public void SaveHall(Model.Hall record) { using (Ringsted1Entities111 context = new Ringsted1Entities111()) { Hall query = (from o in context.Halls where o.Name == record.Name select o).FirstOrDefault(); //hall wasn't found in the database - create one if (query == null) { Hall hallE = new Hall(); hallE.Name = record.Name; context.Halls.Add(hallE); try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerSingleton.Instance.Log("An exception occurred when attempting to save a new hall to the database: ", ex); } } } }
public void Init() { _bassin = new Model.Bassin(); _hall = new Model.Hall(); _silo = new Model.Silo(); _sensor = new Model.Sensor(); _sensorData = new Model.SensorData(); _trigger = new Model.Trigger(); _warning = new Model.Warning(); _hall.Name = "Test"; }
public List <Model.Hall> FindHalls(int mId) { using (PersonServiceClient proxy = new PersonServiceClient()) { List <Hall> halls = proxy.FindHalls(mId); List <Model.Hall> mH = new List <Model.Hall>(); foreach (Hall tempH in halls) { Model.Hall h = new Model.Hall(); h.HallId = tempH.HallId; h.MovieId = tempH.MovieId; h.ShowDate = tempH.ShowDate; h.ShowTime = tempH.ShowTime; mH.Add(h); } return(mH); } }
internal List <Model.Hall> FindHalls(int movieId) { using (PersonServiceClient proxy = new PersonServiceClient()) { List <Model.Hall> halls = new List <Model.Hall>(); List <Hall> hS = proxy.FindHalls(movieId); foreach (Hall h in hS) { Model.Hall hall = new Model.Hall(); hall.HallId = h.HallId; hall.MovieId = h.MovieId; hall.ShowTime = h.ShowTime; halls.Add(hall); } return(halls); } }