/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.tag_good model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update td_tag_good set "); strSql.Append(" good_id = @good_id , "); strSql.Append(" tag_id = @tag_id "); strSql.Append(" where good_id=@good_id and tag_id=@tag_id "); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@good_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@tag_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = model.good_id; parameters[1].Value = model.tag_id; int rows = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public void Add(Model.tag_good model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into td_tag_good("); strSql.Append("good_id,tag_id"); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append("@good_id,@tag_id"); strSql.Append(") "); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@good_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@tag_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = model.good_id; parameters[1].Value = model.tag_id; DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); }
/// <summary> /// 得到一个对象实体 /// </summary> public Model.tag_good GetModel(int good_id, int tag_id) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select good_id, tag_id "); strSql.Append(" from td_tag_good "); strSql.Append(" where good_id=@good_id and tag_id=@tag_id "); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@good_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@tag_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = good_id; parameters[1].Value = tag_id; Model.tag_good model = new Model.tag_good(); DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["good_id"].ToString() != "") { model.good_id = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["good_id"].ToString()); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tag_id"].ToString() != "") { model.tag_id = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tag_id"].ToString()); } return(model); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.tag_good model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public void Add(Model.tag_good model) { dal.Add(model); }
/// <summary> /// 得到一个对象实体 /// </summary> public Model.tag_good GetModel(int good_id,int tag_id) { StringBuilder strSql=new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select good_id, tag_id "); strSql.Append(" from td_tag_good "); strSql.Append(" where good_id=@good_id and tag_id=@tag_id "); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@good_id", SqlDbType.Int,4), new SqlParameter("@tag_id", SqlDbType.Int,4) }; parameters[0].Value = good_id; parameters[1].Value = tag_id; Model.tag_good model=new Model.tag_good(); DataSet ds=DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString(),parameters); if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count>0) { if(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["good_id"].ToString()!="") { model.good_id=int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["good_id"].ToString()); } if(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tag_id"].ToString()!="") { model.tag_id=int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tag_id"].ToString()); } return model; } else { return null; } }
private bool DoEdit(int _id) { bool result = false; BLL.article bll = new BLL.article(); Model.article model = bll.GetModel(_id); decimal sell_price = 0; decimal standard_price = 0; decimal standard_group_price = 0; decimal action_price = 0; model.channel_id = this.channel_id; model.category_id = Utils.StrToInt(ddlCategoryId.SelectedValue, 0); model.call_index = txtCallIndex.Text.Trim(); model.title = txtTitle.Text.Trim(); model.link_url = txtLinkUrl.Text.Trim(); model.img_url = txtImgUrl.Text; model.seo_title = txtSeoTitle.Text.Trim(); model.seo_keywords = txtSeoKeywords.Text.Trim(); model.seo_description = txtSeoDescription.Text.Trim(); //内容摘要提取内容前255个字符 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtZhaiyao.Text.Trim())) { model.zhaiyao = Utils.DropHTML(txtContent.Value, 255); } else { model.zhaiyao = Utils.DropHTML(txtZhaiyao.Text, 255); } model.content = txtContent.Value; model.sort_id = Utils.StrToInt(txtSortId.Text.Trim(), 99); model.click = int.Parse(txtClick.Text.Trim()); model.status = Utils.StrToInt(rblStatus.SelectedValue, 0); model.is_msg = 0; model.is_top = 0; model.is_red = 0; model.is_hot = 0; model.is_slide = 0; model.is_put = 1; if (isPut.Items[0].Selected) { model.is_put = 0; } if (cblItem.Items[0].Selected == true) { model.is_msg = 1; } if (cblItem.Items[1].Selected == true) { model.is_top = 1; } if (cblItem.Items[2].Selected == true) { model.is_red = 1; } if (cblItem.Items[3].Selected == true) { model.is_hot = 1; } if (cblItem.Items[4].Selected == true) { model.is_slide = 1; } model.add_time = Utils.StrToDateTime(txtAddTime.Text.Trim()); model.update_time = DateTime.Now; model.fields = SetFieldValues(this.channel_id); //扩展字段赋值 sell_price = Convert.ToDecimal(model.fields["sell_price"]); #region 保存相册==================== //检查是否有自定义图片 if (txtImgUrl.Text.Trim() == "") { model.img_url = hidFocusPhoto.Value; } if (model.albums != null) { model.albums.Clear(); } string[] albumArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_photo_name"); string[] remarkArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_photo_remark"); if (albumArr != null) { List<Model.article_albums> ls = new List<Model.article_albums>(); for (int i = 0; i < albumArr.Length; i++) { string[] imgArr = albumArr[i].Split('|'); int img_id = Utils.StrToInt(imgArr[0], 0); if (imgArr.Length == 3) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remarkArr[i])) { ls.Add(new Model.article_albums { id = img_id, article_id = _id, original_path = imgArr[1], thumb_path = imgArr[2], remark = remarkArr[i] }); } else { ls.Add(new Model.article_albums { id = img_id, article_id = _id, original_path = imgArr[1], thumb_path = imgArr[2] }); } } } model.albums = ls; } #endregion #region 保存附件==================== if (model.attach != null) { model.attach.Clear(); } string[] attachIdArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_attach_id"); string[] attachFileNameArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_attach_filename"); string[] attachFilePathArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_attach_filepath"); string[] attachFileSizeArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_attach_filesize"); string[] attachPointArr = Request.Form.GetValues("txt_attach_point"); if (attachIdArr != null && attachFileNameArr != null && attachFilePathArr != null && attachFileSizeArr != null && attachPointArr != null && attachIdArr.Length > 0 && attachFileNameArr.Length > 0 && attachFilePathArr.Length > 0 && attachFileSizeArr.Length > 0 && attachPointArr.Length > 0) { List<Model.article_attach> ls = new List<Model.article_attach>(); for (int i = 0; i < attachFileNameArr.Length; i++) { int attachId = Utils.StrToInt(attachIdArr[i], 0); int fileSize = Utils.StrToInt(attachFileSizeArr[i], 0); string fileExt = Utils.GetFileExt(attachFilePathArr[i]); int _point = Utils.StrToInt(attachPointArr[i], 0); ls.Add(new Model.article_attach { id = attachId, article_id = _id, file_name = attachFileNameArr[i], file_path = attachFilePathArr[i], file_size = fileSize, file_ext = fileExt, point = _point, }); } model.attach = ls; } #endregion #region 保存会员组价格============== List<Model.user_group_price> priceList = new List<Model.user_group_price>(); for (int i = 0; i < rptPrice.Items.Count; i++) { int hidPriceId = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((HiddenField)rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("hidePriceId")).Value)) { hidPriceId = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("hidePriceId")).Value); } int hidGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("hideGroupId")).Value); decimal _price = Convert.ToDecimal(((TextBox)rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("txtGroupPrice")).Text.Trim()); priceList.Add(new Model.user_group_price { id = hidPriceId, article_id = _id, group_id = hidGroupId, price = _price }); } model.group_price = priceList; #endregion if (bll.Update(model)) { #region 商品相关 if (channel_name == "goods") { //规格价格 BLL.standard_price bll_price = new BLL.standard_price(); DataTable dt = bll_price.GetList(0, "good_id=" + _id, "id asc").Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!bll_price.Delete("good_id=" + _id)) { JscriptMsg("价格信息清除失败!", "", "Error"); return false; } } string standard_ids = DTRequest.GetFormString("ck_standard"); string standard_value_ids = DTRequest.GetFormString("ck_standard_value"); string str_standards = ""; BLL.standard bll_standard = new BLL.standard(); string[] str_standard_arr = standard_ids.Split(','); foreach (string str in str_standard_arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { Model.standard model_standard = bll_standard.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(str)); if (model_standard != null) { str_standards += model_standard.title + ","; } } } BLL.standard_value bll_value = new BLL.standard_value(); string[] str_standard_value_arr = standard_value_ids.Split(','); BLL.standard_group_price bll_standard_group_price = new BLL.standard_group_price(); DataTable dt_standard_group_price = bll_standard_group_price.GetList("good_id=" + _id).Tables[0]; if (dt_standard_group_price != null && dt_standard_group_price.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!bll_standard_group_price.Delete(_id)) { JscriptMsg("清除商品规格会员价格失败!", "", "Error"); return false; } } foreach (string str in str_standard_value_arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string str_title = ""; string[] str_arr = str.Split('_'); foreach (string s in str_arr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { Model.standard_value model_value = bll_value.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(s)); if (model_value != null) { str_title += model_value.value + ","; } } } Model.standard_price model_price = new Model.standard_price(); model_price.good_id = _id; model_price.standard_ids = standard_ids; model_price.good_no = DTRequest.GetFormString("good_no_" + str); model_price.standards = str_standards.Substring(0, str_standards.Length - 1); model_price.standard_value_ids = str.Replace('_', ','); model_price.standard_values = str_title.Substring(0, str_title.Length - 1); model_price.stock_quantity = DTRequest.GetFormInt("stock_quantity_" + str, 0); model_price.market_price = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("market_price_" + str, 0); model_price.sell_price=sell_price=standard_price = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("sell_price_" + str, 0); model_price.action_price=action_price = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("action_price_" + str, 0); model_price.user_price = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("user_price_" + str, 0); model_price.add_time = DateTime.Now; decimal _standard_price_id = bll_price.Add(model_price); if (_standard_price_id <= 0) { JscriptMsg("更新价格信息失败!", "", "Error"); return false; } //规格会员组价格 BLL.user_groups bll_user_group = new BLL.user_groups(); DataTable dt_user_group = bll_user_group.GetList(0, "", "grade asc,id desc").Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr_user_group in dt_user_group.Rows) { Model.standard_group_price model_standard_group_price = new Model.standard_group_price(); model_standard_group_price.good_id = _id; model_standard_group_price.group_id = Convert.ToInt32(dr_user_group["id"]); model_standard_group_price.standard_price_id = _standard_price_id; model_standard_group_price.group_price=standard_group_price = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("user_price_" + dr_user_group["id"] + "_" + str, 0); model_standard_group_price.add_time = DateTime.Now; if (bll_standard_group_price.Add(model_standard_group_price) <= 0) { JscriptMsg("规格会员价格更新失败!", "", "Error"); return false; } } } } //BLL.meal_good bll_meal_good = new BLL.meal_good(); //if (!bll_meal_good.UpdateMealGoodPrice(_id, sell_price, standard_price, standard_group_price, action_price)) //{ // JscriptMsg("套餐商品价格更新失败!", "", "Error"); // return false; //} //单位 BLL.unit bll_unit = new BLL.unit(); bll_unit.Delete(_id); string str_unit = DTRequest.GetFormString("ck_unit"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_unit)) { string[] arr_unit = str_unit.Split(','); foreach (string s_unit in arr_unit) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_unit)) { string[] unit = s_unit.Split('_'); Model.unit model_unit = new Model.unit(); model_unit.good_id = _id; model_unit.title = unit[0]; model_unit.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(unit[1]); model_unit.rate = Convert.ToDecimal(unit[2]); model_unit.content = unit[3]; model_unit.add_time = DateTime.Now; if (bll_unit.Add(model_unit) <= 0) { JscriptMsg("更新单位失败!", "", "Error"); return false; } } } } //别名 BLL.alias_good bll_alias_good = new BLL.alias_good(); //删除 bll_alias_good.Delete(_id); for (int i = 0; i < ck_alias.Items.Count; i++) { if (ck_alias.Items[i].Selected) { Model.alias_good model_alias_good = new Model.alias_good(); model_alias_good.alias_id = Convert.ToInt32(ck_alias.Items[i].Value); model_alias_good.good_id = _id; bll_alias_good.Add(model_alias_good); } } //属性 BLL.property_value bll_property_value = new BLL.property_value(); BLL.property_good bll_property_good = new BLL.property_good(); bll_property_good.Delete(_id); string str_property_value = DTRequest.GetFormString("ck_property_value"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_property_value)) { string[] arr_property_value = str_property_value.Split(','); foreach (string str_1 in arr_property_value) { Model.property_good model_property_good = new Model.property_good(); model_property_good.good_id = _id; model_property_good.property_value_id = Convert.ToInt32(str_1); Model.property_value model_property_value = bll_property_value.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(str_1)); if (model_property_value != null) { model_property_good.property_id = model_property_value.property_id; } bll_property_good.Add(model_property_good); } } //标签 BLL.tag_good bll_tag_good = new BLL.tag_good(); bll_tag_good.Delete(_id); for (int i = 0; i < ck_tag.Items.Count; i++) { if (ck_tag.Items[i].Selected) { Model.tag_good model_tag_good = new Model.tag_good(); model_tag_good.tag_id = Convert.ToInt32(ck_tag.Items[i].Value); model_tag_good.good_id = _id; bll_tag_good.Add(model_tag_good); } } } #endregion AddAdminLog(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), "修改" + this.channel_name + "频道内容:" + model.title); //记录日志 result = true; } return result; }