public static void AddMealProduct(Nullable<int> idMeal, string name, Nullable<long> quant, int id) { using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { Nullable<int> prodId; if (name!=null) { prodId = (from prods in db.Product where prods.Name.Equals(name) select prods.ProductPK).FirstOrDefault(); } else prodId = null; if (id == 0) { db.MealProducts.Add(new MealProducts() { MealFK = idMeal, ProductFK = prodId, Quantity = quant }); db.SaveChanges(); } else { MealProducts mp = db.MealProducts.Where(c => c.MealProducts1 == id).FirstOrDefault(); mp.MealFK = idMeal; mp.ProductFK = prodId; mp.Quantity = quant; db.SaveChanges(); } } }
public ProductSearched(ProductsSet product) { InitializeComponent(); _product = product; _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; product.Descripcion = ""; cbProducto.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Producto).Distinct().ToList(); cbModelo.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Modelo).Distinct().ToList(); cbMarca.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Marca).Distinct().ToList(); this.DataContext = product; for ( int añoindex = 1900; añoindex < 2025; añoindex++) { cbYear.Items.Add(añoindex); } if (product.Año != null){ cbYear.SelectedItem = product.Año; } _product.PrivateDescription = ""; _product.Kilometer = 0; _product.Hours = 0; }
public Index() { this.Dispatcher.UnhandledException += OnDispatcherUnhandledException; InitializeComponent(); RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode = System.Windows.Interop.RenderMode.SoftwareOnly; Product_List.LWidth = 500; Product_List.LHeight = 400; Provider_List.LWidth = 500; Provider_List.LHeight = 400; Client_List.LWidth = 500; Client_List.LHeight = 400; _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; startrutines.Database_Backup(); ProductSearch = new ObservableProductSearch(_dataDC); UpdateNotificationList(); string[] todos = new string[] { "Todos" }; cbProducto.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Producto).Distinct().Union(todos).ToList(); cbMarca.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Marca).Distinct().Union(todos).ToList(); cbModelo.ItemsSource = _dataDC.ProductsSet.Select(S => S.Modelo).Distinct().Union(todos).ToList(); int añoindex; for (añoindex = 1900; añoindex < 2025; añoindex++) { cbfromyear.Items.Add(añoindex); } }
public List<ExtendedInformation> SelectAllCountries() { using (var con = new Model1Container()) { return (from info in con.ExtendedInformationSet select info).ToList(); } }
public static String[] SelectAllUsers() { using (var dbContext = new Model1Container()) { var users = (from log in dbContext.Logs select log.OwnerName).Distinct(); return users.ToArray(); } }
private void Insert() { using (var con = new Model1Container()) { con.ExtendedInformationSet.Add(_information); con.SaveChanges(); } }
public List<TravelOffer> SelectAllOffers() { using (var con = new Model1Container()) { return (from offer in con.TravelOfferSet.Include("Category") select offer).ToList(); } }
public static String[] SelectAllJobs(String user) { using (var dbContext = new Model1Container()) { var jobs = (from log in dbContext.Logs where log.OwnerName == user select log.JobName).Distinct(); return jobs.ToArray(); } }
public static String[] SelectAllJobs(String user, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { using (var dbContext = new Model1Container()) { var jobs = (from log in dbContext.Logs where log.OwnerName == user && log.Action == "submitted" && log.Time > fromDate && log.Time < toDate select log.JobName).Distinct(); return jobs.ToArray(); } }
public DragDropImage(string Product) { InitializeComponent(); _productID = Product; _dataDC = new Model1Container(); imagelist = new ObservableProductImage(_dataDC, _productID); ImageList.ItemsSource = imagelist; }
public IList<account> GetAccounts() { if (!cachedList.Any()) { using (var context = new Model1Container(sqlConn)) cachedList= context.account.Where(acnt => acnt.customer_id != 1 && acnt.status == "A").ToList(); } return cachedList; }
public static int AddMenu(DateTime dateSt, DateTime dateEn) { using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { Menu newM = new Menu() { DateStart = dateSt, DateFinish = dateEn }; db.Menu.Add(newM); db.SaveChanges(); AddMenuDay((Nullable<int>)newM.MenuPK, dateSt); return newM.MenuPK; } }
private void Update() { using (var con = new Model1Container()) { var infoEntity = con.ExtendedInformationSet.Single( o => o.ExtendetInformationId == _information.ExtendetInformationId); con.Entry(infoEntity).CurrentValues.SetValues(_information); con.SaveChanges(); } }
public UCProviderList() { if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) { _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; InitializeComponent(); lpr = new ObservableProveedor(_dataDC); this.DataContext = lpr; providerSet1ViewSource.ItemsSource = lpr; } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText( @"C:\Users\jmclaughlin\Documents\PipeDelimitedImportProject\PipeDelimitedFile.dat"); using (var context = new Model1Container()) { NoEnumStrategy(text, context); context.SaveChanges(); } }
static void NoInitializerStrategy(string text, Model1Container context) { foreach (var fileImportLine in text.Split('\r')) { var fields = fileImportLine.Split('|'); var fileImport = new FileImports(); = fields[(int)TextFields.Email]; fileImport.firstName = fields[(int)TextFields.FirstName]; fileImport.lastName = fields[(int)TextFields.LastName]; fileImport.phoneNumber = fields[(int)TextFields.PhoneNumber]; context.FileImports1.Add(fileImport); } }
static void NoEnumStrategy(string text, Model1Container context) { foreach (var fileImportLine in text.Split('\r')) { var fields = fileImportLine.Split('|'); var fileImport = new FileImports(); = fields[3]; fileImport.firstName = fields[0]; fileImport.lastName = fields[1]; fileImport.phoneNumber = fields[2]; context.FileImports1.Add(fileImport); } }
public static void LogAction(Job job, String action) { using (var dbContext = new Model1Container()) { Log log = new Log(); log.Action = action; log.JobName = job.Name; log.OwnerName = job.Owner; log.Time = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Logs.AddObject(log); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } }
static void LinqStrategy(string text, Model1Container context) { foreach (var fileImport in text.Split('\r').Select(t => t.Split('|')).Select(items => new FileImports { email = items[(int)TextFields.Email], firstName = items[(int)TextFields.FirstName], lastName = items[(int)TextFields.LastName], phoneNumber = items[(int)TextFields.PhoneNumber] })) { context.FileImports1.Add(fileImport); } }
public UCClientList() { if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) { InitializeComponent(); _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; lcl = new ObservableClient(_dataDC); this.DataContext = lcl; clientSet1ViewSource.ItemsSource = lcl; } }
public Client(ClientSet client) { this.InitializeComponent(); _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; lps = new ObservableProductSearch(_dataDC); lvProductSearched.ItemsSource = lps.Where(S => S.Enbusca == true.ToString() && S.Proveedor_ID == client.Id).ToList(); _client = client; this.DataContext = client; UpdateRequestedProductList(); Update_ListSoldProducts(); // Insert code required on object creation below this point. }
public UCProductList() { if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) { _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; InitializeComponent(); lp = new ObservableProduct(_dataDC); this.DataContext = lp; ProductsSetListView.Width = this.Width; ProductsSetListView.ItemsSource = lp; } }
public static void AddMenuDay(Nullable<int> idMenu, DateTime dateSt) { string[] days = new string[7]; days = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Days)); using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { MenuDay[] newMD = new MenuDay[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { newMD[i] = new MenuDay() { MenuFK = idMenu, Date_ = dateSt.AddDays(i), Day = days[i] }; db.MenuDay.Add(newMD[i]); db.SaveChanges(); } } }
void mi_View(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; TextBlock curTvi = (TextBlock)cm.PlacementTarget; int mealId; using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { mealId = (from meal in db.Meal where meal.Name.Equals(curTvi.Text) select meal.MealPK).FirstOrDefault(); } AddMealView am = new AddMealView(mealId); am.ShowDialog(); }
static void NoLinqStrategy(string text, Model1Container context) { foreach (var fileImportLine in text.Split('\r')) { var fields = fileImportLine.Split('|'); var fileImport = new FileImports { email = fields[(int)TextFields.Email], firstName = fields[(int)TextFields.FirstName], lastName = fields[(int)TextFields.LastName], phoneNumber = fields[(int)TextFields.PhoneNumber] }; context.FileImports1.Add(fileImport); } }
public static String[] SelectJobStatuses(String user, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { using (var dbContext = new Model1Container()) { var actions = from c in dbContext.Logs where c.OwnerName == user && c.Time > fromDate && c.Time < toDate group c by c.Action into g select new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() }; List<String> list = new List<String>(); foreach (var action in actions) { list.Add(action.Key + ": " + action.Count); } return list.ToArray(); } }
public ShowMealViewModel(int id) { Id = id; using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { var _groups = (from groups in db.GroupMeal select groups.Name).ToList<string>(); Groups = new ObservableCollection<string>(_groups); } Ingreds = new IngredViewModel(id); using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { _products = new ObservableCollection<Product>((from prods in db.Product select prods).ToList()); } }
public MenuBookViewModel() { using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { _groups = (from groups in db.GroupMeal select new MealGroup() { Name = groups.Name, ID = groups.GroupMealPK }).ToList<MealGroup>(); } AddMeal = new Command(arg => AddMealMethod()); ViewMeal = new Command(arg => ViewMealMethod()); CorrectMeal = new Command(arg => CorrectMealMethod()); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); OurLocalDataProvider = new NorthwindEntities(); //Query to model of database (example) //------------------------------------- CustomersDataGrid.DataContext = OurLocalDataProvider.Customers. Where(res => res.Country == "Mexico"). ToList(); //------------------------------------- //adding new row to database in table 'Customers' (example) //-------------------------------------------------------- try { Customers NewCustomer = new Customers() { Address = "TestAddress", City = "Test", CompanyName = "Test", ContactName = "Test", ContactTitle = "Test", Country = "Test", CustomerID = "Test", Fax = "Test", Phone = "Test", PostalCode = "Test", Region = "Test" }; OurLocalDataProvider.Customers.Add(NewCustomer); OurLocalDataProvider.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception excep) { MessageBox.Show(excep.Message); } //-------------------------------------------------------- Model1Container CreatedDB = new Model1Container(); CreatedDB.JobsSet.Add(new Jobs() { Job = "SuperJob", Salary = 10000 }); CreatedDB.JobsSet.Add(new Jobs() { Job = "MegaJob", Salary = 15000 }); CreatedDB.JobsSet.Add(new Jobs() { Job = "EpicJob", Salary = 20000 }); CreatedDB.PeoplesSet.Add(new Peoples() { JobId = 1, Email = "Email_1", Name = "Name_1", SpecialCode = 19 }); CreatedDB.PeoplesSet.Add(new Peoples() { JobId = 1, Email = "Email_2", Name = "Name_2", SpecialCode = 67 }); CreatedDB.PeoplesSet.Add(new Peoples() { JobId = 1, Email = "Email_3", Name = "Name_3", SpecialCode = 34 }); CreatedDB.SaveChanges(); }
public static int AddMeal(string name, string groupName) { using (Model1Container db = new Model1Container()) { var groupId = (from groups in db.GroupMeal where groups.Name.Equals(groupName) select groups.GroupMealPK).FirstOrDefault(); Meal newM = db.Meal.Where(c => c.Name == name).FirstOrDefault(); newM = new Meal() { Name = name, GroupMealFK = groupId}; db.Meal.Add(newM); db.SaveChanges(); db.MealProducts.Add(new MealProducts() { MealFK = newM.MealPK }); db.SaveChanges(); return newM.MealPK; } }
static void Main() { Model1Container model = new Model1Container(); // création repositories SectionRepository repoSect = new SectionRepository(model); StudentRepository repoStud = new StudentRepository(model); CourseRepository repoCourse = new CourseRepository(model); ProfessorRepository repoProfessor = new ProfessorRepository(model); // ajout de 2 sections Section sectInfo = new Section { Name = "Info" }; repoSect.Save(sectInfo, s => s.Name.Equals(sectInfo.Name)); Section sectDiet = new Section { Name = "Diet" }; repoSect.Save(sectDiet, s => s.Name.Equals(sectDiet.Name)); // renvoyer toutes les sections IList <Section> sections = repoSect.GetAll().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("----------- SECTIONS --------------------"); foreach (Section s in sections) { Console.WriteLine(s.Name); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); // ajout de 3 étudiants Student studinfo = new Student { Firstname = "studinfo", Name = "studinfo", Section = sectInfo, YearResult = 100 }; Student studdiet = new Student { Firstname = "studdiet", Name = "studdiet", Section = sectDiet, YearResult = 150 }; Student studinfo2 = new Student { Firstname = "studinfo2", Name = "studinfo2", Section = sectInfo, YearResult = 110 }; repoStud.Save(studinfo, s => s.Name.Equals(studinfo.Name) && s.Firstname.Equals(studinfo.Firstname)); repoStud.Save(studinfo2, s => s.Name.Equals(studinfo2.Name) && s.Firstname.Equals(studinfo2.Firstname)); repoStud.Save(studdiet, s => s.Name.Equals(studdiet.Name) && s.Firstname.Equals(studdiet.Firstname)); IList <Student> studs = repoStud.GetStudentBySectionOrderByYearResult(); foreach (Student s in studs) { Console.WriteLine("SECTION : " + s.Section.Name + " STUD : " + s.Name + " YEAR_RESULT : " + s.YearResult); } // créer 2 professeurs Professor profDiet = new Professor { Firstname = "profDiet", Name = "profDiet", Section = sectDiet }; repoProfessor.Save(profDiet, p => p.Name.Equals(profDiet.Name)); Professor profInfo = new Professor { Firstname = "profInfo", Name = "profInfo", Section = sectInfo }; repoProfessor.Save(profInfo, p => p.Name.Equals(profInfo.Name)); // créer 3 cours Course techCulinaire = new Course { Name = "Technique Culinaire", Professor = profDiet }; repoCourse.Save(techCulinaire, c => c.Name.Equals(techCulinaire.Name)); Course mathDiet = new Course { Name = "Math", Professor = profDiet }; repoCourse.Save(mathDiet, c => c.Name.Equals(mathDiet.Name)); Course mathInfo = new Course { Name = "Math", Professor = profInfo }; repoCourse.Save(mathInfo, c => c.Name.Equals(mathInfo.Name)); // liste des cours de la section diet IList <Course> courses = repoCourse.GetCoursesForSection("Diet"); Console.WriteLine("Cours de la section Diet : "); foreach (Course c in courses) { Console.WriteLine("COURS : " + c.Name + "PROFESSOR " + c.Professor.Firstname); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public FilmRepository(Model1Container _cont) { db = _cont; }
public UserToCustomerRepos(Model1Container model, bool checkInputs = true, bool allowCascade = false) : base(model, checkInputs, allowCascade) { }
public AuthanticateController() { this.context = new Model1Container(); }
public HomeController() { _db = new Model1Container(); }
public CashierRepository(Model1Container _cont) { db = _cont; }
public Repos(Model1Container model, bool checkInputs = true, bool allowCascade = false) { cont = model; CheckInputs = checkInputs; AllowCascade = allowCascade; }
public void Sterge(string path) { using (var context = new Model1Container()) { } }
private static int AddGame(DateTime date, string gameID, string homeTeam, string awayTeam, Model1Container dbContext) { var game = new Game { Description = gameID, GameDate = date, AwayTeam = awayTeam, HomeTeam = homeTeam }; dbContext.Games.AddObject(game); try { dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { string err = string.Format("Error saving gameID {0}: {1}", gameID, ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(err); log.Error(err); } return(game.Id); }
public AddressRepos(Model1Container model, bool checkInputs = true, bool allowCascade = false) : base(model, checkInputs, allowCascade) { }
private static void AddAtBats(XmlNodeList inningHalves, int dbGameID, short inningNum, Model1Container dbContext) { foreach (XmlNode halfInning in inningHalves) { var inningHalf = halfInning.Name; foreach (XmlNode atBatNode in halfInning.ChildNodes) { if (atBatNode.Name == "atbat") { var atBat = GetAtBatFromXml(atBatNode, dbGameID, inningNum, inningHalf); dbContext.AtBats.AddObject(atBat); dbContext.SaveChanges(); int dbAtBatID = atBat.Id; AddPitches(atBatNode, dbAtBatID, dbContext); } } } }
public BaseRepository(Model1Container dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public UserManager() { context = new Model1Container(); }
public CustomerViewModel() { _modelContext = new Model1Container(); }
public SalesEntryViewModel() { _modelContext = new Model1Container(); }
public DataManager() { cont = new Model1Container(); InitializeRepos(); }
public LoadProjectWindow() { InitializeComponent(); model1 = new Model1Container(); }
public AccountController() { _db = new Model1Container(); }
public static void SaveModelToXML(this Model1Container model, string xmlfilePath) { ///some code }