/// <summary> /// Add a new Resource to the database /// </summary> public virtual Int32 Add(Model.Resource newResource) { try { Trace.WriteVerbose("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, newResource.ToString()); var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); DbParameter IdParam = helper.CreateOutputParam("@Id", DbType.Int32); int recordsAffected = helper.ExecuteSPNonQuery(_storedProcedure_Add, IdParam, helper.CreateInputParam("@Code", newResource.Code), helper.CreateInputParam("@Description", newResource.Description)); if (recordsAffected == 0) { throw new DalNothingUpdatedException("Unable to add Resource with Id={0}", newResource); } return((Int32)IdParam.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, newResource.ToString()); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a Resource by id from the database /// </summary> public virtual Model.Resource GetById(Int32 id) { DbDataReader reader = null; try { var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); reader = helper.ExecuteSPReader(_storedProcedure_GetById, helper.CreateInputParam("@Id", id)); Model.Resource result = null; if (reader.Read()) { result = CreateResource(reader); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("{0}", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, id); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Delete the given Resource from the database /// </summary> public virtual void Delete(Model.Resource delResource) { try { Trace.WriteInformation("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, delResource); //Begin Checks if (!Exists(delResource)) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("There is no Resource with this id. ({0})", delResource)); } DataAccess.Resources resources = new DataAccess.Resources(); resources.Delete(delResource); } catch (DalForeignKeyException ex_fk) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex_fk, delResource); throw new BusinessException(string.Format("The Resource is still used by {0}", ex_fk.Table), ex_fk); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, delResource); throw; } }
public ModifyControler(View.ResEditor resed) { re = resed; res = makeRes(); if (res != null) { for (int i = 0; i < GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources().Count; i++) { if (res.getMark().Equals(GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()[i].getMark())) { GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()[i] = res; break; } } } else { success = false; return; } foreach (Model.MapItem mi in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getMapItems()) { if (mi.getID().Equals(res.getMark())) { mi.setName(res.getName()); mi.setPath(res.getIco()); } } success = true; GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().notifyChange(); }
private void OnAppointmentsFetch(object sender, FetchAppointmentsEventArgs e) { DateTime start = e.Interval.Start; DateTime end = e.Interval.End; if (isDirty || !lastFetchedInterval.Contains(e.Interval) || lastFetchedResource != Filter.Current.User) { isDirty = false; lastFetchedInterval = new TimeInterval( start - TimeSpan.FromDays(7), end + TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); lastFetchedResource = Filter.Current.User; schedulerControl.Enabled = false; dateNavigator.Enabled = false; gridControl.Enabled = false; try { Fill(lastFetchedInterval, Filter.Current.User, Program.Service); } finally { schedulerControl.Enabled = true; dateNavigator.Enabled = true; gridControl.Enabled = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Equals function to compare class /// </summary> public virtual bool Exists(Model.Resource resource) { try { return(this.GetById(resource.Id) != null); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, resource); throw; } }
public ModifyControler(View.TypeEditor resed) { te = resed; if ((type = makeType()) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTypes().Count; i++) { if (type.getMark().Equals(GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTypes()[i].getMark())) { GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTypes()[i] = type; break; } } } else { success = false; return; } GlowingEarth.getInstance().itemList.Items.Refresh(); ObservableCollection <Model.Resource> temp = GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources(); for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++) { if (GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()[i].getType().getMark().Equals(type.getMark())) { Model.Resource r = temp[i]; r.setType(type); if (r.getHasTypeImg()) { r.setIcon(type.getImg()); } ObservableCollection <Model.MapItem> mapitems = GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getMapItems(); for (int j = 0; j < mapitems.Count; j++) { if (mapitems[j].getID().Equals(r.getMark())) { mapitems[j].setPath(r.getIco()); } } GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().setMapItems(mapitems); } } GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().setResources(temp); success = true; GlowingEarth.getInstance().map.Items.Refresh(); GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().notifyChange(); }
/// <summary> /// Get a Resource by id from the database /// </summary> public virtual Model.Resource GetById(Int32 id) { try { DataAccess.Resources resources = new DataAccess.Resources(); Model.Resource result = resources.GetById(id); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("{0}", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, id); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Delete the given Resource from the database /// </summary> public virtual void Delete(Model.Resource resource) { try { Trace.WriteVerbose("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, resource.ToString()); var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); helper.ExecuteSPNonQuery(_storedProcedure_Delete, helper.CreateInputParam("@Id", resource.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, resource.ToString()); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } }
public void TestSerializeDeserialize() { var m = new Model.Document(); m.FileName = "xxx"; m.SHA1 = "0123456789abcdef"; var f1 = new Model.Format() { Code = "P4" }; f1.Parameters.Add(new Model.Parameter() { Name = "a", Value = "1" }); f1.Parameters.Add(new Model.Parameter() { Name = "b", Value = "2" }); var r1 = new Model.Resource() { Name = "res1", Offset = 1000, Format = f1 }; m.Resources.Add(r1); Model.Helper.Save(m, "test.xml"); var zm = Model.Helper.Load <Model.Document>("test.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(zm); Assert.AreEqual(m.FileName, zm.FileName); Assert.AreEqual(m.Resources.Count, zm.Resources.Count); for (int i = 0; i < m.Resources.Count; i++) { var mr = m.Resources[i]; var zmr = zm.Resources[i]; Assert.AreEqual(mr.Name, zmr.Name); Assert.AreEqual(mr.Offset, zmr.Offset); Assert.AreEqual(mr.Format.Code, zmr.Format.Code); for (int j = 0; j < mr.Format.Parameters.Count; j++) { Assert.AreEqual(mr.Format.Parameters[j].Name, zmr.Format.Parameters[j].Name); Assert.AreEqual(mr.Format.Parameters[j].Value, zmr.Format.Parameters[j].Value); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a Model.Resource /// </summary> protected virtual Model.Resource CreateResource(DbDataReader reader) { try { Model.Resource result = new Model.Resource( (Int32)reader["Id"], (String)reader["Code"], (String)reader["Description"] ); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } }
void DoFilterUserChanged(object sender, bool bRefreshDataSource) { schedulerControl.BeginUpdate(); schedulerStorage.BeginUpdate(); try { gridControl.BeginUpdate(); try { Model.Resource user = sender as Model.Resource; if (user != null) { schedulerControl.Views.DayView.ResourcesPerPage = 1; schedulerControl.Views.MonthView.ResourcesPerPage = 1; schedulerControl.Views.TimelineView.ResourcesPerPage = 1; schedulerControl.Views.WeekView.ResourcesPerPage = 1; schedulerControl.Views.WorkWeekView.ResourcesPerPage = 1; schedulerControl.GroupType = SchedulerGroupType.None; gridColumnAssignedTo.Visible = false; gridColumnAssignedTo.OptionsColumn.ShowInCustomizationForm = false; } else { schedulerControl.GroupType = SchedulerGroupType.Resource; schedulerControl.Views.DayView.ResourcesPerPage = 5; schedulerControl.Views.MonthView.ResourcesPerPage = 5; schedulerControl.Views.TimelineView.ResourcesPerPage = 5; schedulerControl.Views.WeekView.ResourcesPerPage = 5; schedulerControl.Views.WorkWeekView.ResourcesPerPage = 5; gridColumnAssignedTo.Visible = true; gridColumnAssignedTo.OptionsColumn.ShowInCustomizationForm = true; } if (bRefreshDataSource) { schedulerControl.RefreshData(); } } finally { gridControl.EndUpdate(); } } finally { schedulerStorage.EndUpdate(); schedulerControl.EndUpdate(); } }
/*KRAJ VALIDACIJE PRICEBOXA*/ private void typeBox_Copy_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ObservableCollection <Model.Resource> resez = new ObservableCollection <Model.Resource>(); _selectedResource = null; picpath = ""; filt = (Model.Type)filter.SelectedItem; if (filt != null && (searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources..."))) { foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (r.getType().getMark().Equals(filt.getMark())) { resez.Add(r); } } res.Clear(); foreach (Model.Resource r in resez) { res.Add(r); } } else if (filt != null && !(searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources..."))) { foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (r.getType().getMark().Equals(filt.getMark()) && r.getMark().Equals(searchBox.Text)) { resez.Add(r); } } res.Clear(); foreach (Model.Resource r in resez) { res.Add(r); } } else { restartResez(); } }
public DeleteControler(Model.Resource r) { foreach (Model.Resource d in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (d.getMark().Equals(r.getMark())) { GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources().Remove(d); break; } } ObservableCollection <Model.MapItem> mati = new ObservableCollection <Model.MapItem>(); foreach (Model.MapItem mi in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getMapItems()) { if (!mi.getID().Equals(r.getMark())) { mati.Add(mi); } } GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().setMapItems(mati); success = true; }
/// <summary> /// Add a new Resource to the database /// </summary> public virtual Int32 Add(Model.Resource newResource) { try { Trace.WriteInformation("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, newResource); CheckConstraints(newResource); DataAccess.Resources resources = new DataAccess.Resources(); return(resources.Add(newResource)); } catch (DalForeignKeyException ex_fk) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex_fk, newResource); throw new BusinessException(string.Format("No related object found in {0}", ex_fk.Table), ex_fk); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, newResource); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Modify the given Resource in the database /// </summary> public virtual void Modify(Model.Resource modifiedResource) { try { Trace.WriteVerbose("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, modifiedResource.ToString()); var helper = Database.GetDbHelper(); int recordsAffected = helper.ExecuteSPNonQuery(_storedProcedure_Modify, helper.CreateInputParam("@Id", modifiedResource.Id), helper.CreateInputParam("@Code", modifiedResource.Code), helper.CreateInputParam("@Description", modifiedResource.Description)); if (recordsAffected == 0) { throw new DalNothingUpdatedException("No records were updated (Table: Resources). Resource=" + modifiedResource.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, modifiedResource.ToString()); throw DbHelper.TranslateException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Check Datafield constraints /// </summary> protected virtual void CheckConstraints(Model.Resource resource) { //Range checks, etc checks go here if (resource.Code == null) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Code may not be NULL. ({0})", resource.Code)); } if (resource.Code.Length > 50) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Code may not be longer than 50 characters. ({0})", resource.Code)); } if (resource.Description == null) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Description may not be NULL. ({0})", resource.Description)); } if (resource.Description.Length > 50) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("Description may not be longer than 50 characters. ({0})", resource.Description)); } }
/// <summary> /// Modify the given Resource in the database /// </summary> public virtual void Modify(Model.Resource modifiedResource) { try { Trace.WriteInformation("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, modifiedResource); //Begin Checks CheckConstraints(modifiedResource); if (!Exists(modifiedResource)) { throw new BusinessException(string.Format("There is no Resource with this id. ({0})", modifiedResource)); } DataAccess.Resources resources = new DataAccess.Resources(); resources.Modify(modifiedResource); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteError("({0})", Trace.GetMethodName(), CLASSNAME, ex, modifiedResource); throw; } }
public DeleteControler(Model.Type e) { foreach (Model.Type d in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTypes()) { if (d.getMark().Equals(e.getMark())) { GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTypes().Remove(d); break; } } ObservableCollection <Model.Resource> temp = new ObservableCollection <Model.Resource>(); foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().resources) { temp.Add(r); } for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++) { if (e.getMark().Equals(temp[i].getType().getMark())) { Model.Resource rz = temp[i]; ObservableCollection <Model.MapItem> mati = new ObservableCollection <Model.MapItem>(); foreach (Model.MapItem mi in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getMapItems()) { if (!mi.getID().Equals(rz.getMark())) { mati.Add(mi); } } GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().setMapItems(mati); GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources().Remove(temp[i]); } } success = true; }
private void OnCustomDrawCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e) { if (e.Column == gridColumnIsCompleted) { return; } Model.Appointment obj = e.Column.View.GetRow(e.RowHandle) as Model.Appointment; if (e.Column == gridColumnAssignedTo) { string displayText = string.Empty; if (obj != null) { Model.Resource resource = obj.AssignedTo.HasValue ? FindResourceByID(obj.AssignedTo.Value) : null; if (resource != null) { displayText = resource.DisplayText; } } e.DisplayText = displayText; } Color fontColor = e.Appearance.ForeColor; FontStyle fontStyle = e.Appearance.Font.Style; if (obj != null) { if (obj.CompletionStatus >= 0 && obj.Finish <= DateTime.Now && !obj.IsAllDay) { fontColor = Color.FromArgb(0xCF, 0x45, 0x55); fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; } else if (obj.CompletionStatus >= 0 && obj.IsAllDay /* All day appointments today are not yet overdue */ && obj.Finish < DateTime.Now.Date) { fontColor = Color.FromArgb(0xCF, 0x45, 0x55); fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; } else if (obj.CompletionStatus < 0) { fontColor = Color.Silver; fontStyle = FontStyle.Strikeout; } } e.Cache.FillRectangle(e.Appearance.GetBackBrush(e.Cache), e.Bounds); Rectangle rect = e.Bounds; if (e.Appearance.HAlignment == HorzAlignment.Near) { rect.Offset(2, 0); } e.Cache.DrawString(e.DisplayText, e.Cache.GetFont(e.Appearance.Font, fontStyle), e.Cache.GetSolidBrush(fontColor), rect, e.Appearance.GetStringFormat()); e.Handled = true; }
private T Resolve <T>(Uri uri) where T : Model.Resource { loader.Locate(uri); Model.Resource resource = source.ReadResourceArtifact(uri); return((T)resource); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { modify.IsEnabled = false; delete.IsEnabled = false; _selectedResource = null; }
private void searchBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { ObservableCollection <Model.Resource> resez = new ObservableCollection <Model.Resource>(); _selectedResource = null; picpath = ""; if ((searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources...")) && filt == null && res != null && copy != null) { foreach (Model.Resource r in copy) { res.Add(r); } return; } else if (filt != null && (searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources..."))) { foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (r.getMark().Contains(searchBox.Text) && r.getType().getMark().Equals(filt.getMark())) { resez.Add(r); } } res.Clear(); foreach (Model.Resource re in resez) { res.Add(re); } } else if (filt == null && !(searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources..."))) { foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (r.getMark().Contains(searchBox.Text)) { resez.Add(r); } } res.Clear(); foreach (Model.Resource re in resez) { res.Add(re); } } else if (filt == null && (searchBox.Text.Equals("") || searchBox.Text.Equals("Search for resources..."))) { restartResez(); } else { foreach (Model.Resource r in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getResources()) { if (r.getMark().Contains(searchBox.Text) && r.getType().getMark().Equals(filt.getMark())) { resez.Add(r); } } res.Clear(); foreach (Model.Resource re in resez) { res.Add(re); } } }
public void Fill( TimeInterval e, Model.Resource resource, Uri uri) { #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(e); #endif BindingList <Model.Appointment> schedulerDataSource = schedulerStorage.Appointments.DataSource as BindingList <Model.Appointment>; if (schedulerDataSource == null) { return; } lock (schedulerDataSource) { DevExpress.Calendar.Model.Service service = new DevExpress.Calendar.Model.Service(uri); DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime start = e.Start.ToUniversalTime(); DateTime end = e.End.ToUniversalTime(); DateTime weekStart = now.AddDays(-7); DateTime weekEnd = now.AddDays(7); DataServiceQuery <Model.Appointment> query; if (resource == null) { query = (DataServiceQuery <Model.Appointment>)service.Appointments.Where(s => /* always include incomplete items */ (s.Finish <= now && s.CompletionStatus >= 0) || /* always include recurrence templates */ (s.AppointmentType == (int)AppointmentType.Pattern) || ((s.Start >= start && s.Start <= end) || (s.Finish >= start && s.Finish <= end)) || /* always include todays */ ((s.Start >= weekStart && s.Start <= weekEnd) || (s.Finish >= weekStart && s.Finish <= weekEnd)) ); } else { query = (DataServiceQuery <Model.Appointment>)service.Appointments.Where(s => ( s.Resource.ID == resource.ID ) && ( /* always include recurrence templates */ (s.AppointmentType == (int)AppointmentType.Pattern) || /* always include incomplete items */ (s.Finish <= now && s.CompletionStatus >= 0) || ((s.Start >= start && s.Start <= end) || (s.Finish >= start && s.Finish <= end)) || /* always include todays */ ((s.Start >= weekStart && s.Start <= weekEnd) || (s.Finish >= weekStart && s.Finish <= weekEnd)) ) ); } using (new WaitCursor()) { SuspendLayout(); schedulerControl.BeginUpdate(); schedulerStorage.BeginUpdate(); gridControl.BeginUpdate(); gridView.BeginUpdate(); try { BindingList <Model.Appointment> taskDataSource = gridControl.DataSource as BindingList <Model.Appointment>; schedulerDataSource.Clear(); if (taskDataSource != null) { taskDataSource.Clear(); } if (query != null) { foreach (DevExpress.Calendar.Model.Appointment s in query) { DevExpress.Calendar.Model.Appointment local = s.Clone(DateTimeKind.Local); schedulerDataSource.Add(local); if (taskDataSource != null) { if (local.AppointmentType == (int)AppointmentType.Normal) { taskDataSource.Add(local); } } } } } finally { gridView.EndUpdate(); gridControl.EndUpdate(); schedulerStorage.EndUpdate(); schedulerControl.EndUpdate(); ResumeLayout(); } } } }
public Model.Resource makeRes() { res = new Model.Resource(); if (contAddRes()) { res.setName(re.nameBox.Text.Trim(' ')); res.setMark(re.IDBox.Text); res.setDesc(re.descBox.Text); if (re.radioFreq.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Model.Resource.FreqType.FREQUENT); } else if (re.radioRare.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Model.Resource.FreqType.RARE); } else if (re.radioUniv.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Model.Resource.FreqType.UNIVERSAL); } res.setType((Model.Type)re.typeBox.SelectedItem); res.setPrice(Double.Parse(re.priceBox.Text)); if (re.radioScoop.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Model.Resource.Units.SCOOP); } else if (re.radioBarrel.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Model.Resource.Units.BAREL); } else if (re.radioT.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Model.Resource.Units.T); } else if (re.radioKG.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Model.Resource.Units.KG); } res.setOb(re.ren.IsChecked.Value); res.setStr(re.Strt.IsChecked.Value); res.setExp(re.exp.IsChecked.Value); res.setDate(re.Date.SelectedDate.Value); res.setHasTypeImg(re.selectedResource.getHasTypeImg()); bool this_is_type = false; foreach (Model.Type t in re.types) { if (t.getImg().Equals(re.picpath)) { this_is_type = true; break; } } if (re.icoPath.Text.Equals("") || (res.getHasTypeImg())) { bool novo = false; foreach (Model.Type t in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().types) { String path = t.getImg(); if ((path.Equals(((Model.Type)re.typeBox.SelectedItem).getImg()) || path.Equals("")) && this_is_type) { res.setIcon(res.getType().getImg()); res.setHasTypeImg(true); novo = true; break; } } if (!novo) { res.setIcon(re.icoPath.Text); res.setHasTypeImg(false); } } else { res.setIcon(re.icoPath.Text); res.setHasTypeImg(false); } bool dontModify = true; List <Model.Etiquette> et = new List <Model.Etiquette>(); foreach (Model.Etiquette e in re.tags) { if (e.isPartOfRes) { dontModify = false; et.Add(e); } } bool dontAdd = false; if (!dontModify) { foreach (Model.Etiquette e in GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().getTags()) { if (e.isPartOfRes) { List <Model.Etiquette> etz = re.selectedResource.getTags(); foreach (Model.Etiquette z in etz) { if (z.getID().Equals(e.getID())) { dontAdd = true; break; } } if (!dontAdd) { et.Add(e); } } } res.setTags(et); } } else { success = false; return(null); } return(res); }
public AddRessControler(View.NewRes refer) { wind = refer; res = new Resource(); if (contAdd()) { foreach (Model.Etiquette b in wind.tagovi) { if (b.isPartOfRes) { res.taglist.Add(b); } } res.setName(wind.nameBox.Text.Trim(' ')); res.setMark(wind.IDBox.Text); res.setDesc(wind.descBox.Text); if (wind.radioFreq.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Resource.FreqType.FREQUENT); } else if (wind.radioRare.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Resource.FreqType.RARE); } else if (wind.radioUniv.IsChecked == true) { res.setFreq(Resource.FreqType.UNIVERSAL); } res.setType((Model.Type)wind.typeBox.SelectedItem); res.setPrice(Double.Parse(wind.priceBox.Text)); if (wind.radioScoop.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Resource.Units.SCOOP); } else if (wind.radioBarrel.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Resource.Units.BAREL); } else if (wind.radioT.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Resource.Units.T); } else if (wind.radioKG.IsChecked == true) { res.setUnit(Resource.Units.KG); } res.setOb(wind.ren.IsChecked.Value); res.setStr(wind.Strt.IsChecked.Value); res.setExp(wind.exp.IsChecked.Value); res.setDate(wind.Date.SelectedDate.Value); if (wind.icoPath.Text.Equals("")) { res.setIcon(res.getType().getImg()); res.setHasTypeImg(true); } else { res.setIcon(wind.icoPath.Text); res.setHasTypeImg(false); } } else { success = false; return; } //Resource created <----------------------------------- if (chckRes()) { addRes(); GlowingEarth.getInstance().getMaster().notifyChange(); success = true; } else { wind.Error.Content = "Resource with this ID already exists"; success = false; } }