protected void SetInfo(out Model.Gateway info, SqlDataReader reader) { try { info = new Model.Gateway(); info.MacAddress = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["MacAddress"], ""); info.SimCard = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["SimCard"], ""); info.X = CastDBNull.To <decimal>(reader["X"], 0.0m); info.Y = CastDBNull.To <decimal>(reader["Y"], 0.0m); info.Description = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["Description"], ""); info.InstallationDate = CastDBNull.To <DateTime>(reader["InstallationDate"], DateTime.Now); info.MaintenanceDate = CastDBNull.To <DateTime>(reader["MaintenanceDate"], DateTime.Now); info.Status = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["Status"], ""); info.IPAddress = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["IPAddress"], ""); info.DMZId = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["DMZId"], ""); info.CityId = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["CityId"], ""); info.CreatedBy = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["Createdby"], ""); info.EditedBy = CastDBNull.To <string>(reader["Editedby"], ""); info.DocDate = CastDBNull.To <DateTime>(reader["DocDate"], DateTime.Now); info.Show = CastDBNull.To <int>(reader["Show"], 1); info.LockCount = CastDBNull.To <int>(reader["LockCount"], 1); info.IsNew = false; info.IsDirty = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public ReturnInfo Create(SmartDB dbInstance, ref Model.Gateway info) { IInfo info2 = _dal.Insert(dbInstance, info); info.IsNew = false; info.IsDirty = true; return(new ReturnInfo(info2.Code, info2.Message)); }
private Service(string URL) { cliente = new FirebaseClient(URL); if (current == default(Model.Gateway)) { localDB_gateway_col.Insert(new Model.Gateway()); current = localDB_gateway_col.FindAll().FirstOrDefault(); } }
public override IInfo GetRecord(SmartDB dbInstance, object Id) { string sQL_GET = this.SQL_GET; SqlParameter[] array = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter(this.PARM_ID, SqlDbType.NVarChar) }; array[0].Value = Id; Model.Gateway bizObject = null; IInfo result; try { bool transactionControl = dbInstance.TransactionControl; SqlDataReader sqlDataReader; if (transactionControl) { sqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(dbInstance.Transaction, CommandType.StoredProcedure, sQL_GET, array); } else { sqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.MyConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, sQL_GET, array); } bool hasRows = sqlDataReader.HasRows; if (hasRows) { sqlDataReader.Read(); this.SetInfo(out bizObject, sqlDataReader); result = new ReturnInfo { BizObject = bizObject, Code = ErrorEnum.NoError }; } else { result = new ReturnInfo(ErrorEnum.NoRecord, string.Format("No record found for ID: {0}", Id)); } } catch (Exception ex) { result = new ReturnInfo(ErrorEnum.DataException, ex.Message); } return(result); }
public ReturnInfo Update(SmartDB dbInstance, Model.Gateway info) { IInfo info2 = _dal.GetRecord(dbInstance, info.MacAddress); bool flag = info2.Code == ErrorEnum.NoError; ReturnInfo result; if (flag) { bool flag2 = (info2.BizObject as Model.Gateway).LockCount == info.LockCount; if (!flag2) { result = new ReturnInfo(ErrorEnum.ColumnReference, "Record has been changed."); return(result); } info.LockCount++; info2 = _dal.Update(dbInstance, info); } result = new ReturnInfo(info2.Code, info2.Message, info2.RowsAffected); return(result); }
public ReturnInfo IsValid(Model.Gateway info) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.MacAddress); ReturnInfo result; if (flag) { result = new ReturnInfo { Code = ErrorEnum.InvalidInput, Message = "Name cannot be blank.", BizObject = "Name" }; } else { result = new ReturnInfo(ErrorEnum.NoError, ""); } return(result); }
public static void Import(string[] ofdFilenames, int max, ProgressBar ProgressBarImportStatus, Label LabelImported, Label LabelDuplicate) { int count = 0; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(new SmartDB().Connection.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); LabelDuplicate.Invoke((Action) delegate { LabelDuplicate.Text = $"Number of duplicated CSV File/ s: {CSVDuplicate.Get(ofdFilenames).Count}"; }); foreach (var filename in ofdFilenames) { _gw = Path.GetFileName((Path.GetDirectoryName(filename))); _csvFilename = (Path.GetFileName(filename)); if (!CSVDuplicate.Get(ofdFilenames).Contains(_csvFilename)) { DataTable newMeterReading = MakeTable.RDS(filename); using (SqlBulkCopy s = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)) { s.DestinationTableName = "MeterReading"; s.ColumnMappings.Add("SerialNumber", "SerialNumber"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("ReadingDate", "ReadingDate"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("ReadingValue", "ReadingValue"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("LowBatteryAlr", "LowBatteryAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("LeakAlr", "LeakAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("MagneticTamperAlr", "MagneticTamperAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("MeterErrorAlr", "MeterErrorAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("BackFlowAlr", "BackFlowAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("BrokenPipeAlr", "BrokenPipeAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("EmptyPipeAlr", "EmptyPipeAlr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("SpecificErr", "SpecificErr"); s.ColumnMappings.Add("MacAddress", "MacAddress"); try { s.WriteToServer(newMeterReading); Model.GatewayLog gatewayLog = new Model.GatewayLog() { RDS = 1, OMS = 0, GatewayMacAddress = _gw, CSVFilename = _csvFilename, CreatedBy = "2", EditedBy = "2", DocDate = DateTime.Now, Show = 1, LockCount = 0 }; //UPDATE METER _meter.GetMeterSyncMeterReading(new SmartDB()); var createGatewayLog = _gatewayLog.Create(new SmartDB(), ref gatewayLog); if (!MacDuplicate.Get(ofdFilenames).Contains(_gw)) { Model.Gateway gatewayC = new Model.Gateway() { MacAddress = Regex.Replace(_gw, @"^(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)$", "$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6"), SimCard = null, X = 0, Y = 0, Description = null, InstallationDate = DateTime.Parse("06/20/1986"), MaintenanceDate = DateTime.Parse("06/20/1986"), Status = "Active", IPAddress = "", DMZId = null, CityId = null, CreatedBy = "2", EditedBy = "2", DocDate = DateTime.Now, Show = 1, LockCount = 0 }; _gateway.Create(new SmartDB(), ref gatewayC); } //TODO ADD Meter Serial to Meter Table via stored proc REPORT METER_SYNCSERIALNUMBER_METERREADING bool flag = createGatewayLog.Code == ErrorEnum.NoError; if (flag) { //TODO ProgressBarImportStatus.Invoke((Action) delegate { ProgressBarImportStatus.Increment(1); }); count++; if (count == max) { //TODO //LabelImported.Invoke((Action)delegate //{ // LabelImported.Text = $"Number of imported CSV File/s: {count} Ok"; //}); _final = count; Console.WriteLine($"Importing was successful."); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Contact Admin: Gateway log error", "Import"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Contact Admin: {ex.Message}", "Import"); } } } } } //TODO LabelImported.Invoke((Action) delegate { LabelImported.Text = $"Number of imported CSV File/s: {_final} Ok"; }); }