize the object identifier of the model itself and the formulas
			foreach (var formula in formulas)

			// Serialize the initial state
			var serializedState = stackalloc byte[stateVectorSize];

			// Copy the serialized state to the stream
			for (var i = 0; i < stateVectorSize; ++i)
        public AbstractModelWriter(ModelBase model, string modelFileName)
            m_Model = model;

            m_ModelFileName = modelFileName;
            m_ModelPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_ModelFileName);
        public override void Populate(ModelBase obj)
            CodigoIso newProps = obj as CodigoIso;

            Codigo = newProps.Codigo;
            Nome = newProps.Nome;
 public DynamoNodeButton(ModelBase model, string eventName)
     : this()
     this.model = model;
     this.eventName = eventName;
     Click += OnDynamoNodeButtonClick;
		/// <param name="model">A copy of the original model the runtime model was generated from.</param>
		/// <param name="buffer">The buffer the model was deserialized from.</param>
		/// <param name="objectTable">The table of objects referenced by the model.</param>
		/// <param name="formulas">The formulas that are checked on the model.</param>
		internal SerializedRuntimeModel(ModelBase model, byte[] buffer, ObjectTable objectTable, Formula[] formulas)
			Model = model;
			Buffer = buffer;
			ObjectTable = objectTable;
			Formulas = formulas;
Exemple #8
		/// <summary>
		///   Initializes a new instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be simulated.</param>
		/// <param name="formulas">The formulas that can be evaluated on the model.</param>
		public Simulator(ModelBase model, params Formula[] formulas)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
			Requires.NotNull(formulas, nameof(formulas));

			_runtimeModel = RuntimeModel.Create(model, formulas);
		/// <summary>
		///   Initizializes the model that should be analyzed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configuration">The configuration that should be used for the analyses.</param>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be analyzed.</param>
		/// <param name="hazard">The hazard that should be analyzed.</param>
		internal void InitializeModel(AnalysisConfiguration configuration, ModelBase model, Formula hazard)
			Model = model;
			ForcedFaults = new FaultSet(Model.Faults.Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Forced));
			SuppressedFaults = new FaultSet(Model.Faults.Where(fault => fault.Activation == Activation.Suppressed));

			InitializeModel(configuration, hazard);
		/// <summary>
		///   Returns the serialized <paramref name="model" /> and the <paramref name="formulas" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be serialized.</param>
		/// <param name="formulas">The formulas that should be serialized.</param>
		public static byte[] Save(ModelBase model, params Formula[] formulas)
			var serializer = new RuntimeModelSerializer();
			serializer.Serialize(model, formulas);

			lock (serializer._syncObject)
				return serializer._serializedModel;
		/// <summary>
		///   Initializes a new instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model the heuristic is created for.</param>
		/// <param name="cardinalityLevel">The cardinality level where the first suggestions should be made.</param>
		public MaximalSafeSetHeuristic(ModelBase model, uint cardinalityLevel = 3)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));

			_model = model;
			_cardinalityLevel = cardinalityLevel;
			_allFaults = new FaultSet(model.Faults.Where(fault => fault.Activation != Activation.Suppressed).ToArray());
Exemple #12
        public BookingView(BookingViews type, ModelBase model = null, bool IsDuplicate = false)
            if (model != null)
                this.Header = "Edit Booking";
            DataContext = ViewModel = new BookingViewModel(type, model,IsDuplicate);

            Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
Exemple #13
        public BCA ConvertAnimatedDAEToBCA(ref NitroFile animationFile, string fileName, bool save = true)
            if (m_LoadedModel == null)
                m_LoadedModel = new DAELoader(fileName).LoadModel();

            BCA importedAnimation = CallBCAWriter(ref animationFile, m_LoadedModel, save);

            return importedAnimation;
		public void SetModel(ModelBase model, params Formula[] formulas)
			_formulas = formulas;
			_model = model;

			foreach (var fault in _model.Faults)
				fault.Activation = Activation.Suppressed;

			SetSimulator(new Simulator(_model, formulas));
 protected static void ExportTextureToPNG(string destDir, ModelBase.TextureDefBase texture)
         ExportTextureToPNG(destDir, texture.m_ID, texture.GetBitmap());
     catch (IOException)
         Console.Write("Cannot write image for texture: " + texture.m_ID);
		/// <summary>
		///   Initializes a new instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The <see cref="Model" /> instance the safety analysis was conducted for.</param>
		/// <param name="hazard">The hazard the analysis was conducated for.</param>
		/// <param name="suppressedFaults">The faults whose activations have been completely suppressed during analysis.</param>
		/// <param name="forcedFaults">The faults whose activations have been forced during analysis.</param>
		/// <param name="heuristics">The heuristics that are used during the analysis.</param>
		/// <param name="activationBehavior">The fault acitvation behavior used during the analysis.</param>
		internal SafetyAnalysisResults(ModelBase model, Formula hazard, IEnumerable<Fault> suppressedFaults,
									  IEnumerable<Fault> forcedFaults, IEnumerable<IFaultSetHeuristic> heuristics,
									  FaultActivationBehavior activationBehavior)
			Model = model;
			Hazard = hazard;
			SuppressedFaults = suppressedFaults;
			ForcedFaults = forcedFaults;
			Heuristics = heuristics.ToArray(); // make a copy so that later changes to the heuristics don't affect the results
			FaultActivationBehavior = activationBehavior;
Exemple #17
        public KCL ConvertOBJToKCL(NitroFile modelFile, string fileName, float scale, float faceSizeThreshold,
            Dictionary<string, int> matColTypes, bool save = true)
            KCL importedModel = new KCL(modelFile);

            if (m_LoadedModel == null)
                m_LoadedModel = new OBJLoader(fileName).LoadModel();

            importedModel = CallKCLWriter(modelFile, m_LoadedModel, fileName, scale, faceSizeThreshold, matColTypes, save);

            return importedModel;
		/// <summary>
		///   Initializes a new instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model the heuristic is created for.</param>
		/// <param name="minimalCriticalFaultSets">The minimal critical fault sets known from a previous analysis.</param>
		public MaximalSafeSetHeuristic(ModelBase model, ISet<ISet<Fault>> minimalCriticalFaultSets)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
			Requires.NotNull(minimalCriticalFaultSets, nameof(minimalCriticalFaultSets));

			_model = model;
			_hasNewMinimalCriticalSets = true;
			_allFaults = new FaultSet(model.Faults.Where(fault => fault.Activation != Activation.Suppressed).ToArray());

			foreach (var set in minimalCriticalFaultSets)
Exemple #19
        public ZoomValue(ListCollectionView view, ModelBase item)
            _view = view;
            _item = item;


            this.DataContext = item;

            this.Loaded += OnEditTaskItemLoaded;
            this.Closed += new EventHandler(ZoomValue_Closed);
Exemple #20
        public BMDWriter(ModelBase model, ref NitroFile modelFile, BMDImporter.BMDExtraImportOptions extraOptions)
            : base(model, modelFile.m_Name)
            m_ModelFile = modelFile;
            m_ConvertToTriangleStrips = extraOptions.m_ConvertToTriangleStrips;
            m_KeepVertexOrderDuringStripping = extraOptions.m_KeepVertexOrderDuringStripping;
            m_AlwaysWriteFullVertexCmd23h = extraOptions.m_AlwaysWriteFullVertexCmd23h;

            if (m_ConvertToTriangleStrips)
		/// <summary>
		///   Serializes the <paramref name="model" /> and the <paramref name="formulas" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be serialized.</param>
		/// <param name="formulas">The formulas that should be serialized.</param>
		public void Serialize(ModelBase model, params Formula[] formulas)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
			Requires.NotNull(formulas, nameof(formulas));

			using (var buffer = new MemoryStream())
			using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(buffer, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen: true))
				SerializeModel(writer, model, formulas);

				lock (_syncObject)
					_serializedModel = buffer.ToArray();
Exemple #22
        public TriangleStripper(ModelBase.FaceListDef faceList)
            if (faceList.m_Type != ModelBase.PolyListType.Triangles)
                bool tris = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < faceList.m_Faces.Count; i++)
                    tris = (faceList.m_Faces[i].m_NumVertices == 3);
                    if (!tris)
                        throw new ArgumentException("The provided FaceListDef must be triangulated.");
                faceList.m_Type = ModelBase.PolyListType.Triangles;

            m_Vertices = new List<VertexLinked>();
            m_Triangles = new List<TriangleLinked>();
            m_TrianglesToProcess = new List<TriangleLinked>();

            for (int i = 0; i < faceList.m_Faces.Count; i++)
                if (IsDegenerateFace(faceList.m_Faces[i]))

            for (int i = 0; i < faceList.m_Faces.Count; i++)
                m_Triangles.Add(new TriangleLinked(faceList.m_Faces[i]));

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Triangles.Count; i++)
                ModelBase.FaceDef triangle = m_Triangles[i].m_Triangle;

                for (int j = 0; j < triangle.m_NumVertices; j++)
                    VertexLinked vertex = new VertexLinked(triangle.m_Vertices[j]);

                    int index = m_Vertices.IndexOf(vertex);
                    if (index == -1)
                        index = m_Vertices.Count - 1;

        public void AddScriptBrick(ModelBase scriptBrick, int firstViewIndex, int lastViewIndex)
            //if (this.Count == lastViewIndex + 1 && GetAtIndex(lastViewIndex) is Script && )
            //  lastViewIndex++;

            if (scriptBrick is Brick) // Add brick at last visible end of a Script
                var brick = scriptBrick as Brick;

                var scriptEndIndex = -1;
                Script lastFullScript = null;
                foreach (var script in Scripts)
                    var scriptBeginIndex = scriptEndIndex + 1;
                    scriptEndIndex += script.Bricks.Count + 1;

                    // what does that do?
                    //if (scriptEndIndex > lastViewIndex && scriptBeginIndex >= firstViewIndex)
                    //    break;

                    lastFullScript = script;

                if (lastFullScript == null)
                    var startScript = new StartScript();
                    lastFullScript = startScript;

                    OnScriptAdded(startScript, IndexOf(startScript));


                //OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); // TODO: make faster and use method below instead
                OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, scriptBrick, IndexOf(scriptBrick)));
            else if (scriptBrick is Script) // Add Script at end of all
                var script = scriptBrick as Script;

                //OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); // TODO: make faster and use method below instead
                OnScriptAdded((Script) scriptBrick, IndexOf(scriptBrick));
Exemple #24
 static public void AddNew(ModelBase model, DataView v, int remarkTypeId, string remarks = null, string title = null, bool alert = false)
   DataRowView r = v.AddNew();
   r["TableId"] = (model is SponsorModel) ? 9 : 10;
   r["FKRowGUID"] = model.GUID;
   r["RemarkTypeId"] = remarkTypeId;
   r["Remarks"] = remarks;
   r["Title"] = title;
   r["Alert"] = alert;
   r["CreateDate"] = r["LastUpdate"] = DateTime.Now;
   r["CreateAgentGUID"] = UserModel.Current.GUID;
   r["CreateTaxOfficeId"] = SettingsModel.TaxOfficeId;
        protected void AddTexture(ModelBase.TextureDefBase texture, ModelBase.MaterialDef matDef)
            matDef.m_TextureDefID = texture.m_ID;

            IEnumerable<ModelBase.TextureDefBase> matchingHash = m_Model.m_Textures.Values.Where(
                tex0 => tex0.m_ImgHash.Equals(texture.m_ImgHash));
            if (matchingHash.Count() > 0)
                matDef.m_TextureDefID = matchingHash.ElementAt(0).m_ID;

            m_Model.m_Textures.Add(texture.m_ID, texture);
        internal MainWindowViewModel()
            r_Page = new InitializationPageViewModel(this);
            GameInformation = new GameInformationViewModel(this);

            ApiService.SubscribeOnce("api_start2", delegate
                IsGameStarted = true;

            ShowSessionToolCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<SessionToolWindow>(r_SessionTool));

            ApiService.Subscribe("api_req_map/start", _ => ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeAccent(Accent.Brown));
            KanColleGame.Current.ReturnedFromSortie += _ => ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeAccent(Accent.Blue);

            Preference.Instance.Game.DisableHeavyDamageBlinkingWarning.Subscribe(rpValue =>
                if (SortieInfo.Current == null)

                if (!rpValue)

            r_BlinkingBrownAccent = new Accent("BlinkingBrown", new Uri("pack://application:,,,/HeavenlyWind;component/Themes/Accents/BlinkingBrown.xaml"));

                .Add(nameof(NotificationService.Instance.IsBlinking), delegate
                    if (NotificationService.Instance.IsBlinking)

            UISetZoomCommand = new DelegatedCommand<double>(SetZoom);
            UIZoomInCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => SetZoom(Preference.Instance.UI.Zoom.Value + .05));
            UIZoomOutCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => SetZoom(Preference.Instance.UI.Zoom.Value - .05));

            UIZoomFactors = new[] { .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }.Select(r => new UIZoomInfo(r, UISetZoomCommand)).ToArray();

            ShowConstructionHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<ConstructionHistoryWindow>());
            ShowDevelopmentHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<DevelopmentHistoryWindow>());
            ShowSortieHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<SortieHistoryWindow>());
            ShowExpeditionHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<ExpeditionHistoryWindow>());
            ShowScrappingHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<ScrappingHistoryWindow>());
            ShowResourceHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<ResourceHistoryWindow>());
            ShowSortieConsumptionHistoryCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<SortieConsumptionHistoryWindow>());
            ShowSortieStatisticCommand = new DelegatedCommand(() => WindowService.Instance.Show<SortieStatisticWindow>());
Exemple #27
		/// <summary>
		///   Checks whether the <paramref name="formula" /> holds in all states of the <paramref name="model" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be checked.</param>
		/// <param name="formula">The formula that should be checked.</param>
		public AnalysisResult Check(ModelBase model, Formula formula)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
			Requires.NotNull(formula, nameof(formula));

			var visitor = new IsLtlFormulaVisitor();

			if (!visitor.IsLtlFormula)
				throw new NotSupportedException("CTL model checking is currently not supported with LtsMin.");

			var transformationVisitor = new LtsMinLtlTransformer();
			transformationVisitor.Visit(new UnaryFormula(formula, UnaryOperator.Next));

			return Check(model, formula, $"--ltl=\"{transformationVisitor.TransformedFormula}\"");
Exemple #28
		/// <summary>
		///   Checks whether the <paramref name="invariant" /> holds in all states of the <paramref name="model" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model">The model that should be checked.</param>
		/// <param name="invariant">The invariant that should be checked.</param>
		public AnalysisResult CheckInvariant(ModelBase model, Formula invariant)
			Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
			Requires.NotNull(invariant, nameof(invariant));

			var visitor = new IsStateFormulaVisitor();

			if (!visitor.IsStateFormula)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Invariants must be non-temporal state formulas.");

			var transformationVisitor = new LtsMinLtlTransformer();

			return Check(model, invariant,
				$"--invariant=\"({RuntimeModel.ConstructionStateName} == 1) || ({transformationVisitor.TransformedFormula})\"");
        /// <summary>
        /// Auto generates select sql and params. If sqlStatement!=null then params are added to that statement
        /// </summary>
        public static void Load(SqlConnection cnn, string sqlStatement ,ModelBase instance, IDataStoreKey key, object[] extra)
            var autoSql = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlStatement);

            var record = asSuitableRecordInstance(instance, autoSql);

            var select = new StringBuilder();

              if (autoSql)
            foreach (var fld in record.Fields)
              if (fld.StoreFlag == StoreFlag.LoadAndStore || fld.StoreFlag == StoreFlag.OnlyLoad)
            select.AppendFormat(" T1.[{0}],", fld.FieldName);

            if (select.Length > 0)
             select.Remove(select.Length - 1, 1);// remove ","
            else throw new MsSQLDataAccessException(StringConsts.LOAD_NO_SELECT_COLUMNS_ERROR);


              var pk = key ?? record.DataStoreKey;

              if (pk == null)
            throw new MsSQLDataAccessException(StringConsts.KEY_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR);

              using (var cmd = cnn.CreateCommand())

            var where = keyToWhere(pk, cmd.Parameters);

            if (autoSql)
              cmd.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM [{1}] T1 WHERE {2}", select, record.TableName, where);
              cmd.CommandText =  string.Format(sqlStatement, where);

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
              if (reader.Read())
            throw new MsSQLDataAccessException(string.Format(StringConsts.LOADING_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, pk));
            }//using reader

              }//using command
Exemple #30
        public static ConvertedTexture ConvertTexture(ModelBase.TextureDefBase texture)
            if (!texture.IsNitro())
                return ConvertTexture(texture.m_ID, texture.GetTexName(), texture.GetPalName(), texture.GetBitmap());
                int textype = (int)texture.m_Format;
                int dswidth = 0, dsheight = 0, widthPowerOfTwo = 8, heightPowerOfTwo = 8;
                GetDSWidthAndHeight((int)texture.GetWidth(), (int)texture.GetHeight(), out dswidth, out dsheight,
                    out widthPowerOfTwo, out heightPowerOfTwo);
                uint dstp = GetDSTextureParamsPart1(dswidth, dsheight, textype, texture.GetColor0Mode());

                return new ConvertedTexture(dstp, texture.GetNitroTexData(), texture.GetNitroPalette(), texture.GetTexName(),
        private ModelBase m_Model;        /// モデル

        /// コンストラクタ
        protected ViewModelBase(ModelBase model)
            m_Model = model;
            Model.PropertyChanged += Model_PropertyChanged;
 public ModelNotFoundAfterRefresh(ModelBase model)
     this.Model = model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the group boundary based on the nodes / notes selection.
        /// </summary>
        internal void UpdateBoundaryFromSelection()
            var selectedModelsList = selectedModels.ToList();

            if (selectedModelsList.Any())
                var groupModels = selectedModelsList.OrderBy(x => x.X).ToList();

                //Shifting x by 10 and y to the height of textblock
                var regionX = groupModels.Min(x => x.X) - ExtendSize;
                //Increase the Y value by 10. This provides the extra space between
                // a model and textbox. Otherwise there will be some overlap
                var regionY = groupModels.Min(y => y.Y) - ExtendSize - (TextBlockHeight == 0.0 ? MinTextHeight : TextBlockHeight);

                //calculates the distance between the nodes
                var xDistance = groupModels.Max(x => x.X) - regionX;
                var yDistance = groupModels.Max(x => x.Y) - regionY;

                var widthandheight = CalculateWidthAndHeight();

                var maxWidth  = widthandheight.Item1;
                var maxHeight = widthandheight.Item2;

                // InitialTop is to store the Y value without the Textblock height
                this.InitialTop = groupModels.Min(y => y.Y);

                var region = new Rect2D
                    X      = regionX,
                    Y      = regionY,
                    Width  = xDistance + maxWidth + ExtendSize,
                    Height = yDistance + maxHeight + ExtendSize

                this.X      = region.X;
                this.Y      = region.Y;
                this.Width  = region.Width;
                this.Height = region.Height;

                //Calculate the boundary if there is any overlap
                ModelBase overlap = null;
                foreach (var nodes in SelectedModels)
                    if (!region.Contains(nodes.Rect))
                        overlap = nodes;
                        if (overlap.Rect.Top < this.X ||
                            overlap.Rect.Bottom > region.Bottom)         //Overlap in height - increase the region height
                            if (overlap.Rect.Bottom - region.Bottom > 0)
                                this.Height += overlap.Rect.Bottom - region.Bottom + ExtendSize + ExtendYHeight;
                            region.Height = this.Height;
                        if (overlap.Rect.Left < this.Y ||
                            overlap.Rect.Right > region.Right)     //Overlap in width - increase the region width
                            if (overlap.Rect.Right - region.Right > 0)
                                this.Width += overlap.Rect.Right - region.Right + ExtendSize;
                            region.Width = this.Width;

                //Initial Height is to store the Actual height of the group.
                //that is the height should be the initial height without the textblock height.
                if (this.InitialHeight <= 0.0)
                    this.InitialHeight = region.Height;
                this.Width  = 0;
                this.height = 0;
Exemple #34
        public static ExecutableModelCreator <SafetySharpRuntimeModel> CreateExecutedModelFromFormulasCreator(ModelBase model)
            Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));

            Func <Formula[], CoupledExecutableModelCreator <SafetySharpRuntimeModel> > creator = formulasToCheckInBaseModel =>
                Requires.NotNull(formulasToCheckInBaseModel, nameof(formulasToCheckInBaseModel));
                return(CreateExecutedModelCreator(model, formulasToCheckInBaseModel));

            return(new ExecutableModelCreator <SafetySharpRuntimeModel>(creator, model));
Exemple #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds the ViewModel to a source model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Model to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="property">Property on model to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">How to bind to the source model.</param>
 public void BindSelection(ModelBase source, ModelProperty property, ModelBindingMode mode = ModelBindingMode.Committed)
     SetBinding(SelectedIdProperty, new ModelBinding(source, property, mode));
Exemple #36
 public IActionResult World()
Exemple #37
 private void Initialize(XElement element, ModelBase model)
     Element = element;
     Model   = model;
Exemple #38
 private void Initialize(string xmlContent, ModelBase model)
     Initialize(XElement.Parse(xmlContent), model);
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a creation action.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 public void RecordCreation(ModelBase model)
     recordedActions.Add(Tuple.Create(model, UndoRedoRecorder.UserAction.Creation));
Exemple #40
 public FormUpdate(ModelBase model)
     modelUpdate = model;
Exemple #41
 public OBJWriter(ModelBase model, string modelFileName) :
     base(model, modelFileName)
Exemple #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the serializable members for the specified model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
        /// <param name="membersToIgnore">The members to ignore.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of members to serialize.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="model"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public virtual List <MemberValue> GetSerializableMembers(ModelBase model, params string[] membersToIgnore)
            Argument.IsNotNull("model", model);

            var membersToIgnoreHashSet = new HashSet <string>(membersToIgnore);

            var modelType     = model.GetType();
            var catelTypeInfo = PropertyDataManager.Default.GetCatelTypeInfo(modelType);

            var catelPropertyNames    = SerializationManager.GetCatelPropertyNames(modelType);
            var fieldsToSerialize     = SerializationManager.GetFieldsToSerialize(modelType);
            var propertiesToSerialize = SerializationManager.GetPropertiesToSerialize(modelType);

            var listToSerialize    = new List <MemberValue>();
            var checkedMemberNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (var fieldToSerialize in fieldsToSerialize)

                if (membersToIgnoreHashSet.Contains(fieldToSerialize) || ShouldIgnoreMember(model, fieldToSerialize))
                    Log.Debug("Field '{0}' is being ignored for serialization", fieldToSerialize);

                    Log.Debug("Adding field '{0}' to list of objects to serialize", fieldToSerialize);

                    var fieldInfo  = modelType.GetFieldEx(fieldToSerialize);
                    var fieldValue = new MemberValue(SerializationMemberGroup.Field, modelType, fieldInfo.FieldType, fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.GetValue(model));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warning(ex, "Failed to get value of member '{0}.{1}', skipping item during serialization", modelType.GetSafeFullName(), fieldToSerialize);

            foreach (var propertyToSerialize in propertiesToSerialize)

                if (membersToIgnoreHashSet.Contains(propertyToSerialize) || ShouldIgnoreMember(model, propertyToSerialize))
                    Log.Debug("Property '{0}' is being ignored for serialization", propertyToSerialize);

                    Log.Debug("Adding property '{0}' to list of objects to serialize", propertyToSerialize);

                    if (catelPropertyNames.Contains(propertyToSerialize))
                        var propertyData        = catelTypeInfo.GetPropertyData(propertyToSerialize);
                        var actualPropertyValue = model.GetValueFast(propertyToSerialize);
                        var propertyValue       = new MemberValue(SerializationMemberGroup.CatelProperty, modelType, propertyData.Type, propertyData.Name, actualPropertyValue);

                        var propertyInfo  = modelType.GetPropertyEx(propertyToSerialize);
                        var propertyValue = new MemberValue(SerializationMemberGroup.RegularProperty, modelType, propertyInfo.PropertyType, propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(model, null));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warning(ex, "Failed to get value of member '{0}.{1}', skipping item during serialization", modelType.GetSafeFullName(), propertyToSerialize);

 public static bool TestIt(ref ModelBase BaseModel)
     BaseModel.UserID = 10;
     BaseModel.UserName = "******";
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates <see cref="ModelBase"/> object with given xml data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelData">Xml data to update model</param>
        public void ReloadModel(XmlElement modelData)
            ModelBase model = GetModelForElement(modelData);

            model.Deserialize(modelData, SaveContext.Undo);
Exemple #45
        void vm_RequestNodeCentered(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ModelEventArgs args = e as ModelEventArgs;
            ModelBase      node = args.Model;

            double x = outerCanvas.ActualWidth / 2.0;
            double y = outerCanvas.ActualHeight / 2.0;

            // apply small perturbation
            // so node isn't right on top of last placed node
            if (currentNodeCascadeOffset > 96.0)
                currentNodeCascadeOffset = 0.0;

            x += currentNodeCascadeOffset;
            y += currentNodeCascadeOffset;

            currentNodeCascadeOffset += 24.0;

            if (args.PositionSpecified)
                x = args.X;
                y = args.Y;

            Point dropPt = new Point(x, y);

            // Transform dropPt from outerCanvas space into zoomCanvas space
            if (args.TransformCoordinates)
                if (WorkBench != null)
                    var a = outerCanvas.TransformToDescendant(WorkBench);
                    dropPt = a.Transform(dropPt);

            // center the node at the drop point
            if (!Double.IsNaN(node.Width))
                dropPt.X -= (node.Width / 2.0);

            if (!Double.IsNaN(node.Height))
                dropPt.Y -= (node.Height / 2.0);

            if (!Double.IsNaN(node.Width))
                dropPt.X -= (node.Height / 2.0);

            if (!Double.IsNaN(node.Height))
                dropPt.Y -= (node.Height / 2.0);

            node.X = dropPt.X;
            node.Y = dropPt.Y;
Exemple #46
 public Download(ModelBase childModel, Dictionary <string, DefConfigurationSectionRequest> param, string batchNumber)
     : base(childModel)
     _paramList       = param;
     this.batchNumber = batchNumber;
Exemple #47
        public static CoupledExecutableModelCreator <SafetySharpRuntimeModel> CreateExecutedModelCreator(ModelBase model, params Formula[] formulasToCheckInBaseModel)
            Requires.NotNull(model, nameof(model));
            Requires.NotNull(formulasToCheckInBaseModel, nameof(formulasToCheckInBaseModel));

            Func <int, SafetySharpRuntimeModel> creatorFunc;
            Action <TextWriter> writeFullStateVectorLayout;

            // serializer.Serialize has potentially a side effect: Model binding. The model gets bound when it isn't
            // bound already. The lock ensures that this binding is only made by one thread because model.EnsureIsBound
            // is not reentrant.
            lock (model)
                var serializer = new RuntimeModelSerializer();
                model.EnsureIsBound();                 // Bind the model explicitly. Otherwise serialize.Serializer makes it implicitly.
                serializer.Serialize(model, formulasToCheckInBaseModel);

                creatorFunc = serializer.Load;
                writeFullStateVectorLayout = textWriter => textWriter.WriteLine(serializer.StateVector);
            var faults = model.Faults;

            return(new CoupledExecutableModelCreator <SafetySharpRuntimeModel>(creatorFunc, writeFullStateVectorLayout, model, formulasToCheckInBaseModel, faults));
Exemple #48
        }                                                                                                                               // 0x00BB0EF0-0x00BB0F00

        public void ShowBossOverDriveGauge(int hp, int maxhp, int damage, int effect, int rest_turn, Vector3 arg_pos, ModelBase target)
        }                                                                                                                                          // 0x00BB0F00-0x00BB0F10
 private void ReceiveBroadcastObjectAction(GenericMessage <ModelBase> message)
     _broadcastObject = message.Content;
Exemple #50
        internal static ModelCreateResult TryCreate(XmlNode node, XmlNode log4NetNode, out ModelBase model)
            model = null;

            switch (node.Name)
            case Log4NetXmlConstants.Root:
                model = new RootLoggerModel(node, false, LoggerDescriptor.Root);

            case Log4NetXmlConstants.Logger:
                model = new LoggerModel(node, false, LoggerDescriptor.Logger);

            case Log4NetXmlConstants.Appender:
                if (AppenderModel.TryCreate(node, log4NetNode, out AppenderModel appenderModel))
                    model = appenderModel;


            case Log4NetXmlConstants.Renderer:
                model = new RendererModel(node);

            case Log4NetXmlConstants.Param:
                model = new ParamModel(node);

        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates the object table for the <paramref name="model" /> and <paramref name="formulas" />.
        /// </summary>
        private static ObjectTable CreateObjectTable(ModelBase model, Formula[] formulas)
            var objects = model.Roots.Cast <object>().Concat(formulas).Concat(new[] { model });

            return(new ObjectTable(SerializationRegistry.Default.GetReferencedObjects(objects.ToArray(), SerializationMode.Full)));
Exemple #52
 public void SetModel(ModelBase model)
     modelUpdate = model;
Exemple #53
        }                                       // 0x00BB0EE0-0x00BB0EF0

        public void ShowBossHPGauge(int hp, int maxhp, int damage, int effect, Vector3 arg_pos, ModelBase target, int[] pin)
        }                                                                                                                               // 0x00BB0EF0-0x00BB0F00
Exemple #54
 public override bool ProcessFileModelBase(PictureMetaData pmd, ModelBase model)
     return(ProcessFile(pmd, model as MODEL));
Exemple #55
        public bool IsAutoLocked() => default;         // 0x00BB0EC0-0x00BB0ED0

        public void CreatePopupHPGauge(float src_amount, float dst_amount, Vector3 arg_pos, ModelBase target)
        }                                                                                                                // 0x00BB0ED0-0x00BB0EE0
Exemple #56
 public string Validate(ModelBase model, object value)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #57
 public void AddModel(ModelBase model)
     _entityModels.Add(model.Id, model);
Exemple #58
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified member on the specified model should be ignored by the serialization engine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the member.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the member should be ignored, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 protected virtual bool ShouldIgnoreMember(ModelBase model, string propertyName)
 public RenderWolf(ModelBase par1ModelBase, float par2) : base(par1ModelBase, par2)
Exemple #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
 /// <param name="contextMode">The context mode.</param>
 /// <returns>The serialization context.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="model" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="stream" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 protected abstract ISerializationContext <TSerializationContext> GetContext(ModelBase model, Stream stream, SerializationContextMode contextMode);