private void addBtnClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!ValidateFields()) { return; } int carPower, carDayPrince, carBail; Int32.TryParse(CarPower.Text, out carPower); Int32.TryParse(CarDayPrince.Text, out carDayPrince); Int32.TryParse(CarBail.Text, out carBail); Model.Car tempCar = new Model.Car() { CarRegNumb = CarRegNumb.Text.ToString(), CarColor = Color.Text.ToString(), CarPower = carPower, CarDayPrince = carDayPrince, CarBail = carBail, Status = (Model.CarStatus)StatusCombo.SelectedIndex, Engine = (Model.CarEngineType)EngineCombo.SelectedIndex, Gearbox = (Model.CarGearBoxType)GearBoxCombo.SelectedIndex, Model = staffMenu.ObservableCarModel[ModelCombo.SelectedIndex] }; MyController.manageCars.SaveCar(tempCar, -1); staffMenu.updateCarList(); }
public void ShowCarManager(Model.Car car) { var carManagerWindow = new CarManageWindow(null, car, models); carManagerWindow.OnRemove = (carId) => { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { MyController.manageCars.DeleteCar(carId); }); }; carManagerWindow.OnSave = (editData) => { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { MyController.manageCars.SaveCar(editData.carData, editData.carId); cars = MyController.manageCars.GetCarList(); }); }; carManagerWindow.OnBack = () => { Application.RequestStop(); Application.Top.Remove(carManagerWindow); ShowCarList(); }; Top = Application.Top; Top.Add(carManagerWindow); Application.Run(Top); }
public void SaveCar(Model.Car carData, int editCarId) { if (editCarId == -1) { model.Cars.Add(carData); model.SaveChanges(); view.ShowMessage("Pomyślnie dodano samochód " + carData); } else { var tempCar = model.Cars.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CarId == editCarId); if (tempCar != null) { tempCar.CarBail = carData.CarBail; tempCar.Model = carData.Model; tempCar.CarColor = carData.CarColor; tempCar.CarDayPrince = carData.CarDayPrince; tempCar.CarPower = carData.CarPower; tempCar.CarRegNumb = carData.CarRegNumb; tempCar.Engine = carData.Engine; tempCar.Gearbox = carData.Gearbox; tempCar.Status = carData.Status; model.SaveChanges(); view.ShowMessage("Edycja samochodu zakończona pomyślnie."); } } }
public static Data.Entities.Car ConvertToEntity(this Model.Car model) { var car = new Data.Entities.Car { CarId = model.CarId, RaceNumber = model.RaceNumber, CarModel = model.CarModel, CupCategory = model.CupCategory, TeamName = model.TeamName }; if (model.Drivers != null && model.Drivers.Any()) { foreach (var modelDriver in model.Drivers) { var driver = modelDriver.ConvertToEntity(); var carDriver = new Data.Entities.CarDriver { CarId = car.Id, DriverId = driver.Id, Driver = driver }; car.CarDriver.Add(carDriver); } } return(car); }
private async Task <int> AddCarAndUser(InputModel input) { // add user var appUser = new Model.AppUser() { FirstName = input.Name, Patronimyc = input.Patronimic, Password = input.Password, PhoneNumber = input.PhoneNumber }; _context.AppUsers.Add(appUser); _context.SaveChanges(); // add car var car = new Model.Car() { ImageName = "", ImagePath = "", CarMark = input.CarMark, Number = input.CarNumber, UserId = appUser.Id }; _context.Cars.Add(car); _context.SaveChanges(); await SaveFile(input.CarPhoto, car); return(appUser.Id); }
private void deleteBtnclicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (carList.SelectedIndex > 0) { Model.Car tempCar = staffMenu.ObservableCar[carList.SelectedIndex]; staffMenu.ObservableCar.Remove(tempCar); MyController.manageCars.DeleteCar(tempCar.CarId); } }
public ReservationWindow(Terminal.Gui.View parent, List <Model.Car> cars, Model.Car selectedCar, Model.User user, Controller.AppController controller) : base("Dodaj rezerwację") { this.controller = controller; = cars; this.user = user; this.selectedCar = selectedCar; _parent = parent; InitControls(); InitStyle(); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Model.Car tempCar = userMenu.ObservableCar.Where(x => x.CarId == selectedCar).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempCar != null) { CarCombo.SelectedItem = tempCar; DatesList = new ObservableCollection <string>(MyController.manageReservation.GetCarReservationDates(selectedCar)); CarDatesList.ItemsSource = DatesList; } }
private void saveBtnClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!ValidateFields()) { return; } Model.Car tempCar = staffMenu.ObservableCar[carList.SelectedIndex]; MyController.manageCars.SaveCar(tempCar, tempCar.CarId); staffMenu.updateCarList(); }
public static CarPub ToPublicModel(Model.Car car) { return(new CarPub() { Brand = car.Brand, CarName = car.Name, Colour = car.Colour, Price = car.Price }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var car = new Model.Car(4, "Supacars", Tuple.Create(2.0, 4.0)); var bike = Model.Vehicle.NewMotorbike("CR", 250); if (bike.IsMotorbike) { var motorBike = (Model.Vehicle.Motorbike)bike; var engineSize = motorBike.EngineSize; } var subaru = Model.Functions.CreateCar(4, "Subaru", 2, 4); var tesla = Model.Functions.CreateFourWheeledCar.Invoke("Tesla").Invoke(2.0).Invoke(4.0); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the class to be copied /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Performs a 'deep copy' of all the data in the class (and its children) /// </remarks> public override object Clone() { Model.Car newObject = new Model.Car(_elementName); newObject.m_Make = m_Make; newObject.m_Color = m_Color; newObject.m_IsValidColor = m_IsValidColor; newObject.m_Owner = m_Owner; newObject.m_IsValidOwner = m_IsValidOwner; // ##HAND_CODED_BLOCK_START ID="Additional clone"## DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF THESE TAGS // Add Additional clone code here... // ##HAND_CODED_BLOCK_END ID="Additional clone"## DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF THESE TAGS return(newObject); }
public void TestGetMethod() { TestLambdaContext context; APIGatewayProxyRequest request; APIGatewayProxyResponse response; Functions functions = new Functions(); var car = new Model.Car() { Model = "Passat", Mileage = 150000, Make = "VW", Year = 1999 }; request = new APIGatewayProxyRequest(); context = new TestLambdaContext(); response = functions.Get(request, context); Assert.Equal(200, response.StatusCode); string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(car); Assert.Equal(result, response.Body); }
public void ShowReservationWindow(Model.Car selectedCar = null) { var reservationWindow = new ReservationWindow(null, avaliableCars, selectedCar, user, MyController); reservationWindow.OnSave = (reservationData) => { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { MyController.manageReservation.AddReservation(reservationData); }); }; reservationWindow.OnBack = () => { Application.RequestStop(); Application.Top.Remove(reservationWindow); ShowMenu(); }; Top = Application.Top; Top.Add(reservationWindow); Application.Run(Top); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int AddedCarId = 0; int shipId = Convert.ToInt32(this.ShopId.SelectedItem.Value); int cartypeid = Convert.ToInt32(this.CarTypeId.SelectedItem.Value); string carname = this.CarName.Text.Trim(); string carmodel = this.CarModel.Text.Trim(); string basicInsure = this.BasicInsure.Text.Trim(); string PreAuthorization = this.PreAuthorization.Text.Trim(); decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(this.Price.Text.Trim()); string IsMileage = this.IsMileage.SelectedItem.Value; string Status = this.Status.SelectedItem.Value; string describe = this.Describe.Text.Trim(); string remark = this.Remark.Text.Trim(); int carnum = Convert.ToInt32(this.CarNum.Text.Trim()); string carage = this.CarAge.Text.Trim(); string derailleur = this.drpDerailleur.SelectedItem.Text; decimal monthprice = Convert.ToDecimal(this.MonthPrice.Text.Trim()); try { using (ZLzuche.Model.ZLzucheEntities entity = new Model.ZLzucheEntities()) { ZLzuche.Model.Car car = new Model.Car(); car.ShopId = shipId; car.CarTypeId = cartypeid; car.CarName = carname; car.CarModel = carmodel; car.BasicInsure = basicInsure; car.PreAuthorization = PreAuthorization; car.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(price); car.IsMileage = IsMileage; car.Status = Status; car.Describe = describe; car.Remark = remark; car.carnum = carnum; car.CarAge = carage; car.Derailleur = derailleur; car.MonthPrice = monthprice; entity.AddToCar(car); entity.SaveChanges(); if (carpic.HasFile) { try { AddedCarId = car.ID; string name = carpic.FileName;//文件的名字 string size = carpic.PostedFile.ContentLength.ToString(); string last = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);//得到文件的后缀名(gif/jpg) string filename = AddedCarId + "." + last; string webFilePath = Server.MapPath("../images/CarImage/" + filename); carpic.SaveAs(webFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('上传图片失败');</script>"); return; } } } Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.opener.location.reload();</script>"); Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.opener=null;window.close();</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('新增失败');</script>"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int AddedCarId = 0; int shipId = Convert.ToInt32(this.ShopId.SelectedItem.Value); int cartypeid = Convert.ToInt32(this.CarTypeId.SelectedItem.Value); string carname = this.CarName.Text.Trim(); string carmodel = this.CarModel.Text.Trim(); string basicInsure = this.BasicInsure.Text.Trim(); string PreAuthorization = this.PreAuthorization.Text.Trim(); decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(this.Price.Text.Trim()); string IsMileage = this.IsMileage.SelectedItem.Value; string Status = this.Status.SelectedItem.Value; string describe = this.Describe.Text.Trim(); string remark = this.Remark.Text.Trim(); int carnum = Convert.ToInt32(this.CarNum.Text.Trim()); string carage = this.CarAge.Text.Trim(); string derailleur = this.drpDerailleur.SelectedItem.Text; decimal monthprice = Convert.ToDecimal(this.MonthPrice.Text.Trim()); try { using (ZLzuche.Model.ZLzucheEntities entity = new Model.ZLzucheEntities()) { ZLzuche.Model.Car car = new Model.Car(); car.ShopId = shipId; car.CarTypeId = cartypeid; car.CarName = carname; car.CarModel = carmodel; car.BasicInsure = basicInsure; car.PreAuthorization = PreAuthorization; car.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(price); car.IsMileage = IsMileage; car.Status = Status; car.Describe = describe; car.Remark = remark; car.carnum = carnum; car.CarAge = carage; car.Derailleur = derailleur; car.MonthPrice = monthprice; entity.AddToCar(car); entity.SaveChanges(); if (carpic.HasFile) { try { AddedCarId = car.ID; string name = carpic.FileName; //文件的名字 string size = carpic.PostedFile.ContentLength.ToString(); string last = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); //得到文件的后缀名(gif/jpg) string filename = AddedCarId + "." + last; string webFilePath = Server.MapPath("../images/CarImage/" + filename); carpic.SaveAs(webFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('上传图片失败');</script>"); return; } } } Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.opener.location.reload();</script>"); Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>window.opener=null;window.close();</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('新增失败');</script>"); return; } }