public Model.Contact AddContact(Model.Contact contact) { Validate("firstName", contact.FirstName); Validate("lastName", contact.LastName); Validate("phoneNumber", contact.PhoneNumber); Validate("emailId", contact.EmailId); try { using (BlahEntities entity = new BlahEntities()) { Contact contactToAdd = new Contact() { EmailId = contact.EmailId, FirstName = contact.FirstName, LastName = contact.LastName, PhoneNumber = contact.PhoneNumber, Status = (bool)contact.Status, }; Contact result = entity.Contacts.Add(contactToAdd); int added = entity.SaveChanges(); if (added <= 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Record Not updated"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException(exception.Message); } return(contact); }
public Model.Contact EditContact(string emailId, Model.Contact contact) { Validate("emailId", emailId); Validate("emailId", contact.EmailId); try { using (BlahEntities entity = new BlahEntities()) { Contact item = entity.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmailId.Equals(emailId, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (item != null) { item.FirstName = contact.FirstName; item.LastName = contact.LastName; item.PhoneNumber = contact.PhoneNumber; item.Status = (bool)contact.Status; } int k = entity.SaveChanges(); if (k <= 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Record Not updated"); } } contact.EmailId = emailId; } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException(exception.Message); } return(contact); }
public void TenantCreate() { Boolean test = false; Console.WriteLine(test); var Contact = new Model.Contact() { AcceptTermsOfService = true, Email = "*****@*****.**", Facebook = "facebook url", FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", IsActive = true, Language = "Fr", Linkedin = "LinkedinUrl", Phone = "0707070707", Viadeo = "viadeoUrl", Website = "websiteUrl", StatusId = 3, Image = new Model.Image() { CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, PathUrl = "" } }; var Address = new Model.Address() { Address1 = "Address 1 - N° et rue", Address2 = "Address 2", Country = "France", Province = "Province", Zip = "11111", CreatedById = 1 }; var Address1 = new Model.Address() { Address1 = "Address 1 - N° et rue", Address2 = "Address 2", Country = "France", Province = "Province", Zip = "11111", CreatedById = 1 }; Tenant _tenant = new Tenant { CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true, StatusId = 3, BillingAddress = Address, ShippingAddress = Address1, Contact = Contact, CurrencyId = 2 }; var isCreated = _tenantCore.Create(_tenant).Result; Assert.IsTrue(isCreated); }
private void FormContactDetail_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FillGroup(); txtId.Text = id.ToString(); BLL.Contact bll = new BLL.Contact(); Model.Contact model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { MessageBox.Show("数据查询出错"); return; } else { txtName.Text = model.Name; txtPhone.Text = model.Phone; txtEmail.Text = model.Email; txtQQ.Text = model.QQ; txtWorkUnit.Text = model.WorkUnit; txtOfficePhone.Text = model.OfficePhone; txtHomeAddress.Text = model.HomeAddress; txtHomePhone.Text = model.HomePhone; txtMemo.Text = model.Memo; cboGroup.SelectedValue = model.GroupId; } }
public static Dictionary <string, Model.Contact> RetreiveAllContact() { Dictionary <string, Model.Contact> contacts = new Dictionary <string, Model.Contact>(); NKTWABLib.NKTWAB NKT = new NKTWABLib.NKTWAB(); NKTWABLib.Folder rootFolder = NKT.RootFolder; NKTWABLib.ContactContainer contCont = (NKTWABLib.ContactContainer)NKT.get_Item(rootFolder.Folders.get_Item(1).EntryID); //ComctlLib.Node tvItem = new ComctlLib.Node(); for (int i = 1; i <= contCont.Contacts.Count; i++) { Model.Contact contact = new Model.Contact(); NKTWABLib.Contact item = contCont.Contacts.get_Item(i); contact.FullName = item.Name; contact.Address = item.HomeAddressCity; contact.HomePhone = item.HomeTelephoneNumber; contact.MobilePhone = item.MobileTelephoneNumber; contact.Email = item.Email1Address; contact.BusinessPhone = item.BusinessTelephoneNumber; contact.BusinessFax = item.BusinessFaxNumber; contact.IPPhone = ""; if (!contacts.ContainsKey(contact.FullName)) { contacts.Add(contact.FullName, contact); } } return(contacts); }
public void UpdateUserProfile(Model.Contact contact) { _DirectorySearcher.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + contact.Username + ")"; _DirectorySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree; SearchResult result = _DirectorySearcher.FindOne(); DirectoryEntry d = new DirectoryEntry(); d.Path = result.Path; d.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Value = contact.BusinessPhone.Equals("")? null : contact.BusinessPhone; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["facsimileTelephoneNumber"].Value = contact.BusinessFax.Equals("")? null : contact.BusinessFax; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["Mobile"].Value = contact.MobilePhone.Equals("")? null : contact.MobilePhone; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["homePostalAddress"].Value = contact.Address.Equals("") ? null : contact.Address; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["homePhone"].Value = contact.HomePhone.Equals("")? null : contact.HomePhone; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["ipPhone"].Value = contact.IPPhone.Equals("") ? null : contact.IPPhone; d.CommitChanges(); d.Properties["mail"].Value = contact.Email.Equals("") ? null : contact.Email; d.CommitChanges(); }
public Model.Contact GetVisitorDetails() { if (!ContactIdentified) { return(new Model.Contact()); } var visitorDetails = new Model.Contact { ContactId = CurrentContact.ContactId.ToString(), FirstName = PersonalInfo.FirstName, LastName = PersonalInfo.Surname }; var contactEmail = GetContactEmail(); if (contactEmail != null) { visitorDetails.EmailAddress = contactEmail.SmtpAddress; } var contactPhone = GetContactPhone(); if (contactPhone != null) { visitorDetails.Phone = contactPhone.Number; } visitorDetails.OptIn = Interactions.PremiumContent.Unlocked; return(visitorDetails); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Contact model = new Model.Contact(); model.Id = id; model.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); model.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); model.Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); model.QQ = txtQQ.Text.Trim(); model.WorkUnit = txtWorkUnit.Text.Trim(); model.OfficePhone = txtOfficePhone.Text.Trim(); model.HomeAddress = txtHomeAddress.Text.Trim(); model.HomePhone = txtHomePhone.Text.Trim(); model.Memo = txtMemo.Text.Trim(); model.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(cboGroup.SelectedValue); BLL.Contact dll = new BLL.Contact(); string msg = ""; if (dll.Update(model, out msg)) { MessageBox.Show("更新成功!"); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg); } }
public Model.Contact GetContact(string emailId) { Validate("emailId", emailId); Model.Contact contact = null; using (BlahEntities entity = new BlahEntities()) { Contact item = null; try { item = entity.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmailId.ToLower() == emailId); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException(exception.Message); } if (item != null) { contact = new Model.Contact() { EmailId = item.EmailId, FirstName = item.FirstName, LastName = item.LastName, PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber, Status = (bool)item.Status }; } else { throw new ArgumentException("no data found for" + emailId); } } return(contact); }
public void RetrieveContact_Test_Result() { var repositoryMoq = new Moq.Mock <IContactRepository>(); var contact = new Model.Contact() { EmailId = "*****@*****.**", FirstName = "anand", LastName = "lukade", PhoneNumber = "8007891986", Status = true }; repositoryMoq.Setup(s => s.GetContact("*****@*****.**")).Returns(contact); var controller = new ContactsController(repositoryMoq.Object); controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri( String.Format("http://localhost/contacts?emailId={0}/contact", "*****@*****.**")) }; IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller.RetrieveContact("*****@*****.**"); var contentResult = actionResult as OkNegotiatedContentResult <Http.Contact>; Assert.AreEqual(contact.EmailId, contentResult.Content.EmailId); }
//修改一条记录 public bool Modify(Model.Contact model) { string str = "Server=.;database=asset_management_system;Integrated Security=sspi"; string Myquery1 = ""; SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection(str); myconn.Open(); switch (model.Table) { case "department": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', department = '" + model.Departments + "', start_time = '" + model.scrap_date + "', end_time = '" + model.End_time + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and department = '" + model.Old_departments + "' and start_time = '" + model.Old_start_time + "' and end_time = '" + model.Old_end_time + "'"; break; case "repair": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', money = '" + model.Money + "', start_time = '" + model.scrap_date + "', end_time = '" + model.End_time + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', repair_reason = '" + model.Repair_reason + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and money = '" + model.Old_money + "' and start_time = '" + model.Old_start_time + "' and end_time = '" + model.Old_end_time + "'"; break; case "accumulated_depreciation": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', now = '" + model.Now + "', date = '" + model.Date + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and now = '" + model.Old_money + "' and date = '" + model.Old_date + "'"; break; case "value_decrease": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', sum = '" + model.Sum + "', date = '" + model.Date + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and sum = '" + model.Old_money + "' and date = '" + model.Old_date + "'"; break; case "scrap": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', name = '" + model.Name + "', buy_price = '" + model.Buy_price + "', buy_date = '" + model.Buy_date + "', scrap_date = '" + model.Scrap_date + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and name = '" + model.Old_name + "' and buy_price = '" + model.Old_money + "' and buy_date = '" + model.Old_date + "' and scrap_date = '" + model.Old_start_time + "'"; break; case "rent": Myquery1 = "update " + model.Table + " set id = '" + model.Id + "', tenant = '" + model.Tenant + "', start_time = '" + model.scrap_date + "', end_time = '" + model.End_time + "', recorder = '" + model.Recorder + "', inspecter = '" + model.Inspecter + "', reason = '" + model.Reason + "' where id = '" + model.Id + "' and tenant = '" + model.Old_tenant + "' and start_time = '" + model.Old_start_time + "' and end_time = '" + model.Old_end_time + "'"; break; } SqlCommand mycmd1 = new SqlCommand(Myquery1, myconn); int result = mycmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Contact model = new Model.Contact(); model.Id = id; model.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); model.Phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); model.Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); model.QQ = txtQQ.Text.Trim(); model.WorkUnit = txtWorkUnit.Text.Trim(); model.OfficePhone = txtOfficePhone.Text.Trim(); model.HomeAddress = txtHomeAddress.Text.Trim(); model.HomePhone = txtHomePhone.Text.Trim(); model.Memo = txtMemo.Text.Trim(); model.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(cboGroup.SelectedValue); BLL.Contact bll = new BLL.Contact(); string msg; if (bll.Update(model, out msg)) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg); } }
//修改summary表的剩余价值 public static void change_remain_state(Model.Contact model) { string str = "Server=.;database=asset_management_system;Integrated Security=sspi"; String Myquery1; SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection(str); myconn.Open(); Myquery1 = "update summary set surplus_value= surplus_value - " + model.Now + " where id = '" + model.Id + "'"; SqlCommand mycmd1 = new SqlCommand(Myquery1, myconn); int result = mycmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); myconn.Close(); ///gai myconn.Open(); String Myquery2; Myquery2 = "select * from summary where id='" + model.Id + "'and surplus_value=0"; SqlCommand mycmd2 = new SqlCommand(Myquery2, myconn); SqlDataReader result1 = mycmd2.ExecuteReader(); if (result1.HasRows) { myconn.Close(); String Myquery3; Myquery3 = "update summary set situation='" + "报废" + "'" + " where id = '" + model.Id + "'"; myconn.Open(); SqlCommand mycmd3 = new SqlCommand(Myquery3, myconn); mycmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); String Myquery4 = "update summary set discard_time='" + model.Date + "'" + " where id = '" + model.Id + "'"; SqlCommand mycmd4 = new SqlCommand(Myquery4, myconn); mycmd4.ExecuteNonQuery(); } myconn.Close(); }
public Model.Contact GetUserProfile(string username) { //Dictionary<string, Model.Contact> user=RetrieveAllContact("(sAMAccountName="+username+")",true); // return user[username]; Model.Contact contact = new Model.Contact(); _DirectorySearcher.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")"; _DirectorySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree; SearchResult result = _DirectorySearcher.FindOne(); if (result != null) { contact.FullName = result.Properties["displayName"][0].ToString(); contact.BusinessPhone = result.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["telephoneNumber"][0].ToString(); contact.BusinessFax = result.Properties["facsimileTelephoneNumber"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["facsimileTelephoneNumber"][0].ToString(); contact.MobilePhone = result.Properties["Mobile"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["Mobile"][0].ToString(); contact.Address = result.Properties["homePostalAddress"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["homePostalAddress"][0].ToString(); contact.HomePhone = result.Properties["homePhone"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["homePhone"][0].ToString(); contact.Email = result.Properties["mail"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["mail"][0].ToString(); contact.IPPhone = result.Properties["ipPhone"].Count == 0 ? "" : result.Properties["ipPhone"][0].ToString(); } return(contact); }
public static bool insertCont(Model.Contact contact) { bool status = false; try { // string sql = "UPDATE tbl_contact SET FirstName=@FirstName, LastName=@LastName, ContactNo=@ContactNo, Address=@Address, Gender=@Gender WHERE ContactID=@ContactID"; //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); // SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Contact(FirstName, LastName, MobileNum, Email, Address, Notes, DateOfBirth) VALUES(@FirstName, @LastName, @MobileNum, @Email, @Address, @Notes, @DateOfBirth)", connection); //// SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Contact(FirstName, LastName , MobileNum = @MobileNum, Email = @Email, Address = @Address, Notes = @Notes, DateOfBirth = @DateOfBirth)VALUES(@FirstName, @LastName, @MobileNum, @Email, @Address, @Notes, @DateOfBirth)", connection); connection.Open(); builder.Append("Opened Connection to " + connection.ConnectionString); // Execute query SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "Insert_Contact"; command.Connection = connection; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", contact.FirstName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", contact.LastName); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MobileNum", contact.MobileNum); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", contact.Email); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", contact.Address); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Notes", contact.Notes); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateOfBirth", contact.DateOfBirth); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactId", contact.ContactId); //using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) //{ // // iterate through results, printing each to console // while (rdr.Read()) // { // Console.WriteLine("Product: {0,-35} Total: {1,2}", rdr["ProductName"], rdr["Total"]); // } //} command.ExecuteNonQuery(); builder.Append("\nNew Record inserted into Contact table."); status = true; } catch (Exception e) { builder.Append("\nCouldn't insert record: " + e.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); builder.Append("\nConnection closed"); } return(status); }
public AddEditContactsModal(Model.Contact contactToUpdate) { this.InitializeComponent(); _contactToUpdate = contactToUpdate; _isUpdateContact = contactToUpdate != null; if (_isUpdateContact) { PrepareWindowForUpdates(); } }
public bool EditContact(Model.Contact con) { var contact = _contactRepository.Get(c => c.Id == con.Id).FirstOrDefault(); contact.FirstName = con.FirstName; contact.LastName = con.LastName; contact.Email = con.Email; _contactRepository.Update(contact); _contactRepository.Save(); return(true); }
public bool Update(Model.Contact model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update Contact set "); strSql.Append("Name=@Name,"); strSql.Append("Phone=@Phone,"); strSql.Append("Email=@Email,"); strSql.Append("QQ=@QQ,"); strSql.Append("WorkUnit=@WorkUnit,"); strSql.Append("OfficePhone=@OfficePhone,"); strSql.Append("HomeAddress=@HomeAddress,"); strSql.Append("HomePhone=@HomePhone,"); strSql.Append("Memo=@Memo,"); strSql.Append("GroupId=@GroupId"); strSql.Append(" where Id=@Id"); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@Phone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11), new SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@QQ", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new SqlParameter("@WorkUnit", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200), new SqlParameter("@OfficePhone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new SqlParameter("@HomeAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200), new SqlParameter("@HomePhone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new SqlParameter("@Memo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200), new SqlParameter("@GroupId", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = model.Name; parameters[1].Value = model.Phone; parameters[2].Value = model.Email; parameters[3].Value = model.QQ; parameters[4].Value = model.WorkUnit; parameters[5].Value = model.OfficePhone; parameters[6].Value = model.HomeAddress; parameters[7].Value = model.HomePhone; parameters[8].Value = model.Memo; parameters[9].Value = model.GroupId; parameters[10].Value = model.Id; int rows = SqlDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql.ToString(), CommandType.Text, parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
//修改summary表的累计折旧金额(当修改累计折旧记录的时候调用,新金额-旧金额) public static void change_ad_state_change(Model.Contact model) { string str = "Server=.;database=asset_management_system;Integrated Security=sspi"; String Myquery1; SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection(str); myconn.Open(); Myquery1 = "update summary set accumulated_depreciation= accumulated_depreciation - " + model.Old_money + " + " + model.Now + " where id = '" + model.Id + "'"; SqlCommand mycmd1 = new SqlCommand(Myquery1, myconn); int result = mycmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); myconn.Close(); }
public Infrastructure.ValidationError[] Save(Model.Contact contact) { Infrastructure.ValidationError[] validationErrors = contactValidationEngine.Save(contact); if (validationErrors.Any()) { return(validationErrors); } contactResource.Save(contact); return(new Infrastructure.ValidationError[0]); }
//修改summary表维修记录 public static void change_repair_state(Model.Contact model) { string str = "Server=.;database=asset_management_system;Integrated Security=sspi"; String Myquery1; SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection(str); myconn.Open(); Myquery1 = "update summary set repair_report = '有' where id = '" + model.Id + "'"; SqlCommand mycmd1 = new SqlCommand(Myquery1, myconn); int result = mycmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); myconn.Close(); }
//name in the list selected private void listContacts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Contact c = new Model.Contact(); string ab = listContacts.GetItemText(listContacts.SelectedItem.ToString()); string selected = listContacts.SelectedItem.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(selected); // contacts.Find() System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ab); }
public HttpResponseMessage Put(Model.Contact con) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(URL); var content = new StringContent(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(con), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); //HTTP Get var response = client.PutAsync("api/Contacts/", content); return(response.Result); } }
public void AddContact(Model.Contact con) { try { File.AppendAllText("D:\\temp.txt", "Add Contact"); _contactRepository.Insert(con); _contactRepository.Save(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { File.AppendAllText("D:\\temp.txt", ex.Message); throw; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Contact = await _context.Contact.SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ContactID == id); if (Contact == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/Contact/Index")); } return(Page()); }
public void AddNewContact(Model.Contact contact) { Application outlookApp = new Application(); ContactItem newContact = (ContactItem)outlookApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olContactItem); newContact.FullName = contact.FullName; newContact.Email1Address = contact.Email; newContact.HomeAddress = contact.Address; newContact.HomeTelephoneNumber = contact.HomePhone; newContact.MobileTelephoneNumber = contact.MobilePhone; newContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = contact.BusinessPhone; newContact.BusinessFaxNumber = contact.BusinessFax; newContact.Save(); //newContact.Display(true); }
protected void btnContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Contact contact = new Model.Contact(); contact.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; contact.LastName = txtLastName.Text; contact.Email = txtEmail.Text; contact.Comment = txtComments.Text; contact.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; int i = new ContactRepo().CreateContact(contact); txtFirstName.Text = ""; txtLastName.Text = ""; txtEmail.Text = ""; txtComments.Text = ""; lbMessage.Text = "Sent contact successfully!"; Response.Redirect("Contact.aspx"); }
//根据查询条件,获取列表 public DataTable GetList(string strWhere, Model.Contact model) { string str = "Server=.;database=asset_management_system;Integrated Security=sspi"; string Myquery1; SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection(str); Myquery1 = "select * from " + model.Table + " where " + strWhere; SqlCommand mycmd1 = new SqlCommand(Myquery1, myconn); SqlDataAdapter Adpclass = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet myds = new DataSet(); Adpclass.SelectCommand = mycmd1; Adpclass.Fill(myds, model.Table); change_name(myds, model.Table); return(myds.Tables[model.Table]); }
public static Dictionary <string, Model.Contact> RetreiveAllContact(bool accessEmal) { Application outLook = new Application(); NameSpace outLookNS = outLook.GetNamespace("MAPI"); MAPIFolder cf = outLookNS.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts); Items ctcItems = cf.Items; Dictionary <string, Model.Contact> contacts = new Dictionary <string, Model.Contact>(); for (int j = 1; j < (ctcItems.Count + 1); j++) { try { if (ctcItems[j] != null) { ContactItem ctc = (ContactItem)ctcItems[j]; Model.Contact contact = new Model.Contact(); contact.FullName = ctc.FullName.ToString(); contact.Address = ctc.HomeAddress == null ? "" : ctc.HomeAddress.ToString(); contact.HomePhone = ctc.HomeTelephoneNumber == null ? "" : ctc.HomeTelephoneNumber.ToString(); contact.MobilePhone = ctc.MobileTelephoneNumber == null ? "" : ctc.MobileTelephoneNumber.ToString(); if (accessEmal) { contact.Email = ctc.Email1Address == null ? "" : ctc.Email1Address.ToString(); } contact.BusinessPhone = ctc.BusinessTelephoneNumber == null ? "" : ctc.BusinessTelephoneNumber.ToString(); contact.BusinessFax = ctc.BusinessFaxNumber == null ? "" : ctc.BusinessFaxNumber.ToString(); contact.IPPhone = ""; if (!contacts.ContainsKey(contact.FullName)) { contacts.Add(contact.FullName, contact); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { } } return(contacts); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostDeleteAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Contact = await _context.Contact.FindAsync(id); if (Contact != null) { _context.Contact.Remove(Contact); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(RedirectToPage("/Contact/Index")); }
public ActionResult AddNew([Bind(Include = "Id,FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress1, Telephone1")] Model.Contact contato) { try { return(null); //if(contato.Id == Guid.Empty) // Dominio.ContacDomain.Instancia.Create(contato); //else // Dominio.ContacDomain.Instancia.Atualizar(contato); // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch { return(View()); } }
public frmContactChiTiet(string pathDataFile, Model.Contact contact = null) { InitializeComponent(); = contact; this.pathDataFile = pathDataFile; if (contact != null) { this.Text = "Chỉnh sửa quá trình học tập"; txtName.Text = contact.NameContact; txtPhone.Text = contact.Phone; txtEmail.Text = contact.Email; } else { this.Text = "Thêm quá trình học tập"; } }
private void btnAddUpdateContact_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { string firstName = txtContactFirstName.Text.Trim(); string lastName = txtContactLastName.Text.Trim(); string cellPhone = txtContactCellPhone.Text.Trim(); string homePhone = txtContactHomePhone.Text.Trim(); string address = txtContactAddress.Text.Trim(); if (AreValidFields(firstName, lastName, cellPhone, homePhone, address) == false) { return; } if (_isUpdateContact) { _contactToUpdate.FirstName = firstName; _contactToUpdate.LastName = lastName; _contactToUpdate.CellPhone = cellPhone; _contactToUpdate.HomePhone = homePhone; _contactToUpdate.Address = address; UpdateContact(_contactToUpdate); } else { Model.Contact contactToAdd = new Model.Contact() { FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName, CellPhone = cellPhone, HomePhone = homePhone, Address = address }; AddContact(contactToAdd); } }
///////////根据联系人编号,获取联系人信息 public Model.Contact GetModel(int Id) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select top 1 Id,Name,Phone,Email,QQ,WorkUnit,OfficePhone,HomeAddress,HomePhone,Memo,GroupId "); strSql.Append("from Contact where Id=@Id "); OleDbParameter[] parameters ={ new OleDbParameter ("@Id",OleDbType.Integer,4) }; parameters[0].Value = Id; Model.Contact model = new Model.Contact(); DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["Id"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString() != "") { model.Id = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[0]["Name"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() != "") { model.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["Phone"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString() != "") { model.Phone = dt.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["Email"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString() != "") { model.Email = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["QQ"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["QQ"].ToString() != "") { model.QQ = dt.Rows[0]["QQ"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["WorkUnit"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["WorkUnit"].ToString() != "") { model.WorkUnit = dt.Rows[0]["WorkUnit"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["OfficePhone"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["OfficePhone"].ToString() != "") { model.OfficePhone = dt.Rows[0]["OfficePhone"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["HomeAddress"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["HomeAddress"].ToString() != "") { model.HomeAddress = dt.Rows[0]["HomeAddress"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["HomePhone"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].ToString() != "") { model.HomePhone = dt.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["Memo"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["Memo"].ToString() != "") { model.Memo = dt.Rows[0]["Memo"].ToString(); } if (dt.Rows[0]["GroupId"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["GroupId"].ToString() != "") { model.GroupId = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["GroupId"].ToString()); } return model; } else { return null; } }